Pony Balks at Skfht of Snaks CEIJA — Glenn and Rodney, two small sons of Mr and Mrs. Victor Frickel, started out horse bark to visit their Hoffman cous ins about five miles away. After traveling a little over two miles they came upon a huge bull snake sunning himself across the node The pony refused to continue on jnn eventually took the boys lack home. Their father took them to visit their cousins the following day. Other CVlla News Markita Hendricks and Mavis Rahn entertained a group of girls it a slumber party at the Hen dricks cabin Friday, July 25. Present were Miss Vivian Thur tm. Miss Frances Chaffin, Miss Beverly Meyer, Mis6 Maryetta Heiser, Miss Mavis Rahn, and Miss Markita Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Orr and Marjorie Rahn were dinner eef cattle. The Vin cents milk over 20 cows, separate and make butter from the cream. The family has four milking ma chines, and a huge separator. They feed the calves all the skim med milk. The grandmother is very ac tive and does much work. She finished knitting a nice pair of wool socks yesterday. She tried to teach me. She makes all the socks for the entire family. The family is jolly and great for jokes. I went horseback rid ing and wore Andrew’s cowboy boots which he acquired in Mon tana, When I went to put my shoes on I found a potato in each. I don’t know who did it. Andrew or John. Each blames the other. I am now trying to conjure up something to do to them. The house is quite large with electric stove, refrigerator and radio. The bathroom has only cold water, but the Vincents plan to get hot water in a year or so. My room (which was Andrew’s is roomy with nice furniture. I have a large bed, two night stands, dresser and wardrobe. Calfhides (rugs) complete my room. A cousin of Andrew’s is getting married Saturday quite an occa sion. I am to be in the wedding with a formal and all. We borrow I ed it from Monique and I have to do a little altering. I am thrilled at being in the wedding party and am anxious to see what it will be like. At the same time, I am wor ried about my limited French. They will probably tell me to march left and I’ll march right— : or something. I didn’t understand until yes terday that I was to lie in the party’. The forepart of the week I thought it was Andrew who was getting married, but discovered later that the cousin's name and Andrew's are pronounced very much the same. Our 43 IFYE's had a very good trip over on the Arosa Star (a German liner), sailing from Mon treal on June 17 and docking at Lellavre, France, June 27. Some of the 800 people aboard were sick with sea sickness and some with flu. I didn’t get sick at all. We spent the afternoon and night on June 27 in Paris. The two Belgium delegates < Bill from Kentucky and myself I left by train for Brussels at 8 a.m. and arriv ed at 12:15 p.m. We stayed at a hotel in Brussels the rest of the day and until 9 am. Monday, when we w’cre taken by the ag riculture attache to our respective farms. During our stay in Brussels, Bill and I spent 15 hours at the world’s fair. It is really fabulous! 1 It is much prettier and better or ganized than I had expected. The "floor plan" nski and Tommy returned to their home in Lincoln Tuesday, July 22, aftter spending several weeks visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Pease and girls called on Mrs. Agnes Gaffney Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan of Newport spent Saturday at the Cecil McMillan home. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Luth of Bur lington, la., visited Mr. and Mrs. Bod Cole and children Thursday morning. The Luths were on their way to Denver, Colo. The smorgasborg dinner at the Church ol the Epiphany Sunday evening was a success. It was estimated that as least 800 guests were served. One out-of-town guest for the fifth consecutive year was a lady from Sioux City, Mrs. Christianson. Mrs. Joan Goulter and children of Orchard, Mrs. Walt Lindberg of Laurel, and Mrs Fred Lauson and son Chris, of Independence, Kans., visited at the William New ton and Paul Newton homes last Thursday. Mrs. Vera Barnes was a Sun day dinner guest of the Cecil Mc Millans. Wayne Turner of Ewing is em ployed at the Leon Beckwith farm. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kelly visited the Wayne Foxes on Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Low Sidak and family spent Sunday with Mr, Sidak’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sidak at Long Pine. Mr. and Mrs. George Bosn and Mr. and Mrs. Don Borg visited at the Wayne Fox home Sunday eve ning. Mrs. Leon Beckwith called on Mrs. Millard Elenwood in Atkin son on Saturday afternoon, July 19. ramily Arrives from Japan RIVERSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McClanahan and children arrived in the United States early last week, coming from Japan. They arrived in Ewing Wednes day afternoon, July 23, to visit Ivan’s aunt, Mrs. Earl Pierson. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson took the Ivan McClana han family to O’Neill to visit Ivan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ; Earl McClanahan. Mrs. Baker Wins second at Ord— Among those participating in l he Ord golf tournament for J women last Thursday were Mrs. j D. A. Kersenbrock, Mrs. Fritz j Yantzie, Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak, Mrs. John L. Baker and Miss Ny I la Jaszkowiak and Mrs. Max Wan i ser of Ewing. Mrs. Baker finished second. I Miss Jaskowiak won honors for the longest drive. Mrs. Yantzie 1 was closest to the pin on number eight. Mrs. Baker had low putts. Bridge Club Meets— Country Club Bridge club met Wednesday. Winnie Barger was chairman with the following com mittee: Mrs. Joe Tennis, Mrs. D. F. Templemeyer, Mrs. K. Van Voorhis, Mrs. V. Laursen, Miss La Veta Lehn, Mrs. J. P. Brown and Mrs. Me Ginn. High scorer was Mrs. L A. Burgess; second high, Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis and all cut prize, Mabel McKenna. ATKINSON—Nick Schmit, Elea nor and Catherine ascompanied by Jim Steinhauser of Stuart were dinner and supper guests of Mrs. Herman Norhues and family of Randolph Sunday, July 20. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin spent Saturday evening and Sun day in Sioux City with her sister, Miss Genevieve Biglin, and Miss Nora McAuliffe. The t’hmtels on their wed ding day In 1908. Polish-Born Pair in Golden Wedding (Continued from page 1.) Horn and Mr. and Mrs. David Lentz and Shelly, all of Grand Is and; Mr. and Mrs. .1 P. Feighny and sons of Juleslierg. Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Chmiel of Granada Hills, Calif.; Mr and Mrs. Carl Chmiel and children, Ewing, and Mitchell W. Zabrowski of Whitcha Falls. Tex. The latter is a broth er of Mrs. Chmiel. Ted Zabrowski of O'Neill is an other brother and her sisters are Mrs. Agnes Clausen of Chicago, and Irene of Los Angles, Calif Tlie Zabrowski homeplace is now part of the Dewey Schaffer ranch. Bowens Entertain— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowen and three daughters of Hastings, who are spending their vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen and Mr. and Mrs Sylvester Zakrzewski, spent twc days last week in Butte visiting her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. William Podany. They were in Omaha Friday and Sat urday and went to Wayne Tuesday to visit his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen. Janawa (’lnh Meets— Janawa club met with Mrs. Bennett Heriford Thursday High score was won by Mrs. Ed Schmit and traveling prize by Mrs. R. E. Moore. Mrs. Shierk Hostess— Morrymix club met with Mrs Paul Shierk Tuesday. High scores were won by Mrs. II. L. Lindberg and Mrs. Ted McElhaney. Visitors Here— Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bishop of Kansas City, Kans., were guests Monday until Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. John Hynes. O’NEILL LOCAL* Guests of Mi's F. J Dtshner from Monday until Wednesday were Mrs. George Cronklespon, Mrs J. P Golden and son, Frank, and granddaughter, Con nie, all of Scottsbluff. Mr. and Mrs William MacKinlay and son, Douglas, returned July 21 from a two-weeks vacation trip that took them through the eastern and western part of the state. Mr. anti Mrs. William J. Froe lieh. Jim and Chuck and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham left early Monday tta- a month s vacation at Avvassa lodge near Minoequa, Wise The Froelteh’s daughter. Miss Mary plans to join them. Miss Bernadette Brennan and Mrs. P. B. llarty spent Monday in Yankton, S. D., visiting Miss Brennan's niece, Sr Benedict Joseph. Dale French and son, Tim, were in Wahoo Sunday and Monday v isiting his brother anil wife, Dr. ami Mrs, Ivan French. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Mose man, jt'., of Cedar Rapids, la., ar rived Friday to spend a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mtwe man. sr , Miss Carolyn Most'man, who is employed in Omaha, spent last week on vacation with her parents. Annual Firemen’s It a 1 I til Creighton Volunteer Fire Depart ment at Lake view Pavilion, Mon day, August 4th, Tommy Allan anti orchestra, featuring Jeanne Carrol. lS14e Mrs. W. H. Harty spent the weekend in Creighton with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kocina Lynn Kocina returned with her grandmother to spend her vacation here. Mrs. It. E. Evans met her daughter, Mardel, in Omaha on Tuesday. She was returning fn#n attending Aspen Music school for five weeks in Aspen, Colo. Mardel visited Carolyn Biggins over the weekend in Ft. Morgan, Colo._ I 200-250 Cattle Today Today’s sale will feature 200-250 cattle, including about 100 head of yearling steers and a nice showing of light calves In advance consignments. There will be a lot of good replacement cattle and butcher cows. Also expected are 250 feeder pigs. In two or three weeks the Iwo-year-old steers and yearling heifers will begin to show. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 Vern & Leigh Keynoldson a a a js k A dm dmk dmk mm dm dm am dm a a a a ^ r $ j O'NEILL'S: i FIRST SHOWING! ; < ; 1959 > ! TELEVISION SETS J « RADIOS > * HI FI SET > ! ‘ STEREOPHONIC SOUND ! J RECORD PLAYERS | | by CORONADO I f They’re here . . . first ^ " showing in O’Neill. You’ll W I find individual sets, com- | hi nations, auxiliary speakers “ f .... now on display In our fc g TV-Radlo Department In " our downstairs store. * 6 You’ve never seen or heard k the true wonders of " ( electronics until you’ve I g h « i « ) < ► < > | O’NEILL | _r w _ _ w ,__ _I