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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1959)
Stuart New* By Mm. Herb Skaia Winners of the door prizes at the Elk horn Produce Saturday at Stuart were as follows: Mrs. Frank Steinhauser, first, a new 10 gallon cream can; Mrs Lena McRoberis, second, 150 lbs. Con key's pig feed; Mrs. Florian Scholz. third, a new 5 gallon cream can and Kasper W. Harley, fourth, 50 lbs, of Conkey’s dairy feed. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cadwallader entertained three tables at pitch Friday evening. Prizes were won by Mr and Mrs. Joe Colson, who hold high score, Mrs Max Cad wallader and Bob Cadwallader, who won low. Herb Skala received traveling award. Mr. and Mrs. Max Cadwallader will have the next party Novem ber 13. Rev. and Mrs. Herltert Young were sponsors of the junior high young people at a Halloween party Thursday evening. Those present were Rena Hitchcock, Ilene An derson. Sandra Slaymaker, Sandra Pokomy, Dorothy Johnson, Patty Van Cleave, Jimmy Gill, Jack Gill, John Newman, Dean Norton, Jerry Cadwallader and Vergil Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keating re turned from an eastern trip. They visited in New York City, Wash ington, D._ C. and Philadelphia. They were "gone nearly 2 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Westrom enjoyed hearing of all the sights they saw on the eastern coast, Martha Baum underwent sur gery Friday at the Methodist hos pital in Omaha. Sunday dinner guests of Mary Timmermans were Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Timmermans and Josephine Timmermans. La Vonne Dvorak spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ThurkAV. Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs. Thurlow drove her back to her school at Norfolk. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Shald were Mr. and Mrs. Fern Davis and daughter of At kinson and Mr. and Mrs. John Shald. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Patterson were in Lincoln Friday and Sat urday for a meeting of the Legion executive committee. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Normie Wilkins and Qrly Wilkins, all of Bassett were Wed nesday callers on Mrs. Roy Rhodes. Dr. Freeman Decker of Lincoln was an overnight guest Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. R C. Patterson. Dr. Decker is the State Commis sioner of Education and was the speaker at the P-TA meeting at Stuart Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olberding, Mr. and Mrs. Art Olberding, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olberding, Mr. and Mrs. LuVern Olberding and Mr. and Mrs. Robert LeMunyan were Wednesday evening callers at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Olberding to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Olber ding and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Olberding and Charles left Thursday morning for their home at Randolph. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Obermire were Joe Obermire and Miss Marilyn Binns of Oska loosa, la. Mr. and Mrs. llarlod Kulas of Owatonna, Minn, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Schied of Lincoln were i Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ramm. Missionary Society workshop group met Friday afternoon at the church basement. Nine members! were present to tie two comforters and mend clothing for relief in Korea. Mr. and Mrs. Z. X. Marshall left Tuesday for Ronald Marshall’s home to stay with Ronald’s chil dren while Mr. and Mrs. R. Mar shall attend teachers convention. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Marshall live at Midland, S. D. Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Obermire were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Obermire and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Henning and Carol, and Mrs. Mary Henning, all of Atkin son. Dean Obermire has returned home from Germany. He had been visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Obermire who are sta tioned in Germany. Weekend guests of Mrs. H. E. Newman were her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Williams from [ Pierre, S. D. Saturday evening j Mr. and Mrs. John Newman and family called to visit with the j Williams’. Rile and Rose Brunson of Lynch were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marcellus. Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon spent the weekend at Valentine. Mrs Walter Gill entertained the Birthday club October 27 evening Be Near Those You Love ... At Christmas Time! Even if you can’t visit those you love as often as you’d like, your gift portrait will tell them you’re thinking of them, with a portrait of yourself or your family. It's # wonderful way to make someone dear very happy at Christmas. O'Neill Photo Co. O NEILL, NEBRASKA Phone 1 Come in or call to make an appointment for the portrait that i will please some so much, always I with three tables of bridge. Prizes were won by Mrs. Karl Bemt, Theresa Levi and Mrs. Joy Green field. Connie Jean Kohle spent from Wednesday till Sunday at N'aper with her grandmother, Mrs Law j rence Nagel. Mrs, Fritz Kohle ! went after her Sunday. John Papke of Payette, Idaho arrived Monday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader s|**nt Thursday and Friday at Sioux City and visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cadwallader at Hubbard. The library' board met at the home of Mrs. Earl Hoatson Octo lier 28. It was decided to meet with the Stuart township board at their January' meeting. The next meeting will be December 30 with Mrs. Walter Kaup. Mrs. Earl Estes and Mrs. Ray Estes drove to Chapman Wednes day to get Mrs. Lawrence Ru dolph and children. LawTence came Saturday evening and they returned home Sunday. Gary Libolt returned to his home in Casper, Wyo. Sunday after spending three weeks visiting his uncle, Ward Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Butler took Rickie to Omaha Sunday. Dale is staying with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Alex ander. October 28 meeting was brought to order by president Mary Sue Kunz. Colors were advanced by Sherry King and Kathy Brayton. The flag w’as saluted. Twenty-one members answered roll call by giving the Brownie Scout promise. We then adjourned for our Halloween party. For games we had a “Mask Contest", hobbled for marshmallows on a string and "Pinned the hat on a witch". Barbara Wallinger, Den ise Olberding. Yleen Lane and Mary Sue Kunz won prizes. Mrs. Kohle and Mrs. Olberding served treats of ice cream and a w'itch cake. We also received favors. Newport News By Mrs. Oliver <>ilg Mrs. Art Paulson of Foster came Oct: 'FI to the L. W. Bendig homo. On Wednesday she accom panied Mrs. Bendig and Roger to Grand Island where they visited Mr. and Mrs. William Kaul and Art Paulson in the veterans hospi tal, returning home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gilg and Sophia Lashmett were Thursday evening dinner guests in the Vere Butler home at Bassett. Mrs. Elmo Keller, Mrs. Boh Jilg and Mrs. Arthur Seger left 1'hursday morning for Norfolk .vhere they attended teachers convention returning home Friday. Mary Gilg was taken to the Hassett hospital Wednesday molti ng Oct. 28 and underwent emer gency gall bladder surgery 1’hursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Seger left 1'hursday for Fayettville, Ark., to visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. j Jim Chaney. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hoffman of Stuart accompanied hem. , j Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seger left Wednesday afternoon for Grand Island where Mrs. Seger attended teachers convention. They visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garold Seger. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bendig spent Saturday evening in the Jink Bair home at Bassett. Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs E. R. Barnes, Mrs. Seri Hutton of Oma ha and Mrs. A. B. Hutton were coffee guests at the Range Cafe Thursday in honor of Mrs. Frank Losch of Pennsylvania. The for mer Geneva Alderman. Other guests were Mrs. Fanny Bassett, Mrs. Nell Paradise, Mrs. Floyd Lackaff, Mrs. Harold Allen, Mrs. Ervin Merritt and Mrs. Dick Losch of Omaha. They also visited in the Merritt home. Mrs. Vi Judkens left Monday for Casper, Wyo., to attend the funeral of her brother. M.Y.F. of the Newport Metho dist church enjoyed a Halloween party Sunday evening in the home or tneir sponsors, »u. Mrs. Larry Heyne. There were ten present. Rev. Peterson of Bassett was also present. Mr and Mrs. Harold Colfack and family were Sunday after noon callers in the Bud Wonder check home north of Newport. Sophia Lashmett spent Sunday in Bassett at the Vere Butler home. , Mrs. Monna Stolcport and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanel of Atkin son were Sunday evening dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd Stolcport in honor of Rex Bradley's 1st birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Painter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gos sard of Ainsworth were Sunday evening dinner guests in the Lloyd Jacox home. Carol Pickenpaugh spent the weekend in the Stan Smith home at Ainsworth. Mr and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and Mary Lynn were Sunday dinner guests in the Laurence Greenfield home. Afternoon visitors were Ethel Stracke, Charlotte Cobb, Mr and Mrs. Bob Greenfield and family all of Stuart, Mrs. Joy Greenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Greenfield of Bassett. The dinner was in honor of the birth day of Laurence Greenfield. He was presented with a desk lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Seger and family were Oct. 27 evening din ner guests in the Gene Baten horst home near Stuart. Evening callers were Mr. and Mrs Bill Farr and family and Mrs. Wil fred Seger. The dinner honored Ronnie Seger on his 5th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farr left Wednesday for Abeline, Tex., to visit in the home of Maj. and Mrs. Gene T. Savage and family. Jim Savage of Omaha and Jonas Murphy are looking after the ranch. Mrs Roy Farr and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Johnson were Oct. 271 afternoon callers at the C. A. Henry home. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Towle j and son, Jack of Silverton, Ore., I left Tuesday for their home after several days' visit with relatives and friends in and around New port and Stuart. Sunday guests in the C. A Henry home were Ray Lacy of , Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Walt | I Johnson. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson and family of Petersburg and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nitz of Long Pine. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evering ham spent October 27 in Ains worth with his sister and husband. Mr and Mrs Williamsen Earl Sparks of Grand Island spent Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Esli Sparks. Mrs. Albert Ostermen entered the Atkinson hospital Sunday. Mr. an Mrs. F. L. Moore and Judy of Omaha. Josie Moring and Stella Slachetka of Atkinson were Sunday dinner guests in the John Slachetka home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strelow and family of Bassett were Sunday visitors in the Harold McMillan home. Carl Ray and Larry Clements of Stuart called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harl Anderson Sun day evening. Mrs. Harold McMillan attended a united church women’s meet ing in Bassett as president of the Rock county group. Mr and Mrs. Harl Anderson and Sophia Lashmett were Wednesday afternoon callers with Anna Keehaugh in the Ixmg Pine Rest Home. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gilg were Friday evening supper guests of Sophia Lashmett. Mr. and Mrs. Bob GUg visited Sunday afternoon with her par ents, Mr and Mrs. O. W. Wolcott near Bassett. GREATER SAVINGS ARE PASSED ON TO YOU THROUGH CARLOAD SELECTED ITEMS PURCHASE FROM OUR HAST,NGS' HUKL-rlAitS NEBRASKA WAREHOUSE! > r SHEET BLANKETS 70" x 95" Semi-bleached cotton blankets. Whipped ends. Stock up now! Each 1 77 ONLY CAROUSEL HAS THESE Exclusive Features NEW — SPECIALLY FORMULATED POLY ETHYLENE CORNERS— truly scuff resistant protection at the points of greatest wear. RENT PLYWOOD wrap around frame gives moulded contour . . . adds strength and du rability to the construc tion and a contemporary quality to the design. ADVANCED DESIGN HARDWARE—New bot tom snap positive locks complete will keys. All nordwore is riveted and brightly nickel filated. Non slip com ort-grip plastic han dles. MARE THE COIN TEST ON THE COVERING— Scratch the edge of a coin over the tough vinyl covering. It doesn't leave a mark. You get the same pro tection against rough handlina and travel in w ■ ■ m - . _ _ M hotords thot would I THEY NEST mar Olfcar luggog*. | ^^LIKE LOVE BIRDS -1 BED PILLOWS I Filled with 10% Goose Down, 90% curled Goose H feathers. Blue or Pink striped ticking Each 2" | RUGS *‘-T v k *; ^ • THROW RUGS • •'I(rI I 8if*^ J\ *■ Cotton looped pile. Hi-low 'v VSX. 1 1 13 ih HI ■ ^Z .».18 ^ 24" x 36" cotton and rayon design. Skid resistant. De- . M'WWlWfi cut pile. Tweedy effect, corators colors. Your choice o niprp CCT of 30" x 50" nr 9d" v an" ** “IKV.C 3CI Assorted colors. x 60 . 0ve n!gM caje IDEAL CHRISTMAS LAYAWAY GIFT! Erirh 00 Train Case, and Each OQc choice of 24" r Lovely, sturdy travel companions include 13” train case, 20” over 2£/, Pullman n',e case’ ^” pulmnn, and jumlx) 26” pullman. Covered with vinyl and Fiberglas1"’ that protects against scratches and stains. Wipes clean with a damp cloth. Lined with soft, luxurious rayon. isjjgRj} APPLIANCES ■■■ HHIH BIG FRY PAN 4 quart, triple-thick aluminum M #%pp pan is completely immersible. 12 to 30 cup Party Percolator Fully Automatic! 16“ SACK TOWO-S .MV Bleached. Onhem^d firt, qu.hlY. ApproX‘m Y 4 *or 99c CORDUR®\ \ „,ed cord. 36" 1 fir.* *-»* prm sew and save* l swipes, checws, and 9eo \ _Yord^l__1 riRUS’ SOPS , laied cot*on slips fwo-hered 9 4 ,0 14. Lace wimnred Bodice. — » BOYS' parkas —-• r",r." Zip-oil fur trimmed hoods. Sues Each 844 BOYS' FLANNEL shirts stock UP at this low Pr,ce* Each 99c I Easy to use as 8-cup model Pour in cold water, add coffee and plug in. No drip faucet. 6-8 cup Percolator 8“ The famous Flavo-Matic<*> with controlled temperature and timing. Polished aluminum. Immersible Percolator New! 6-8 cups. 1 088 Fully immersible. JL mm Each 99c PANT HANGERS Sturdy metal cuff hangers. They are adjustable. The practical way to hang trousers. Durable. Set of 6 30c \ Save now! Rayon-Nylon Blanket 72" x 90" size for full or twin beds Tremendous Value . . . now just . . . Luxurious Money-Bak blanket is non-allergenic. It's guaranteed moth proof! Binding is long wearing Acetate. Choose from these beautiful colors: yellow, pink, blue, green, beige. A lovely gift!