The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 31, 1958, Section 1, Page 4, Image 6

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    Pony Balks at
Skfht of Snaks
CEIJA — Glenn and Rodney,
two small sons of Mr and Mrs.
Victor Frickel, started out horse
bark to visit their Hoffman cous
ins about five miles away. After
traveling a little over two miles
they came upon a huge bull
snake sunning himself across the
The pony refused to continue on
jnn eventually took the boys
lack home.
Their father took them to visit
their cousins the following day.
Other CVlla News
Markita Hendricks and Mavis
Rahn entertained a group of girls
it a slumber party at the Hen
dricks cabin Friday, July 25.
Present were Miss Vivian Thur
tm. Miss Frances Chaffin, Miss
Beverly Meyer, Mis6 Maryetta
Heiser, Miss Mavis Rahn, and
Miss Markita Hendricks.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Orr and
Marjorie Rahn were dinner
<u<-sts at the Joe Hendricks home
Sunday, July 20.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry
snd family attended a picnic at
the August Troshynski home Sun
day, July 20.
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin,
Frances and Linda, visited at the
Mark Hendricks home Friday,
July 25.
The Jolly Ramblers 4-H club
held a homemade ice cream and
cake social at the Collins hard
ware Saturday, July 25.
Ed Hoffman, Mrs. Amelia Hoff
man and Roger Hoffman drove to
Morristown, S. D., for a few days
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hoffman and friends. Ed
and Henry are brothers.
Tlie Jolly Ramblers 4-H club
members and families held a pic
aic at tiie park house in Atkinson
.Tiilv 20 Late in the af
trrtmwn County Agent Neil Dawes
•nd family erf O’Neill joined the
group Larry Schrunk gave a
demonstration on knot tying and
tolliene Beck and Patty Straka
Jhuwed how to measure dry in
gredients. Guests for the after
aonn were Mrs. Inez Hayes, Julie
and Bonnie Aken of Wyoming,
nieces of the Jonases, and Mickey
Mr and Mrs. J. L. Chambers
of Glenwood, la., spent the week
md with their daughter and fam
Ijt, Mr and Mrs. George Mintle
n#T Atkinson. Sunday evening Mr.
acr Mrs. Hans Lauridsen and
xmls and Mr. and Mrs. Milton
McKathnie and family had a pot
luck supper at the George Mintle
Miss Vickie Friekel, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Friekel,
spent the past week at fhe home
of her aunt, Mrs. Jerry Hender
son of Valentine.
Dale and Darrel Focken, twin
sons of Mr. aund Mrs. Clarence
•token, sr., spent Monday and
Tuesday with the Victor Friekel
toner Nebraskans
to (lather—
TT*e Nebraska Social club ol
Oregon and Washington will hold
its annual picnic Sunday, Augusl
at Jantzen Beach park.
There will be registration by
jaunty with a public address sys
tem to enable everyone to locate
aid friends. All former Nebras
kans and friends are welcome.
"Bring a picnic lunch and visil
with your friends. There will t
a program starting at 1:30," ac
cording to Mrs. FYed Calkins
3117 SE 8, Portland 2, Ore.
ATKINSON- Mr. and Mi-s. Nor
aert Pushalla and family, Mrs
®sry Weber, Mrs. Louise Win
of Steinauer and Mr and Mrs
Richard Osome, jr., and family
tS Atkinson were Saturday sup
per guests at the Nick Schmi'
Mr. and Mrs George G. Robert
son were in Norfolk Friday or
•tee Ini See us to- ^
Mr- end leorn more_
risers «Bj»«7
water system*.
Kelly’s Plumbing
Young Adult Council
Picnics at Page
PAGE—Memlters of the north
east district council of the Young
Adults of the Methodist church
held a council meeting Sunday at
j temoon, July 27, at the Page park
following a basket dinner. Some
attended services at the Page
Included among the out-of
town guests were Mrs. Ethel Kue
ek of Lincoln, director of young
adult work; Mr. and Mrs Don
Sheppard of the Mother Jewel's
home at York, conference direct
ors of study and worship, and Mr.
and Mrs. Virgil Coulter of Neligh,
conference vice-presidents. R e
presentatives were also in at
tendance from Johnstown, Spring
\ lew, O’Neill, Chambers, Neligh,
Wayne, York and Lincoln as well
as Page.
The fall district rally will be
held September 28 at a place to be
Other Page News
Jon and Dennis Cork accompan
ied Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Stevens
and Ronnie Parks to Omaha Fri
| day where they were guests of
I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parks for
the weeeknd. Ronnie had been
visiting at Page.
The program committee, con
sisting of Mesdames Edgar Stauf
fer, Jesse Kelly, Lisle Mewmavv,
Arnold Stewart and William Rag
land, met at the home of Mrs. J.
W. Finch, jr., Monday to make up
the year books. Mrs. Finch served
A group of friends gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Park Wednesday, July 23, for a
housewarming. Guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski and
Hugh, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk
and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin Roach and N. D. Ickes and
Denny. Supper guests there were
Mr and Mrs. Wayne Donohoe of
O'Neill. Homemade ice cream
and cake were served.
Miss Vera Howard, who has at
I ..nJnrl n m • rM nnnnl/VM ni
University of Omaha, is spending
the week with her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Holliday.' She teaches at Kimball.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holliday
and family of Scottsbluff arrived
Friday to spend the weekend with
j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
i Holliday.
Ron Park, Larry Heiss, Bob
Beelaert, Donald Spangler and
Elmer Saltz left Saturday night
for Camp Ripley, Minn., for two
j weeks of national guard duty.
All members of the HOA club
were guests of Mrs. Harold Heiss
Tuesday, July 22, for a social af
ternoon of fancywork and visiting.
Mrs. Harry Lamport will be the
I August 5 hostess.
Delvin Johnston, who has spent
the past two months in the home
of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Heiss, left Monday for
his home at Mountain Home, Ida.
Because of the rain Friday eve
! ning, the members of the SOS
club postponed their club meeting
till Saturday evening when they
were rain-stayed. Mrs. Frieda
Asher received the mystery gift.
Rev. and Mrs. Lisle Mevvmaw
; spent several days last week at
Wilsonville, a former pastorate,
coming home Saturday evening
Ruth Evelyn stayed for an extend
ed visit.
Mrs. Fred Walker and son, Joe,
of Trinidad, Colo., arrived Friday
for a visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Finley, Mr. and
Mrs. Jerome Allen, Mr. and Mrs.
Gailen Miller and Mr. and Mrs.
Cordes Walker. Mr. Walker and
John and Bruce arrived Sunday
evening for a shorter visit.
Descendants of the late Pulaski
and Elizabeth Reed met at the
Riverside park at Neligh Sunday,
July 27, for the 23rd annual re
union. Allen Haynes, 85, was the
oldest member present and Kelly
! I^orraine, 4-week-old daughter of
l Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimberly of
Columbus, was the youngest. Mrs.
Duane Dorr, Carolyn. David and
Brian of Lapeer, Mich., came
, i from the greatest distance. There
were no deaths recorded during
• the year. There was one marriage:
Miss Melissa, daughter of Mr. and
1 Mrs Roy Haynes of Denton, tc
Richard Nealy of Lincoln. There
were nine births during the year
O'Neill Legion Now
Leader of Pack
O’Neill’s Junior Legion baseball
team gained first place in Legion
sponsored district seven play, de
feating Ewing Sunday, 6-2, at Car
ney park.
Coach Joe Ollendick’s crew now
owns five wins compared to one
loss in district play. The overall
season’s record shows nine wins
and six reversals.
Meanwhile, O’Neill’s Midgets
were defeated by Chambers Sun
day, 7-0. Fleek, Chambers hurl
er. turned in a no-hit, no-run game
and walked two opponents. The
O'Neill Midgets have won six and
lost seven.
The O’Neill Rockets lost to Or
chard, 8-2 Sunday night at O'Neill
Mr and Mrs. Don Godel of Win
ner, S.D., were Saturday and Sun
day guests of his parents, Mr. anc
■ Mrs. Lloyd Godel.
...woven wi
when fou need hta ,.. In') fhertl
A N^. Why not ask your Agent to review your present
insurance policies — perhaps he con ’’pockogn" iMn
^0t o wring to you.
/-•^Authorized Agent...
O’Neill Insurance Co.
Virgil Laurson, Prop.
'rr—nn -~e*«- _ ... am
Lives on Belgium Farm —
O’Neill Girl at World’s Fair
(Editor's note: Miss Alice
Young. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Young of O'Neill, is
an international farm youth ex
chang student spending three
months in Belgium. A report fol
lows. )
Dear Friends:
Here I am in Belgium, happily
settled and having a great time!
Thing I miss most is the Nebras
ka sunshine. I have seen the sun
for a short time three out of five
days since I have been here. I
am lx*ginning to understand that
wet weather can be a problem as
well as dry.
I am staying with John Vincent
family in the village of Vergnies
(population 200), approximately
tit) miles from Brussels. The fam
ily has had three IFYE’s before
me and their son was an 1FYE
delegate to the United States last
The family consists of Mr. and
Mrs. Vincent iJohn and Marie),
Grandma, 84, Andrew, 23, and a
married daughter, Monique,
whose husband works with the
men in the field.
They are at the present time
making hay whenever they can.
The entire family is very' nice
and is extremely good to me. We
have lots of fun together.
Andrew can speak very good
I English so 1 especially enjoy
| --
talking with him. However, it
doesn't improve my French!
I am learning a little hut there
is so much to learn. When the
family and I talk, it's like a dra
matic show (ha). They are very
patient, however, and we usually
get the point across. It was diffi
cult to know what to do at first.
I felt like a little puppy following
them around and watching every
move. But now I can go ahead
with a few things.
The farm is quite large with
dairj and l>eef cattle. The Vin
cents milk over 20 cows, separate
and make butter from the cream.
The family has four milking ma
chines, and a huge separator.
They feed the calves all the skim
med milk.
The grandmother is very ac
tive and does much work. She
finished knitting a nice pair of
wool socks yesterday. She tried
to teach me. She makes all the
socks for the entire family.
The family is jolly and great
for jokes. I went horseback rid
ing and wore Andrew’s cowboy
boots which he acquired in Mon
tana, When I went to put my shoes
on I found a potato in each. I
don’t know who did it. Andrew or
John. Each blames the other. I
am now trying to conjure up
something to do to them.
The house is quite large with
electric stove, refrigerator and
radio. The bathroom has only
cold water, but the Vincents plan
to get hot water in a year or so.
My room (which was Andrew’s
is roomy with nice furniture. I
have a large bed, two night
stands, dresser and wardrobe.
Calfhides (rugs) complete my
A cousin of Andrew’s is getting
married Saturday quite an occa
sion. I am to be in the wedding
with a formal and all. We borrow
I ed it from Monique and I have to
do a little altering. I am thrilled
at being in the wedding party and
am anxious to see what it will be
like. At the same time, I am wor
ried about my limited French.
They will probably tell me to
march left and I’ll march right—
: or something.
I didn’t understand until yes
terday that I was to lie in the
party’. The forepart of the week
I thought it was Andrew who was
getting married, but discovered
later that the cousin's name and
Andrew's are pronounced very
much the same.
Our 43 IFYE's had a very good
trip over on the Arosa Star (a
German liner), sailing from Mon
treal on June 17 and docking at
Lellavre, France, June 27. Some
of the 800 people aboard were
sick with sea sickness and some
with flu. I didn’t get sick at all.
We spent the afternoon and
night on June 27 in Paris. The
two Belgium delegates < Bill from
Kentucky and myself I left by train
for Brussels at 8 a.m. and arriv
ed at 12:15 p.m. We stayed at a
hotel in Brussels the rest of the
day and until 9 am. Monday,
when we w’cre taken by the ag
riculture attache to our respective
During our stay in Brussels,
Bill and I spent 15 hours at the
world’s fair. It is really fabulous!
1 It is much prettier and better or
ganized than I had expected. The
"floor plan" <rf the ground is ter
rific. It is like a big, lieautiful
park. We didn’t have time to go
inside many buildings.
For those of you who do not
have my address it is:
Alice M. Young, c/o John I.
Kross, Agriculture Attache, Amer
ican Embassy, Brussels, Belgium.
Naturally, I would appreciate
hearing from any of you when
ever you can find time. A 15-cent
stamp will get the lettar to me
airmail. I don’t know how much
it posts by toat. It costs me 12
cents to mail a letter airmail,
providing it’s not to many pages,
j Hope this finds everyone fine and
dandy! Bye for now.
Sick & Injured
O'NEILL — Paul E. Moseman,
■ sr., went to Lincoln Wednesday
for a checkup. . . Little Lonny
Vanderbeek, who fell out of a car
driven by his mother recently,
; is up and around at home. . . Mrs.
; James Donlin will undergo sur
gery today (Thursday) at St.
Elizabeth’s hospital in Lincoln.
She has a throat tumor. In early
June she had preliminary sur
gery-. . . Fred Appleby returned
Saturday by ambulance from a
Sioux City hospital. He is suffer
ing from a back (spinal) ailment.
No surgery is contemplated at
present. He is wearing a brace.
. . . Mrs. Don Clyde returned
Sunday from Our Lady
of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk.
She underwent surgery on Tues
day, July 22. . . Leonard Morrow
left Monday to enter the veter
an's hospital at Grand Island for
a checkup. . • Mr. and Mrs. George
Morlang took their son, Vernie, 3,
to Lincoln Sunday for medical at
tention, returning Monday.
INMAN-Mrs. R. B. South
drove to Neligh on Wednesday to
get Mr. South who had been a
patient for several days in the
Antelope Memorial hospital. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lines and son,
Danny, and Mrs. Dana Lines
drove to Omaha Wednesday. Mrs.
Dana Lines had a medical check
and Danny had surgery on his
leg Thursday. All were able to
return home Thursday evening.
EWING — Mrs. Wilma Daniels
and her daughter, Sharon, who
were seriously injured July 3 in
a two-car accident near Ewing,
Saturday were released at St. Jo
seph’s hospital at Sioux City where
both had submitted to surgery.
They were transferred by ambul
j ance to St. Anthony’s hospital. The
I mother suffered a crushed foot.
DELOIT-Little Penny Rosburg,
age 6, of Daadwood, S. D., had
the misfortune to fall and break
her arm while playing on the
cement porch at the R. Tomjack
home an Monday afternoon, July
21. She will be hospitalized at
Neligh for 10 days. Mr. and Mrs.
R. M. Tomjack and Mrs. Jewell
visited her on Thursday evening.
EWING—Mrs. Duke Lipscomb
of Tulare, Calif., underwent ma
jor back surgery Thursday, July
24 at St. Agnes hospital in Fres
no, Calif. She is the former Zel
ma Frye.
LYNCH Marlin Barnes acci
dently broke the fourth finger of
his right hand Sunday while play
| ing kittenball. Local doctors took
I care of the injury.
RIVERSIDE — Mrs. Alphonse
! Woslager came home last week
from Tilden hospital.
Regional Deaths
Mrs. Ernest Ziegenbcin
ROYAL-Mrs. Ernest Ziegen
bein. 72. died Wednesday even
ing, July 23, in a Norfolk hos
pital after being ill three months.
Funeral services were conducted
Sunday. July 27. Survivors in
clude: Widower; daughters—Mrs.
James (Zadat Stewart of Wisner
and Mrs. William (Marie) Roth
leutnei of Royal; sons—Henry of
Fayette, Ida; Sammy and Lester
of Hood River. Ore.; Garen and
Clinton of Haywood, Calif.; Ray
mond and Charier of Norfolk,
and Lloyd of Alexandria, Va.
Ted Tomacek
BURWELL—Ted Tomacek. 17,
a Burwell area farm youth, was
found dead Thursday after hav
l ing been dragged by a horse. Sur
vivors include Ihe parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Tomacek, and a
twin brother, Tom. The family
j lives 10 miles northwest of Bur
| well in Loup county.
Mrs. Edna Nelson
NELIGH—Funeral services were
held Saturday, July 26, at Neligh
for Mrs. Edna Nelson, 67. of Van
Nuys, Calif. She died Tuesday,
July 22, at Denver, Colo.
Clayton Brandenburg
LONG PINE—Clayton Branden
burg, 85, died Wednesday, July
23, at a Long Pine rest home fol
lowing a long illness. Burial was
at Jefferson, la.
Annual Firemen’s Ball o:
Creighton Volunteer Fire Depart
ment at Lakevtew Pavilion, Mon
day, August 4th. Tommy Allar
and orchestra, featuring Jeannt
Carrol. 13-14<
Chambers News
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Holcomb of
Eldorado were overnight guests
Saturday. July 26, of Mr. and Mrs.
L. V. Cooper. Mrs. Holcomb’s
mother and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. John Paulee of Aurora, who
accompanied them to Chambers,
were overnight guests in the Char
les Spann home. Mr. and Mrs. Hol
somb, Mr. and Mrs. Paulee, Mr.
and Mrs. Spann, Mrs. C. E. Tib
bets and Mrs. Genevieve Bell were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Cooper.
Victor Harley left Tuesday,
July 29, for Hinsdale, 111., to at
tend a two-day meeting of Inter
national Harvester dealers.
The Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service met Thursday, July
24, at the Methodist church with
Mrs. Charles Grimes and Mrs.
Bruce Grimes as hostesses. The
second session of the study on
’’The Kingdom Beyond Caste”
was presented by Mrs. James
Grimes. Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
and Mrs. Lloyd Gleed The wor
ship was in charge of Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
were overnight guests Friday,
July 25, in the home of their son
in-law daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Stevens at Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and
Pamela departed Saturday mor
ning, July 26, for Denver, Colo., to
visit their son and daughter-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Shav
lik. Their son, Myron finished
his basic training at Ft. Carson.
Mrs. Iva Hart left Saturday for
Omaha to visit relatives after
spending several weeks with her
sister, Mrs. Sarah Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Taggart of
Dannebrog visited friends at
Chambers Sunday, July 29. j
Mrs. Milton Grimes and son of
Kansas City, Mo., spent a few
days last week with her husband’s
mother, Mrs. Jim Grimes, Mr.
Grimes, and other relatives.
Mrs. Lee Sammons of Sioux,
City spent a few days with her
parents, Mr. ana mm.
I derson. She has been assisting
I with the care of her new grand
son in the Bill Sammons home at
Amelia the past few weeks. :
Mrs. Bill Hill, Mrs. Wayne Hill
i and “Butch” Moose of Stanton
visted in the A. A. Walter home
| Sunday. The ladies arc nieces of
i Mrs. Walter. „ w
Mrs. Ida Howard of California
is visiting her mother, Mrs. John
Wintermote, and her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guais
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stahley
and family of Milford were Sun
day , July 27, guests of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Alder
son. They left Monday to visit her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
I Mrs. Cleo Alderson, and boys at
Timber Lake, S. D., and plan to
return to Chambers Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Verle Tuttle and
daughter Sherry of Clearwater
were Sunday, July 27, supper
guests in the Elvin Rubeck home.
Sherry’ remained for a week s
'1 Mrs. Charles Grubb and daugh
ter Judy, left Saturday, July 26,
for' Salt ‘Lake City, Utah for a
short visit with her daughter be
ore going on to her home at
Bremerton, Wash She had spent
three weeks with her mother,
Mrs. Mae Hubbard.
Mrs. Myrtle Fees, Mrs. Mae
Hubbard. Mrs. Charles Grubb
and Judy spent Friday visiting
relatives at Ord and Ansley.
Kathy Gallagher to Camp —
Kathy Gallagher, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John R Gallagher,
left Monday to attend Christ Child
camp near Omaha for two weeks.
Her mother and brother, Mike,
and an aunt, Mrs. John Melvin,
accompanied her. Mrs. Melvin
will visit her sister, Mrs John A.
Frenking. The Frenking’s home
was burned severely recently.
Mrs. Gallagher and Mike return
' ed Tuesday.
Frontier want ads pay.
Fractures Leg
Owen Donohoe, 13, son of
Mrs. Clarence Donohoe, is re
covering in St. Joseph’s hospital
from an upper leg fracture.
He was hurt when he fell from
a tree July 18.
O’Neill Locals
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Krug
man attended the Kumm family
reunion in Plainview on Sunday..
Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Fetrow of
Salem, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
Fetrow of Seattle, Wash, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Fetrow of Buchy
l-us, Mo., arrived Monday to visit
their nephew and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Fetrow. On Tuesday
his aunt, Mrs. and Mr. John Mil
ler of Lincoln, will arrive. They
will all visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Fetrow in Scotia.
Mrs Loyd Peck and Mrs. Allen
Moffat of Akron, la., were Wed
nesday and Thursday guests of
their daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Franklin. Their
son, Kenneth, returned with them
for a week’s visit.
Mrs. Ray Snell of Page and
daughters, Mrs. Jack Passmore of
San Diego, Calif., and Mrs. W. W.
Waller and Rita spent Friday in
Norfolk. Mrs. Passmore left by
plane for her home and Rita re
mained in Norfolk to attend Nor
folk Beauty school.
Eddie Gatz of Omaha spent the
weekend with his aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz.
Elva Gettert spent the week
visiting her cousin, Judy Gettert,
in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs Connie Sattler of
Omaha were Monday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Graves.
ivi r. ana ivirs. rnuiip Haver
camp returned Sunday from a two
weeks visit with their parents,
Mr and Mrs. Hobart Haverkamp
and Mr. and Mrs. John Mathine of
Mrs. Blanche Pick of Wynot
was a Sunday guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles TTavranek They went
to Atkinson, where she remained
to visit her sister, Mrs. Dorothy
Barrett, for several weeks.
Mrs. Edwin tBudl Krugman and
children were callers Saturday in
Guests at the Tom Greene
home last week were Mr. and
Mrs. U. B. Case and son. Frank,
of Portsmoth. Ia,; and Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Brimer and son, Thom
as, of Council Bluffs, Ia. Mrs.
Case is a sister of Mr. Greene.
Mrs. Brimer is a niece.
Rev. and Mrs. G. M. Hubby of
Cedar Rapids, Ia., and Mrs. Wil
ma Borg of Tacoma, Wash., were
dinner guests at Mrs. Carrie Borg
and Marvel Borg home Monday,
July 28.
Mr. and Mrs Harold Connors
and sons of Greeley were week
end guests of her mother, Mrs.
M. J Wallace, and other relatives,
A Krugman family reunion was
held Sunday at Niobrara State
park. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Edward R Krugman, and Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Krugman, all of O’
Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Krug
man. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Krug
man, Mr and Mrs. Albert Krug
man, all of Creighton; Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Krugman of Spencer;
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geisleman, Mr
and Mrs. T^arry Erbs, Mrs Laura
Reiners, all of Bloomfield; Mrs
Linda Doer of Creighton and Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Debert of Os
Emmet News
Mr and Mrs. Ben Trosh>nski
and Tommy returned to their
home in Lincoln Tuesday, July 22,
aftter spending several weeks
visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Pease and
girls called on Mrs. Agnes Gaffney
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan
of Newport spent Saturday at the
Cecil McMillan home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Luth of Bur
lington, la., visited Mr. and Mrs.
Bod Cole and children Thursday
morning. The Luths were on their
way to Denver, Colo.
The smorgasborg dinner at the
Church ol the Epiphany Sunday
evening was a success. It was
estimated that as least 800 guests
were served. One out-of-town
guest for the fifth consecutive year
was a lady from Sioux City, Mrs.
Mrs. Joan Goulter and children
of Orchard, Mrs. Walt Lindberg
of Laurel, and Mrs Fred Lauson
and son Chris, of Independence,
Kans., visited at the William New
ton and Paul Newton homes last
Mrs. Vera Barnes was a Sun
day dinner guest of the Cecil Mc
Wayne Turner of Ewing is em
ployed at the Leon Beckwith farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Fox and
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kelly visited
the Wayne Foxes on Sunday after
Mr. and Mrs. Low Sidak and
family spent Sunday with Mr,
Sidak’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Sidak at Long Pine.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bosn and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Borg visited at
the Wayne Fox home Sunday eve
Mrs. Leon Beckwith called on
Mrs. Millard Elenwood in Atkin
son on Saturday afternoon, July
ramily Arrives
from Japan
RIVERSIDE Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan McClanahan and children
arrived in the United States early
last week, coming from Japan.
They arrived in Ewing Wednes
day afternoon, July 23, to visit
Ivan’s aunt, Mrs. Earl Pierson.
On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Pierson took the Ivan McClana
han family to O’Neill to visit
Ivan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
; Earl McClanahan.
Mrs. Baker Wins
second at Ord—
Among those participating in
l he Ord golf tournament for
J women last Thursday were Mrs.
j D. A. Kersenbrock, Mrs. Fritz
j Yantzie, Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak,
Mrs. John L. Baker and Miss Ny
I la Jaszkowiak and Mrs. Max Wan
i ser of Ewing.
Mrs. Baker finished second.
I Miss Jaskowiak won honors for
the longest drive. Mrs. Yantzie
1 was closest to the pin on number
eight. Mrs. Baker had low putts.
Bridge Club Meets—
Country Club Bridge club met
Wednesday. Winnie Barger was
chairman with the following com
mittee: Mrs. Joe Tennis, Mrs.
D. F. Templemeyer, Mrs. K. Van
Voorhis, Mrs. V. Laursen, Miss
La Veta Lehn, Mrs. J. P. Brown
and Mrs. Me Ginn. High scorer
was Mrs. L A. Burgess; second
high, Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis and
all cut prize, Mabel McKenna.
ATKINSON—Nick Schmit, Elea
nor and Catherine ascompanied
by Jim Steinhauser of Stuart were
dinner and supper guests of Mrs.
Herman Norhues and family of
Randolph Sunday, July 20.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin
spent Saturday evening and Sun
day in Sioux City with her sister,
Miss Genevieve Biglin, and Miss
Nora McAuliffe.
The t’hmtels on their wed
ding day In 1908.
Polish-Born Pair
in Golden Wedding
(Continued from page 1.)
Horn and Mr. and Mrs. David
Lentz and Shelly, all of Grand Is
and; Mr. and Mrs. .1 P. Feighny
and sons of Juleslierg. Colo.; Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Chmiel of Granada
Hills, Calif.; Mr and Mrs. Carl
Chmiel and children, Ewing, and
Mitchell W. Zabrowski of Whitcha
Falls. Tex. The latter is a broth
er of Mrs. Chmiel.
Ted Zabrowski of O'Neill is an
other brother and her sisters are
Mrs. Agnes Clausen of Chicago,
and Irene of Los Angles, Calif
Tlie Zabrowski homeplace is now
part of the Dewey Schaffer ranch.
Bowens Entertain—
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowen
and three daughters of Hastings,
who are spending their vacation
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Bowen and Mr. and Mrs
Sylvester Zakrzewski, spent twc
days last week in Butte visiting
her sister and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. William Podany. They
were in Omaha Friday and Sat
urday and went to Wayne Tuesday
to visit his brother and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. John Bowen.
Janawa (’lnh Meets—
Janawa club met with Mrs.
Bennett Heriford Thursday High
score was won by Mrs. Ed Schmit
and traveling prize by Mrs. R.
E. Moore.
Mrs. Shierk Hostess—
Morrymix club met with Mrs
Paul Shierk Tuesday. High scores
were won by Mrs. II. L. Lindberg
and Mrs. Ted McElhaney.
Visitors Here—
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bishop of
Kansas City, Kans., were guests
Monday until Thursday of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hynes.
Guests of Mi's F. J Dtshner
from Monday until Wednesday
were Mrs. George Cronklespon,
Mrs J. P Golden and son,
Frank, and granddaughter, Con
nie, all of Scottsbluff.
Mr. and Mrs William MacKinlay
and son, Douglas, returned July
21 from a two-weeks vacation
trip that took them through the
eastern and western part of the
Mr. anti Mrs. William J. Froe
lieh. Jim and Chuck and Mrs. H.
J. Birmingham left early Monday
tta- a month s vacation at Avvassa
lodge near Minoequa, Wise The
Froelteh’s daughter. Miss Mary
plans to join them.
Miss Bernadette Brennan and
Mrs. P. B. llarty spent Monday
in Yankton, S. D., visiting Miss
Brennan's niece, Sr Benedict
Dale French and son, Tim, were
in Wahoo Sunday and Monday
v isiting his brother anil wife, Dr.
ami Mrs, Ivan French.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Mose
man, jt'., of Cedar Rapids, la., ar
rived Friday to spend a week with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mtwe
man. sr , Miss Carolyn Most'man,
who is employed in Omaha, spent
last week on vacation with her
Annual Firemen’s It a 1 I til
Creighton Volunteer Fire Depart
ment at Lake view Pavilion, Mon
day, August 4th, Tommy Allan
anti orchestra, featuring Jeanne
Carrol. lS14e
Mrs. W. H. Harty spent the
weekend in Creighton with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Kevin Kocina Lynn Kocina
returned with her grandmother to
spend her vacation here.
Mrs. It. E. Evans met her
daughter, Mardel, in Omaha on
Tuesday. She was returning fn#n
attending Aspen Music school for
five weeks in Aspen, Colo. Mardel
visited Carolyn Biggins over the
weekend in Ft. Morgan, Colo._
200-250 Cattle Today
Today’s sale will feature 200-250 cattle, including about 100
head of yearling steers and a nice showing of light calves In
advance consignments.
There will be a lot of good replacement cattle and butcher
Also expected are 250 feeder pigs.
In two or three weeks the Iwo-year-old steers and yearling
heifers will begin to show.
Vern & Leigh Keynoldson
a a a js k A dm dmk dmk mm dm dm am dm a a a a ^
r $
< ; 1959 >
f They’re here . . . first ^
" showing in O’Neill. You’ll W
I find individual sets, com- |
hi nations, auxiliary speakers “
f .... now on display In our fc
g TV-Radlo Department In
" our downstairs store. *
6 You’ve never seen or heard k
the true wonders of "
( electronics until you’ve I
g h<Ml a FREE demonstration
* of— P
! CORONADOS for ’59 |
< >
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