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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1959)
. District Supervisor Is Guest At OES Meeting Thursday Mrs Irene Ashbum. Plainview. district supervisor of the Order of Eastern Star, was in O’Neill Sat arday to visit the OES chapter ■iere School instruction was held in stie afternoon with a banquet at * 30 at the Methodist church in honor of Mrs. Ashbum. The regu lar meeting followed the banquet it 8 p.m. in the Oddfellow Hall. Next meeting will be April 9. Pink-Blue Shower for Local Women (Sirs, Verlin Peterson entertained Jt members of the VFW Auxiliary th.) 926 Tuesday afternoon at a Bnk and blue shower, honoring rs Frank Belmer, Mrs. Bert OeGroff and Mrs. Donald Richard son. A lunch of cake, ice cream and softer was served. The honoree’s received many nice «nd useful gifts. Women Gardeners To Meet in Stuart; Plan Extention Speaker A special meeting of the Feder ated Garden clubs will be held at Stuart at the community church March 26. Wayfte Whitney or the extension aervice will speak at 1 p.m. on the pruning of trees and shrubs. Members are asked to bring a covered dish and their own table aervice Visitors are cordially in cited to attend, O'Neill Womens Club The O'Neill Women’s club will meet March 24 at the home of Mrs. Esther Harris. Mrs. Helen Rouke of Ainsworth will present a program on "good grooming". Several O'Neill Couples Entertained in Atkinson Mr. and Mrs Robert Clifford, Atkinson, entertained several O’ Neill couples with dinner and brid ge Sunday evening. Guests from O’Neill were Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Cronin, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Srady, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lo SEE Bankerslifeman — Ernie Brinkman IN ATKINSON About an Accident & Sickness Plan. DBA MOtNN. IOWA haus, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gate and I Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak. Also guests i were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brewster. ] Stuart, and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huffman, Bassett. Bridge winners were Mr. Cro-1 nin, Mr. Lohaus, Mrs. Huffman and [ Mrs. Jaszkowiak. Juedl club Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak was hos ! tess to Juedi club members March 12 following dinner at the Town House. Winners were Mrs. J. B. Grady and Mrs. Melvin Ruzica. To night’s meeting will be with Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock. Christ Lutheran I Julies Aid The Lutheran Ladies met March 12 at the Lutheran church base ment, with 14 members there Mrs. Dale Herberg was a guest and Mrs. Don Meyer became a new member. Roll call was a favorite hymn and why. Mrs. Edwin Krugman presented the topic, "Parents— No Greater Heroes.” It was decid ed to hold a food shower for Mr and Mrs. Boyd Boelter in honor of the four children who have come to live with them. Hostesses were Mrs. Don Kellner and Mrs. W. D. Kipple. ' Delhi Dek—Martez Delta Dek and Martez clubs met March 12 at the Mrs. H. J. LoHaus home. Mrs. Mable McKenna and Evelyn Stannard were winners. What-Not-Extension Mrs. Vernon Carpenter was hos tess to What-Not-Extension mem bers March 12. All the members wore Easter hats they made them selves. Roll call was a favorite color. Mrs. Milton Baack opened the business meeting. Mrs. Terry Wilson and Mrs. Glen Kennicot gave the lesson with the topic "Concerning Colors.” Mrs. Ted Ky ster was hostess and Mrs. Vernon Carpenter, co-hostess. Methodist Wesleyan Service Guild met at the Methodist church Mon Methodist Wesleyan Service Guild day evening with Miss Alice French and Miss Effie Stevens serving re freshments. Mrs. George Carstens and Mrs. Robert Evans gave the devotion and lesson. Next meeting will be April 20 at the Willard Solfermo ser home. SS Club SS Club members met March 10 at the Mrs. Wallace O’Connell home. Following a business meet ing, cards and a guessing game were played. Winners were Mrs. Frank Saukup and Mrs. Ed Mur phy. Mrs. Murphy was a guest. A lunch was served. Next meeting will be April 14. Friendly Neighbors Extension Mrs. Marvin Anderson was host ess to 13 members of the Friendly Neighbor’s Extension club Tuesday night. Members answered roll call with a ten cent gift. Mrs. Bud Krugman was in Meet Me At . . . THE FRIENDS OF ST. MARY’S] BENEFIT DANCE EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29] American legion Auditorium charge of entertainment which consisted of playing games. Host ess was Mrs. V. K. Calmer. Next meeting will be April 21 at the Mrs. Frank Eppenbach home. MM Club Mrs. L. A. Burgess was hostess Tuesday for the MM bridge club meeting. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer and Mrs. Harold Lindberg were win ners. A dessert luncheon was serv ed. Next meeting will be March 31 with Mrs. Harold lindberg. Starlight Extension Mrs. Jay McConnell was hostess Monday evening to members of the Starlight Extension club. Mrs. Charles Beilin presented the lesson on color. A guessing game was played to raise money for the club. Five women became new mem bers of the club. They were Mrs. Jim McKenny, Mrs. Frank Mc Kenny, Mrs. Alma Evans, Mrs. Gladys Cunningham and Mrs Mar vin Strong. Next meeting will be April 20 at the Howard Newton home. Martez Martez bridge club members met Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Mable McKenna following dinner at the TownHouse. Winners were Mrs. Homer Mullen and Eve lyn Stannard. Guests were Mrs. Ben Grady and Mrs. Edward Gal lager. Four Local Families Return to O'Neill After Their Vacations A tour into Mexico as far as Juarez and a trip thru the south western United States was complet ed when Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole arrived home Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Klinger arrived home Friday after an ex tended trip thru southern Califor nia and a visit to Phoenix, Ariz. They stopped in New Mexico on the way home. Mr. and Mrs. Ira MjSS return ed Saturday evening from a two iveck trip thru the southern states going as far south as Flori da. A trip thru Texas and New Mex ico ended for M^s. O. M. Herre vhen she arrived home Monday. iVhile gone she also visited at her son’s home, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Herre and family at Beatrice. MISSIONARY RALLY A district meeting and mission arv rally will be held at the Ew ing-Riverside Free Methodist church beginning Friday evening and lasting until Sunday. Rev. E. B. Smith, convert superin tendent. will be in charge. Rev. Merlin Adamson, missionary from Africa is the guest speaker. Ivan Turner, pastor. NTTF Bridge Club The NTTF Bridge club met for a 7:30 dinner March 11 at the Town House. Cards were played later at the home of Mrs. Jim Don ohoe. Mrs. Don Templemeyer received high score and Mrs. William Mat tern received second high. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lieb of Clay Center announce the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Barbara Kay, to Jerry L. Peter son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Peterson of Edgar. An early fall wedding is plan ned by the couple. Miss Lieb is a former Atkinson high school student and both she and her fiancee are 1958 graduates of Clay Center high school. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Johnson of Ainsworth announce the engage ment and approaching marriage of their niece, Eliza Johnson, above, to Don Rzeszotarski, son of Gaines Rzeszotarski of Emmet. A June wedding is planned. > tj ir Delbert Carl of Ewing has an nounced the engagement of his daughter, Miss Ruby Carl, above to Richard Williamson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Williamson of Orchard. Miss Carl is a mem ber of the junior class of the Ewing high school. Mr. William son, graduate of the Ewing high school with the class of 1958, is attending an Omaha commercial college. No date has been set for the wedding. George Petersons Move To O'Neill Four of the newest people in O' Neill are the members of the George Peterson Jr. family. The Peterson's have been in O'Neill for I about 3 weeks. Mr Peterson is the manager of the O'Neill Feet! Store, once managed by his father, I the late George Peterson Sr. George’s wife. Mildred, and two * sons, Steven, 14, and Kent, 12, I comprise the rest of the Peterson family. They moved to O'Neill I from Genoa, where George was ! employed with the Lyons Transfer | Co. Previous to that, the Petersons I had farmed in the Creston and Platte Center areas. They are not I really strangers to O'Neill, how ever says Mrs. Peterson. They have been here many times before on visits. Members of the Methodist i Church, the Petersons are now | living with Mrs. Peterson sr. at 627 East Douglas. Steven and Kent are in the 8th and 6th grades, re spectively. Horseback riding is a favorite of the entire family—in fact they brought their two horses with them to O'Neill so they could continue in this activity. George and the boys are all avid hunters. Although they miss farming, the Peterson’s are sure they will like O'Neill and their new ob. Elkhorn 4-H Club News— The Emmet Elkhorn Valley 4-H club met Friday at the Herman Grothe home to reorganize for the coming year. The new officers elected were: Junior Grothe, president, Bernard Schaaf, vice-president; Maureen Schaaf, secretary; Ruth Schaaf, news reporter, Jeanie Foreman, music leader. Barbara Fox and Janet Newton are new members this year. The projects we are taking are, let's cook, cakes and pies; w'ork and play clothes; dress up; loung ing and sleeping; garden and poultry'. Mrs. Elmer Schaaf will be oyy new leader and Mrs. Herman Gro the will be our assistant leader. Kool-ade and cookies were ser ved. The next meeting will be April 5 at the Elmer Schaaf home. Ruth Schaaf, news reporter ^Jlte Social i * # forecast Thursday, March 19 Juedi Club, D.. A. Kersenbrock home Friday, March 20 Rebekah Lodge, bake auction Chez-a-Mari, Mrs. Robert Devoy home Monday, March 23 National Guard Wives Happy Helpers 4-H, Duane Mc Kay home Tuesday, March 24 O’Neill Women’s Club O’Neill Better Ways, Mrs. Rich ard Hovey home Bridge Cluh, Mrs. Leigh Reyn oldson home Methodist Adult Fellowship Wednesday, March 2 RSS Wednesday Afternoon Bridge, Mrs. James Rooney 9ff, Mrs. Ben Gillespie home_ METHODIST LADIES Will Hold a FOOD SALE at Shelhamer’s JACK & JILL Saturday, March 28, 10 a.m. Although the George Petersons are new in town, they are well acquainted here in O'Neill. From left to right, Mrs. Peterson, their youngest son, Kent, 12, George, 14, and Mr. Peterson. The Frontier photo. Color Is Theme for Help Each Other Club The Help Each Other club met with Mrs. Donald Spahn March 12. There were nine members pre sent for the lesson, "Concerning Color", given by Mrs. Glen Ifarp ster and Mrs. Maynard Stearns. The business meeting was con ducted by the president, Mrs. Lam bert Bartak. The April meeting will be with Mrs. Edward Spahn. After the meeting adjourned, a lunch was served by the hostess. W.S.C.S. to Send District Delegate To State Conference “Progress in Ecumenicity” was the topic of the program and wor ship presented by Mrs. Glenn Ken nicott and Mrs. Ben Wayman at the regular meeting of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service at the Methodist church. A dessert luncheon was served | by Mrs. Neil Dawes, Mrs. Louis j Wray and Mrs. Frank Eppenbach. The business meeting followed. Plans were made to send a del egate to the conference meeting March 17 and 18 at Lincoln and to attend the district meeting April 3 at Page. A food sale will be held at Shel hamers Jack and Jill Stare March 28. Election of officers will be at the April 9 meeting. Plan Spring Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson of Amelia announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley, to Ar thur S. De Wolf of Kimball. A spring wedding is planned. Their other daughter, Evelyn, plans to be married on the same date to James Holmes of Ord. They are planning a double wed ding. Try The Frontier Want Ads for QUICK Results! -—Phone 51 O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allyn and girls of Stuart were March 12 af ternoon visitors at the Dwayne Philbrick borne. Mr. and Mrs Earl Farr and chil dren, Norfolk, Mrs. William Grothe Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farr were Sunday dinner guests in the Carl Schen/.el home. Sunday afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Newton. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess are in Sioux City today attending a dental meeting. Friends honored Mrs. Howard Newton in her home Tuesday after noon with a birthday party. Mrs. Newton received many gifts from the 12 friends present. FOOD SALE The Presbyterian Indies will hold a food sale at Shelhamers Jack and Jill store Saturday, March 21, beginning at 10 a.m. Grand Opening Of A and M Shoe Store_ Thursday—Friday—Saturday r I I.. — ■■ » Free Gifts For Everyone Featuring these nationally advertised lines: Naturalizers, Life Stride, Na tural Poise, Petite Debs, Glovettes Goodrich Canvass, Williams, Massagic, Weyenberg, Pedwin,.. Acme.. Boots, Red Wing, Jumping Jacks, Step Mas ter. J Easter... 1959 1 y.y 9*^ ~ 1] J> Calls For Expert — DRY CLEANING SERVICE Make sure you appear at your best this Easter. Good grooming rails for spotlessly clean, fresh clothes t . . the kind you always get back when you send to Ideal Cleaners Speedy service . . . low prices. And don’t forget, Fall and Winter clothes should be cleoned now before they are stored for the summer months. Stop In Today! Or Call 775W. WE CLEAN RUGS AND CARPETS Stop In and Ask Us or Call 775-W for Prices! Ideal Cleaners FRESHEN THE IMPRESSION — FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY O’Neill, Nehr. •• • * . * Big, Roomy' BIKE BASKET ‘ 1 I. _ m« • m »<—* * * \ l With i hub C tf, I w|eqiu7 'IHK nm Cj ^ : j.mbo U.UiM.AAA-ilB ^ I jj d /&- AA \ \ Vk 17 Piece He* Key / \ i t HAMPER '© ^«\\ ^ WRERe"SET, / 1 ' j 1 Solid from, construction. ^ W? #9* 00^ Soot lifts whon used fop 2 5 W x 11 x 26 ,2^Utn Si,e* ,ron* 050 *hrou8h *»«P»- Soddl# shaped . 2 inches high. Pearl!,.d .«**•» */?• ««" *omplef* % ,n(h For automofiv,( seat for perfect comfort. 9 ] •* I «?;«<.» ffr.S'S*1 P 8 I ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER, ^CTION TAPE I WEDGElus"to* j SCRUBBER ANO RUG CLEANER rnl“""" ’"rc 1 "cl-uc C7m' / Regularly ^AcUcmcT $39.95 | g© M095 ^ Utlidh) 510.95 Void. I Void. j P ''ST Ruq Cleaning Attachment I 0 Will scrub, wax and polish every floor and clean | High voltage resisting All fiber front and back ?• rug In your hrme right on the floor. All accessories j tape, good adhesive with vinyl gusset, ca/ry* JJ included. j qualities. AN inch wide. *n8 handle. Cotton filled. iipflf' BaK7tu# g A Hound, Galvanized A | UTILITY PAN _ E /fe. LMm—m 12 O*. W 2 ’•* /? •v'V^ 24 In. High ■ 52 In. Wide - 10 /n. Deep Can 3 |pVP 5-PIECE WALL CABINET § ; Twelve quart hog pan. DoubU door t#n,,r cabi"»». 2 $19.95 Value Non-evoporotlng. Meets □ E Can be used for food **"»■• d<><» «"d “,bin»,‘- «n- ***** rl9id SAE70-R-1 specifi- p ■ or water. Rolled edge dim•n, ,ow#l bor * /?.#£»’ 'cation.. Operates offic £ J to protect slock. 16 Inch- MATCHING BASE CAb,NET & %k.J iontly at 40° below and p + as in diamatar. 20x16x36 Inchas $14.98 Qf 250° abova taro. H r Otirgess-flecfrlc Full She I EDGE Men's Heavy Dufy M ° VIBRO-SPRAYER Household Broom .gV.KS.iii. WORK GLOVES * I HI IIMIMIIM i A ■* rj - (1 ’ ! r m ; P • R .gu/ar/y 28c Fair * J Rugged cotton twill . “ 9 ounce canvas with snug ‘8 |