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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1959)
lynch News 12 High School Boys To State Tournament By Mrs. \ll» rt KaJkovvski Twelve Lynch high school boys accompanied Coach Wilson to Lin coln to Ihe basketball Tournament March 12-13. Joan Birmeier spent Sunday eve ning with Linda Crooks. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg and family returned home from a two weeks visit in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sixta spent Saturday evening at the Varnon Dahlberg home. Mrs. Charley Sinclair and son, Johnnie, of Gross visited with Mrs. Nuta Bjornsen March 12 evening. Johnnie attended the Lions Club meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Purviance, jr. of Denver, Colo, were Monday dinner guests at the Harold Mica nek home. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg and family were last Monday eve ning visitors at the Kenneth John son home. Mrs. Inger I^evi is staying with the Herman Heiser family this past week. Mrs. Nata Bjomson visited March 8th with Mr. and Mrs. Al vin Carson in O'Neill A family dinner was held at the Ronald Carson home in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Mills and Mrs. Lavina Kersch and family March , 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Mills and Mrs. | Kersch and children left for their new home in Phoenix, Ariz. Mr and Mrs. Harold Micanek spent Friday evening at the Emil Micanek home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson of Verdel were Monday Lynch visi tors. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ehrhardt of West Point visited March 12 with the latter's mother. Mrs. Clyde McKenzie. *vtis. Frank Fisher visited her sister, Mrs. Joe Macku, Saturday in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Havranek, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kalkowski and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney spent March 10 evening at the Ro bert Courtney home. Mrs. Roy Lowry of O'Neill, Mrs. Glen Hull, Mrs. Peter Mulhair and Mrs. Leonard Havranek and children spent March 12 evening at the Billy Spencer home. The men were at the Lions Club meet ing. Anton Kalkowski and Mel Lueken were in Niobrara March 12 eve ning assisting in making plans for a church bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Klasna of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sixta were Sunday March 8th sup tier guests at Vernon I>ahi bergs Mrs. Iceland Moody was a lunch guest March 12 of Mrs. Floyd France. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cranford and daughters of Spencer visited March 10 at the parental Frank Cranford tome Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kalkowski and Kevin and Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Havranek and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Glen Hull home. The Dick Hulls were supper guests there that day. Recent callers at t h e Floyd France tome were Mrs. Gene Har ris, Mrs. Bertha Boelter, Mrs Han nah Streit, Mrs. Fred Wurtz and Mrs. Lewie Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hull and ba by spent Saturday evening at the Glen Hull home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dickey of Silencer visited March 10 at the local hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and family spent Friday evening at Vernon Dahlberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Sieler of Monowi spent Sunday evening at the Leonard Havranek home. Kim Lueken w'as a March 8th dinner guest at the Frank Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France and Mrs. Glen Stewart attended the funeral of Henry Tomlinson in O'Neill March 11. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart are operating the Spelts Cafe. They be gan March 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France spent the weekend In Ainsworth visiting their son, Harold, anil Ill III 11 • Mr. and Mrs. Dale Barta and daughters of Verdel were March 12th Lynch visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cranford of Spencer visited at their parental Frank Cranford home Friday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mulhair left March 12th for a 3 weeks va cation trip to California. Walter Kovanda of Verdel visi ted March 9th Bernard Hajeks. A farewell party, sponsored by Mrs. Billy Spencer, was held I at the Spencer home in honor of ' Mrs. Lavina Kerseh Friday eve ning. Mrs. Kerseh is moving to Phoenix, Ariz. this week. Four teen ladies were present at the party. Gaines were played for entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Crawford and daughter were Sioux City vi sitors March 6th. Joe Boska visited March 10 at the Frank Prokop, sr. home north east of Spencer. Mr. ana Mrs. Howard Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Barnes spent Friday evening at the Clar ence Kolund home. Frank Fisher was a Saturday business caller in Bonesteel, S. D. Mrs. Ruby Flanders and daugh ter, Ruby, visited Mrs. Nata Bjorn sen March 12th. Carroll Bjornsen of Sioux City was a Lynch Caller March 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Purviance. jr. left March 12th for Denver, Colo, where Leroy is stationed. Danny Mulhair spent Monday night at the Harold Micanek home. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pinkerman spent Monday evening at the John Hurd home. Vic and DeLynn Pickering and Loren Pinkerman attended the basketball tournament at Lincoln March 12-13. . Dale Barta of Verdel was a Fri day business visitor here. A talent contest w as sponsored by the American Legion Auxili ary Monday at the legion Hall. Prizes were given in three differ ent group entries. Mrs. Faye Pinkerman spent Fri day at the John Hurd home. The Excello Club met at the home of Mrs. Dale Lewis Monday evening. Mrs. Ernest Darnell was co-hostess. Eleven members were | present. Plans were made to help | sponsor a child to Diabetic Camp this summer. Mrs. Ernest Sixta and Mrs. i Richard Ducker presented the les son on "Shoes That Fit." The rea ding leader read an article enti tled "More alert public is vital need in United States." The local American Legion, sponsored a St. Patrick's Dance Tuesday at the Lynch Ballroom. Set for Holt County 1959 ACP Program The Federal Government, through the Agricultural Conser vation Program, is ready and will ing to help defray part of the cost of the conservation work being performed in Holt County. Special ACP handbooks con taining a list of the conservation practices approved In this county have been mailed hi all Rural Route boxhoiders and known operators and owners living in towns. If you have not received a copy of this handbook, please ship at the office and request yours. _ The official form on which to file your request is now available at the county ASC office Your re quest for Federal cost-sharing must be filed with the Holt Coun- j ty ASC Committee on or before \ March 31, 1959. if you desire as- | sistance in carrying out practices | numliered 17. 18. 20, 22 and 26. For • practice number 31, it must be filed by April 15, 1959. For all other practices, your request must be filed during the 30-day period prior to the time when the prac tice will be started. A request will not be accepted if performance of the practice has been started be fore the request is made. A soil analysis must be obtain ed by you and filed in the County ASC office Indore cost sharing ! can be approved for the applies- j tion of lime or superphosphate, i The only approved testing labor atory for Holt County is the I'ni verst ty of Nebraska at Uncoln. Anyone interested in performing ACP practices must make their request by the dates specified above. i. ■-V.AVA...V. -w. >w... v. -- • • Poor Visibilty Although you would never know it now, the blizzard conditions that prevailed just a few days ago brought vlsability near zero. These trees were photographed at the height of the storin in front of the libary in O’Neill. The Frontier photo. -Obituaries-- | CHARLES L. HARDING Charles L. Harding was bom January 26, 1873 at Sioux City, la., the son of James E. and Mary Reese Harding. He died March 10 at the Veterans hospital in Grand Island. Mr. Harding moved with his fam ily to Holt County in 1880 to the Saratoga community north of O’ Neill, later moving to O’Neill. He remembered well the “blizzard of 1888”. He spent a few years in Spokane, Wash., where he worked as a contractor and painter. On May 27, 1898 he volunteered in service and served as an artific er of Company M of the 3rd reg iment of Nebraska Volunteer In fantry and spent most of the time in Cuba. He was promoted to corp oral and was stationed at Jackson ville, Fla. He received his dis charge at Agusta, Ga., on May 11, 1899. The inscription reads "Ser I vice, honest and faithful”. He was united in marriage to Mrs. Anna Sanford Davis on Oc ; lober 15, 1921. at O'Neill. After ' her death June 24, 1946 he spent j his remaining years in retirement, working some as a cabinet maker and hobby gardener, lie had been I a wheel chair patient for five years i and was cared for by a niece, Mrs. J Robert C. Ridell of Denver and a ! neighlxjr, Mrs. Max Greiner. Survivors include a brother, Bert I A. of San Jose, Calif.; a step daughter, Mrs. Elsie Uhl and two step grandsons, Leon and Norman Uhl: numerous nieces and neph ews. He was preceeded in death by | three brothers: Lawrence, James and Eli, and four sisters: Evelyn Harding, Mrs. Elizabeth Brittell, Mrs. Ida May Smith and Mrs. Lydia Hayden. Funeral services were held Fri day at 2 O’Clock from the Meth odist church with Rev. Glenn Ken nicott officiating. Burial was in Prospect cemetery. Pallbearers were Arlo Hiatt, Hurley Jones, Ben Gilligan, Leo Moore, H. E. Coyne and Harold Burge. County Court March 5—Warren D. Switzer, O' Neill, fined $10 and $4 court cost for night speeding. R. L. Gude. March 5—Contois Motor, Clear water, fined $10 and $4 court cost for illegal use of intransit plates. E. M. Hastreiter. March 6—Martin P. Hartford, driver for General Wholesale. Nor folk, fined $60 and $4 court cost for overload on axle. Clifford L. Kizzire. March 6—Lawrence C. Godel, O'Neill, fined $10 and $4 court cost for no number plates. E. M. Has treiter. March 6—Francis J. Hickey, O' Neill, fined $10 and $4 court cost for expired license plates. Sgt. R. R. Shomey. March 9—Dale B. Christensen, driver for PIE, Chicago, 111., fined $50 and $4 court cost for over weight. Clifford L. Kizzire. March 9—Douglas Glenn Read, j Chatham, Ontario, Canada, fined i $10 and $4 court cost for no reci | procity. Donald F. Richardson. March 9- Earl LeRoy Harring ton, driver for Thaddeus A. Moss, Butterfield, Minn., fined 1. over weight on interior group of axles, $130.00. 2. Overweight on gross on exterior group of axles, $60.00 and $4 court cost. Donald F. Richard son. March 10—John Kanzler, Jr., driver for Donald Schott, Chadron, Nebr., fined $50 and $4 court cost for over gross weight. Clifford L. Kizzire. March 10—Elvvin Rubek, Cham bers, fined $5 and $4 court cost for faulty brakes. R. L. Gude. March 11 Donald Lee Braun, driver for Dwight E. Dam, Valen tine, fined $50 and $4 court cost for over weight on interior group. Donald F. Richardson. March 11 W. S. Simmons, Page, fined $10 for fictitious number plates; and $10 for failure to stop at a stop sign, and $4 court cost. E. M. Hastreiter. March 11—Jerald J. Schaaf, Emmet, fined $10 and $4 court cost for expired license plates. E. M. Hastreiter. Use Frontier Want Ads O'Neill Locals Mi's. Martina Dishner returned j home Monday from visiting rela- ' tives, Mr. and Mrs. John Robin son of Hampton, Iowa. Mrs. Mary Higlin and Mrs Mar garet Holer returned home Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Higlin had been \ isiting her daughters and families. Mrs. John S. Carroll and Mrs. D. A Herg in Denver, Colo. Mrs. Holer was visiting her sis ter. Anne Waters in Omaha. Mrs. H. G. Kruse returned home Tuesday from Perry la., where she had been visiting at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Ike Van Every. Miss Carolyn Lindberg of Wes leyan University at Lincoln spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lind berg. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gallagher arrived home Monday from San Diego, Calif., where they were vis iting at the home of their daugh ter. Mrs. Anthony Annevvalt worth spent Monday in the Dave Loy home. Mrs. J. M. Kennedy of Ains Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young and her mother, Mrs. Milne of Creigh ton were March 7 callers at the home of Mrs. Edith Young and Miss Maude Rouse. Dorsey News Harpster Receives Treatment By Mrs. Henry Reimer Fred Haipster is in Savannah, Mo. where he is under treatment, lie is staying at the Case Hotel. Terry Haipster celebrated bis 11 th birthday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Starr of West Point attended the funeral Friday for Mr. McMahan of Inman. They also visited Mrs. Reimers Kinder garten room. Lyle Bartak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bartak, was a patient at. the Antelope Memorial Hospital in Neligh. Several from here attended the Jack Sisson sale Sunday near Ew ing. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sehmiser went to S. D. to attend a funeral for his uncle. They returned home March 11. i Saturday is the first day of spring and Easter less than twc weeks away,but to look out and see the snowdrifts one wonders il the weatherman will cooperate, Mr. and Mrg. Carl Wulf and two children have moved from Ewing to Tilden where he has em ployment. Mrs. Don Spahn was hostess to the H. E. O. Club March 12. A lesson on color was presented by Mrs. Glenn Harpster and Mrs. Maynard Steams. Mrs. Ralph Tomjack arrived home March 11 from Orlando. Fla. She made the trip by bus. Alex Thramer and Bob Walno fer have purchased the Gamble store in Ewing from Waldo Davis and will move to Ewing soon. Mrs. Bill Maben and children vi sited Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben and Mrs. Emma Wulf at the Mahen home last week.Bill Maben was at tending a two week insurance school in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben took Mrs. Bill Maben and family to her parents home near Spalding March 11. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Utterback have returned to Norfolk and are making their home in Norfolk where Clair has employment. Mrs. Howard Manson accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Joe Contois to Norfolk March 11. They attended meetings at the Church of Christ. Celia News Two Local Boys and The 'Overshoe Blues' By Mrs. Mark Hendricks Ricky Huston spent the weekend with his friend, Charles Chaffen recently. As boys will do, they left their overshoes lay ing out doors when the evening chores were over Fri day night. You can easily guess at their countenances. Saturday morning when it was again chore' time and they saw all this very heavy wet snow and remembered where their overshoes were. Mom had come to the rescue, as Moms always do, and brought them in after the boys were off to bed that night so they were nice and dry and warm. Thanks Mom. Markita Hendricks and Shirley Holstead spent the weekend of March 15 at the home af Mr and Mrs. Omer Points near Stuart. Mrs. Points is Markita’s grand mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hickok visi ted at the Connie Frickle home March 8. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Heck and daughter, Sheryl, visited at the home of Mrs. Beck’s parents, the Henry Dobrovolny's March 1st. Other guests, were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ticser and children, Mr. and Mrs. William Sammons and son, and Mrs. Darius Burgess and son of Ainsworth. Mrs. llieser, Mrs. Sammons, Mrs. Burgess, and Mrs. Beck arc all daughters of the Dobrovolny s Mr. and Mrs. Duke Hoffman and sons and Miss Dorothy Scott enjoyed watching television at the Duane Beck home one night last week. March 8, Mr. and Mrs. Byrl Beck entertained the following at dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frickle and children, Mrs. Inez Hayes and Vernon Whitehead. In the after noon, they all attended the meet of the Jolly Ramblers 4 H club at the Bob Jonas home. Gary Hoffman spent several days this past week nursing a cold. His Brother, Roger, babysitted with him on Monday, Hius missing out on a day of school. Tuesday Gary stayed with his grandmother Mrs. Amelia Hoffman, in Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Andersor called March 12 at the Leonarc Chaffin home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendrick: and Arlin attended the grasslam days meeting at Stuart Friday Arlin says those pictures that Re: Messersmith showed will help hir a lot in his geography and histor and it was will worth missin school to see them. He even gc to shake hands with Rex and as a question or two about the "Ate mium” w'hich Rex showed slide of and which Arlin has had in th school weekly readers. I-conard Chaffin attendee! the bullsale at Butte March 10. The Wesleyan Methodist Tea chers Training Classes met at the Merrill Anderson home the eve ning of March. 12th. Mi llary Johnson was a supper guest March 12 at the Mark Hen dricks home. I-ater in the evening LeRoy Thurlow came to spend die evening. He is working for Henry Hieser at present. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack am! l>ennis visited with Mrs. Cblfack's parents, the Adolph Urp's at Butte March 8th. Denton Cofnck and Gary Hitch cock visited in Lincoln the week end of March 8th. Jim Hendricks visited his uncle Ma’rk Hendricks and family als* the George Hitchcock family March 8 weekend. Fritz DeSieve helped Omar Points and Lavcrn Engler deltors calves at the Terry wilson ranch March 12. Mr. Points has l>ec*» having a siege of flu and near pneumonia so the day was pretty hard on him. Omer Points and Lavern Knglet helped Mark Hendricks brand and vaccinate alxxit 45 head of year ling heifers. Mrs. Points helped her daughter, Mrs. Hendricks grt the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Put Kilmurry of Atkinson were March 8 dinner guests at the Frank Kllnnirry homo. The occasion was Pat Kit murry’s birthday. Jerald Heiser visited his cousia Rolph Heiser, the afternoon of March 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heiser visited a day last week at the Dick Wads worth home. The ladies worked up the beef they had butchered Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Babcock were callers at the George Mintle home Sunday evening. Mr. ana Mrs. John oicheneder and daughter visited at tin' Silas Coy home in Orchard March 8th. Mrs. Ethel Cooper and daughter were also guests. Mrs. Cooper iB Mrs. Coy’s mother and a half sis ter of Mrs. Siehenedcr. Mr. and Mrs. James Siehenedcr entertained the following at a card party March 10. Mr. and Mrs. Narbet Dobias and children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shane, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Stanley Johnson. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Eddie Walonfer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Goldfuss and ' family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold 1 Goldfuss, and Mr. and Mrs. John Siehenedcr. Mrs. Fern Marsott is visiting ' at the home of her (laughter. Mrs. John Schneider. t Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie < and children and Mr. andMrs. _ John Schwindt and daughter vi&i s ted at the Ralph Arnold home Fri p day evening. John Schneider helped his par ents move to the Mary Henning farm last week. ■ You’ll put more "GO” into ROW CROP FARMING with Ford SELECT-O-SPEED! Select-O-Speed permits finger-tip clutchless shifting throughout en tire range of 10 forward, 2 reverse speeds while on-the-go and under loadI You'll save a lot of time-wasting stops, get a lot more work done. Yes, shift up or down with a touch of the finger to match pull-power and speed exactly, instantly, to changing field or crop conditions. And with completely independent PTO, you can engage and disengage the PTO shaft while on-the-go . . . all for the easiest, most efficient tractor perform ance you’ve ever seen. STOP IN — see and drive a new Ford Select-O-Speed Tractor! [ii^iriTij Franchise Available BluM In This Area For Information Contact O’SHEA ROGERS TRACTOR & EQI IPMENT CX>. j ton North 17th Street Lincoln, Nebr._ Selling at Auction—COMPLETE Household Furniture The following described personal property belonging to Mary Jones will be sold at Public Auction at the residence at 405 East Everett St. (first house east of Spelts-Ray Lumber Co.) on . . . FRIDAY, MARCH 20 SALE STARTS AT 1 P.M. G.E. Electric Stove, Gossip bench Small elec, appliances nearly new Lamps Dishes Norge Refrigerator, Floorlamp Cooking utensils nearly new 2 Chest of drawers Pictures Dining room set Records Mirrors Bedroom set 2 Chairs Radio-phono Washing machine Tubs (table model) 2 End tables Silverware 2 Hassocks 2 Lamp tables Drapes 1 Cocktail table Ljnens of all kinds GARDEN TOOLS, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. TERMS: Cash MARY JONES COL. WALLY O'CONNELL, Auctioneer ED MURPHY, Clerk Perfect protection for Heat, rust and stain re stove tops and other fine back wil, nQt chip or surfaces from burns, peel. Patented Kant-Kut stains, nicks and scratches. Corners. 15 X 19 In..$1.89 13 x 1 9 in....$1.79 11 x 19 In.. 1.69 ex 19 in. V49 Easily Installed— Two 1" ' Arista-Mats back of stove easily cleaned! rr "e tify >'ouf wlUi. Coyne Hardware O'Neill, Nebr. = BEN FRANKLIN=^^== colorful EASTER 7c to 69c BASKETS I Brilliant color combinations. Woven splint wood or splint bamboo baskets in round, rectangular, oval shapes. Graceful handles, j Assortcd sizes. PLUSH RABBITS 12-19-IN. SIZE 1.98 ea. Big cuddly bunnies! soft pile rayon plush stuffed with cot ton. Hutton nose, puff tall. I Four colors. I Chenille Chicks Plush r p in Rabbits 5C & lUC no Dainty ' 2 - In. chicks. Cute Stuffed cotton feather wings, plush. Satin pretty colors. ears, ‘colored bows. 8-11-In. Easter - Grass LPaas Egg Dye 10c - 15c 10c - 19c 25c Six pure food Fiife, buoyant color tablets, shreds of cel 27 decorations, lophane. B I r egg dipper. lJ/«-o*. pkg. PATTON'S O'NEILL