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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1958)
Grote-Verzal Rites Read at San Diego (Photo below). ATKINSON — Miss Patricia Jeanne Grute, daughter of Mrs. Violet Grote of Auburn, Wash., became the bride of Gerald Ver zal, son of Mr. and Mrs Ray L. Verzal of Atkinson, Saturday, May 10, at 10 o'clock in a double ring ceremony. Vows were recited in St. Mary’s Catholic chapel at the United States haval hospital, San Diego, CaJif., with Father Barras offici ating The altar was decorated with pink gladioli and white stock. A reception followed in the chapel lounge The bride was given in mar riage by Jack McDonald of Se attle, Wash. She selected a white Chantilly lace-over-satin gown with chapel train. It was fashion ed with scalloped neckline edged in seed pearls and iridescent se quins with sleeves tapering to a point over the wrist. Her .double fingertip veil fell from a tiara of seed pearls and sequins, with a deep edging of rosepoint lace. Her only jewelry was a pearl and rhinestone necklace, a gift of the bridegroom. She carried a cas cade bouquet of gardenias. The tradition of something old, some thing new was carried out. Maid-of-honor, Miss Lilly Ray na, was dressed in a green ny lon-over-satin dress with match ing hat and mitts. She carried a cascade liouquet of pink carna tions. The bridesmaids were Mrs Clinton Davis, the former Josephine Noziska, and Miss Condra Hull, who were dressed in pink gowns with matching pink hats and carrying cascade bou quets of yellow carnations. Attending the bridegroom were Richard Henning of Atkinson. Clinton Davis of Naper, and John Grote of Auburn. Wash., brother of the bride. They were formally dressed. The bride's mother was dressed in a light blue gown with white accessories. The bridegroom s mother wore a navy blue lace with white accessories. Each wore corsages of pink tea roses. In the afternoon from 1 to 4 o clock a large reception was held in the Cabriilo room of the El Cortez hotel. The bride’s ta ble wras beautifully decorated in her chosen colors of pink and white. The centerpiece was a three-tier wedding cake decorat ed with miniature bride and bridegroom. Pink carnations sur rounded the base of the cake. Bouquets of pink carnations and candelabra completed the setting. Hors d'oeuvres, canapes and sea food were served. The bride is a graduate of Au burn senior high school and the bridegroom is a graduate of St. Joseph's high school of Atkinson. At present the bride and bride groom are serving w'ith the navy and are stationed at the United State naval hospital, San Diego. Visit Dukota— Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hovey and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hovey of Stuart and Mrs. Richard Kasda of Winner, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hovey of Herrick, S. D. The Gerald Verzals . . . serving navy. 4th Street Market u. S. NO. I CALIF. NEW RED — POTATOES _10-lbs. 59c | CALIFORNIA SCNKIST — LEMONS -- 3-lb*. 43c „ M -r m m a --— EXTRA FANCY — CUCUMBERS _ 2-lb* 25c FRESH — CARROTS —__lg. cello pkg. 10c IIAHD1NU — BUTTER __». 59c ROBIN HOOD — _ FLOUR 25-lb. bag $1.89 ROBIN HOOD — . _ FLOUR 50-lb. bag $3.39 SO FUN WHITE OR RAINBOW — 60 COUNT — PAPER NAPKINS _ 2 for 19c GRAPENUT FLAKES 12-oz. pkg. 25c FOOD KINO — 10 OZ. JAR — STRAW. PRESERVES 4 for $1.00 MAXWELL HOUSE — INSTANT COFFEE —. 6-oz. jar $1.19 SANDWICH COOKIES __ 2-lb. bag 49c KRAFT — .A MIRACLE WHIP_qt- 49c FLUFFO 3-lb. canister pak 85c CYDAMY pi kitin - BRAUNSWEIGER- lb. 49c SWIFtTrEMIUM THICK SUCED - BACON . . 2-lb. Pkg. $1.29 CHOICE — ,, AA RIB STEAK __lb. 69c BEEF LIVER - lb. 47c SUMMER SAUSAGE in chunk lb. 69c SUMMER SAUSAGE sliced lb. 73c Mrs. James A. Tangeman . . . before her marriage she was Miss Kegina Hynes, daughter of Mrs. Austin Hynes and the late Mr. Hynes.—O'Neill Photo Co. <s--— Regina Hynes Is June Bride in 0 Ciiurch Rites Baskets of pink gladioli appoint ed the altar of St. Patrick’s church Tuesday morning, June 3, for the 10 a.m. nuptial mass and double-ring ceremony uniting in marriage Miss Regina Hynes, daughter of Mrs. Austin Hynes and the late Mr. Hynes of O’Neill and James A. Tangeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman of Chambers Miss Sharlene Shoemaker, or ganist, played the wedding march and accompanied John Poutre, so loist, who sang “Ave Maria” and “Panis Angelicus”. As the bride placed her bouquet at the feet of l the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mr. Poutre sang “On This Day, O Beautiful Mother”. The bride, given in marriage i by her brother, Donald Hynes, wore a gown of imported Italian 1 silk organza over whispering taf \ feta. The molded waistline fea I tured a scalloped neckline and elbow length sleeves outlined in the embroidered scallop. The j slim sheath skirt was fashioned with a dramatic back sweep of billowing silk organza. Her dou ble veil of imported silk illusion fell in a circular swing from a dimond shaped cap of chantilly lace covered with pearls. She carried an all white cascade bou ; quet of stephanotis centered with a cpmbidium corsage. Miss Mary Elizabeth Gatz was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were i Miss Kay Tangeman, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Helen Hynes, cousin of the bride, Miss Carolyn Wilson and Miss Barbara MiUer. They wore identical gowns of cor al silk chiffon. The fitted bodices were styled with bateau necklines and cap sleeves that were caught with minature velvet bows. The sheath skirts featured full back panels that formed a harem hem j line Their matching picture hats | carried out the velvet bow trim. Thev rjirripH tvinmiptc nf u/hitp poms *ith coral satin leaves on white velvet fans. Arland Tangeman of Gurley was bestman for his brother. At tendees were John Lee Far rier, cousin of the bridegroom, Leonard Brown, Dale Wood, and Eugene Adams. Ushers were Bernard Gribble and Larry Lies wald. The bridegroom' and his attendents were attired in white jackets and navy trousers. They wore white carnation bouton nieres. The mother of the bride chose a pink dress with white accessor ies. The bridegroom’s mothei wore a royal blue dress with white accessories. Both wore gardenia corsages. A breakfast for the wedding party and the immediate families | was served at the Town House | following the ceremony. The bridal couple was honorec ! at a reception from 2 until 4 p m at the Town House by 125 guests The refreshment table was centered with a three-tiered wed ding cake decorated in the bride’s | colors of coral and white. Miss LaDonna McNulty cut th< cake. Miss Karen Mahony servet the punch, Mrs. R. J. Minton anc Miss Cathryn Wilson poured. Miss Cecilia Babl was in charge of the j guest book. Miss Joanne Lans worth and Miss Margaret McEl vain were in charge of the gifts The bride is a graduate of St Mary’s academy, class of 1956 and has been employed at the First National bank of O’Neill. The bridegroom is a graduate of Chambers high school and ha attended Nebraska Wesleyan uni versity where he was a mernbe: of Crescent fraternity. He ha: been teaching in the Publi' ! schools at Polk. For traveling the bride chosi a navy chemise with white acces sories. After a short wedding trip, th couple will reside in Boulder Colo., where the bridegroom wil attend summer classes at the Uni versity of Colorado. Omahans Here— Guests from Thursday unti Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hun I were Mr. and Mrs. James Nod Igaard of Omaha. They also vis I ited O. D. Hunt of Stuart. Emmet News Charles Strong and family of Omaha visited at the Cecil Mc Millan over the weekend. While here he installed a television set for the McMillans. Mrs. McMil lan returned to Omaha with the Strongs to visit for a week. The iris gardeners in the vil lage have been having numerous consultations in the various gar dens this last week. The iris has been extraordinary this season. Anyone interested should cast a glance into the yards of Mrs. John Conard, Mrs. Agnes Gaffney, Mrs. Bob Cole, Mrs. Cecil Mc Millan, Mrs. Paul Newton and Mrs. Bill Serck. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Pease, Rita and Merle, called on the Paul Newton family Tuesday evening, May 27. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Troshynski returned to Lincoln Sunday. Mrs. John Conard was to drive to Lin coln Wednesday and Mary Lou • Mrs. Troshynski) will come back to Emmet to spend a few days while Ben is working at Gering. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Oberle of Minneapolis, Minn., came during the memorial weekend to visit friends and relatives. Rex re turned to Minneapolis Sunday but Mrs Oberle stayed on to visit her mother, Mrs. R. South of In man, for a few days. Miss Sandra Alder is spend ing a few days with her cousin, Miss Lynne Boelter, at Verdigre. Mrs, Georgia McGinnis and Mrs. Esther Harris attended a celebration in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lowery’s 47th wed ding anniversary at Oakdale, I Thursday, May 29. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek have had the Charles Havranek children with them for the past few days while Mrs. Charles Havranek was in the hospital. Frank Foreman and Jeannie visited at the home of Mrs. Mary Pruss in O'Neill Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter ! til HI Mill, i-Aiieil, Ul X-cl^C V1SHCU at the Elmer Alder home Tues day evening, May 27. Mrs. Walt Pease and pupils of district 59 closed the term with a picnic at the school Sunday, May 25. There was a plentiful dinner and ice cream and cake were served late in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Joey Staub and Eddie at Colome, S. D., iunday, May 25. The Elmer Alder family attend |ed a family picnic at the Carl Boelter home, east of O'Neill [Sunday, May 25. This gathering [was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eyer of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. Frank Beondie of Clover City, Calif., who were visiting here. The Raymond Richards family spent Sunday afternoon, May 25, I at Bernard Pongratz home. In the evening the visited the Bill [Mullens. Mrs. John Conard and Mrs Georgia McGinnis attended the cancer meeting at the Town 1 House Tuesday, May 20. Bob and Donald Troshynski ol ■ Detroit, Mich., sons of Hemy I Troshynski, were visiting friends I and relatives in the vicinity re i cently. Mrs. John Conard, Mrs. Ber Troshynski and Tommy and Mrs Georgia McGinnis drove to Ne ligh Saturday, May 24, to visii Mrs. Rome South of Inman, wht [ is hospitalized there. They also visited Mrs. Maude Brion, a cous , in of Mrs. McGinnis. Attend Graduation— ! Mrs. H. S. Moses left Friday ; May 23, to visit her daughter anc ’ family, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ev ans. Mrs. A. F. Evans and Mrs , H. Moses attended the graduatior of Bonnie Evans from Coloradc Women's college in Denver Mon , day, May 26. Mrs. Moses return ed to O’Neill on Wednesday. ! Christ Lutheran ladles bak< sale, Saturday, June 7 in tin former Council Oak store build mg. 6P* l; - t Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzinf - were Sunday guests of her moth - er, Mrs. Joe Bruder and Mr. ant Mrs. Walter Reis of Atkinson. Shirley J. Svoboda Weds Amelia Man (Photo below). CHAMBERS Sunday, June 1, in the St. Paul's Lutheran church at Chambers, Miss Shirley Jean ( Svoboda became the bride of Wil liam Ira Liermann. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jame Svoboda, sr., of Burwell and the bridegroom is the son of Mr.and Mrs. Ira Lier mann of Amelia. The Altar was decorated with an arrangement of pink tinted gladioli, painted daisies, greenery and seven branch candelabra as Rev. William E. Raten performed the double-ring ceremony. Norma Lee Ehresman, friend of the bride, sang “Whither Thou Goest" and “The Lord’s Prayer”, accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Wayne Lakin, cousin of the bride groom. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore the tradition al white floor-length gown, self styled of Chantilly lace and net over satin. A lace jacket with long fitted sleeves forming bridal points at the wrists was worn over a strapless bodice of lace over pure white satin. The voluminous skirt with full lace side panels featured net ruf fles down the back which ended in a small, train. A lace apron effect partially covered the front net-over-skirt. A white satin cap highlighted by a self embroidered beaded design caught her fingertip veil of nylon tulle illusion She carried a white Bible top ped with an orchid corsage and valley and pink streamers. Her, only jewelry was a single strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. Miss Rosalene Svoboda served as her sister’s maid-of-honor and Miss Margie Svoboda, sister of a i i_• j _ i_; . j_rni_ Ulv U1 iUV| VYOO Ui lULClIlUUO *MV maid-of-honor wore a deep rose princess style sheath dress of waltz-time tafetta with a silver flecked white flowered net over skirt. The bodice featured a square frint neckline with narrow shoulder straps forming a bow at the base of the V-shaped back neck line. The bridesmaid wore a light rose dress identical to the maid of-honor’s dress. Both attendants carried cascade bouquets of pink and white daisies set off by spray ed magnolia leaves. They wore white nyjon gloves, and double strand chokers with matching earrings which were gifts from the bride. Their matching headbands featured white daisies in pink ruffles. Lighting the candles were Mer shon Leirmann cousin of the bride groom, and Lorraine Peters, cous in of the bride. They wore aqua choir robes with corsages of white daisies. Herman Leirmann brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. Tony Svoboda, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Ush ers were Dale Svoboda, brother of the bride, and Larry Mosely, brother-in-law of the bridegroom. Little Linda Svoboda, sister of the bride, was flowergirl. She carried a white ribbon parasol filled with daisy petals. Her dress was of pink nylon with tiny white lace ruffles trimming the skirt and bodice. She wore a headband matching those the other attendants wore. A.lan Svoboda, brother of the bride, carried the rings on a cross-shaped pillow of white satin covered with net and edged with a satin ruffle. The bride’s mother chose a dress of grey and white dacron with white accessories. The bridegroom’s mother wore a blue lace dress with white accessories. Their corsages were of pink roses. Marilyn Mayberry had charge 1 of the guestbook. Mrs. Dale Svo boda and Mrs. Larry Mosely, sisters of the bridegxoom, and Kathleen Svoboda, sister of the | bride, were in charge of gifts. A reception for approximately 140 guests was held in the church parlors with Mrs. Tillie Waters, aunt of the bridegroom, as hos tess. She also had charge of floi al arrangements. The serving table was centered with a four-tiered wedding cake, which was decorated in white and pink by the bride’s mother. The cake was placed on a round mirror surrounded with a white net ruffle and pink partially open ed peonies. Mrs. Jerold Van Winkle of Bas sett, sister of the bride, cut and served the cake. Mrs. Clara May berry of Burwell poured coffee and Mrs. Jeanette Clement of Ord poured punch. Marylyn Svoboda, sister of the bride, and Betty Pe ters, cousin of the bride, served the guests. Fallowing the reception th e newlyweds left on a wedding trip to an undisclosed destination. Mrs Liermann chose a coral dress and pale coral nylon duster as her traveling attire. She wore an orchid corsage and white ac cessories. Mrs. Liermann is a gradute of the class of 1957 from Burwell high. Mr Leirmann was a Bur well graduate with the class of 1953. Since her graduation, Mrs. Liermann has been employed at the Hall county welfare office in Grand Island. Mr, Liermann is engaged in ranching with his fa ther. The couple will live on a ranch near his parents ranch Newlyw eds Off to West Indies (Photo at right). Saturday, May 24, at Guardian Angel church in New York City, Miss Catherine Theresa Condon daughter of Mrs. Edward Joseph Condon of London Terrace, and the late Mr. Condon, were united in marriage to John Andrew Still, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Still, sr., of Bradford, Pa. The double-ring 11 a.m , cere mony was performed by the Rt. Rev. John O'Donnell, pastor, as sisted by Rev. Joseph Clancey be fore an altar decorated with glad ioli. Given in marriage by her uncle Navy Capt. Lawrence Silk, (ret. I of New York City, the bride appeared in an Alencon eggshell lace gclwn over slipper satin. It was l>allerina length and fea lureu lull laaiuuncu A shoulder-length veil was caught by a crown of matching lace. Her bouquet was of white rosebuds. Miss* Ellen Condon, as her sis ter’s maid-of-honor, appeared in a gown of delicate pink crepe chif fon with moss green velvet trim and a matching bow headpiece Her bouquet was of mixed spring flowers. Dr. George J. -Still of Bradford, a brother of the bridegroom, was bestman. Ushers were Daniel W. Daly, jr., of Bradford and Eu gene D. Wright of Dubuque, la., a brother-in-law of the bride groom. The bride’s mother appeared in a dress of Buckingham blue with light blue accessories. Mrs. Eu gene D. Wright, a sister of the bridegroom, wore beige lace over willow green faille and a match ng hat. A reception was held at Beek man Towers hotel, Beekman Place, for relatives and friends from New York City and Brad ford. Mrs. Still was graduated from St. Mary’s academy in O’Neill and attended Fordham university. Mr. Still is a graduate of St. Bonaventure university and is an alumnus of Xavier university. After a wedding trip to Nassau. B. W I., the couple will reside at 57 Congress st., Bradford. Mrs. Condon and her family are former residents of O’Neill. METHODIST (O’NeUl-Emmet) Rev. Glenn Kennicott, pastor O’NEILL— Friday, June 6: Dorcas. Sunday, June 8: Sunday-school, 9:45 a. m.; worship, 11 a m. Monday, June 9: Bible school begins; annual conference opens in York. Wednesday, June 11: Junior choir, 10:30 a.m.; senior choir, 7:15 p.m. Thursday, June 12: Prayer group, 10 a.m.; WSCS, 2 p.m. EMMET— Sunday, June 8: Children’s Sun day-school and worship, 9:30 a.m. MARRIAGE LICENSES James Atlee Tangeman, 21, of Chambers and Regina Josephine Hynes, 20, of O’Neill on May 29. Harold Wallace Fox, 24, of O’ Neill and Arlene Rose Hood, 19, of O’Neill on Monday, June 2. Kenneth Juston, 20, of Emmet and Laurine Schmitz, 18, of O’ Neill on Monday, June 2. James West Carlson of Garden City, Kans., and Miss DeMarus Wefso, 20, of Atkinson on Monday, June 2. . .. - -- i ■ ■ — Mr. and Mrs. William Ira Lierman ... to reside on ranch up on return from wedding trip.—O’Neill Photo Co. * * * » , Mr. ami Mrs. John Andrew Still, jr. . . the bride Is the form er Catherine Theresa Condon. Receives Word of Nieces Marriage ATKINSON — Mrs. O. A. 11am merberg received word that her neice, Miss Retty Arlene Green wood, was married Saturday, May 31, at Yuma, Ariz., to Mel vin Courtney. She is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Greenwood, both if whom died in recent months. The Courtneys will make their home at 16796 Boyle, Fontana, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Humrich were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hotchkiss in Pickstown, S D. Margaret • Rinehardt of Omaha was a Friday until Sunday guest of her sister, Mrs. Matt Hynes. Drs. Wilson & Sucha PHYSICIANS * 8URGWON8 Phone 138 —O’Neill Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101 Spencer --- _ — FATHER IS KING on June 15th! A Fathers’ Day Gift from Gllligan REXAIJ, Drug is one which will be appreciated: Old Spice An ever-popular, always appreciated gift for men is some thing in Old Spice. We have sets and individual pieces priced from $1.00 plus tax. Billfolds and Key Cases An Amity billfold or key case in one of many attractive, handsome styles is the practical answer to the Fathers’ Day Gift problem. Trip-O-Kits Dad will get years of good service from one of these plastic lined, zipper Trip-o-kits in genuine leather. Just the thing for his shaving equipment and toilet articles. Fathers’ Day Cards You’re sure to find the appropriate card for Dad in our se lection of Fathers’ Day Cards by American Greetings. Pick one out now while our stocks are plentiful. We will be glad to gifEwrap the Fathers’ Day Gift you pick out at Giliigan REXAM, Drug. 1/2-Price Special on New Fragrance Twins COLOGNE—Light as a gentle summer breeze—new, de lightful “Twirl”, “Whirl”, "Fling”, and “Swing”. Find the fragrance just for you. Gay swirling bottles reflect the moods they’ll yield.. Try them now at just half price! 6-oz. btls, reg. $2—Now just $1.00 DUSTING POWDER—Delicately perfumed and textured dusting powder to prolong the cool refreshment of your bath. A twin to each cologne fragrance above. ■ in box with merry design. Reg. $2.00 Now just $1.00 -g r- -rr ~ -T ~ ■ -T - - ~p T r ■ -- — - Acid-Upset Stomach? BISMA-REX MATES—Pleasant tasting tablets — a quick, easy way to take Rexall’s famous alkalizer. Relieves your dis tress in seconds and the antacid action continues for hours. Bottle of 150 tablets for $1.49 — 75 for just 89c Get some today. Lawn and Garden Supplies Don’t forget, Gilligan REXALL Drug is the place to get your lawn and garden insecticides and weed-killers. Kubecide For a highly effective, all-round garden dust, a combina tion Insecticide and fungicide, try KUBECIDE. Kubecide Is an indispensible part of any garden equipment. Regular applica tions of Kubecide will control many, many diseases and Insects common to garden vegetables. Rose Dust Don’t let Insects or disease spoil the beauty of your roses. Miller’s ROSE DUST effectively controls Insects and diseases i which attack the plants. ! Make Gilligan REXAM, Drug your headquarters for all your lawn and garden weed killers and Insecticides. Take your next prescription to Gilligan REXAM, Drug to be filled by one of our PRESCRIPTION SPEC! AM STS. ------ Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Deyoy Phone 87 — O’Neill t