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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1958)
Lynch News Marvene May, having finished her work in Omaha, returned to her home here. Mrs. Faye Courtney of Pierce spent the weekend here with rel atives. She is commuting to Norfolk from Pierce and complet ing a course in beauty work and hairdressing. The Clarence Kolund family en joyed picnicking and catching fish at the Missouri river on dec oration day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher spent Friday evening at the James Micanek, sr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kolund and family were fishing at the Spencer dam Sunday, May 25. Decoration day visitors at the James Maly, sr., home were Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Sedivy and fam ily of Redbird, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Hanslik and family of Pilger and James Maly, jr., of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher were decoration day dinner guests at the Earl Conklin home in Spencer. Grace Mannen of Omaha spent decoration day with home folks here. Miss Mary Rysavy of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kocum of Norfolk spent decoration day with Mrs Josie Mannen and Herbert. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Veseley of Verdel spent Wednesday, May 28, at the Frank Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek visited at the Joe Nemic home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek were business visitors in Johns town on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs George King of Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle King of Omaha spent Saturday, May 31, at the Frederick King home. Mr, and Mrs. Hamson James of Phoenix, Ariz., are here visit ing friends and relatives. Mrs. Laura Wurtz has returned to Lynch after being hospitalized in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farran of Custer, S. D., spent last week visitin ghere and in O’Neill. Mr and Mrs. Bill Farr and family of Battle Creek, la., are visiting at the Jack Farr home the past weekend, family of Battle Creek, la., Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farr and and Mrs. Willis Ballard of Ta coma, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Nolan and Mr. and Mrs Clarence ence Kolund and family spent Friday evening at the Jack Farr home. Mrs. Phyllis Mulhair and fam ily and Mrs. Jonas Johnson of Lincoln arrived home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinker man of Kimhall, visited at Mar tin Jehorek home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vomacka and daughter of Gregory, S. D. spent Sunday at the Martin Jeh orek home. Mr. and Mrs Edward Wurtz of Greeley, Colo., is here visit ing relatives over decoration weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Serk en tertained relatives from Wiscon sin the past week. Mrs. Dorothy Kemp and fam ily plan to spend the summer in Missouri and Oklahoma. Helen Peklo Treet and husband returned to their home in San Diego, Calif., after a weeks’ visit at the Peklo home. Mrs. Edward Streit and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody returned home after a weeks’ visit at the •¥~» _ __ 1 Tf_1___ A. JTt _ IV<1> IUWI1U itaviuiivn iivmv *.*x*o soula, Mont. The Queen Esther circle held a food sale at the locker plant Saturday, May 31. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nolte of Oshkosh, visited oldtime friends here. Circle I and Circle II of Wes leyan Missionary society enter tained the graduates of the Lynch school who i>elong to the Wesley an church on Friday at 7 p. m. Honored guests were the seniors Eleanor Barnes and Beverly Al ford and Joyce Holtz, eighth grade graduates, Frederick Iloltz and Betty Gray. Kindergarten pupils Quinton Shrunk and Roger Leo, parents, and grandparents and friends took part in the en tertainment. Decorations were all in the senior class colors, pink and black. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Treu of Lin coln are visiting at the Harlan Holtz home this week fishing and boating on the Missouri river. Edward Zach of Niobrara was a Lynch visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mulhair left for the navy base at China Lake, Calif., after a 15-day furlough with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mulhair, also other relatives. Mr and Mrs. Andy Classen and Carolyn were boatriding at Ft. Randall, Sunday, May 25. Car olyn was entertaining several of her friends. Don Allen and Judd visited at their farm near Venus last Mon day. Mrs. Edith Lang attended me morial day exercises at the Le gion hall Friday. This was the first outing she had taken since her illness several months ago. Emil Sedivy of Sioux City vis ited relatives here decoration day Mrs. Betty Anderson has mov ed to her home in Bristow which she recently purchased and re decorated. Mrs Clyde McKenzie and Con nie Bowl by visited relatives in O’Neill Sunday. Vernon Oleson left Wednesday, May 29 for Ft. Lewis, Wash., from whch place he will leave for overseas duty. Keith Stewart of Lincoln spent decoration weekend with home folks. Wesley Metteer of Wagner, S. D., spent decoration day here with relatives. Legal Notices (First pub. May 29, 1958) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads in the State Capitol at Lin coln, Nebraska, on June 19, 1958, until 10:00 o’clock A. M., and at that time publicly opened and read for GRAVEL FOR SURFAC ING and incidental work on the CHAMBERS WEST Patrol No 81040 State Road. The approximate quantity is: 2,800 Cu. Ys. Gravel Surface Course Material Each bidder must be qualified to submit a proposal for any part or all of this work as provided in Legislative Bill No. 187, 1955 Leg islative Session. The attention of bidders is di rected to the Required Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract. Compliance by the contractor with the standards as to hours of labor presented by the ‘‘Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.” ap proved June 25, 1938 (Public No. 718, 75th Congress'), as amended, will be required in the perform ance of the work under this con tract. The minimum wage paid to all labor employed on this contract | shall be as indicated in the propo sal form. r'liiiis unu speuiucauons lur uit: work may be seen and informa tion secured at the office of the Division Engineer of the Depart ment of Roads at Ainsworth, Ne braska, or at the office of the De partment of Roads at Lincoln, Ne braska. The successful bidder will be re quired to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100% of his con tract. As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work, the bidder must file, with his proposal, a certified check made payable to the Department of Roads and in an amount not less than three hundred seventy five (375) dollars. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids DEPARTMENT OF ROADS L. N. Ress, State Engineer J. V. Muiphy, Division Engineer 5-7c (First pub. May 8, 1958.) SHERIFF'S SAFE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District I Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein County of Holt is plaintiff and Ethel Cowles et. al. are de fendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Ne braska, on the 9 day of June, 1958, at 10 o’clock A. M., the follow ing described premises in Holt County, Nebraska; Lots 8, 9 and 10, in Block 2 of the Original Town of Page, in Holt County, Nebraska, to sat isfy the sum of $217.94 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $40.19 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 7 day of May, 1958. LEO S. TOM JACK Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska, i 2-6c (First pub. May 22, 1958) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4270 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MAY 17, 1958. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF META MARTIN, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all j persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in ! said Court for the appointment of Eleanor Haynes as Adminis tratrix of said estate, and will be heard June 7, 1958 at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O'Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 4-6c (First pub. June 5, 1958). Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 42(i(! IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MAY 99 1958 IN THE ’ MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF JAMES MATTHEWS, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limit ed for presenting claims against said estate is September 26, 1958, and for the payment of debts is May 29, 1959 and that on June 26, 1958, and on September 27, 1958, at 10 o’clock A M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adust all claims and ob jections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 6-8c Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mahon went to Verdel Friday and visited until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Alfred Peed, Larry Hanzlik and Mr. and Mrs Bernard Mahon. INSURANCE I A 1,1. K1M1S Come in and let us figure the plans over with you. We can save you money and we appreciate your business. Geo. C. Robertson AGENCY Phone 5S4 or 612-J Cool trick! 7-Up *Hoat'! * * , ♦ * . » « . * • - cm COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS -I May 7. 1958 i Council met as per adjourned. Present were Mayor Schaffer , Councilmen, Glee son. Reynoldson , Heermann and Golden. Moore and »; Berigan were absent. Meeting was called to order by t the mayor. > Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved. ! Motion by Glee son. seconded , by Reynoldson, that the following | bills be allowed and paid on the igeneral fund: ; Marcellus Schaff _ 277.48 D. F. McDermott ___ 205.28 ID. J. McGinn_ 249.26 Loyd K. Brittell _167.44 John R. Gallagher 100.00 D. C. Schaffer ... _.... 200,00 . M. J. Golden 100.00 : Leigh Reynoldson 100.00 Fred O. Heerman 100 00 Ralph Walker 60.00 Director of Internal Rev enue 99.50 Ace Wicks ___._ 88.00 Ed H. Pavel 18.40 i Marcellus Imp. Co._ 58.10 McCarthies 6.49 Schneider Electric 25.07 O'Neill Fire Dept. 69.00 Contingent Fund City of O'Neill 106 99 The Texas Company 24.60 O'Neill Cleaners _ 1.10 Hamik & Engler 6.00 Kansas-Nebr. Nat. Gas Co. 101.68 N W. Bell Tele. Co. ... . 32.44 Edna B. Yantzi 26.66 D. A. Kersenbrock Texaco 33.90 I Graham’s ‘‘66” Service .111.01 Fred Hannink __ 259.22 : Milford H. Coats 156.40 Orville C Miller 238.98 i O. D. French 65.00 Vernon W. Donohoe _ 70.01 J. J. Berigan 100.00 E. M. Gleeson 100.00 rv n,. wiuure . . luu.uu John C. Watson 50.00 G. E. Miles ;_ 50.00 L. O. Johnson 76.43 Niobrara Valley REA 8.20 I Eby’s Conoco _ 6.02 I Michael Todd & Co. _ 174.59 Lohaus Motor Co. 44.57 Spelts Ray Lbr. & Coal Co. 132.92 Wilson Texaco _ 38.00 | Shelhamer Equip Co. 45.00 i Motor Parts Inc. 7.00 Earley Oil Co. 66.03 Marcellus Chev. Co. 28.50 Zep Mfg. Co. 23.90 Dale Fetrow _ 17.25 O’Neill Auto Supply ... 7.98 Frontier .. 171.35 Consumers Pub. Pow Dist 484.33 Bills to be paid on the water fund: John Beilin 24738 C. N. Wyant 89.35 James Davidson & Sons 115.99 Island Supply Company 10.16 T. S. McShane Co. 15.50 D. A. Kensenbrock 13.50 Graham’s "66” Service . 23.59 Cora M. Wyant ... 89 35 N. W. Bell Tele. Co. ..... 3.65 Dale Fetrow 13.50 Edna B. Yantzi ... 13 34 O’Neill Auto Supply 3.12 The Frontier 84.68 Cons. Pub. Pow. Dist. _ 281.76 The vote on the above motion was as follows. All aye. Nay none. Motion made by Golden, sec onded by Heermann, that the fol lowing building permits be grant ed: Robert A. Homby for a house, four rooms and bath, full base ment, to be located on lot 3, in Spelt’s-Ray subdivision of all of Block O and P in O'Neill and Haggerty's addition. Carl Lorenz for a house, four rooms and bath full basement, all modern locat ed on east one-half of lots 9, 10, 11, in block 41, Riggs Addition. Norman Shipman for a Dairy Sweet Drive Inn, located on the North 85 feet of lots 13, 14, 15, in block 39, Riggs Addition. Build ing to be of pre-fab construction 20x10 feet. Motion carried. Motion by Golden, seconded by Gloeson that the bonds of the newly elected city officials and the newly appointed officials be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Golden, seconded by Gleeson, that the old council ad ourn and the new council take office. Motion carried. O. D. French D. C. Schaffer 1 City Clerk Mayor ' Family Together at Alisons— Miss Helen Thiele and her bro ther, Jerry, both of Kansas City, Mo., arrived Memorial day to visit their mother, Mrs. Katherine Thiele and their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Anson and family. They also at tended the alumni banquet at El gin Friday evening. Miss Helen left Sunday and! Jerry will remain here two weeks and then study at Conception! Seminary at Conception, Mo. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Morisse, Mr. and Mrs. j LaVern Hads, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Magwire and sons and Hen- j ry Morisse, all of Elgin, and Mr. and Mrs. George Morisse and Georgia Kay of Norfolk. — Last Thursday visitors at the home of Mr. ahd Mrs. Dick Tom linson was her sister-in-law, Mrs. Garold Rothehild and children of Atkinson. Sunday callers were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Briokhouser if Greeley. fflwwawMaMiwaaawai Hopp ... 15 yean* at the top in major league play. Johnny Hopp to Speak to Linons Ex-Pro in Baseball Coming to O’Neill Johnny Hopp of Hastings will I be the principal speaker at the meeting of the O’Neill Lions club Wednesday, June 11. Hopp, for 15 years a top-rated professional in major league base ball. is now associated with Kan sas-Nebraska Natural Gas com pany, serving that firm as assist ant agricultural representative and in public relations work. One of six brothers in a fam ily famous for its interest and skill in athletics, he began his baseball career as a member of the first American Legion base ball team in Hastings, then con tinued on to the Norfolk, Nebras ka dub. Established as a player with promise, Johnny entered the ma jor leagues in the late thirties, serving in succession with Ro chester, Houston and St. Louis. As outfielder and first baseman with the Cardinals, he played in three world series (1942-’43-’44) liefore going on to Boston, Pitts burg and New York. With the Yankee club, he again partici pated in World Series play in 1950 and 1951. Out of the five series, Tour were winners. Johnny’s major league batting average was .298; his highest average was .840. Following coaching assignments in Detroit and St. Louis, he re tired from professional baseball and returned to Hastings to join Kansas-Nebraska in February of 1957. Topic of his talk wall be sports in general, with emphasis on baseball. He will review briefly! his own experiences in America’s greatest sporting event, and his j association with some of base- j ball’s most famous players. Johnny’s own thought-provok-1 ing philosophy goes far beyond : the baseball diamond, however He believes that many of the same requirements for a success ful career as a professional ath lete apply also to every line of work. “Certain physical attributes and a proper mental attitude,” he says, "combined with adapt ability, a willingness to work and a keen desire to succeed are an unbeatable formula for success in school, in business, and even in professions.” Johnny, a popular public speaker throughout the area, con cludes his appearance with a question-and-answer period for all his listeners, with specific point ers for parents with boys interest ed in sports. Former O’Neill Girl Engaged— Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Louns bury of St. John, Kans., announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Geralyne, to Ronald j Chad, also of St. John. An Au gust wedding is planned. Miss Lounsbury is a graduate ■ of St. John high school and at tended a business college in Sa lina. She is working for the state of Kansas. Mr. Chad is a graduate of St. John high school and is em ployed in St. John. Mrs. Lounsbury is a daughter of Mrs. Tess Murray. Mr. Louns bury was a former employee of the J. M. McDonald company here before being transferred to the McDonald store in St. John where he is manager. Family Reunion— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich went to Hartington to get their daughter, Mrs. B. E. Wanser and family. They drove to Audubon, la., to attend a family reunion at the home of Mrs. Froelich’s I sister, Mrs. Paul Greer. The guest-of-honor was a nun, who is a niece of Mi's. Froelich. She is allowed a visit home every three years. They returned Monday evening. iLM liixxxttxxiiiixxxxiinxxixtxxxtxxxxiixiixxixxxivi I CERTIFIED HYBRID SEED CORN ! Go to SCOVIE’S for HARTZ Seed Corn i WE HAVE A REPLANTING AGREEMENT All Early Hybrids: IOWA 306 — IOWA 4249 — IOWA 4297 — HARTZ 22 HARTZ 44 SCOVIE’S | WESTERN AUTO STORE ... O’Neill <»«»Hui»HH»:miu»iu»n»iiiiin»imnn»immii»mw»»;mm<mmim?. . . * I Two Stotm, Former I Residents, Visit — Mrs. Clarence Parker of St Paul. Minn , and her sister, Mrs. Mildred Kerlin of San Fancisco, Calif., left Sunday after arriving here two weeks ago. They are former residents of O'Neill. "Their father. Jack Kane, was a police man and they lived where The Town House stands. Mrs. Par ker is the former Jennie Kane and her husband is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Par ker. They hold a reunion in Coun cil Bluffs, la., with another sis ter, Mrs Frank Leahy, sr., at the home of Mrs. Leahy's daugh ter. It had been 30 years sinre Mrs. Kerlin was here. Her sister, Mrs. Parker, was one of the first registered nurses at O’Neill. McElvain* Home ! for Visit— Miss Margaret McElvain, a stu dent nurse at St. Elizabeth's school of nursing in Lincoln, anil her cousin. Mrs. Bob Sepahur of Lincoln, the former Marilyn Lou Duffy, arrived Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mc Elvain. Miss Margaret will be home for two weeks. Mr. Sepahpur joined his wife Mon day for a few days' visit with the McElvains Mr. McElvain and son. John Lee, left Tuesday for Grand Is land to meet Mrs. Jack Everitt ! and three children of Lancaster. Calif., who will visit her parents i for their vacation. — Daughters Hume— The Misses Carolyn and Cath ryn Wilson, daughters of Mr. and j Mrs Ed Wilson, met in Roches ter, Minn., and arrived home Sat urday. They were met in Sioux City by their parents. Miss Car 1 olyn, a student at the College of St. Theresa in Winona, Minn., is home for the summer. Miss Cathryn, a student nurse at St. Mary’s hospital in Rochester, vis ited her parents and attended the wedding of Miss Regina Hynes Tuesday. She left for Rochester the following day. Hume from College— Miss Sharlene Shoemaker ar rived home Friday evening from St. Scholastica college in Atchi son, Kans., to spend her summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. Leona Shoemaker. George Shoe maker, a student at Conception seminary, Conception, Mo., came home Sunday, May 25. Bridge Chairman— Mrs. M. J. Golden was chair man of the Country club bridge Wednesday. O’Neill Locals Sgt. and Mrs. Dale C. Bowen of Ft. Crook were guests of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Grady, and Mr. Grady and family from last Thursday until Sunday. Miss Ela Mae Paul and her J fiance, James Tuber of Spring field, Mo., arrived home from ' college memorial day. Miss Paul is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Paul Mr. Tuber and Miss Paul will be# married Friday, August 29. Mr. Tuber returned to his home in Spring field Monday. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs Harold Cbnnors sr., and three children of Gree iey arrived Thursday evening to sf>end the holiday weekend with Mrs Connor's mother. Mrs M. J. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Frader and Denice with Marlene Harrington of Omaha arrived Thursday and were guests until Sunday of Mr and Mrs. John Harrington When Mr. Frader and Marlene returned to Omaha. Mrs. Frader and daughter remained for a longer visit Mrs. Rose Davey and daugh ter, Mrs Ben Sunderlund. and i !>oy's of Valentine, were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach. Mr. and Mrs. Delos Edwards and children of Tekamah were Friday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bazelman. Robert Beckenhauer of Omaha was a weekend guest of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Becken hauer, along with Lt Max Jau nars from Ellsworth Air Base of Rapids City, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Holz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and family spent Friday at Ft. Randall dam. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fernau and and daughters were Thursday and Friday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell. Fri day dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. A B. Bunkers of Harrisburg, S. D. were weekend guests of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bunkers. Mr. and Mrs. John Laska and family went to Silver Creek Memorial day to visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Las ka They also visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Novak, of Fullerton. They returned Sun day. Mr. and Mrs Lester Jonas of Columbus visited relatives here over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. James Carney j of Burwell visited relatives here over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thierolf had as their guest last week his mother, Mrs. George Welch of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Petersen of Julesburg, Colo., arrived last Thursday to visit until Tuesday with Mrs. Petersen's sister, Mrs John F. Storjohann, and Mr. Storjohann. Susan Moler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Russel Moler, is stay ing with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Simonson. Guests of Mrs. John G. Stuif bergen and family over Memor ial day were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Blinn of North Platte, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil son of Stuait, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hewitt of Rushville and Maude Johnston of Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. William Bowker and family of Omaha arrived last Thursday to visit her moth er, Mrs. H. J. Hammond and other relatives. Mr. Bowker left on a business trip and will return Saturday. They will leave for their home Sunday. Saturday evening guest of Mr. Joe Sivesind were his parents, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (Double Bill) JUNE 6-7 Rory Calhoun, Anno Francis in “THE HIRED GUN” Pius — Van Johnson ami Martino Carol in “ACTION OF THE TIGER” In Color SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY JUNE 8-9-10 ’GIASCAU EARL HOLLIMAN-ANNE FRANCIS WEDNESDAY THURSDAY (Buck Nltos) JUNE 11-12 The most amazing getaway ever! “HOUSE OF NUMBERS” Starring Jack Balance, Barbara Uung TWO CARTOONS “10 PIN CHAMPIONS” Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sivesind of Or chard and Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Eyer of Portland, Ore. They celebrated Mr Joe Sivesind’s birthday anniversary. Sunday guests were the Eyers' son and his wfe. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Eyer of Portland, Ore Willard Solfermoser flew with Clarence Wrede to a CAP meet ing in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs John Cuddy and family of Sioux Falls, S. P came Friday to spend the holi day weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A F Stanton. Mr. Cuddy’s father. William Cud dy. accompanied them and visit ed with his daughter, Mrs. John Jansen and family. Dr and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn returned Saturday evening after spending two weeks at Rig Pine Resort at Perham, Minn. Arriving last Thursday to visit Mrs. Tess Murray and other rela tives were Mr. and Mrs F. W Welch of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Watson of Rapid City, S. D Mrs. Murray returned to Rapid Miss Geralyne Lounsbury and Holland Chad of St. John. Kans. City with her daughter, Mrs. Wat son Sunday for a short visit. Sgt. Harold Dexter left Satur day for Hastings after a three! weeks’ leave. He will eave short ly for Camp Le Jeune, N. C., where he will be stationed Mr. and Mrs. John Vitt and daughters of Tucson, Ariz., are here for the wedding of their daughter, Miss Helen, whose mar riage will take place Tuesday, June 9. Jack Kersenbrock of Chicago, 111., arrived Monday to visit his father, John Kersenbrock, and other relatives until Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kersenbrock were hosts at dinner Monday evening in his honor, Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kersenbrock enter tained at dinner. Arriving memorial day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jansen were her brother and wife, Mr and Mrs. Joe Becker of Exe ter, and her sister, Mrs. Henry Geiger of Utica. They returned Monday. Dr and Mrs. L. H Brown of Schleswig, la., arrived Wednesday May 21. to visit Doctor Brown’s daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs Lou Reimer, jr, and family. Mrs. Reimer's sister, Mrs, Herb Davis and two children of Omaha are visiting her for two weeks, Spend Weekend Hera' — Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Sullivan of Lincoln and Mrs Agnes Sullivan of Chicago. 111., formerly of O’ Neill. spent the memorial week end here with friends. Mrs. Ag nes Sullivan, widow of the late M. R. Sullivan, had gone to Lin coln earlier to visit her son and his wife. Mrs. Agnes Sullivan is staying at the Golden for a week. Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding 4 Hll 248 W — 24-hr. Service Northwest Electric O’Neill Accounting AND BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Morgan Ward ACCOUNTANT Golden Bldg. — Phone 414 O’Neill, Nebr. Will gladly sell your Hogs Cattle LIVESTOCK Have Auction Every Wednesday Butte Livestock Market TRADE-IN TODAY OH9Cet0*&&fi A| SEIBEHL{NB/|I§ TIRES Ft? Some people Invite TROUBLE . . . /-vj'-f' f 9 and usually get itl Smooth tires 9-^fx } Invite TROUBLE . . . and cause , accidentsl Sell us those TIRE "\ JV TROUBLES BEFORE THEY HAPPEN. 1 \ Right now we'll give top dollars J > '' for your old tires on brand new ’ i^\\ 1 , y SeiMrlings. SEIBERLINO TIRES 1 1 ^ give maximum safety . . . Longer Vs . mileage . . . Quicker stops . . . \m. , v, ‘ 1 C More skld>resistance. vrCaA SEIBERLINO TIRES ARE SAFER, NO DOUBT ABOUT ITI BUY NOW 7 ” See Your Nearest SE1BERLING Dealer MIDCITY MOTORS, Atkinwm FOX REPAIR, Newport NAPER SUPER SERVICE, Naper LYNCH STANDARD SERVICE, Lynch KEMPS SERVICE, Niobrara H. E. BARTON SERVICE, Orchard WINTZ SINCLAIR SERVICE, Creighton HANSON FARM EQUIPMENT, Butte CHET & KENS, Verdigre GILLETTE & SON, Chambers ROTHERHAM SERVICE, Ewing ) _ __ _ / H FORECAST... «j I Warm, sunny | greetings this month 1 ... via long distance l | Here’s the warm, personal way to span p he miles with best wishes for that June bride ,! or favorite graduate. A long distance call will bring you voice-to-voicc in a hurry, and the cost is surprisingly low. gl Northwestern Bell Telephone Company fi