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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1959)
Star Community Nows By .Mrs. F.wrUt Miller Mr and Mn. Gerald Waring •pent last Tuesday evening with Mr and Mrs Ewalt Miller Miss Beverly Linguist spent Wednesday evening with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs Nels Linguist Wyn and Larry Johnson spent Saturday evening with their grand parents, Mr and Mrs Ewalt Miller while their parents. Mr and Mrs Lysle Johnson and Barbara Miller attended t h e Beaudette-Boelter wedding at Wasua. Mr. and Mrs Arnold Miller and Steven visited the Ewalt Miller home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Robert M l er ■ o tumed from a trip last wvek which took them south to Kansas and on to Texas. Mr. and Mrs Claude Cole and family spent a few days last week in Iowa with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller cal led at the Bill Hihbs home Thurs day morning. The Willowdate township board members held a meeting Wednes day evening at the Ben Vonasek home. Mr and Mrs Lysle John son and family had supper that evening with the Vonasek family. The Willowdale Extension club met at the home of Mrs. Boh Tom linson on Wednesday, I lecember 9 for a covered dish luncheon at noon, followed by a short business meeting and a gift exchange re Special Insurance Offer! * 365 days o? the year Example — Annual Premium $10,000 Ins. House $28.00 $2,000 Ins. Household Goods 5-80 Yearly Payment $33.80 Full coverage on dwelling and household goods. TV antenna covered up to $100.00 without charge, See— Al Gaskill R. E. Gaskill Ins. Agency O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 7J0 Why pay more? ’ veulmg secret fnends Roll call was answered by a Chris Unas poem or a favorite Chutmas song. Prizes were given for the game contests Mrs Bill Htbbs won the 'door prize Mrs Bibbs will enter tain tiie club at her home Januar> 13. Mrs Ewalt Miller entertained the Vt illowdale club members and their families at an oyster supper I followed by i ards at her home, j Decemlier 5. Two memf>ers were absent because of illness in the family. High prize winners at cards were Mrs Bob Tominson and Lysle Johnson. Low's went to Mr and Mrs. Nels Lmquist and traveling j went to Boh Tomlinson and Mrs. . -> sie o ihnson Newport News By Mrs. OUver till* Mrs Arthur Seger spent Friday j and Saturday in Lincoin 1N. S. E. A. delegate assembly. Mrs. Seger was the official dele gate for Rock County. The Nightingale Project club i held their Christmas party Tues day evening, December 8 in the 1 home of Mrs. Bill Farr w.di eleven metnl»ers pre.ont. Plans were completed for the Rock (. ainty Teachers Association din ner Wednesday evening. Members of the club erected a nativity sc ne in the gym yard. An ex change of gifts was enjoyed and new secret sisters were drawn for he coming year. The lesson on "Know Your Clint nris Trees." was given by Mrs B b G.lg. .vir ana Mrs. wan tvaup ana i family of Stuart were Friday eve-1 nmg visitors in the Don Kaup home. Sophia Lashmett accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Vere Butler of Bas -m tt to Norfolk last Wednesday and were callers in the Garold Towle home. Mr. and Mrs, Owen Lane and ; Ernest and Frank Jauornig of ! Stuart were Sunday evening din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max j Utter. Gladyce Stahl of Bassett and Art Kaup of Stuart were Sunday ■vening fillers with Mr. and M s. Harry Stahl. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gilg were Ainsw nth visitors Friday after noon. Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs. E. R. Barnes and Monna Stolcpart vere Monday afternoon callers in the Lloyd Stolcpart home. Jim Savage and son, Mark ol Omaha spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fair. Mrs. Alvin Wedgie of Emmett came Sunday to spend the week in the home of her aunt, Mrs. A. B Hutton. Earl Spark and daughter. Car I >f Grand Island spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mr: Esli Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Vere Butler and family of Bassett wore Sunday '.inner guests of Sophia Lashmett. Mrs. Vic Thompson was a Nor folk visitor Tuesday and Wednes 'ny of last week. Mr. and Mir. F. E. Anderson and Eileen were Sunday dinner guests in the Jay Jerred home near Milliioro, S. D. Ann Schneider accompanied Mr md Mrs. Karl Armstrong of Bas sett to Stuart Sunday and were dinner guest* m the There** Levi home Mr and Mr* Bob Lemmer of Atkinson spent Sunday in th* home of her sister and family, Mr and Mr*. Clifford Stahl Mr. and Mrs Dean Moore, Paul ami Bonnie were Sunday dinner guest* in the Elmer Christensen home Mr. and Mrs. Price Alderman Mr. and Mrs Alfred Seger and Raymond Christensen attended the supper December 10th at the Rod ami Gun club north of Newport. Mr and Mrs John Berkhei mer and Marilyn of Ainsworth were Sunday supper guests of Mr and Mrs Albert Osteon an Mr and Mrs John Slachetka called on Dick Boehme Tuesday evening. LHc. 8 in the Res. Home at Stuart. Mr. and Mrs Larry Heyne were December 7 evening callers with Mr. and Mrs Paul Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McMillan of Emmett were Sunday din nr guests in the Harold McMillan home. Deloris McMillan and Maxine Ammon accompanied Rev. Robert Peterson of Bassett to Lincoln over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox and children of Bassett went to Jules burg, Colo., Sunday to meet Mabel Fox who has been visiting her children for the past five weeks in Denver, Climax and Leadville. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Jerack and boys were Sunday guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ludeman and family. Mrs August Nelson of Stuart and Mrs. John Slachetka were Bas sett visitors Wednesday. The Arthur and Alfred Seger families were Sunday dinner guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. George King at Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. L. VV. Bendig and sons spent Friday to Monday in Grand Island and Ljncoln and at tended the Christmas pageant in Minden Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilg were Sunday evening visitors in the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs O. W. Wolcott near Bassett. Mrs. August N» Lon and boys of Stuart were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs John Slachetka and Dewayne. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kaup and family were Sunday evening visi tors in the Jay Blair home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson were Sunday dinner guests in the Frank Johnson home. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. John Weichman of Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Lew McKenney ind family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKenney and family sjiont Sun day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis McKenney near Mills. Sophia Lash me tt was a Sunday n ening supper guest with Mr. and Mrs. Harl Anderson. De'.sie Crofmett, Neomie and i/onnie Fallen of Bassett were Decern tier 8 callers with Mrs. John Slachetka. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stahl had is their guests Monday evening or supper Mr. and Mrs. Glenn vtahl and Marcia in honor of heir granddaughter, Marcia fo*’ ler birthday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Henry, Mr. ind Mrs. Roy Farr and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Johnson were O’Neill shoppers Wednesday and were supper guests in the Walt John son home. Mr and Mrs John Hosch. Mrs Lenora Keller and Chen ami Mr and Mrs C. A Henry attended tne Community church supper in Stuart Tuesday evening, Decem ber 8. Mrs Walt Johnson and Mrs Hoy Farr were Thursday after noon cal.ers w*th Mr. and Mrs C. A ! lenry Mr and Mrs. Albert Everingham spent Saturday and Sunday in Ainsworth Mr Ever.ngham s rother-in-law Cail Moyer passed away S a t u r d a y t vening and funeral service! were held Tues day Mr and Mrs Virgil Barrett. C W. Kleckner and Danny erf Bas sett were Sunday dinner guests in he Kay Pickenpaugh tx>me A nice crowd attended the pot luck supper Thursday evening in the Newport gym. Beautiful and auereating slides erf Alaska were iown by Mr. and Mrs. Bert nestman. Mr and Mrs Joe Fizrell and family of Bassett wore callers in -in- v. i m k r Christensen home Tuesday evening December 8. The Gym Dandie Square dan cent mil have a dance Saturday evening December 18th Bud latru mil cal*. The community is invited Mr and Mrs Bill Farr and | lain .Jy w ere Sunday dinner guests ; in the lur*a ;>» Br.nkman home at j Atkinson Other guests were Mr and Mrs M M Karo and family ; of Stuart Manna Stolcpart attended Eureka I Valley Project club jwrty in Dia 1 mond Valley community house Friday evening. Mr. anil Mrs Claries Count u left Saturday lor Ou.v Kan,, 10 \ in tie home of Mr and Mrs Utcharu Conned. Mike anti Mark Connell had spent the week in the Conned home. A fellowship severed dish <* i ner was held Sunday in die N w port Methodist church. There w t; e t w e n t y-f i v e in attendance A church Ixsard meeting followed Mr and Mrs. Elmer Christen sen and girls were Saturday eve ning callers m the Joe Hum home Mr and Mrs. IJoyd Stole part and sons were Sunday evening supper guests oi Monna Stnlcpart. Mrs Oliver C.dg visited Satur day evening with her mother, Hattie Fax in Stuart Try The Frontier Want Ads — H Pays ! Don’t disappoint Santa! "V ~~ wmiWlO '*M, »H| COCA^OU OOUHNV COCA-COLA »«0 COM *«l «(aitTI>lp <MO(NM>|, BE REALLY REFRESHED! The old gentleman’s had a long trip, and from the North Pole to the South Seas, nothing is so refreshing as the cold crisp taste of Coca-Cola. It’s as bright and bracing as a sleigh-ride in the stars. Keep a big supply in your refrigerator all through the holidays... please your Santa and all his helpers who will be calling at your house. I Bottled under authority o( Thu Coc*Col. Company by THE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF LONG PINE, NEBRASKA " * t %■ / ~ i 'r , #',t I I * *- Vl • ■ • • Thriny mantas all-wool slacks Sensational gift value! Plaids or solid colors. Ta pered legs. Misses’ 10-18. Ill 1»0 brushed orlon § 398*493 I Classic crew neck pullover I or Shetland look cardigan in I gray,charcoal,white.36-40. J 111*2004 2204 • ^ textured yarn 098 & 398 vara* Shorf-sleeved slipover or long-sleeved cardigan in black, whiteorcolors.36-40. Ill 3002 2*02 * \ u bulky sweater 59s "Campus Queen," white or lon cardigan for all season I comfort. Misses' S-M-l. , i* ""m_ V fashion nylons pair Accent seam*, sizes 8'/>-l 1. Beigetone Seamless ... 98^ ; Stretch Sheers, S-M-l.. 891 114 en 40 stretch tights 4-14 Full fashioned nylon fights, red, black, royal—sizes 4 14. Misses'red, black. S-M-L * 114-6200-01 X girls’ orlons A wonderful buy! Soft bulky knit orlon. Rolled rib trim. White only, sizes 7-14. . . 1H-72I7 I I tots’cardigans & 298 Girls' hi-bulk orlon, 3-6, 2 styles, $1.98. Boys' heav> weight orlon, 4-6X, $2.98. 115-7*4. 90 « Ihand warmers on,y 69^ Gay choice of g loves or mit ' tens—poplin, orlon, wool or ^ nylon for toddlers to 6 yrs. . * 115-800* ^ | knit cuddle caps I 100&|49 JI Softest wool and orlon head f warmers in clip or cuddle . style.HappycolorslAllages. boys’sportsters i I Newest styles! No-iron cot- B tons, Sanforized flannels in * smart plaids, prints. 8-16. f ^ girls’ pajamas |98 & 249 Long wear cotton flannel in pastel print or popular ski style cotton knit, sizes 8-14. ' * 118-1262,1265 , Ieverglaze slips l69 Princess loveliness in crisp cotton. Bouffant, 3 tier skirt, lace trim bodice; 4-14. ■*ss“~ 7 boys’ sweaters Orion cardigan, sizes 30 A 38. V-neck slipovers, range j of colors, sizes 6-16. • 90 8303 842/ boys’ parkas 1098 Warm, hi-pile lined pepp> sheen with zip-off hood. New, * • waihablecolors.Sizes4-l 8. ! •8/001 j I I rugged jacket 1295 ■ Mtm MEN'S For dad 'n son! Orion pile | lined polished cotton. Ante- 1 lope, beige. 8-18; 36-46. 95-7656-7875_ 1 knit pullovers | 249&298 | Washable shirts of 100% I Acrilan. Boys' 6-16, men’s • " S-M-L. Lights, heather tones. 90-7002-100-7807 men’s gloves 298 & 398 More warmth for your money! Fur, fleece or knit > * lined capeskin, sizes 9-11. ' • 100-2284, 2288. 2274 W men’s pajamas 298 Sanforized i. tbroadclothsincoatormiddy k styles. Size* B-C • " J 100-C73S-23-6717-07 V sport shirts Chromspuns! Oxfords! Blends! Neat patterns and two-tone styles. Men’s S-M-L. 100-7421-2B 33 34 23 : flannel shirts j LA I Rich wash 'n wear plaids on warm cotton flannel. Collar with stays; men's S-M-L 100 7511 ^ jumbo blankets 366 »o 698 Warm washableorlon blend blankets, luxury 72 x 90* ^ size, pastel prints, solids. rC 125-1240, t ,7 m I milliken plaids 1 He'll be proud to wear a I Milliken fabric shirt. Ombre or block plaids. S-M-L-XL 100-7441/4 men’s sweater 4-holer style in warm Iambs wool and orlon bulky rib. .* Gray, S-M-L V P- ix ran 9 1 1 chenille spread 498 Value priced* Flu'" fullsiz« spread, floral pattern over j lay; rose, aqua, green, gold. In »«*» BsiM3!ns^ns33n!nMnsEissnMsnMn^Mii