The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 09, 1959, SECTION ONE, Image 2
lynch Nfw» Celebrate Anniversary; Card Party Planned By Mr*. A. B. Kalkowski Mr and Mrs. Harry Holtz plan ft observe their golden wedding anniversary April 21 quietly at •nr home in Norfolk. In June the family is planning • family get-together Friends are Manning a surprise card shower ftr April 21st. Surprise them with a card! Mr, and Mrs. Holtz lived on ftrms north of O’Neill, near Lynch, ■onowi and in the Dorsey Com munity Their children are George Holtz at Maringu, 111.; Mrs Ernest Leut iftid of Norfolk; Harlan and Or «aic Holtz and Mrs. Elmo Barnes at Lynch. Mrs. Gordon Keller called on ■rs Albert Kalkowski Monday. Mrs. Melvin Johnson and daugh •r at Bristow were business vis itors in town April 1. Mrs Robert Kersch sr., of ftencer was a Lynch caller April «. Howard Anderson called on tome Placek March 31. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney ftent several days in Norfolk this Ludvig Placek and son, Larry tauvci uaciiicm/ KII Perry Suggests Serving Banana Coconut hi Pretty Petal Cups To dramitze Meadow Gold’s aew ice cneam-of-the-month, Ba ana coconut, for party service, ■U Perry, local supervisor of the Mndow Gold Dairy, suggests that yau serve the rich, tropical ice aaun in pretty petal cups. Here's die way Beatrice Oooke, •hector of the test kitchen in Qu ango makes the delicate mocha aaoky petals. Banana Coconut Petal Cups (Makes 10 Cups) % cup butter % cup sugar ■ egg % teaspoon vanilla 1% cups sifted, all purpose flour % cup cocoa V teaspoon instant coffee % teaspoon salt I pints Banana Coconut Ice Cream Cream butter and sugar until %fit and fluffy. Beat in egg and wanlla. Add sifted dry ingredients and mix well. Chill dough. Roll out m lightly floured surface to 1/8 fheh thickness. For each cup, cut As* 2-inch circles. Line ungreased Uadi muffin pans with 4 circles, asarlapping edges about V4 inch, asiaten edges slightly with water ■ad press firmly to seal circles to mSbci. Put remaining circle in •■Mam and press firmly to seal ■fees. Bake at 375 degrees for 12 K minutes. Cool and fill each with a nerving of the ice cream. Serve at once or put in freezing unit atil a few minutes before serving. A visited at the Albert Kalkowski home April 1 Charley Gillespie of Norfolk is visiting Mrs. Hannah Streit this week. Mr. and Mrs Charley Courtney went to Norfolk Friday and Char ley entered Our Lady of Lourdes hospital that afternoon for a check up. Sharon Courtney is staying with Mrs. Hannah Streit tiiis week. Harlene Holtz of Chadron spent Easter weekend with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and family visited at the Dale Audiss home in Anoka April 2. Danny and Debbie Havranek spent Friday at Beryl Moody’s. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski spent April 2 evening at the Anton Kalkowski home. Mr. and Mrs Lorie Micanek and Mr. and Mrs Beryl Moody visited at C. L. Haselhorst’s March 30. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mulhair re turned home this week from a several week’s visit in California and other states. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulhair and Loren were O'Neill visitors Saturday evening. A family gathering was held at the Scott Gray home Easter Sun day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Spencer of Sunshine Bottom. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis De Blau of Crofton, Abbie Gray and Joe Westnver of Ashby. mr. CUIU mia. V/. *-*■ uaaci Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Micanek and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and family were last Sunday visitors at the Henry Vohasek home south of Verdel. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stauffer visited at the Veldon Lee home in Bristow Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Willard Lloyd, Mrs. Ruth Mikkelson, Mrs. William Berger, Mrs. Glen Davy and Mrs. Lloyd Spencer visited Mrs. Edith Lang and Mrs. Mary Burt at the Creighton rest home. They also visited at the Creighton hospital. Mrs. Leonard Anderson of Bris tow, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John son and family, Gregory, S.D., vis ited at Howard Anderson’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sieler spent several days this week in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Miller of Wake field and Joe jr., and Joe Randy Micanek were Easter Sunday din ner guests at the Bill Bentz home in Spencer. Mr and Mrs. Frank Weeder and Margene spent the weekend in Omaha visiting at the Carl Weeder home. They also attended the ice capades while there. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer visited Oliver Hill in the O’Neill hospital Thursday. Mrs. Fern Grass, Mrs. Robert Courtney and Mrs. Dwight Micanek and Lauri Dee spent Thursday af ternoon at the Bill Bentz home in Spencer._ ' I One of 7500 RCA “Victor” Clock Radios To Be Given Away by Rexall fust come In and ask us about REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS— * America’s Largest Selling Vitamin-Mineral Product! NOTHING TO BUY! NOTHING TO THINK UP! NOTHING TO WRITE BUT YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS! Super Plenamins the formula with 11 Vitamins and 12 Minerals, including B12, plus Iron and Liver—all in one daily tablet! You don’t have to buy to enter, but it’s a good Idea to get some Super Plenamins today! Assure yourself an adequate dally vita min Intake—for as little as less than 5c a day! HELD OVER FOR MONTH OF APRIL ! Cara Nome ‘Fast’ Permanent { Price Sale Regularly $1.75—Now just 87c each FOR MEN ! Stag Plastic Travelers AFTER SHAVE LOTION — ELECTRIC PRE SHAVE LOTION SHAMPOO Easy to Pack — Leakproof — Unbreakable — Refillable I only 6yc each FARMERS and STOCKMEN Make Gilligan REXAIJ, Drug your headquarters (or all your Animal Health needs: VACCINES: You’ll like our prices on the Double and the Triple Vaccines. ITten you are ready to vaccinate, remember, Gilligan REXALL Drug is the place to buy your vaccine. SCOURS REMEDIES: Don’t wait until scours strikes. Get a good Scours remedy and keep some on hand. We carry several good kinds, all highly recommended. PENICILLIN & DIHYDROSTREPTOMYCIN: This is the product of choice for Pneumonia and Pneumonia-like conditions, as well as many other infections to which livestock a susceptible. A supply of this kept on hand at all times is good insurance—and economical. Visit Our Veterinary Department For ALL Your Animal Health Needs Looking For Seed Inoculant? Get N1TRAGIN today at Gilligan REX ALL Drug! SEE US FOR YOUR NITRAGIN PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O'Neill Margaret Stenger called on Mrs Nata Bjomsen Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Emil Micanek Vis ited at Joe Micanek jr., Friday. I Mr and Mrs. Robert Courtney and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Micanek and family spent Easter Sunday at the Edward May home near Verdel. Mr and Mrs. Alvin Carson of O’Neill came Thursday to help Alvin's mother celebrate her birthday. Mrs Ruby Flanders and daugh ter, Ruby of Verdel visited Mrs. Nata Bjomsen Wednesday. Thursday evening, April 2, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Qiristensen, Mr. and i Mrs. Wallace Courtney. Mr. and Mrs Frank Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Webber surprised Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Barnes on their 40th wedding anniversary. Cards were played and the self in vited guests brought lunch. Arlene Birmeier of Chadron is spending a few weeks with home folks. Mrs. George Kalkowski spent Friday afternoon at Jake Birmei er’s. Mrs. Charley Sinclair and John nie of Gross spent Saturday with Mrs. Nata Bjomsen. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bjomsen of Hillsboro, Ore., sent slides of their Christmas day to Mrs. Nata Bjomsen and last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carson of O'Neill, and Nick Baker watched the mov ies at Mrs. Bjornsen’s. Pictures of Stanley, his home and family and scenery at Mt. Hood were viewed. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sieler were Omaha visitors several days this week. The children stayed with their grandparents during their parents absence. » Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vogt and Bev erly of Naper visited with Jimmy Suckstorf Friday. Arlene Birmeier spent Easter Sunday at the Lawrence Schommer home at Spencer. Deloros Wells spent Sunday af ternoon with Louise Biermeier. Mrs. Jake Biermeier, Louise ana Arlene were in O’Neill and Neligh April 1. , , , Jimmy Suckstorf was on the sick list the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Courtney visited at the Martin Jehorek home March 31 evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Meuller and family spent April 1 evening at Martin Jehorek’s. The local senior class enjoyed their annual sneak days Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Omaha and Lincoln. Don Allen took them in the school bus. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski spent Thursday evening at Anton Kalkowski’s. „, „ . _ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vogt and Bev erly of Naper visited at Jimmy Suckstorfs Sunday. Joe Boska called at Bill Maklen dorfs Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Glen Butterfield Mr. and Mrs. Leland Anderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Andrus, all of Atkinson and Mr and Mrs. Dean Prewitt and daughter of Amelia were Easter Sunday din ner guests at Don Allens and Mrs. Grace Edson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Ival Bodine of St. Charles spent Sunday at Harold Bennetts. Mrs. Lloyd Spencer, Mrs. Dot Allen, Mrs. Gracia Crig. Mrs. Ed. Heiser, Mrs. Jack Youell, Mrs. William Lokota, Mrs. Arlene Bow ers Mrs. Ronald Stewart, Mrs. Gene Harris, Mrs. Howard Devall, Mrs. Leland Moody, Margaret Stenger, Mrs. Harold Wickersham, Mrs. Louie Christensen and Mrs. Howard Anderson took the exten sion club lesson April 1. . The State extension specialist presented the lesson on storage space in the home." The Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary church altar society met at the church rectory April 2 after noon. Eighteen members were present. Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst, Mrs. Beryl Moody and Mrs. James Maly were hostesses. Mrs. Clarence Kolund presided and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski was acting secretary in the absence of Mrs. Louie Christensen. Mrs. Dennis Kube, spiritual de velopment chairman gave a report on "The Annunciation of Blessed Virgin Mary.” Bill Mulhair spent this week in Omaha. , , , „ Art Wilson of Verdel and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wurtz and family of Spencer visited Mrs. Laura Wurtz here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Schindler and family of Missoula, Mont., are here visiting old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schissler of Sioux City visited friends here last week. The Eastern Star ladies served a pancake supper at the legion hall Saturday. Bill Mulhair spent this week in Omaha The Lynch high school band re ceived their new band uniforms this week. Mrs. Thirza Crawford is visiting at the Virgil Crawford home in Long Valley, S.D. Don Johnson and Harry Moffett returned home from a three we^ks vacation trip to Florida. Frank Weeder, Wallace Moffett, Wallace Courtney, Frank Carstene, Bernard Hajek and Robert Conklin were business visitors in Creighton Tuesday. Rock Falls News By Mrs. Floyd Johnson I didn’t sec any Rock Falls news in this past week. Seems your re porter had too many irons in the fire. About this time of year one needs more than two hands with so many chores beckoning. Miss Leah Serck of Denver, vi siting a few days with her parents at Eastertime, accompanied her father on April 2 for a visit at the Henry Vequist home. Miss Linda of Sioux Falls, S.D. was home for a couple days also. On Sunday Mrs. Orville Morrow and sons and daughter, Betty, had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist. Thursday evening visitors at the James Curran home were Dale Curran, Peggy and Randy and George Curran and Anita Ellston. John Richardson was a Friday evening visitor of the James Cur ran family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty of the Joy neighborhood celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Sunday at their home among a number of friends and rela tives. Attending from this neigh borhood were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and children and Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardetl. Mrs. Louie Vitt and Bill McClel lan were Sunday dinner guests at the Fred Ernst home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst, Vin cent and Mrs. Fanny Ernst were April 1 evening callers at the Mike Bauer's home, new neighbors in the community. Vincent Ernst spent Friday ev ening with Mr. and Mrs Orville Thomson and enjoyed watching the boxing events on TV. Mr and Mrs. Jim Moss and children of Sioux City, la., were weekend guests at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Stems. Mrs Albert Stems and Evelyn and Mrs. Jim Moss and children were Saturday forenoon callers at the James Curran home. Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi was on af ternoon caller at the Lloyd Galla gher home on April 1. Mrs. Delia Ernst of Amelia spent the past week visiting at the Blake Benson home. Clem Benson of Nor folk was also a visitor there from Thursday till Monday. Miss Rita Vequlst delivered » speech of her own composition, the theme "Why 4-H" at the speech coatest In O'NetH on flat (inlay. She won second place In the event. Mrs John Schultz and Gwenda j and Mrs Floyd Johnson were Sat urday afternoon and evening visi tors of Theresa Breiner and the Bill Murray family Supper and evening visitors at the Floyd Johnson home on March 30 were Mrs. John Pinnt of Chad ron and her son, Duane, who is home on 30 day furlough, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Russy. and Dan Rakes. ___ Mr and Mrs. John Kersenbrock were Friday evening visitors at the John Schultz home. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Johnson en joyed a pizza supper on Sunday, with their daughter, Mrs. John Schultz and family'. Linda Johnson spent Sunday with .the Gordon Johnson family in O' Neill Mrs Norma Steele and son, Ev an were Saturday dinner guests of the Floyd Johnson family. A community arithmetic contest was held on April 2 at the Midway school in which all pupils from (District 33 participated except be | ginner, Deffie Schultz, and first : grader, Russell Derickson. The winners will compete with i county contestants at a later date j in O'Neill. April 2 supper and evening guests of the Albert Widtfeldt fam ily were William Serck and daugh ter, Leah of Emmett. Dean Johnson and son, Dicky, were Sunday morning callers at the Alt>ert Wedtfeldt home. John Kersenbrock, while drt- I vtng leisurely along the emintry side, |Mild an early morning call at the John Schuttx home on Tuesday. Miss Nina Burival was a supper ami evening Ruest at the Lou Brown homo on April 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ijou Brown and children spent Sunday at the Dick Wolfe home in Fairfax, S.D. Lunch & Bake SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 11 at SHELHAMERS JACK & JILL SALE STARTS AT 8:80 A M. ASH GROVE AUXILIARY 40t JALOPY 40t BANANA SPLITS They Taste Good — Like A Banana Split Should! _ OUR RECIPE: Take 1 firm, ripe banana, peel and split lengthwise. Place in a special plastic "banana boat". Add three generous mounds of smooth, rich tasting Jalopy. Cover 1 mound each with fresh frozen straw berries, pineapple, and rich chocolate (or customer's choice) . Garnish with whipped cream and serve. IT CAN'T BE BEAT - NOT EVEN EQUALIED 111_ Hornby's Jalopy rrr I The moment a Cadillac comes into view it begins to say B I The Standard of the world In wonderful thing, about the man a, the wheel. I. tell, of | ■ ** his fine taste ... his good and practical judgment... ■ B _ his achievements in his chosen field. And the reasons for B B | 1a this are found in the character of the car itself. For longer B B B j l| "| I* than fifty years, goodness has been the watchword; B B ^craftsmanship the creed. In the lexicon of motordom B B —Cadillac is the world's best synonym for qualityl B m \ m m VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER 1 I he year 1959 marks the anniversary of 100 years of continuous operation by the M. K. Goetz Brewing /gyrZ) Company in St. Joseph, Missouri. We take great pride in this fact. But, even greater than this pride, is the deep sense of gratitude we feel toward those friends, customers and employees who have made this milestone possible. It is traditional in our family, as well as in the Old World industry, to mark such an event with a special brew. My grandfather, Michael Karl Goetz, took great pride in his Country Club Pilsener Beer—Famous For Its Flavor Since 1859. As a tribute to our founder, and for the pleasure of our cus tomers and friends we have brewed this venerable product again just as he would have made it. It promises you something traditional and yet something different. It will in no way displace any of our fine modern prod ucts, Goetz Beer, Country Club Malt Liquor and Goetz Pala Near Beer. We invite you to try, and to enjoy Country Club Pilsener Beer just as your grandfather did in the pioneer days. With every sip we wish you good health and the same prosperity and happi riess you have made possible for us. Sincerely, ✓