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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1959)
W&WMM FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2V4 miles southwest of Clear water. Phone 17 on 12. tf FDR SAIJi: Mjc-Deering self washing separator and Mc-Deer ing milking machine. Also J-D quick-attach cultivator, nearly new and J-D eli with powr-trol. N. D Ickes, Page. 42~43p65 FDR SALE: 1958 Singer SewtM machine in a blonde console with i all attachments to be sold in this area to close accunt. Buy it for 6 payments of $9.56 each or will discount for cash. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebr, 41-42c MACHINERY 1953 White Truck Tractor IHC 238 Cultivator 15-FT. Disc Posthole Digger me Eli 10-ft. Fertilizer Spreader N<*w Gehl Shredder IHC lister Dempster lister Oliver Lister John Deere Mill IHC Mowers Small Oneway Front Mount Planter to fit C tractor 46 Farmall H 48 Oliver 70 50 Farmall M 47 John Deere M 42 Farmall H 42 Farmall M APPl JANCES: useu WrlllKCI Uttaiiv* Apt Size Electric Range Used Electric Refrigerator Ust'd Gas Range New f>9 RCA Whirlpool Appliances Shelhamer Equip. O'NEILL, NEBR. niC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool | FOR SALE: Aerometer windmills, one -6ft at 555: 8 ft - *75 Both in good repair. — PLUMBING and HEATING, BRUNSWICK. 42 49t' j FOR SAIJ l’erriflex vinyl tile, j Now carried in stock. Select your color.--Spelts-Ray L a*. Co.. O'Neill._^ PAY DAY IS every day when you milk a CURTISS COW Build a better future with better breeding. It doesn't cost, IT PAYS. Duane Gray, O Neill, phone 470. 37tf FOR SALE: 61 head Angus cattle, at 1:00 Saturday, February 21 at Burke Sale Bam, Burke, S. D Elvem Varilek Angus Farm, Geddes. S.D. 4:M3c FOR SALE: Several used tractors and used and new machinery. Also if you have used machinery for sale, (will trade). - See George Winkler, phone 286 O Nell. 4M2c New Machinery New HM 26 International compick ers, two-row. special ——fl.409 SPECIAL LOW prices on 150 and 450 Farmall tractors Used Uquipmeni 19fcl Farmall M, fuel burner, com pleteiv overhauled 1946 M Farmall, fuel burner, com pletely overhauled OLDER TRACTORS— 1948 H 1940 JD A 1946 JD A 1946 JD B Used Trucks, Pickups 1955 International 160 2-ton, just taken in . ._ 1955 Chevrolet cab-over, two-ton, just taken in 1955 Ford half-ton Several used half and three-quar ter-ton pickups 1949 Dodge two-ton truck 1953 Chevrolet 4-dr. Bel Aire sedan 1954 Chevrolet 4-door Several used JD roughage mills Storjohann Equip. Co. Lowest equipment prices in USA! Burwell, Nebr. 22tf FOR SALE OR RENT: Improved 40 acres at Inman—Fred Tim merm;m, O’Neill- T-_ • I FOR SALE: Ear corn; 62 IHC combine and gas brooder. Ken neth G. VanEvery, Page.^^ For Stile: Singer Sewing Machine with a buttonholer and can be seen in this area. It’s a 1957 mo del fully guaranteed and can be bought for 6 payments of $6.35 each Write Credit ManfWer; Box 123, Lincoln, Nebr_4U“C For Sale: Take over easy mon thly payments after flinty pay ment on like-new, 1957, 35 n. Town and Country house trailer. Will also trade for furnihire or livestock. Eugene Gold f.u s ^ Page phone 3608. 41-44. HOLT COUNTY Hereford Associa tion sale Tuesday. February 1' at O’Neill._ FOR SALE: Choice Purebred anc grade Angus bulls.-Musil Bros. O’Neill. _ SEE US for new SPARTAN oi SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25* down. 5% int.; up to S months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co., Neligh. ^ Mobile Homes Buy a Mobile Home and Live the , Economical Way We trade, finance, deliver any- i where, set them up and service them. LARGE STOCK NEW & USED New 1950-50' 10' wide, $4495 00. New- 1959-36 ’ 8’ Wide, $2995.00. Other sizes from 14’ to 52’ Good Used Trailers in Stock Great Lakes 45', Richardson 37’, Nashua 35’, Continental 39’, ABC 33’, Trailette 24’, Glider 25’. Others coming in. Open Sundays and Evenings Miller Trailer Sales Albion, Nebr. Phone 460 38tf 1 Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neill NEW COMFORT COVERS for John Deere tractor TRACTORS 48 A J-D '48 B J-D 40 B J-D '37 B J-D, good tires 45 B J-D 46 B J-D 1952 GMC % ton pickup J-D 15-ft. disc AC 15-ft. disc 730 J-D lister Farmhand Loader, complete J-D No. 9 comsheller Plows, all sizes WANTED to trade for Brome and Alfalfa seed. Used Machinery 3 Used 14-ft. McCormick hay rakes Used Kramer 3-rake hitch for Farmall H Used 1512-ft. combination rack Used McCormick hammermil! with traveling feed table Farmall C angle dozer blade spec ial price $65.00 1953 Super C Farmall 1958 Farmall 230 Big special on new Farmall 450 gas burners and Farmall 350 diesel Admiral 21-ft. upright freezer, reg ular price $495.00, Special price $349.00 New 24 by 6 grain drills Only $495 1946 International KB2 pickup with stock rack $250.00 1953 R10 International pickup $595 list'd John Deere H tractor Keating Implement Co. ATKINSON, NEBR. 42-43c SALT FOR SALE; Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164. O’Neill. 5itf Registered Hampshire Gilts FOR SALE: Breeding stock of high merit. To farrow in Feb ruary and March. Walter Sojka & Son 1% mi. N. and 4 E of Page. FOR SALE; 150 top producing! Minnesota, Holstein and Guern sey heifers and cows. Will sell at a very reasonablt price. — Rud- j ie Juracek, Ewing. 38-43c j FOR SALE; Holstein heifers, j heavy springers. — John Sojka, m mi. north, 4 east of Page. 39tf FOR SALE: Amana 18 cu. ft. up right freezer $175.00- Mrs John Dalton, Phone 557-J, O’Neill. 42p35 WANTED Wick’s BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O'NEILL — for Any Job 25tf WANTED TO BUY: Curved glass door china cabinet or will trade a White sewing machine com plete with all attachments. — Mrs. Stanley Chmiel, Ewing. 42p40 L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station I SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo —Clinton. W \NTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week —Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph 3741. tf EXPERT Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill WANTED: Young married man desires permanent job. Age 20, one year college, military ser vice completed. Write ET c/o Frontier. • 42-43p65 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts made by my husband I .ahem H. Cadwallader. Signed. ET^SIE CAPWALLADER Atkinson, Nebr 41-43p ;S YOUR insurance costing tor much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf | AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Phone 207 — O’Neill Auctions ED THORIN >VELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 1 hlks W & 3 Mi blks N stoplight WANTED ! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctJ VtONEY TO LOAN on farms, ranches and town resdiential property. See Virgil Laursen at the O’Neill I^>an Co., O’Neill, phone 434. 13tf ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O'NEILL, NEBR. — PII 269 iVr REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody in price and | outsell anybody in quality. CARDS of THANKS [ WISH TO express my apprecia tion and thanks to all my friends and relatives for the cards and visits while I was in the hospital. A special thanks to the doctors and the nurses at St. Anthony’s hospital for their thoughtfulness. All was very much appreciated. Mrs. Pauline Noffke. 42p50 [ WISH TO TAKE this means of thanking my friends and neigh bors for the many cards and letters, flowers and gifts receiv ed during my stay in the hos pital. Special thank you for the food sent to our home. All was appreciated so very much. — — Mrs. Bernard Blackmore. 42p50 [ WISH to express my thanks to my friends and relatives for their visits, cards, letters, gifts and prayers, thanks to Father Kucera, to Dr. Wilson and Dr. Waters and the hospital staff. Your kindness will always be remembered. — Mrs. Bernard Cavanaugh. 42p50 REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE: Six room, three bedrooms, modem except heat, no pavement, close to a grocery store, newly decorated. Can be seen anytime. Priced to sell.—Call 408 or see Harry Lar sen, 118 So. Madison, O’Neill. 42-44p TO SETTIjE AN ESTATE: One five room, three bedroom house on pavement, sewer and water. Selling for a reasonable price.— Call 408-W or see Harry Larsen at 118 South Madison, O’Neill. 42-44p FOR RENT FOR RENT: Modem apartment. —A. E. Bowen, 705 E. Douglas, O’Neill, phone 51T. 12tf FOR RENT: Three - room apart ments on ground floor, $27 per month, Vi block north of New Deal Oil Co. — Tony Asimus, O’Neill, phone 510. 19ti FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: 4-room uptown apartment, water and heat fur nished — George Weingartner, O’Neill, phone 15F11. 26tfe O’Neill Loan Company Takes the worry out of borrowing. • HAPPY FAMILY LOANS” $50 to $1400 UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY Private, Confidential Virgil L. Laursen i Phone 434 O’Neill j BEAUTYLAND Beauty Salon Phone 583 tor appointment Located across street from bakery. Closed every Monday morning. World history projects . . . are shown by O'Neill public high school students From left, the stu de ,ts are Peggy Rakes, Connsie Andersen, Dean Larsen, Ronnie Schmchel, and John Kurtz. I^ar son and Kurtz made the Viking ship shown at the left. Consumers Man Talks At Neighbor Night William Copeland, fieldman for | the Consumers Co-Operative As sociation, of Superior, was the guest speaker at the Co-Op Neigh bor Night held Monday evening at St. Dominic’s Hall sponsored by the Ewing Co-Operative Creamery and the Ranchers and Farmers Co-Operative Co. of Chambers. In spite of the gusty northwest wind, with intermittent snowfall, over 125 persons registered. A covered dish dinner was serv- . ed at seven o’clock. The program of home talent - presented the following numbers: Musical and vocal selections by Larry Williamson, Vern Boulder and Willis Waring; Accordion se- , lections by Archie Johnston, fea- ■ hiring one novelty number, a group stunt, with Stanley Lam bert, as narrator assisted by Mrs. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. arol Sum merer, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reed, with audience supplying the sound affects. The Tumbling Tuttle Brothers ; also put on an act. Official members of the Cham ber organization present were Stanley l^ambert. Irwin LaRue, and Dick Reed, who is the tank man. From the Ewing Co-Op were John Wallig, manager; Mike Wil liamson. president; Harold Van Vleck, Carol Summerer, Frank Hawk, all of Ewing and Louis Sa bokta of Inman. Winners of the door prizes were Gene Schwager, Mary Summerer, Eugene Sabokta and Harold Van Vleck. St. Anthony’s Aux. Hears Sister M. Joseph St. Anthony's hospital auxiliary met Monday evening at the hos pital. Mrs. John Hickey was m charge. Sr. Mary Joseph, director of nursing services, who arrived at St. Anthony's on January 31, spoke to the members. Sr. Mary Joseph received her Batchelor of Science degree in nursing education at St. Mary s college in Xavior, Kans. and came to O’Neill from there. Following the program cards were played. Prizes were won by Mrs. John Grutsch and Mrs. Her man Janzing. Mrs. Ray Bosn re ceived the door prize. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. James Mullen and Mrs. Theresa Schel kopf. 4 H CLUB MEETS The Eagle Creek 4-H club met at the home of Tom and Cardinc Drueke Sunday, Jan. 18. All mem bers were present except one. Through reorganization the new officers are Tom Drueke, presi dent; Vincent Ernst, vice presi dent; Rita Vequist, secretary-trea surer, and Nama Widtfeldt, re porter. One memlier dropped out Advertisement Although oysters are now eaten virtually year around, it’s during the popular "R” months that they reach their savory best. You can easily find them in February either fresh, frozen or canned points out Owen Parkinson, local salesman of the Meadow Gold Dairy, who sent us this elegant new recipe for Golden Oyster Cas serole. Buttermilk is the secret flavor maker, according to the creator of the recipe, Beatrice Cooke, Meadow Gold’s test kitchen direc tor. It lends moisture to the dish as well as an interesting tang. Golden Oyster Casserole (Six servings) 2/3 cup uncooked rice 2 tablespoons butter 3Vi cups liquid (oyster liquid plus buttermilk) 1 teaspoon salt Dash pepper \/2 teaspoon crushed rosemary l2 teaspoon seasoning salt 1 pint oysters, drained \ cup fine cracker crumbs Vi cup butter Paprika Brown rice in 2 tablespoons but ter. Add liquid and seasonings; heat, until hot. Pour into a butter ed 1 Vfe-quart casserole. Cover and bake at 324 degrees for 40 minutes. Roll oysters in cracker crumbs and brown in butter. Spoon on top of rice. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake uncovered 20 minutes longer. Note: If using precooked rice, use 1 cup rice. 42c and Marty Drueke joined. The i leader is Mrs. Widtfeidt. Assist ant leader is Mrs. Vequist. Proj- j ects were chosen for the new | year. The next meeting will be held at the home of Norma and Jim | Widtfeidt Feb. 15 at 1:00 o’clock. Roll call will be a Valentine verse. ! —Norma Widtfeidt, reporter. Deloit News The Deloit Pinochle club met j Thursday at Mrs. Frank Millers. Edith Pofahl won high, Jennie Bohn low and Mary McDonald tra veling prize. Mrs. Minnie Miller anil Mrs. Ewald Spahn went to Ewing Toes- \ day to take the club lesson. The ] The HEO club is to meet at the E. L. Sisson home today for dinner. Little David Gibbs celebrated his 4th birthday Sunday at the L. L. Bartak home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bartak and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbs were guests for dinner. Grandma Beelart returned home from Omaha with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Bohn, and is at the ( Bohn home She is improved. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Prellwitz and family of Kearney spent the week end at the Frank Bohn home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer were guests Monday evening at the L. L. Larson home. Mrs. Mary Stearns is spendng the week at the Martha Kinney home in Elgin. Mrs. Kinney is in Boone la. Mrs. Fred Harpster went to Ne ligh Saturday to spend a few days at the Rosa Coiner home ' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson and Don attended the funeral Friday in Sioux City of Mrs. Ed Day, 75. Mrs. Day is an aunt of Mrs. H Reimer. Saturday, February 6, we had spring like weather n the morn ing and winter weather in the af ternoon - Such is Nebraska’s un predictable weather. Rest wishes and farewell to our good friend and neighbor, *’Cal” Stewart. May he have a good va caton and successes in his future undertakings. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kizzire of O'Neill, M!r. and Mrs. F. D. Mur phy of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tucker and son of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Will Walter quietly celebrated their fifty-sec ond wedding anniversary Saturday at. tlwir home. Sunday callers at their home were their son, Aldred Walter and sons of Clearwater. A benefit home talent entertain ment will be held February 19 at the auditorium of the Ewing pub lic school. The proceeds to go to the Heart Fund. Refreshments will be served, furnished by the churches in Ewing. The public is cordially invited to attend. The American Legion Auxiliary Sanders Post No. 214 is the spon sor of the Heart Drive in Ewing and vicinity. The Ewing-Clearwater pinochle club went to Clearwater (or a seven o'clock dinner Monday eve ning, then went to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Stevens for the ar e game. Winners of high score YYs. C.nil Boies and Ait Jaake \nd receiving lo wscore was Mrs. Ri»se Bauer, substituting for 1 ,eo Hint* and Mrs. Frank Bohn. Recreation School Ahead for Ainsworth A one-day recreation school will he held at the city hall in Ains worth on February 25 starting at 3:30 a.m. A similar meeting will he held in Randolph Rebruary 24. The school will be featuring rec reation for those who work with mall groups in youth and adult organizations It will he open to all who are interested in help and *ew ideas in recreation. Those attending the school may ’hoose to attend any or all of the essions featuring: Crafts with Lloyd Redd of a 'eather company. Skits with John Orr of the Uni orsity of Nebraska. Folk and Square Dancing Ken icth Schmidt, Assistant State 4-H Leader. Group Singing Phillis Wells, Music Instructor, University of Nebraska. Small Group Games Elaine* Skucius, Assistant State 4-11 Lead er. For further information contact County Extension Agents, County Extension Service. mm i i-ixrrtm s Two more of the illustrated lec tures on the Bible, with its theme "From Eternity to Eternity" will Ih> given this week by Arthur F. Gibbs of Independent, Missouri, at the Atkinson, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of l ~l >.S On Sunday evening, Feb. 15, the lecture is entitled. "The Dispen sation of the Law", and on Wed nesday evening “The Dispensation of the Gospel". These lectures will begin at 7:30, and are fully illustrated in color. All are cord ially invited. A STUDENT Special to O’Neill Frontier PERU—Jerry Warner of Ewing is among the 502 students enrolled at Nebraska State Teachers Col lege at Peru for the second se mcster, according to F. H. Lar son, registrar. Tin' peak enroll ment for the first semester was 521 AT BITTE t'OURT ROOM A representative of the Norfolk social security office will he in the court room of the court house in Butte, from 9:00 a m. to 1:00 p in . Thursday. Fehr. 26, 1959. Sclf-empliyed applicants should bring extra copies o ftheir 1958 tax returns, receipts showing that the self-employment tax is paid, and proof f age. MKRHI MIX MEETS Mrs. A A. Hiatt entertained the Merri Mix club at a dessert lunch (X>n al 1 :30 Tuesday afternoon. Bridge was played and Mrs. Os enbaugh and Mrs. Shlerk were high score winners. --I In spite of the severe cold and inclement weather, another good sale was held last Monday in Verdigre Market Report, Monday, February it, i9511 The buyers were really reaching out and stretching their tic kets in an effort to get the hogs on Monday’s sale. Extreme top reached $17 with the good hogs selling from $16.50 to $16.95. Heavier hogs from $14.75 to $16.25. The cattle market was active although somewhat lower. Buyers were on hand for all classes. For Next Monday's Sale We Expect A Hun of 1000 to 1200 HOGS 200 to 300 CATTLE When That Next I,oad of Hogs or Cattle Is Heady for Market, Consign Them To Our Monday Sab* at Verdigre Hog and cattle numbers at our sales ure running well over those for the same period of a year ago. This means that many new consignors are taking advantage of the marketing sendees ren dered by this firm. Try Us — We are confident you will be Glad you did. NEXT SPECIAL CATTLE SALE COMING UP FRIDAY, FEB. 20th Sale bills are being printed this week. If you have cattle for sale and wish to sell them, then contact us as soon as possible. VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Don Jensen, Mgr. Hog Auction Every Monday — I 1 a.m. Weekly Cattle Sale Following — I :30 p.m. m ttf CoadMoning-temperature* made to order-for all-weather comfort. Get a demonstration! NEW SLIMLINE DESIGN WITH The elegant new Impala Convertible. Like all ’59 Chevies, it holds the road with new steadiness, rides with new smooOineart This new Parkwood Station Wagon—like all new Chevies—rolls on safer, stronger Tyrex cord tires. Here’s the beginning of a new trend in styling, shaped to the new American taste. This new Chevrolet’s sculp tured with the clean efficiency of a jet plane, yet it brings you all the tradi tional virtues of economy and dependa bility Chevy’s famous for. More room for everyone Try it on for size—and find up to 4.2 inches more hip room in front, up to 8.3 inches more in the rear. New road stability Major improvements in rear suspen sion give all Chevrolets a steadier ride on even the roughest roads—and Level Air* suspension is even softer and smoother than ever. More than 50% greater visibility area ... And the new wrapover windshield is over 50 per cent larger, with a better view of overhead traffic lights. Most windows are larger, too. And that’s only a hint of the eye-opening advances your dealer has for you! *Extra-coot option. The smart switch is to the ’69 Chevy! now—see the wider selection of models at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's! A. MARCELIUSCHEVROLET CO. 127 No. Fourth St. O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 100