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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1959)
i FOR SALE POP SALE Polled Hereford Bu.Ls Two 2*i and 3 years old. Proven, herd bull quality_some ywarlings-Everett Van Dover. ^ miles east of old Opportun ity or 22 miles west of Verdigre °r IS south of Lynch. 25tf FOR SALE—Landrace and Du roc boars. Long, growthy meat type F W. Loock, Spencer N>br 21-28c FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshire boars. Veterinary vaccinated for cholera and erysipelas. Guaran teed breeders from the John Raster herd. Frank Beelaert Page_ 25-28c 29-30nc FOR SALE — Hereford purebred breeding bull. 7 years old Keith Abart Emmet. 23tf FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshire boars, long and growthy Rob inson Farms. 2 west. 3 south of Randolph 71-28c WILL SELL at the O'Neill sale bam Tburs , Nov 12 10 head registered Hereford heifer calves. 6 head bull calves. S. R. Robert son, O'Neill. 28-29-p FOR SALE Hampshire* 75 boars and 50 gilts If yoo are looking for the big. meaty type, rug ged, long bodies, deep hammed good doing kind, see this great offerini. Sired by our 1959 Nebr State Fair Reserve grand cham pion. vaccinated both ways, gua ranteed breeders. Farmer prices Phone HU 5-3360. John Raster Clearwater, Nebr. 23-30c FOR SALE Choice registered and grade Angus Bulls, serviceable age Musil Bros., O’Neill. 27-34p FOR SALE— Registered Angus bulls 1 coming 2-year old and 3 calves. William T. Sitz, Bur well. Nebr. 27-28c FOR SALE: Purebred spotted Po land china boars, good ham and length—Elmer Bohl, 5V4 miles west of Plainview on high way 20. 25tfc FOR SALE — Hampshire boars vaccinated both ways. Roy Gan non, Inman. 28-30p FCfR SALE - 50 Black faced ewes 1 to 5 years old. Not bred. $20 pier head. Kenneth Van Every Page. 28p3J FOR SALE Purebred s plotted pjo land china boars. Vet vaccinated. Reasonable prices-Martin Hoff man. Spencer, Nebr. 25-32c NOTICE -Third annual Purebred All breeds Bour sale. Gregory sales Pavilion. Gregory. S. D Monday. November 9th, at 8 p.m Write county agent, Bur ke, S. D., for calalog 27-28c FOR SALE : Registered hampshire and Yorkshire boars. Production tested yorkshire boars with weight for age and backfat test ed Reasonably priced—Richard Loock. phone 2296. Spiencer Ne. 25-28c FOR SALE — Registered hamp shire Boars. Good quality, vac cinated, guaranteed. Priced rea sonable. John Wenner. jr, 7 mile south, one east of Atkin son. Phone 6036 27-28c FOR SALE: Registered Hamp *mre boars Big, rugged, well grown. —Alfred Hansen, Plain view. Nebr. 12tfc FOR SALE. Purebred Hamp boars Veterinary vaccinated for Cholera and Erisipls. Guar anteed breeders fro the John Kaster herd. Frank Beelaert. Page, Nebr. 25-28c FOR SALE: Registered Hamp* shire boars. Long, heavy boned, rugged, good heads and feet. Champion bloodlines. New blood lines for old customers. Welcome to look. Prices reasonable. 2 miles east Creighton. Highway 59, ph. 121 of 10. Shady lane Hampshire Farm._25-30c Hampshire Boars For Sale For top quality boars a1 reasonable prices see us last. Walter Sojka and Sons Page, Nebr. 23ff FOR SALE-Hay sled tires. 9:00. 10:00. 11:00 with a liberal guar antee. reasonably priced. Ger ald O’Connor, northeast comer of Atkinson. 27-'39p SALT FOR SALE Kanapolis J16 50 a ton: American S20 50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 1 blks east. 4 blks north of traffic light. Everett Gorgan. Ph. 164. O'Neill._51tf FOR SALE: More fancy Cream cows. Shore s Guernseys. Hol steins. Swiss. Extra large fancy Some fresh with calves Rea sonable prices Harold Shores. Neligh ph. TU 7-4060. TU 7 4850 25tf CITY LOANS—See R. H. Parker. O'Neill __ USED CARS ’56 Mercury Monterey, plain 56 Plymouth. 4 dr. 55 Studebaker hardtop 1952 GMC V ton pickup 1948 Chev. 1 T. Fhckup SMITH MOTOR CO. phone 562 O’Neill. Nebr FOR SALE — 2-row International 24 compicker. ready to go. John Deines. Orchard. 28-29nc FOR SALE—Second hand 249-in. flooring, 30c per ft. Fora Knight O’Neill. 28-29c FOR SALE — Conventional wash ing machine, very good condi tion. double wash tubs, almost new $30 for both. Phone 131. O'Neill._ 28tfnc FOR SALE—1948 Cushman motor scooter—Le Roy Malhair, Lynch. Nebr 28-29nc iANCH LOANS —See R. H. Parti er. O'Neill. 6tf MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin store your candy headquarters. Always fresh. 27tfc FOR SALE—Deep freezes. 17 ft -$245 ; 21 ft. -$279.50, at Sco vie’s Western Auto. O’Neill, i 27-28c MACHINERY CORN PICKERS all kinds — make an offer Pickup box with cattle rack Rotary stalk cutters One-row rye drills Elevators $100 and up Several good used loaders ; Heese roller mill No. 14 John Deere hammermill Harvey hammermill Harvey sheller Fairbanks Morse sheller Hydraulic chain saw very good Farmall MD 9-speed Kim hotstart Farmall 43 H overhauled, painted Farmall 20 good Minneapolis RTU good rubber 53 Farmall Super C Wagons and boxes new and used Hay sled tires APPLIANCES We trade for farm equipment on appliances New and used appliances Priced for Quick Sale SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O NEELL. NEBR EHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool SPECIAL PRICES ! Long Deals on New and Used Farm Equipment 1918 Farmall M, Just raring to go 1946 Farmall M. nice 1949 Farmall MD, good 1947 Farmall M, very good 1949 Farmall H tractor, new tires, overhauled 1951 Farmall H, new tires, over hauled 1953 Super H, new tires and over hauled 1940 H Farmall. new tires, over hauled 1951 Jolin Deere B propane burn er, completely overhauled 1946 John Deere B, fuel tractor 1955 John Deere 60 tractor 1956 Farmall 300 fuel burner Used 1-row pickers, all makes Used 2-row pickers, mounted and pull Used trucks, pickups, school cars You name it and we have it New Grain Bins at bargains Elevators, all lengths, new and used Used Hay Balers, all kinds, wire or twine We make longest trades in this area and we appreciate your Business. WE TRADE Storjohann Equipment Co. Lowest equipment prices in USA! PHONE Diamond 6-7185 BUR WELL NEBR. FOR SALE: Bearcat grinders— Keating Implement Co., Atkin son, Nebr. 25-28c -—— MACHINERY COMBINES Massey Harris, super 27 J-D No. S, 14-ft. TRACTORS— J-D 620, like new 1955 J-D Model ® Model G J-D 1948 48 B J-D 40 B J-D 45 B J-D MC F20 42 A J-D USED CORN PICKERS— J-D 226 J-D 200 J-D 101 Woods Bros. Case 2 row G. I. 2 row M and M 2 row 'armhand Loader, complete Plows, all sizes Harrv R. Smith Imp Phone 562 O’Neill MOBILE HOMES SSAVES Why pay high rent and get noth ing when you can own a new 45’ x 10' Mobile Home, fully equipped for $595 down and payments as low as $69 95. LARGE SELECTION New and Used Trailers, 14’ to 55’. CASH FINANCE TRADE O Neill Vicinity contact Claren ce Johnson, Elms Motel. O’Neill. Write or call for FREE LITER ATURE. MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion. Nebr. Ph. EX5-2170 26tf SEE SCOVTE'S Western Auto for nylon guaranteed mud and snow tires. 27-28c Real Estate for Sale FDR SALE-Coffee Shop Cafe Stuart. Nebraska. Good going business Same owner operator last 10 years. Selling to devote more time to ranching interests. Jack and Eda McGrew owners. Stuart. Nebraska. 28-30c FDR SALE—3 bedroom home in good condition. All modem. D. F Murphy, phone 178J. O'Neill. 28-29nc Holt County 640 Acres Exclusive Listing Located northeast of O’Neill Ideal terms, small down payment, 5% Interest. March 1st possession 180 Acres in Soil Bank, Good pas ture and hay meadow Could eas Jy be irrigated, soil is ideal for excellent production. To see or fot more information Phone or writ* regarding this property or othei Ranches we have for sale. ERNIE WELLER and DEAN FLEMING Atkinson. Nebraska FOR SALE—Two bedroom all mo dem home close to school. Call 553-J or 403 North First Street, O’Neill. _27tfc FARM FDR SALE— 240 acres lo cated 14 miles north and 2 miles west of Page. Nebr. Vir gil L. Laursen, realtor, O’Neill. 27c FOR QUICK SALE ! Immediate Possession Near new 3 bedroom home in O’Neill. Good location! —ALSO— 960 A ranch south of Atkinson. 320 A east of Atkinson. Dairy Cjueen at Atkinson, near swimming pool and park. OTHER GOOD LISTINGS COME AND SEE US EDTHORIN PHONE 207 — O’NEILL 13tf EXCELLENT RANCH and HAY LAND 480 to 1S40 acre spreads in the $60 price range. RUT'S REALTY R. S. Rutledge Box 563 Phone PArk 1-1421 Fremont )r ED THORIN for appointment tf FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two bedroom home Kieth Abart. O'Neill. 22tfc FOR RENT—Rooms! Night, week or month. Air conditioned, clean, good beds. Redecorated.—Hotel O’Neill, Phone 364 New Man agement 27p FOR RENT Apartment in Golden Hotel annex. Furnished or un furnished. Call 35. O'Neill. 27tf FARM LOANS.—See R. H. Parker. O'Neill. J5tf FOR RENT—2 bedroom house. Contact Walter Pease, Emmet or Roy Parker, O'Neill, Ph. 652 W. 25tf WANTED WE DON'T WANT ALL THE bus iness—.Just yours.. Patton’s Ben Franklin O’Neill. tfc WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair — Writ* Bax 562, phone 553-J ^PRAGUE WELL CO , O'Neill "■ oiks W & 3*6 blks N stoplight WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week —Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf ■tEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf WANTED! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W’ for Pickup and Delivery! 47etf Phone 192-J Minnesota W'oolen Company Bonded Representative Robert W. Young 609 East Adams 23tfc Wick’s BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Class Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O'NEILL — for Any Job 25tl I LOAN Money on farms and ranches and city property.— Write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 6tf WANTED — Space in back yard with water and sewer hookup for 52 foot by 10 wide mobile home. Contact The Frontier office. 28nc WANTED— Middleage single mar for ail around ranch work Al good equipment Year round jot for right man. Anyone whc dnnks need not apply Roy Rees Ewing Phone Ivanhoe 2-2621 Chambers. 28-29i MAN OR WOMAN wanted tc handle distribution of nationalb advertised Watkins products ir city of O'Neill, serving hundreds of satisfied customers. Excellero opportunity. No investment Above average earnings. Writ* Watkins Co.. D-81, Winona Minn._ 28-Kk | WELL ESTABLISHED Retail farrr supply business handling well known products. Small capita needed. Write box TH. c-o Th« Frontier. 5tt EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 ^ O'Neil L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractoi r>T»air Aretvlene welding ! LA WN MOWER repairing Alac repair parts for Lawson - Rec -Clinton WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50ti LOST & FOUND ESTRAYED — Cross-bred black yearling steer Branded Lazy J double H on left hip. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for keep. Loran K. Libby. Page._27-28p STRAYED—Whiteface calf in the Eagle creek vicinity. Branded slash lazy S on left hip. Notify Lawrence Dobrovolny. O’Neill. 28-29nc LOST—One black cow from Gil bert Wragge pasture. Branded D reverse K cm right hip. Finder please contact Gerald Holm. Royal, Nebr,_28-30p LOST — From pasture north of Page. White face Hereford spring calf, weight about 350 pounds, branded half box H on right shoulder. Finder call William Hansen, phone 841R1, O'Neill. 28c STRAYED from my pasture on Honey Creek north of O’Neill. 3 cows branded lazy S over lazy D on left hip, also 3 calves with brand lazy S over lazy D on left side. Please notify O J Drueke. O’Neill, phone 9F5. 28tf LOST—8:25x20 tire on blue wheel for a GMC truck lost between Chambers and Clearwater. Har old Jones. Clearwater, phone HU 53280 28-29c MISCELLANEOUS CURTISS STUD SERVICE can build you a herd for less. Don't leave your herd’s future to chance Breed to bulls from prov en families.—Duane Gray, Phone 470 O’Neill. 9tf ___ IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin. agt.. O'Neill. Nebr. 34tf i-. ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O’NEILL. NEBR. — PH. 269 CASH LOANS Signature — Auto — Furniture O’Neill Loan Co. TRGIIL LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O’NEILL NOTICES I AM BACK in my office again and I have Eastern Money and Priv ate Money to loan on Farm land Ranch land, and City Homes. U vou need monev see or write.— R. H. Parker O’Neill. Nebr. 8t3 SAVE UP TO S20 OR MORE I ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE VIRGIL LAURSEN O'Neill, Nebraska --- NO HUNTING AT ANYTIME or the Lawrence Dobrovolny ranch northeast erf O’Neill. 25-28c _ CARDS OF THANKS I WISH TO THANK all those who i sent me cards and letters and offered prayer in my behalf dur ing my recent hospitalization. 28c Mrs. Owen Parks WE WISH TO EXPRESS our thanks to the neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses shown us and the help given to her during her illness. The family of Lillie Herzog. 28p60 I WISH TO THANK my fnends for the letters, cards and flowers 1 received while hospitalized. Also thanks to th£ hospital staff for their care Paul Shanner 28p5d WE WISH TO EXTEND our sin cerest thanks to all of the kind friends, neighbors and relatives who participated in any way with our fall work; also to the ladies who furnished food and helped with the dinner the day of the compieking bee. A special "thanks ’ to Dr. Ram sey for his promptness when we called him to the farm: also to Drs. Ramsey and Pisar, the Sisters and staff at Atkinson Memorial hospital for the fine care given Leon while he was a patient there. To our many friends and rela ives and to Rev. Kennicott, who visited Leon in the hospital and at our home and to those who sent cards and messages and gifts, we are indeed grateful. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith. 28c WE WISH TO EXPRESS our ap preciation to Right Reverend Monsignor O’Sullivan, Father Duf fy, Father Kucera and Father Stahl for their visits and prayers while our sister and aunt. Kathryn Kinnaley, was a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital. Also for their words of comfort during our be reavement. To Sister Michael and the Choir, to Mother Francis, the i?;,* ... _ rtf Ct A nthnmi'c hospital for all the excellent care which they gave her To Dr. Car stens for his wonderful care and advice, to Mr. Hammond and Mr Tennis, the pallbearers for their services, to the Thompson cafe at Spencer for preparing dinner and to our friends and neighbors for their cards, letters and gifts, for the spiritual bouquets and expres sions of sympathy shown us. We are most grateful. Robert and Bessie Kinnaley Mrs. Ella Nelson and Audree Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Putnam 2gp and sons I WISH TO THANK all those who sent cards and gifts and offered prayers for me while I was hos pitalized at St. Anthony's hospi tal. I appreciated your thought fulness. Ronnie Holly. 28c Holt County Board Proceedings O’Neill. Nebr. Auk. 28. 1959 9:00 AM Holt County Board of Supervi ors met as per adjournment. All 7 embers present, except Land eth. Meeting called to order by | Chairman. Minutes of the pre \ ,ous meeting were read and ap roved as read. The Finance Committee re torted that the Fees of the vari ur County Offices have been re in tted to the County Treasurer, i 5 required by law. Motion by McConnell, seconded y Dierking that the following j .arrants be cancelled. Motion c irried. Theresia Siegel. Old Age Assistance Fund . •.$ b5 00 Jlaude A. Kilcoin, Aid to to Dependent Children Fund .$100.00 Motion by Ernst, seconded by IlcConneU. ‘that the following Re olution be adopted. Motion car WHEREAS, a system of Fede ril Aid Secondary roads have teen established in Holt County, end, _ WHEREAS, the county Board c Supervisors of Holt County feel aat additional county roads ._u this Federal iivuiu r* Aid Secondary system m order to ecure Federal Assistance m the { ecessary improvement thereof, ""WHEREAS, the following de ; scribed road is not now a part of he approved Federal Aid Second ary System of Holt County. and I t is the desire of the Board of upervisors of Holt County that ms road be incorporated in the federal Aid Secondary system of lolt County. , _ .. From a point near the South zest Comer of Section 6, Town l -hip 30, North, Range 9, West of the 6th Principal Meridian; thence ! ast approximately 6 miles to a oint near the Southeast CpTrne^ f Section 1. Township 30, North lange 9, West of the 6th Principal Meridian, on the Holt & Knox iounty line. NOW THEREFOIE, m consi eration of these facts the County kiard takes the following official ction: _ IE IT RESOLVED THAT: The State Department of Roads s hereby requested to prepare th< lecessary documents and take all iccessary steps in order to obtain he approval of the above de scribed road as a part of the #deral Aid Secondary system ol lolt County. , . DATED THIS 28th day erf Au ust. A. D., 1959. '.OARD OF COUNTY SUPERVI SORS OF HOLT COUNTY Frank Cronk, Chairmar ATTEST: Kenneth Waring. County Clerk Board Member Ernst moved the adoption of said Resolution Roll Call: 5 Yea. None Nay Re solution adopted, signed and toil ed as adopted. 12:00 Noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1 00 P M. O'Neill, Nehr Aug 28, 1959 1:00 PM. Holt County Board of Superi ors met as per adjournment. All members present, except Land -eth. Motion by Smith, seconded by 1 - Cornell, to adopt the follow me Resolution. AGREEMENT FDR DEPICA 11ON OF RIGHT OF WAY FOF. PUBLIC ROAD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE I RESENTS: That we the under igned. John Mick, and Jess Dob v'olny, bemg the owners of the ea! estate abutting on each side f the section line, running be ween Section 1 and 2, in Town s p 28, North. Range 15. West 6 i PM., in Holt County, have ms day by mutual agreement, agreed to dedicate, and do hereby d dicate to the public for the p pise of construction and mam t nance of a public road upon E d section line, an area between 0 r re pective fences, and we do hereby consent and agree that we will immediately after the dite of this instrument, proceed t > re-locate and fix the fence 1 :ies on our respective properties a- we shall see fit. and that we Will, and do hereby dedicate the rea between said fences anfl i nee lines, for the use of a public r ad. without the necessity of a 6 irey or other more definite de ! ermination of the location of said oad. and we do hereby agree that fter said fences are so re-located we will thereafter consider the property between the same, as h iving been dedicated to the use f the public for road purposes, a id without damages or other ompensation being claimed by be undersigned. Witness our signatures, this 28th diy of August, 1959. John Mick Taoo/i T'LiKtvm 'nlnv COUNTY CLERKS SEAL JOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA I nneth Waring, County Clerk Motion by Smith, seconded by Flood, to accept the Lease Agree nent for 3 Years, as presented y Wm. Miller, for the Holt County A.S.C. Office Motion car ted. LOO P.M. On motion the Board adjourned until Sept. 16, 1959. at • .00 A.M. Kenneth Waring COUNTY CLERK Frank Cronk HAIRMAN O’Neill, Nebr Sept. 16, 1959 • 00 A M. - Holt County Board of Superi ors met as per adjournment. All riembers present. Meeting called t > order by the Chairman. Minutes of the previous meeting v ere read and approved as read Motion by McConnell, seconded y Smith, that the following laims be allowed and Warrants rdered drawn on the General F and in payment of same. Motion c irried. he Augustine Co., office supplies . ohn Blair, salary’ . 19154 F iorence Boettcher. mile age for redistricting Com mittee meetings . 45.90 J .lores Boyle, salary .210 00 City of O'Neill. Water De partment . 48.UU Cobbs Mfg Co., Auto Cer tificate Holders & Plastic Holders for Drivers Li cense •• . •••• ...••••••• -du Frank Cronk. mileage - 56.00 J lari an A. Dierking, mile age .- .. 'll." Clarence Ernst, salary -13..oO Fetrows, repairs for court house and annex .. 33 Alice L. French, salary .. 383.33 Alice L. French, mileage . 63 20 Merwyn G. French. Jr. mileage for Redistricting Committee meetings - 9 -4 Grahams ”66’ Service sup plies for courthouse .... ib.ts Wm. W Griffin, County Attorney, postage . J Ed Hancock, salary ... 383.33 Esther Hams, postage ... 9.25 lorraine Hewett. salary -• 4i jO J owards Blacksmith Shop, repairing courthouse equipment . ^~3 Kansas Nebr Natural Gas Co., gas service for court hQUse . g«5oi FI. V Landreth, mileage .. 48 40 Eazel Lorenz, salary -•••• n Manson. Clerk of District Court, court ^ ^ Virginia Morrow, salary .. 235.00 ames Mullen, mileage ... 31.uu | ■’li McConnell, salary -137.30 label McKenna, salary .. 142.3U Jacob North, Inc., motor vehicle tax statements .. 210.M ,'orthwestem Bell Tele phone Co., telephone ser vices . -38 SO O' N e i 11 Transfer, express charges . J’jS Connie Park, salary . -5.ou Carole M. Reed, salary ... 134.55 xjuis w. Reimer, Co. Judge, postage . !,uu Horvin Schwank, repair on Sheriff’s radio .. (phelia Sessions, salary .. -35 00 i Valter A Smith, salary .. 137 i Valter A. Smith, mileage . 32.84 Stephenson School Supply Co., teachers supplies .. 728.27 Leo S. T o m j a c k. jailor board .•. : Leo S. Tomjack, mileage . Joyce Waller, salary .... 36.00 Kenneth Waring, Co. Clerk, postage . .- w Wm F Wefso, stamped envelopes for motor ve hicle statements . 254.OC Ailene Wilkinson, salary .. 235 00 World Book Co., office sup plies . • .172.fill Joseph C. Bazelman, paint and painting in court house .... 296.50 Bosfitch MacDermed Co., office supplies . 12! Burroughs Corporation, Service agreement on office machines • • 216.2f Consumers Public Power District, electric service rHC FRONTIER. O’Neill. Neb ns for courthouse . 148 SI Frank Crunk, salary .13? 50 Harlan A D i e r k i n g, salary .. 137 50 P C. Donohue, bond fees . 2.50 Clarence Ernst, mileage .. 36 02 Edw N. Flood, salary' ... 137.50 i J. R. Freeman Chemical Co. supplies for court house . 99 00 Alice L, French, postage . 9.50 Frontier, publishing fees . 34.90 Norman Gondennger. ser vices for special County Attorney . 15.00 Wm. W Griffin, salary .. 238 33 Hammond and Stephens Co., office supplies . 6.47 Esther Harris, salary . 260 00 Alvin H. Heese. salary ■. 333.33 Holt County Extension Ser vice . 428.49 Interstate Bed Co, eqpt for jail . 23.70 Helen Ann Johnson. salary . 210.00 Clara Kirkland, salary ... 210.00 M V. Landreth, salary .... 137 50 Joanne Lansworth, salary . 235.00 Howard D. Manson, salary . 366.66 Dale R. Mitchell, mileage age for redistncting Com mittee meetings . 43 08 James Mullen, salary, ..• 260 00 Nora Mullen, salary . 235.00 Eli McConnell, mileage ... 42.96 Norfolk o trice tqpt. i-o.. office supplies . 68 7'.' Jacob North. Inc., office supplies . 36.47 Omaha Printing Co., office supplies . 11.59 1 Omaha Printing Co., office supplies . 93.60 Redfield & Co , office sup plies . 144.44 Louis W. Reimer, salary . 416.66 Charles Richter, salary ... 285 00 Sen.'all Towel & Linen Sup ply Co., towel service for courthouse ...... • 11.55 Sheridan County Treasurer, funds to meet expenses of District Probation Of fice . 130.34 j Leo S. Tom jack, salary •. • 308.33 Leo S. Tom jack, mileage . 118.80 Leo S. Tom jack, jailor fees . 46.50 | Mrs. Leo S Tomjack, ma tron fee .18.00 Kenneth Waring, salary .. 383.33 Wm. F Wefso. salary . 383.33, Wm. F Wefso. postage & mileage . 46.44 Western Typewriter & Of fice Supply Co . rent on office machine . 10.00 Motion by Landreth. seconded hy Ernst, to place in the County Road System the following road: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19. Township 28. Range 10; running thence West a dis tance of one mile to connect with Highway 20 and 275; and remove from the County Road System the following Road; Commencing at the Northeast comer of the North west quarter of Section 19. town ship 28. Range U).. running thence . i rtf nnoh'i If" m lip a uioiw.vv ---— 1 Motion carried. CONTINUED NEXT WEEK Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris The free Halloween movie at 1 the Eldorado Theatre, sponsored I by the village of Ewing, was well attended Friday evening in spite j of the rainy weather. Clearing skies and warmer temperatures on Saturday gave the small youngsters and some not so small an opportunity to go out for tricks or treats, all in costumes, carrying large sacks for their “loot." * One family counted their visi- j tors. The total was ninety for the j evening Mr. and Mrs. George Thayer, who have resided in the Van Conet property in north Ewing, plan to return to Omaha to make their home due to the ill health of Mr. Thayer who is receiving medical treatment at the Veter ans hospital. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and family were Mr. and Mrs. Don Mackel of Elgin, Mr and Mrs. Fred Serr of Clearwater Gene Siems and "Butch” Ftetzel of Neligh, Mr and Mrs. James Mlnarik Karen and Larry, and Miss Evelyn Scholl, all of Ewing. Guests at the Will Conner home on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Maben of Clearwater and Mr and Mrs. Clarence Knolze and children of Elgin. Mrs. Joe Nickolite of O’Neill spent Sunday with Mrs. Eva Kaczor in Ewing. A sub-district rally of the Metho tka. Thursday, November i. I*** dist Youth Fellowship was held at Atkinson on Sunday Attending from Ewing were Jane 11 Tama, Sandra Elliot. Karen Wis-ppel. Evelyn Snyder Judy Tinsley, Leonora Tuttle. l,arr> and Rus sell Tuttle,, Jerry and Jim Tams, Ronnie Sisson. Rev. ami Mrs. Woodrow Elliot accompanied the group. The Mission study course on Africa will begin Friday afternoon at two o'clock at the Ewing Methodist Church parlors. This meeting is for all the women of loth the Ewing and Clearwater Methodist Churches Mrs. Wood row Elliot will be the leader of the lessorfs Guests Thursday evening at the home of Mr ami Mi's IVwttt Gunter were their son and daugh ter-in-law Mr ami Mrs. Melvin Gunter of Odebolt, la., and their daughter. Miss Doris Lou Gunter of Norfolk Mr and Mrs. Henry Drayton of Orchard ami their guest, Mrs. Lena Sorenson of Tom's River, N. J.. visited Wednesday after noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter Mr and Mrs. Robert Tams, sr. and Donna spent Sunday evening at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs Fred Tams at dear water The Riverside rural school near Ewing was the scene of a Hallo ween party Wednesday afternoon. The children appeared in cos tumes. skits made up by the student* using puppets which they had made. Games were also played and prizes awarded the winners. An item of interest to the par ents and friends present was a landscape painting, the first are wirk of this type for the student*. Mrs. .Jeanne Rodgers, teacher, told of a field tnp taken by the school, when sketches were made, blending of colors not I'd and studied. All this provided inspira tion for the picture. Guests present were Mrs. Wil liam Lofquest and Mary Jo, Mrs. Wayne Fry'. Kevin anti Janie, Mrs. Waiter Miller and Danny, Mis* Ellen Miller. Mrs Walter Spang ler, Billy and Roxanne and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Conley. Obituary KATHRYN KINN AI.EY Funeral services for Mis* Kathryn Kinnaley were conducted on Wednesday. Oct. 28 at St. Patrick’s Catholic church with Monsignor T J. O’Sullivan offici ating. Burial was in the St. Mary’s cemetery at Spencer lie side the graves of her parents. Miss Kinnaley died October 25 at St. Anthony's hospital here in O'Neill. Kathryn Kinnaley was bom January 20, 1874 to John and Mary Ellen 'Chambers) Kinnaley at Shulls burg, Wise. Her parent* had come to the United States from Parish O’Ring and Ard more. county Waterford, Ireland. At six she moved, with the family, to northern Holt county, when Boyd county opened to set tlement her parents took a farm thrpe miles east of Butte. *i __ i a I • Ol UlUi l*TU U(UUIV*Bt * * - and James, went to Gregory county. S. D., in 1906 where they homesteaded and Kathryn stayed there to keep house fo rher brother, Robert Robert rented the farm in 1935 and they moved back to Boyd county. Kathryn moved to O’Neill in 1956 where she lived until her death. Survivors are: Brothers- Ro bert of O’Neill and Ben erf Port land. Ore.; sisters- Mrs. Ella Nelson and Miss Bessie Kinnaley. both of O'Neill; several nieces and nephews including Miss Audree Nelson, and Mrs. L. D. Putman and great-nephews. Dan and Bill Putman, all of O’Neill. She was preceded in death by five brothers and two half brothers. WISH HELENA KAUP COMPLETES TRAINING Recruit Helena M. Kaup. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Frank J. Kaup, Stuart, completed eight weeks of basic military training October 14 at the Women’s Army Corps Center, Fort McClellan, Ala. She received drill and physical fitness training and instruction in Army history, traditions and career fields. Recruit Kaup is a 1957 gradu ate of Stuart High School.