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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1959)
Thespians gather ... at O'Neill puhlir high school for a formal dinner and Initiation. From left, the drama students are Lois Nelson, George Fuller, Perry Dawes, Jeanette Frieke, Gerald Kaezor, Konnie Kurtz, Konnle Smith, Nancy Joe . ..—— -- Fetrow, Betty Hodman, Sharon Marcellus, Klain Kruftman, Veldon Tomlinson, Merle Pease and their sponsor, Mrs. I^ds L. Tomkins. The O’Neill troup initiated Lola Nelson, Merle Prase and Veldon Tomlinson. Parents, teachers and friends attended. Valentine court ... at St. Mary’s Academy. From left, standing, are Jim Shoemaker, Jerry Go kie. Gene Shoemaker, Father Duffy, Father O’Sullivan, Kathline Weier, Ruth Kokes and Mary Beth Dunn. Seated in the center, is the royalty, Paul Ziska and Carol Hoffman Crown berers, seated in front, are Kerry Spitler, Beth Pruss and Connie Donohoe. Mrs. Landreth Named County Heart Leader Mrs. Shelhamer Leads For O’Neill Mrs. Milo Landreth of Page has been named by Nebraska Heart Fund Chairman Stanley Huffman of Ewing to serve as the 1959 Holt county heart iund chairman. The 1959 Heart Fund Drive, which is being conducted during this month, advances the activity of the Nebraska Heart Association in combating heart and bloa ves sel disease which during the last year has caused 54% of Nebras ka's deaths. Mrs. Roy Shelhamer is the O' Neill chairman. “Heart fund chairmanship car ries with it heavy responsibility,” Huffman said. "1 am sure, how ever, that every county will ad vance beyond records set in 1958.” Mrs. Milo Landreth, Holt county chairman and Stanley Huffman, Nebraska Heart Fund chairman urge all residents interested in working on the 1959 Heart B'und Drive to contact the Holt county chairman as soon as possible. “At least three-fourths of all funds collected will remain in Ne braska,” Huffman added, "with over half slated to again be allo cated to research.” Huffmn concluded by stating that next years drive should put the total Nebraska contributions over the one million mark in 1959. C. W. F. Lehmann Was Born in Germany CHAMBERS C. W. F. Lehmann was bom June 13, 1875 in Germany and came to this country with his parents in 1881. He was married to Bertha Anna Mielke on July 28, 1909. They became the parenls of 3 daughters, Mrs. Esther Mo zel of Orchard, Mrs. Mildred Wright of Ewing and Mrs. Bernice Hay man of Glendora, Calif. He has 9 grandchildren. B'uneral services were held at St. Pauls Lutheran church in Cham bers at 2 p.m. Monday, February 4. Music was furnished by Irene Brown and Elaine Walter with Mrs. Donald Hoffman at the Pia no. Pallbearers were Guais Winter-; mote, Eric Dankert, Glen Adams, George Sladek, Alvin Tangeman and Ruben Peltzer. Honorary pall bearers were John Dankert, William Jutte, J. W Wal ter, William Reick, A1 Leidtke and Ray Coolidge. Burial was in the Chambers cemetery under the direction of Biglins. John Leist of Los Angeles, Calif., arrived Friday to spend a few days with his father, Earl Leist, and with his brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Anson, and family. He left Mon | day for his California home ac- ; companied by Vemie Hunter, who i will visit relatives and friends St. Patrick's altar society will I hold their meeting at 8 o’clock on Tuesday, February 17, instead of Thursday. St. Rose's guild with Mrs. Catherine Craig will be in charge of entertainment. Monuments of lasting beau*' from the factory to the cot turner—Emmet Crabb, O’Neill, made by skilled craftsmen of J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monument* Sick & Injured CELIA Mrs. Blanche arrived home last week from Omaha where she underwent major surg ery recently. . . . Markita Hendricks is wearing a rather odd bracelet these days. X-rays show that some time in .‘he past she has fractured her right wrist and this week she re injured it while trying to open a fruit jar so has to keep it in a brace for a few weeks. AMELIA Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Rees returned home Thursday from Omaha where he had been i surgical patient in the1 Methodist hospital . . . Bob Adair arrived home We.inesday, February 4, from Minneapolis, Minn., where he had gone for a heart ailment. He plans to enter the hospital there again March 8 for surgery. . . . Mrs. Jerry Dickerson, form erly Lois Burge, Sunday entered the Atkinson Memorial hospital. ... Charlie Sigmari suffered a se vere cut on the finger while doing some vet( rinary work at the Tom Doolittle ranch. DELOIT Mrs. Mary Stearns stayed at the Martha Kinney home last week while Mrs. Kinney was with her son, Elvin, in Boone, la., whi is ill. Saturday Mrs. Maynard Stearns and Mrs. Martha Kinney were called back to Boone. El von became ill again. . . . Verle Tuttle has been hospital ised in Norfolk. O'NEILL Mrs. Ben Gilligan left Tuesday, February 3, for Omaha where her mother, Mrs. Catherine Kinbeiter, is a patient n St. Catherine’s hospital. Mrs. Kinbeiter has a blood clot and her condition is serious. . . . Mrs. Bennett Giligan left Tuesday, Feb ruary 3, for St. Catherin's hospital in Omaha, where her mother, Mrs. Catherine Kinbeiter, was hospital ized with a blood clot. At first tier condition was serious, but she is much improved now. STAR Wyn Johnson received a cut on his chin, requiring five | stitches, when he fell on the ice while playing at school. DORSEY Mr. and Mrs. Harolu Osborn are having a seige of se vere colds. . . . Miss Kay Christ ensen expects to undergo surgery. PAGE Little Lynda Kinnisson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinnisson, is very ill with a se vere cold, she is a patient at the Creighton hospital. Mr. Kinnisson went there to see her Monday, February 9, and her mother and Mr. Ted Kennisson were evening callers. . . . Mrs. Clarence Finch had a medical check up Monday at O'Neill following an operation two weeks ago for cysts on the thyroid gland. Death Takes Butte Boy in Columbus, Ga. BUTTE—James Michael Reiser, wo month old son of Mr. anil Mrs. iarold D. Reiser, formerly of Co .umbus, Georgia, now of Butte, died suddenly of pneumonia early Friday morning, Feb. 6, in Co lumbus, Ga. He was born at the Columbus Medical Center Decem ber 5, 1958. Survivors in addition to his par ents, include a sister, Theresa Kay Reiser; maternal grandpar ents, Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Camp bell, Fort Steilacoom, Washington; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Reiser, Butte, Ne braska. The body was sent by train to Raymer Funeral Home, Butte, Ne braska by the Colonial Funeral Home, Phenix City, Alabama. Burial will lie at the Catholic Cemetery Thursday, February 12. —■! ■■■ II ■ — ■ Money To Loan! Household Goods, Personal Property, Oars, Trucks, warm Equipment HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company LOW RATES Open Thursday Nights Instead of Saturday Nights ! Rogers Specials! — COMPARE THESE PRICES — A-1 FEEDS — GUARANTEED ANALYSIS 32% Soy Cot Cubes _ 86.50 32% Tri-Way Cubes _ 73.50 40% Natural Cubes_ 80.50 5-D For 5-Duty Stlb._ _ 95.00 20% Lay Pellets _ 3.70 40% Hog Supplement 4.95 32% Poultry Concentrate_ 5.00 Hi Lass Cattle Fattner_ _ 57.00 Buy and Save at ROGERS PRODUCTS WHEN BETTER FEEDS ARE MADE . . . ROGERS WILL MAKE ’EM! North of Burlington Depot Phone 771 Jack Bailey, Mgr. Marriage lieense*— George James Ries, jr.. 21 of Atkinson and Lois Lavada Mors baeh, 18, of Inman. February 7. BIBI.K LECTURES Two more of the illustrated lec tures on the Bible, with its theme From Eternity to Eternity" will be given this week by Arthur F Gihlts of Independence, Missouri, at the Atkinson, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of L.lvS On Sunday evening, Feb 15, the lecture is entitled, "The Dispen j sat ion of the Law", and on Wed nesday exening "The Dispensation of the Gospel", These lectures "ill tH'i?in at 7:30, and arc fully | illustrated in color. Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETKIjT Eyes Examined Glasses bitted **hone SI01 Spencer _— 54 registered herefords 54 AT Ft BIJC At CTION O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET . O'NEILL, NEBK. Tuesday, February 17th SHOW 10 A M. SALE 1:30 PM 44 BULLS — 10 FEMALES ALL popular lines of Hereford Breeding are represented. Bulls are big, rugged individuals, ready for service. Heifers suitable foundation stock. All officially calfhood vaccinated. For Catalog address: HOLT COUNTY HEREFORD BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 642 — O'Neill KIETH A. ABART, Sale Mgr. HAROLD HARMS, Valentine. Judge M. and Mrs. Theodore KaUhoff . . The bride is the former Wanda Thelander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thelander of O'Neill and Orchard. The couple were married Tuesday. February 3 in St. Paul’s Church at Plainview by Father Wilwerding. Project Club Meets At Kersenbrock Home The Elkhorn Project club met at the home of Mrs. Florence Kersenbrock on Tuesday with 15 members present. After the business meeting, Mrs. Hattie Kindlan an I Mrs. Hazel Boatman gave the lesson on sacks and utilities. A nice lunch was served by the co-hostesses, Mrs | M)b Cook and Mrs. Klizabelh Howard. The next m eting will be March 10 at the home of Mrs. Frank Greiner. FllONTIKK Want AIK Pay Itig Dividends! Our Family No. 303^;\ I 3 Sieve, Sweet ..Tin A I P1T0IID Golden Tall 14-0*. Ufl I OUr Valley .Bottle SAUERKRAUT ESV.N‘VS TOMATOES «T....N,:VS GOLDEN MBlCrJr..VS GOLDEN CORN S2ZSS?..Ho. VS ■ MB II I B 3 BIG DAYS THURS. ■ FRI. • SAT. FEB. 12-13-14 HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Here's Hie Biggest Dollar Values We've Planned Yet • • • Thrifty Buys in the MEAT Dept U S D.A. CHOICE GRADE BEEF BEEF ROASTS USDA CHOICE GRADE BLADE CUT LB. SwanAdowJL \ CAKE itiaksL-ftiJtsL. f MIX SHORTENING ! LEMON FLAKE APPLE CHIP BANANA CHOCOLATE CHIP _ . _ M. _ OBANGE COCOANUT 3-LB. f \ f I s 37c ™ oy fflOsage • Elberta \ /PEACHES..“,.N,:Ji£ \ I TOMATO JUICE. M Oar Family f PINEAPPLE nn|U|/ Big 46-Or 1 GRAPEFRUIT UnlUR .Tin I CRAPE JUICE g?r*.?W2 I Golden Valley I PINEAPPLE BSr.."V. I Oar Family 1 TUNA FISH.ASS L MIX'EM or MATCH'EM 1 Any Combination USDA CHOICE GBADE BEET BOAST Round Bone Cut_u. 69* USDA CHOICE GBADE BEET BOAST 7-Bone Cut _u. 59* PORK CHOPS SS. -53' clef STEAK.- 63' WILSON’S CORN KINO BOOTH FROZEN FRESH SLICED BACON.-49' HADDOCK FILLET 59' ...CHEESES^.»63' fttsHfcnzm 9 Fresh Crisp Sweet CARROTS DELICIOUS WITH BEEr ROAST i Fresh Crisp DEWY FRESH CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVEL CABBAGE oranges \ Hershey's Gooch s Best Instant Oven Prove* Chocolate FLOUR i?_49* _*1M PREMIUM AG BARS CRACKERS Lb. Pkg29c i£_29* lOOk^r* 0 Golden Valley Halves \ i PEARS.**?£ Our Family > Pure Hawaiian PINEAPPLE JUICE. Golden Valley Sliced In Heavy Syrup PINEAPPLE.*!!."*:?£ Our Family Sweet TANGERINE JUICE. MIX'EM or MATCH'EM Any Combination 3™ i S.—-- SWEETHEART VS?..4 S 33' 9l£4fMA SWEETHEART KJ-.. 4 S 45' MM/ W MWWES dm. wuVtp W°“ 1 DC 17c “LU-WHITE...s"10 s'“27 * «*T TREND POWDER .2 St 39c LES«r_i23c liquid trend.. 2mt°; PUREX •iMeli.. 33 (Slin3ii30M30«rtl«k<4Bim fkitMMk r82tottM I nr.AA A A.r.A.. ,#0l I THIS COUPON WORTH I BEADS-O-BLEACH.p**.43c § (jftffe § ra you 20f on tha pur- [ mk l 111 VS 4-.. _ _ bSj chaaa of 3 Ibt. or Wl B) *«» 'Jf'c pS K^riMWOiRl. tmwnfpurcfcjMOf B Pkg- «J w £j __ 3 ibs. or hrjir n , _ . Aft a limit* FRISKIES | NORTHFRN — " .-.,9I)C 1 —55^-■miSSSm CUBES J null Ilium Tow.1..non I.U {BffngA*7yff.ri f jnstnaycH-TTitB ‘iMlilMMBm WAXTEX ZZ".'“S23c FP.13XIES CUBESS£..3&25' Wisconsin’s Finest Cheese Nebraska Grown Foremost’s Famous CHEDDAR_per lb. 59c POTATOES...50-lb. bag 98c BIG DIP_V2 gal. 59c Banner Creamer Solids Sunrise Vacuum Pack OLEO_2 lbs. 39c BUTTER_per lb. 67c COFFEE_per lb. 63c CRACKERS...... 1-lb. box 25c 2-lb. box 49c | NUTRENA EGG CRUMBLES ..cwt $3.95