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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1958)
Ritterbush Aided by Good Neighbors CHAMBERS A large group of neigh! ors gathered at the Al bert Ritterbush place, southwest of Chambers. Monday and Tues day to put up his hay Mr. Ritterhush hat been h*« pitaii/e 1 recently. Other Chambers News The sub-district Ministerial as sociation met at the Chambers Methodist church Monday Mem ber? enjoyed dinner together fol lowed by a business session. Mrs. Henry Hansen tind daugh ter, Mrs. Richard Burrell and children of Boise. Ida., were call ers in the E. R. Carpenter home Saturday, August 23, while there they visited with Mrs, Burrell’s former schoolmates, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf, who were guests in the Carpenter home Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Avard and daughter, Patty, of Lincoln visited Thursday, August 27, with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E H. Med c df . They also v isited relatives in Atkinson and Ainsworth before returning home, Mrs. L. W. Taggart and son, Thomas of Dannebrog were re cent Chambers visitors, and were onenight guests of Mr. and Mrs. A A. Walter. , „ Mr. ana AITS, imiiiiici and daughter. Janelle. of Sedro Woolley, Wash., visited last week w th his mother, Mrs. Will Med ial;, and brother and sister-in law. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Med calf A family reunion in their honor was held Thursday eve ning at the E> 11. Medcalt home. Pro ent besides the Medcalfs were Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Avard and Patty of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs Hen Medcalf and children or Sioux City, Mrs. Will Medcalf and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik of Chambers. Mr .and Mrs. Hylas lamer and son, Jerry, drove to Fair mon; Sunday to visit their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Leiswald. Jerry remained for a week's visit. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Al Deirking father, John Walter, wer<- Mrs. Ozro Dean, Donald and Larry of Ontario, Calif., Mr. and Aiis Jim Pfeil and Paul Koplin of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Reno Pfeil and Tracy Joe of Battle Creek, and Jerry Rockwell of Lincoln. ,, _ , . Mr and Mrs. Virgil Bucking ham Janice and Joyce and Mr. and Airs. Dean Fletcher, all of Council Bluffs, called on Rev. ana. Airs. Charles Cox Alonday. Mr. Buckingham is a brother ot Mrs. Cox. Hermit Grimes of Sacramento, Calil., is spending a couple weeks vacation with his brothel and sisier-in-law, Air, and Airs. MASSEUR Stories the feet can tell, THY compression massage and begin to feel swell. (jiolilen Hotel — O’Neill Saturdays, H a.m. to 4 p.m. Page—Evenings after 5 O. H. Parks Oiarles Grimes and hnrther-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, T E. Newhouse. Mrs Orzo Dean and sons, Don ald and Larry, of Ontario, Calif., left Monday after a three weeks visit with her mother, Mrs. A1 Dterking at Chambers, and her bn ,her-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Pfiel, at Wayne. Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Brother ton of Eugene, Ore., came Thurs day, August 28, to visit his son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor and family. Mr, and Mrs. William Reinger attended the annual Reinger-Tel ler family reunion at Sioux City Sunday, August 31. Relatives and friends were present from South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Mis souri and Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodge of Albion were Sunday dinner guests of his sister, Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell, and overnight guests in the John Honeywell home. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Rathbun and two children of Rapid City, S.D., were Sunday guests of her grandmother, Mrs. John Honey well, The Rathbuns had been vis iting friends and relatives at Ord and were enroute home. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Farrier of Grand Island visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hylas Farrier, Thursday and Friday. Karen, Gate and Gary Farrier accom pnied them home for a few days Richard Fees of St. Paul, Minn., came Friday, August 29, for a week visit with his mother, Mrs. Chet Fees. Mr. and Mrs. Hi Conley left Saturday for their home at Mount Rose. Colo., after visiting her mother, Mrs. James Grimes, and Mr. Grimes. Their sons, Robbie and Steve, who had spent several weeks with their grandmother, accompanied them home. Darlene and Norman Harley at tended the weekend camp of the Walt her league of the Lutheran church at Niobrara. Forty one young people were present. Return from Six Week’s Trip— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker and grandsons, Larry and Jerry Oet ter returned recently from a six weeks vacation which took them to the west coast. They left Mon day, June 23, and visited Yellow stone National park and Glaciei park. In Seattle, Wash., they spent four weeks with their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker. They also visited friends at Puyallup, Wash., in Portland, Ore., and Buhl, Ida. At Salt Lake \ City they were very impressed ! with the famous Morman Tem ple. They went to Colorado Springs and then to Ft Carson, Colo., where they spent two weeks with I their granddaughter and her hus I band, Sp-3 and Mrs. Lester Wal ton and Charlotte and the tw'ins | Zastrows Move— Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zastrow and family moved Into their new home Monday. Monday guests of Mrs. Louise Crandall were her sister and hen husband, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Caster and granddaughter, Judj Britell of Norfolk and Mrs. Johr Pruss. DOORS CLOSE FINALLY -' f Saturday, Sept. 6th Further Reductions on BROKEN SIZES and REGROUPING OF LOTS THIS IS YOUR Final Chance Saturday, September 6 ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY ____ OSBORNE'S SHOE STOR: Free watermelon highlighted the Page eelebr it Ion and young and old |Mirt«N>U. Left toright — Lorenxe Rlege, Ro\ (irubb. Paul Shanner, Richard He;.-*, Roy Zellers. The lad In the foreground is Keven Ileiss.—The Frontier Photo. t M rs. Irerichs I eted at Church Shower STAR Mrs James Frerichs was honored at a bridal shower Saturday evening at Christ Lutheran church in O’Neill. Mrs. Nels Linguist. Mrs. Bon Miller. Mrs. Soren Sorenson and Mrs Harvey Krugman were hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Frerichs of Sal* ina, Khns., spent the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs Fred Frerichs and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Timmerman. The newly weds were charivaried at the Fred Frerichs home Sunday evening. Other Star News Miss Kay Hibbs came from Norfolk where she is employed t* spend a few days with her par | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbs. and [ brothers, Rodney, Mike and Craig. Mr and Mrs. Ewalt Miller were | in Creighton Wednesday, August i 27. On the way home they called on Mrs. Hulda Miller. Mrs. Lysle Johnson, Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara and Mrs. Nels Linguist and Vicki attended tin bridal shower for Miss Leone Boe I Iter on Sunday afternoon at the Walnut Grove school Miss Boelter will be married Saturday evening. September 6. at Orchard ' to Bob Van Ostrand, formerly of Orchard now living aj York, where the couple will make their home.* Miss Boelter is the daugh* ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boel* | ter ,of the Walnut community. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kreyeik i and family were Sunday supper : guests at the home of Mr and | Mrs. Lysle Johnson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jurace1 | and Lyle and the William Hansen family were among the attendant.1* at the state fair this week. Th* Hansens returned home Sunday and the Juraceks on Wednesday, Mi and Mrs. George Oetter and family left for their home in California Sunday after spending their vacation at the Ben Miller home. Miss Irma Juracek spent Sat urday night with Barbara Miller METHODIST (O’Neill Emmet) Rev. Glenn Kennicott, pastor O'NEILL— Friday, Set pern her 5: Dorcas, 2 p.m. Saturday, September 6: Junior choir, 10:30 a.m. Sunday, September 7: No 8:30 a.m, service. Church school 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. Wednesday, September 10: Sen ior choir, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, September 11: Pray er circle, 10 a.m., at Claude Bates home. ■* EMMET Sunday, September 7: Worship a n d children's Sunday-school, ■ 9:30 am.; adult Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m. RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Grace Alder of Redbird who was injured more than a month ago in a fall from a tree in the orchard, was dismissed Sunday from St. Anthony’s hos pital. Her back was placed in a cast. She is now convalescin at the Elmer Alder home at Emmet Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Paulsen and family spent last Thursday evening in Ewing with her brothe* and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Magwire. Other guests were Mr and Mrs. Mike Magwire and Don nie of Tilden. _ Last weekend guests of Mrs Iva Hopkins were her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Morey and family of Sioux City. Elderly Couple Treated for Cuts ROYAL An elderly man and woman were treated for minor in juries Sunday following a 10:20 a.m. two-car collision at the north j edge of Royal on U S. highway 20. J. Leonai'd Klein, 78, of Royal was southbound emerging fxom a county road, attempting to cross highway 20 and enter a filling station driveway. He was driving a 1946 Chevrolet. Ilis machine was struck by an eastbound 1954 j Chevrolet being driven by Gen' A. O'Neill, 18, an O'Neill youth 1 who is attending college in Yank ton, S D. The collision occui’red in the} intersection. Klein and his wife, Emma, 70, were taken to an Orchard doctor and treated for cuts and bruises. O'Neill was unhurt. The side of the Klein machine was smashed. Damage was esti-1 mated at $150. Damage to the O' Neill vehicle was estimated at $350, according to State Patrol* man Eugene Hastreiter of O’Neil! who investigated. O’Neill was tak en to Yankton Tuesday by his uncle, Cai’roll O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Donnell j returned to their home in Wich ita, Ivans , Tuesday after visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson of Omaha spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Reimer, sr. -— 1 1 — ■ 111 11 ■■ — —— O'Neill Community Concert Assoc. INVITES YOU TO BECOME A MEMBER for the 1958 ’59 Season ! Membership Drive Is Now in Progress JOIN THIS WEEK-SEPT. 8™ THRU SEPT. 13™ ADULTS.- 6.00 - STUDENTS 3.00 1958- 59 Season Membership Membership Entitles You to Attend Concerts in O’Neill, Ainsworth, Valentine. Yankton Grand Island, Columbns AND ANYWHERE else in the United States where Community Concerts are held ! • There are positively no single admis-sion tickets sold for any of the concerts. You must have a membersship card for admis-sion. FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT HERE ARE TWO OF THE ATTRACTIONS TO BE PRESENTED DURING THE FORTHCOMING 1958 - ’59 SEASON: 0 (Other Attractions Will be Selected Upon Completion of This Membership Drive) IN PERSON !!! AT THE O’Neill Public School Auditorium B *?>».■ r » A - LOLA MONTES DICK LEIBERT and Her Spanish and His Hammond Dancers Organ JOIN MOW. . Concert Drive Hdqrs., Golden Hotel Lobby Telephone 605 —... —.. Ewing News Guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler were his sister and husband. Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Leonard Knapp Mrs. Leonard Hall, of Royal, v isited Sunday at the home of | Mr and Mrs. Seth Hertel at Chambers The Hertels recently returned from a trtp to the West 1 coast, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Fleming j and Larry Mlnarik returned Fn ; dav from a 31 a week vacation in ; the Black Hills Her sister. Mrs Dora Townsend, who had been visiting in Wyoming, met them in the Black Hills and returned to her home in Page with them. Miss Sharon Makel of Elgin was a guest at the James Mlnarik home from Sunday until Wednes day. Picnicing at the Riverside park in Neligh Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik ami fanulv Mr and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and daughters, all of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Makel and family of Elgin; Miss Betty Stuart of Petersburg and Mis^ Donna Mlnarik of Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson ■ spent Sunday at the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs Oscar Wilson, at Elgin Marvin Carl went to Omaha Wednesday, August 27, where he plans to take a commercial ex- \ tension course. Marvin received his seuaration from the army this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard were entertained Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stev ens at Clearwater. Overnight guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Kittie Fry were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reckte of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Fry and family, who have l>een guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Kit tie Fry, and other relatives, left Friday to return to their home in Tulare, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kaczor and family of Omaha, who were re cent weekend guests of his moth er, Mrs. Eva Kaczor, are enjoy ing a three-weeks vacation in California. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller of North Platte Saturday visited his sisters, Mrs Jessie Angus and Mr. Ed Hoag. All enjoyed a din ner at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and family were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter. Miss Frances Noffke returned lo Yankton, S. D., Tuesday after spending two weeks at the homo af her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke and family. Mrs. Pauline Noffke, who has spent several weeks at Pierre, S. D., with her daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cron in, returned to Ewing Sunday. Mr. Cronin and son, Gale, brought her home. Mr. and Mrs. Mick Hobbs and children were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. John Turay and family. Mrs L- A llobhs visited her mother, Mrs Rose Harding, at O’ Neill Wednesday , August 27. Mr and Mrs Merle Angus siusil the weekend with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs Watson Mc Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Angus. They returned to Lin coln Monday afternoon Mrs Max Angus and son Ran dy. and Judy Anderson, who have heen guests for several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Angus, left Friday to return to their home at Plain vile, Kans. Mr and Mrs. James Good were guests Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Good. Mr. and Mrs Waldo Da\ is and Marie Joint'd friends Sunday for a picnic dinner at Niobrara park Mrs. Julian Schmidt and son, who have a e e o m p a n i e d Mr. Schmidt during the summer va cation. are now at their home in Ewing. Mr Schmidt operates a Grey van truck. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters of Atkinson visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs Bill Walter. Xt.. CnltV.vt* dor and daughter, Gloria, went to Norfolk Sunday to join rela tives for a trip to the state Fair at Lincoln. History of the Church to Be Presented— INMAN On Tuesday evening September 9, at 7:54 o’clock Ar thur F. Gibbs of Independence, Mo., will present a film at the In* man Reorganized church of Jesus Christ of LDS. The film will depict the history of the church from its organization in 1830 to the present day. This film will include pic* tures taken in New York, Ohio', Missouri. Illinois and Iowa. There have been many bookr and articles written attempting tc present the history of the Latter Day Saint church, and many com tradictory statements have been made. The lecturer will endeavor to give the history from the view point of the church. The public i: invited. The Dwight and Dwayne Phil brick families and Mrs. Dwight Philbrick’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Ebby Stout of Rose were fishing north of Stuart Sunday, Mrs. Willis Magary of John stown visited her new grandson, Scott Solfermoser, son of Mr and Mrs. Willard Solfermoser Monday and Tuesday. August 2? and 26, Other guests on Tuesday were Scott's grandfather and uncle. William Solfermoser and son. Larry, of West Point. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Prouty and Tommy were weekend guests at the Ed Prouty farm at Spencer. Mrs. John Pruss was a Sunday dinner guest of her sister, Mrs ! Anton Tomiaok and Miss ( More ,___ — DR. H. D. OILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th & 1 Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. l’h. 1<!7 — Office lira. 9 to 6 Wyes hlxn mined—liiaenee Fitted Monday Thru Saturday Closed Wednesday First Special Sale Today Today (Thursday) is the first special sale of the fall sea son. We expect to have between 500 and 700 head of cattle. There will be 250 to HIM) yearling heifers, probably 150 to 200 yearling steers, some ealves. Consignments include: 25 '! good 800 lb. yearling steers; 23 fall calf heifers; 35 head of 750-lb. yearling steers; 20 Hereford ealves; 83 open 000-lb. yearling heifers; is choice yearling steers; 22 head of 700-lb. heifers; 50 mixed yearling heifers and other consignments. t The hog sale will start at 12 o’clock noon. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 Vern & Leigh Ueynoldson