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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1959)
O'Neill Women Enjoy Active Week In Church, Bridge, and Extension Clubs WSCS members met Friday •■fit for election of officers at Wnr regular meeting Carolyn Fu ser Duke Kudera and Sharon Batronft provided musical enter Stment under the direction of •a Alvara Hamm, music direc Br at O'Neill High School. TPi*t lesson ami worship were gi <*ir t>> Mrs. Claude Bates and Mrs. Uni Way man It was decided to serve lunch to U»e Nebraska Wes apella Chorus April £T vr.en rhgf appear at O'Neill W 5OS wil also serve lunch ■i the ust day at vacation church setas , June 26. following officers were elect wit Mrs Clay Johnson Jr, presi tnt and litraturo secretary; Mrs. Ifcank Eppenbaugh, vice president; ■r. Harold Liudberg, treasurer; Mar Dale Perry recording secre tary Mrs. Ted McElhaney, pro anil on secretary; Mrs Ben Way ■o. CSR <fc IjCA; Mrs. Robert Mb Neill Dawes, student secre Mf; Mrs Glenn Kennicott, youth mmt children's secretary; Mrs. iiMi. Rymers Sr., spiritual life; md‘ Mrs. Louis Wray, supply, •btk and status of women. 88 Mrs. Ai Kloppenberg Emmett, was hostess to SS club Tuesday ev ening. An exchange of shrubs and plants followed a short business meeting. Mrs. Delbert Robertson won the guessing game. The les son was on making wood fiber ear rings. Mrs. Gilbert Fox was a guest. Luncheon was served. Next mee ting will be May 12 with Mrs. Del bert Robertson. Elkhorn Project Mrs. Hazel Boatman was host ess Tuesday to the Elkhorn Pro ject meeting. After the business meeting, the lesson, "Line and De sign" was given by Mrs George Hansen and Mrs. Bill Claussen. The guessing game was won by Mrs. John Kirsenbrock. Next mee ting will be a covered dish dinner with Mrs. Hattie Kindland. What Not Extension Mrs. Glen Kennicott was hos tess last Thursday to What Not Ex tension club, with Mrs. Terry Wil son, co-hostess. Mrs. Duane Miller led the group in singing after which Mrs. Milton Raach conducted a business meeting. Roll Call was answered with a picture or description of a favorite dress design. The lesson, "Line and Design in Dress" was given by Mrs. Willard Solfermoser and Mrs Marvin Miller. Next meeting will be May 21 wthi Mrs Donald Bun kers. Juedl Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka was hostess to Juedi club last Thursday even- j ing. Guests were Mrs Virgil Lar son and Levita Lane. Winners were Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak and Miss Lane. Merrlmyx Merrimyx met last Wednesday at the C. W. Porter home with Mrs. H. G. Kruse hostess. Winners were Mrs. Paul Shierk and Mrs Kruse Next meeting will be April 21 with Mrs. Shierk. ti rattan Farmerettes The Grattan Farmerettes met last Wednesday at the Mrs. Mar vin Klanse home. There was no lesson following the business mee ting. Next meeting will be May 13 with Mrs. Paul Krugman. It was a big day Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schoberg, farmers in the Lynch area for many jyars a» they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Although the actual date of their wedding incurred several weeks ago, the celebration was postponed until Sam returned home from the hospital, (drrends and relatives met at the Tom Schoberg home in O’Neill. The wedding cake was baked by Mrs. Xhlter Kaup of Stuart and was decorated by Connie Caufel of Stuart. Dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. •fatcent Schoberg, Mary, Jim, Tommy, and Kathleen, all of Sioux City; Mrs. John Cassidy. Mrs. Osele fcrriy and Mrs. Agnes Kopecky, all of Spencer. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kaup, ■f. jod Mrs. D. Myers and family of Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Renze and Jim of O’Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL HELXjOR- The Jess Benton Mel Arr. Atkinson, daughter, Jolene Mr. 5 pounds, April 11. QAVTS—The Jim Davis’, Stuart, Richard Lee, 7 pounds, 7 oun April 12. Richard Lee is the MMroaby bom at this hospital. TfcTLR—'The Louis Peters, O’ Neill, daughter, Laura Jean, 7 pounds, 2 ounces, April 13. JAOQUOT—The Paul Jacquots, Long Pine, son, Timothy Paul, 8 pounds, 2 ounces, April 13. SORTER-The Lester Porters, Atkinson, son, 6 pounds, 10 ounces, April 14. THOMPSON The Robert Thom psons, Amelia, daughter, 6 pounds, 4 ounces, April 14. CARR—The Roger Carrs, Atkin son, son, 7 pounds, 3 ounces, April 15. COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HULINSKY—The Ed Hulinskys, Comstock, daughter, 6 pounds, 9Vi ounces, April 13. 1 THE LION’S CLUB ® O’NEILL. NEBRASKA i | ' „ . f» sponsoring a drive to raise funds to purchase more * uri room equipment to be used by ALL residents of . . . HOLT County their homed when needed, without charge! ftb donation will be accepted by the Lions Club representative calling on you. The earnings from the sales of Cappers Pub lications will be used to purchase this much-needed equipment which will be used in HOLT COUNTY FREE OF CHARGE! rhe sick room equipment purchased on previous drives has been in constant use and it is felt more is needed to serve all residents conveniently and quickly. A rcpresctative will call on yon, carrying proper credentials signed by — HOWARD MANSON, Pres. KENNETH CURREN, Secy. *# Of O’Neill LIONS OLUB ST. ANTHONY 8 CASKEY- The LaVem Caskeys, O’Neill, son, Monte Alan, 6 pounds, 14 ounces, April 10. LUNDBERU MEMORIAL NEUMANN-The Jewell New manns, Creighton, twin sons, Ke vin Jewell, 5 pounds, 12 ounces, and Kent LaVeme, 6 pounds, 3 ounces, April 9. PROCHASKA The I^onard Pro chaskas, Creighton, daughter, Col leen Renae, 9 pounds, 9 ounces, April 9. REYNOLDS—The John Rey nolds. Center, son, Deland Simon, 7 pounds, 13Ms ounces, April 5. | elsewhere DUNAWAY The Don Dunaways, Oakland, Calif., daughter, Cheryl Lynn, 8 pounds, 1 ounce, March 31. The Dunaways are former Ew ing residents. ' MORGAN-The Richard Mor gans. Vallejo, Calif., son April 14. Mrs. Ruth Morgan of O Neill is the paternal grandmother _ O’Neill Style Shop WEEKEND SPECIALS Spring Coats Were 22.98 to 34.98 Now— 1498 to 2898 Dresses Were 14.98 to 24.98 Now— 1098 to 1098 Junior, Misses & Vi Sires 50% Discount on early Spring Hats Bargain Table 100 - 200 One Rack Dresses 300 - 500 - 700 All Sales Final O’Neill Style Shop Leona Hynes Mrs. M. A. Schelkoff ___________________ Mart pi Mrs. Ira Moss was hostess last Wednesday to Martez club. Win ners were Mrs. H. J. Lohous and Mrs. Homer Mullen Guests were Mrs. Mary Biglin. Mrs Ben Grady, Mrs. Ed Gallagher and Mrs. Gen Harty. Wednesday Afternoon Bridge. Mrs. D. C. Shaeffer entertained Wednesday Afternoon Bridge club members in her home last Wed nesday with a one o'clock lunch eon and cards following. Next mee ting will be April 22 with Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn. Christ Lutheran Ladies Aid Christ Lutheran Ladies Aid met last Thursday at the church base ment. Roll call was answered with the date and place of members' weddings. Mrs. Roy Burner was a guest and 23 members were pre sent. Mrs. iron rounie gave a iam on "A Laving Worship.” The members plan a food sale April 18. Friends of St. Mary’s The Friends of St. Marys are having a pot-lunch supper Sunday at St. Mary’s gym. VFW Auxilary 926 met Tuesday evening with Mrs. George Mor lang presiding. A petition for mem bership from Violet Sholes, Inman, was accepted and she will be ini tiated May 12. Past district president. Mary Gohman, Bassett and district pre sident, Josephine Sims, Ainsworth, were at the meeting. Mrs. Sims installed the following officers; Mrs. Verylan Peterson, president; Mrs.George Morlang senior vice president; Mrs. Otto Sprague, trea surer; Mrs. Anna Brown, trustee; Mrs. Roy Tucker, guard; and Mrs. Guy Young, chaplain. Mrs. Louis Wray was reappointed secretary. It was decided that Mrs. Spra gue and Mrs. Peterson will be re presentatives to the district meet ing, May 3, in Valentine, with Mrs Tucker and Mrs. Wray al ternates. It was decided to send a dona tion to the Health and Happiness fund for the national VFW home. Lunch was served by Mrs Young and Mrs Sprague Next meeting will be May 12. MM Mrs. D. C. Schaffer was hos tess Tuesday night to MM club. All the members were present for a dessert luncheon and cards. Next meeting will be April 28 with Mrs H. G. Kruse. O'Monde club members met at the home of Mrs. Robert Waters Tuesday evening, following dinner in O’Neill Mrs. Ted Kyster, Mrs. Chuck Fox were winners. Mrs Kyster was a guest. Golden Rod Golden Rod extension club met April 8 at the home of Mrs. Ryn old Cimfel. Mrs. Dallas Beherns and Mrs. John Dewitt gave the les son on "Line and Design in Dress," and Easter hats w'ere modeled launch was served by Mrs Her man Janzing and Mrs. Louis Wray, Next meeting will be May 13 with Mrs. Janzing. Chez A Marl Mrs. George Hammond was hos tess to Chez-A-Mari club Tuesday evening folowing dinner in O’Neill. Mrs. George Carstens was a __ a. «ir:____ m..i- riolrt fy UC O l • »» "VI V French, Mrs. E. M. Gleeson and Mrs. John McCarville. Next meet ing will be April 28 with Mrs. Bob Cole. Carl, Williamson Wed at St. Peter's in Ewing Miss Ruby Carl, daughter of Del bert Carl and Mrs. Adeline Ruro ede, Ewing, and Richard William son, of Mrs. and Mrs. Elmer Wil liamson Orchard were united in marraige April 3 at St. Peter's Catholic Church in Ewing. The Rev. P. F. Burke officiated at the 2 p.m. dougle ring cere mon ey. Miss Saron Kropp was organ ist and the youth choir sang. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street-length gown of pastel lavander, fashioned in a princess style design and wore a white hat. Her bouguet was of white carnations accented with tufts of green nylon net. Miss Janet Noffke and Larry Williamson, brother of the bride groom, attented the couple. A re ception followed the ceremony at the bride’s father's home. Miss Kay Depew, Neligh, cut and served the Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins, who were married 50 years on March 17, plan an open house observance in June. At that time their son, Dr. Charles Tompkins of Tucson, Ariz., will be present. Another son, Harvey lives at Inman, i ' cake. Mrs. Ed Urban. Mrs Julian Schmidt and Mrs. Robert P radon assisted with the serving. The bridegroom is a student at Omaha Commercial college The couple returned home Monday from a wedding trip. Grand Island Is Scene of Vandersnick, Burns Exchange of Vows Arrangements of deep rose car nations and salal formed the altar decor for the April 4 wedding of Marie Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Burns, Grand Island, and Donald Vandersnick, son of Mr and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick, Ewing, in St. Mary's Cathedral, Grand Island. The Rev. Leo Keating officiated the dougle ring ceremoney and cel ebrated the nuptial mass. Organ music was furnished by Mrs. Peg gy Trihy and Lucy Belle Simon was vocalist. Gi%en in marriage by her father, the brade wore a tulle and lace floor lenirth crown with a V neck line, The full skirt, garlanded with insertions of lace, swept into a cha pel train. A tiara of seed pearls held her finger-tip veil. She car ried a bouquet of happiness and red garnet roses with pearl ac cents. Miss Eulalia Burns, maid of ho nor, wore a lilac ballerina length gown and carried a bouguet of or chid beauty carnations Lawrence Goscha, Clearwater, was best man and ushei's were Louis Vander snick and Harold Burns. Acolytes for the mass were Patrick and Mic hael Ryan. Mother of the bridegroom wore a gown of navy blue with a corsage of French white carnations. Following the ceremony a din ner was served at the Hotel Pal mer for 50 guests. A reception was held at 2:50 p.m. at the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobrovol ny announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Joyce PASTS) BORDERS for NURSERIES BATHS for ANY ROOM FOOT ROLL (|ASK TO SEE THE COMPUTE UNE Patton's -p O’Neill Auto & Equipment Fair Weekend Specials from APPAREL SHOP THURSDAY ■ FRIDAY - SATURDAY Outstanding Values for you during the Coupon Days—All fine quality merchandise taken from our Regular Stock—No refunds, no alterations, or returns. COATS DRESSES Sizes 8 to 14 In the Easter Styles, Fabrics & Colors Regular to 39.98 — Now 25.00 JUJllor- Ha,f Slzes Regular to 29.98 - Now 19.99 Values to 24.98 - Now 14.99 Shorties and Long Styles Values tO 17.98 — Now 10.99 uRTc SUITS I w Wools and Linens Navy, Black, L. Blue, Orange, Red In Broken Sizes Values to 15.00 Values to 25.00 — Now 14.99 Now Only V2 Original Price! Values to 17.95 — Now 11.99 The Apparel Shop O'Neill, Nebr. Elaine, to Bob H. Beelaert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bee lea rt of P«ge Miss l*>brovoliiy lives on a ranch with her parents southwest of Atkinson Mr. Beel aert is a graduate of the Page high school and is in partnership with his father on a ranch south east of Page. A June wedding is planned. Marriage IJcenaea Gail Raymond Muller, 24. of Ni obrara. to Barbara Jean Ballard, 18, erf Center. Elmer L Schwager, 25. of Or chard, to Helen lone Harlan, 22, of Bassett. _ __ WITH COUPON mmm ^ ■ Good for $1 on Purchase of Any a I LADIES’ BETTER DRESS S a From Our a 1 Special Group ( I j 3 Good for Purchase of a a Three (3) m I PRINTED KITCHEN TERRY TOWELS I j jESHUJES j 4th Street Market j KhiirTine—2 Vi Cans FREESTONE PEACHES_3/100 Shiirfim*—Tall Cana CANNED MILK__8 $|00 SUGAR-10 pounds 95c I L'.S. Fed. Choice BLADE CUT BEEF ROAST__ pound 59c BUTTERNUT COFFEE —pound 69c | BOILING BEEF-pound 29c Swift’s Sliced SWEET RASHER BACON... pound 45c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR.. 50-lb. bag $369 U.S. Fed. CHOICE RIB STEAK_pound 89c U.S. Fed. CHOICE ROUND STEAK — pound 79c 7e Off Pack. GIANT SIZE OXYDOL__ 07c U.S. Fed. CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK... pound 99c U.S. Fed. . I CHOICE T-BONE STEAK.... pound 99c SWIFTNING-3-pound can $9C GRADE “A” FRYERS_pound 39c Gillette's Reg. Pack ICE CREAM-V2 gallon $9C Swift’s Premium—Fully Cooked PICNIC HAMS_pound 99c QUAKER OATS-large box ^ FRESH PORK LIVER_pound 25c Warba, Cobbler, Earley Ohio and Pontiac Seed Potatoes—White and yellow Onion Sets. PLENTY OF PARKING On Our Lot in Rear of the Store! WE DELIVER Phone 93 O'Neill