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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1958)
O’Neill, Nebr. J Phone 8 | VACATION TIME But GAMBLES wonderful sale specials aren’t “on vacation ”! They’re on the job ready to work big savings for ) you! Get the most from your income! ! ! ) • BUY ALL CLOTHING ON GAMBLES THRIFTY PAYMENT PLAN! I - ^ __» O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and family were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Howard Hovey in Herrick, S. D. Mr and Mrs. Frank Didlak and family of Omaha were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Britlell. Sunday dinner guests were Mr and Mrs Pete Banks of Casper, Wyo. John Baker, Henry Lohaus, Robert Carrol, A1 Carrol and Hed Dewitt attended a golf tourna ment in Albion Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dodd of Manhattan, Kans., were weekend guests of her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bynold Clmfel. Mr. and Mrs George Peterson and family of Grand Island were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohrer spent the weekend in Denver, Colo., attending the graduation of grandson, Richard Rohrer, from Regis college. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adamson of Omaha were weekend guests of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Crabb. Mr and Mrs, Francis Curran and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ott. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Curran attended memorial day services in ArliorviUe. Miss Lila Dailey of Downey. Calif , arrived Friday to spend two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dftiley. Mr. and Mrs Tom Lawse of Ft. Madison, la., were Satur day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Devoy. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donohoe returned Sunday from two weeks vacation in Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Ray Eby were Friday evening guests of his mother, Mrs. Alma Eby of Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Norre of Ogallala arrived Tuesday to vis it a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dailey. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Donohoe of Scottsbluff w'ere weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs T. J. Donohoe. Monument* of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsman of the J. F. Bloom Oo. . . . monuments from the factory of the con sumer.—Emmet Crabb, O’Neill. Mrs. Carl McGrow of Seward was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole from Thursday until Satur day. Mr and Mrs A. L. Eymann at tended a family picnic in Oak dale on Friday. A nephew, Buddy Springer, returned home with them and visited until Sunday. He returned home with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Springer. Claude Fetrow of Orlando, Fla., has been a guest for the past week of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fetrow. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith of Lincoln are expected to arrive Thursday (today) to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole. Mr and Mrs. Lorenz Nissen and family of Wilmington, N. C., arrived Monday and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen of Page. Miss Marilu Uhl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Uhl, ar rived home from the College of St. Mary in Omaha last Thurs day. She will leave Friday, June 6. to attend summer school at her college. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Meehan of Torrence, Calif., were house guests the week of May 25-31 of Dr and Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve. Mrs. P. J. Donohue returned to her home in Bonesteel, S. D., on Sunday after visiting the past week at the home of Dr. Gleeson and Robert Devoy. They also attended the 40th wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCarville, sr. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Golden were Friday until Monday guests of Mr and Mrs, John Robinson in Hampton, la. Jack Sullivan returned Friday from Denver, Colo., 'where he had visited his father, Tom Sul livan. Mr. Sullivan had been here to attend the graduaton of Jack from St. Mary’s academy. Jack accompanied his father to Denver for a visit. Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mre. LaVern Caskey were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heinz of Omaha. Arriving last Thursday to spend the Memorial day week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wade and family of IVroken Bow. __ FEDERAL LAND BANK Loan Rate REDUCED - 4i7« All Land Bank loans now out standing at S percent »1» vi be reduced to 4%% effective with the July 1 installment payment. We are proud to be ible to farmers cut interest costs at • time when other farm expenses are at an all-time high. Now is the time to use a Land Bank loan to improve the rfR ciency of your farming opera tion. See u* for a Federal Land Bank Loan on Your Land Your cooperative . . • Elkhom Valley National Farm Loan Association LYLE DIERK9, Sec. O'NEILL ^mamm Joins Repair Ship Ixiren E Stewart, FA, son of I Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart | of Page, has departed for San Francisco, Calif., where he will serve alioard a repair ship, USS Prairie (AD-15 >. He spent a 14-day leave with his parents and other relatives at Page following completion of boot camp training at San Diego, ; Calif. | - , M iss Gaskill Engaged | Mr. and Mi’s. E. E. Gaskill of O'Neill have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mardelle (above), to A/2c Russell O. Borg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg also of O’Neill. The bride-elect is a graduate of O'Neill high school and is presently employed at Carpen ter Paper company in Omaha. Her fiance is also a graduate of O'Neill high school and is now stationed at West Palm Beach, Fla., with the air force. A July wedding is planned. White-McGinn Rites At St. Patrick’s Mrs. Margaret White and Chris McGinn, both of O'Neill, were united in marriage Tues day, May 27, at a a.m. mass at St. Patrick’s church. Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan offici ated at the double-ring cere mony. Attendants were Mrs. Henry Martin and Leo Tom jack. Geo rge Shoemaker was acolyte. Mr. and Mi’s. McGinn are liv ing at 513 E. Adams st. Sailors Feted Before Departure— Several farewell parties have been given for a group of O’Neill enlistees and a chum from Stu art, who left Tuesday for Omaha to report to the Navy. Hosts Tues day, May 27, were Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Beha, sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Murphy entertained the boys at a bam dance at their country home in Stuart Sunday evening. Hosts last Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Don Enright and Mrs. Helen Sullivan at a spaghetti din ner at the Enright home. Rev. Robert Duffy was a guest. Reporting for duty were: Jim Enright, Jack Sullivan, Gary Holly, Tom Donohoe, Matthew 1 Beha, jr., Darrell Dexter and Jim Murphy. All but Dexter were 1 in this year’s graduating class at St. Mary’s academy. Dexter com pleted his junior year at O’Neill high school. — | (’undulate for i Bachelor Degree— PAGE^Lionel Chelsea Ickes, son of Mr and Mrs. N .D. Ickes, sr., of Page, is a candidate for a bachelor of science degree from Colorado State university. The Ft. Collins institution's 74th annual June commencement is set for 10 a m. Friday, June 6, in the CSU stadium. Degrees will be conferred en masse by President William E. Morgan of CSU as caodidates are presented by deans of the six colleges. Following the reces sional, candidates of each college will proceed to a separate area for presentation of diplomas. Miss Janice Sipes of Lincoln and Mardie Gaskill of Omaha spent the weekend in the E. E. GaskiD home.__ WEDDING DANCE Stuart Auditorium Monday, June 9 Max Kunz and Helen \ itt I NYLON-RAYON BLANKETS I What value this is! I.urge double bed size, new smart I washable colors! Buy ’em now and save. Keg. 5.98 values! Ilvf tf » — g'w? I --- I - Boys’ Western Jeans Tough sturdy coarse weave Blup den im. Sanforized. Our best seller. Reg. $1.98. Sizes 4-16. NOW!_1.63 Men’s Blue Jeans Sanforized 10-oz. denim. Full cut for real fit. Here’s real value! Reg. 1.98 values. NOW!_1.72 Mens Work Shirts ! Sturdy woven blue chambroy. Full cut for good fit. Sanforized. Reg. 1.39. Size 15-17. NOW!_97c Canvas Work Gloves Stock up now and really save! Men’s size only. We’ve sold dozens and doz ens at 25c—now the savings is yours! ONLY!_.. 18c BOYS’SPORT SHIRTS | What a wonderful selection of brand new colorful shirts! i | Perfect washing sanforized no-iron cottons or smart "Ivy I league” stripes. Comfortable short sleeves. Stock up | now for all sumer! Keg. 1.79 values. Size 6-16. i BEAT THE HEAT! Thermo Caps Here’s a way to enjoy the summer in cool comfort! Ideal for driving, picnics or work. Ice cool colors. Sizes for all— Boys’, Girls’, Women’s, Men’s. Reg. 98c NOW!_33c Misses’ Cabana Sets Here’s real value! Smart sanforized cotton shorts with matching blouses. You’ll want several sets at such a bar gain price! Stripes, Plaids, Solid col ors. They’re all at Gambles. Sizes 10-18. Reg. 2.98. NOW!.... 1.98 set Boys’ Play Shorts Just the thing for all summer long! Cool easy to wash sanforized cottons. Denims, seersuckers, twills, poplins. Plains, stripes, novelties. Size 4-10. Reg. 79c. Stock up! NOW!_44c MEN’S AND BOYS’ Briefs and “T” Shirts Fine soft combed cotton underwear that wears and fits. Sturdy rib knit elastic knit elasic waist briefs. Nylon reinforced necks on the “T” shirts. Stock up now for all summer! Size 6-16 and S-M-L. Reg. 69c. NOW!..... 2f«r$l BOYS’ SUMMER SUITS While only 6 Inst. Ite here early. Summer shades of blue mt/\||T| and grey. Size 4-6-8 only. Smart sport style jackets with |vfllW| ~^P matching slacks. Reg. 5.98 values. IYV Sale! Summer Flats Summer's most popular shoes—and for a low, low price at your Gamble store! , Hundreds of pairs just unpacked. Gleam whites and light tans in smart as can be straps. Stylish smooth finish or good looking nylon mesh weave. Flex ible and durable soles. They’re at Gam ble—ready for your cool wear all sum mer long! Don't miss these wonderful bargains. Sizes 41&-9. Reg. 2.98. NOW!...1.99 Knit Polo Shirts What a buy! Sizes 8-10-12 only. Reg. 69c. Comfortable short sleeves. NOW! .— 4 for $1 Children’s Canvas Play Shoes Specially purchased by Gambles! The biggest buy you’ll ever see anywhere! Kids love ’em ’cause they’re so com fortable. Light as a feather. Strong firm woven canvas uppers on these red or blue oxfords Sturdy thick rub ber soles. Come in now and get your share of these wonderful play shoe bargains! Size 6V4-3. Reg. 1.98. NOW!_1.33 Women’s Sizes 4-9. Black, White, Blue. Reg. 2 98. NOW!-1.88 ! SPORT “MOCS | What a buy! Popular moos in white or Mark. They’re at 11A11/I g Gambles bin shoe dept. Boys’ size 8-fi; Men’s e'/j-lO; [^(/W! 1 Misses’ 5-9. Lowest price in O’Neill! Reg. 3.98! * *'W W Uwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Kiddies Play Shorts What little boy or girl has enough of these cool practical shorts during the summer! Sanforized cottons, poplins, seersuckers, den ims. They're at Gambles for a pin money price! Sizes 3-6. Reg. 59c. NOW!_3for$l Terry Washcloths Famous "Cannon'' cloths now reduced for this big sale! Smart new pastels. Stock up now and save! Reg. 19c. NOW! IQ for $1 Kiddies Pajamas Cool sanforized plisse. Popular summer PJ’s and shorty sets. Stock up now for all sum mer! You'll want several. Sizes 1-14 NOW!_99c GIRLS’ COTTON ANKLETS Popular triple roll tops. Soft white cotton. Good wearing quality. Size 8%-ll. Reg. 49c. NOW!-2 f°r 66c I Summer Fabrics Just Unpacked! 4,000 yards better cottons. Polished cottons, Drip-Drys, Prints, Embossed Cottons! EVERY YARD PERFECT WASHING! Values to 79c NOW!_28c yi SUMMER COTTON FROCKS Hundreds of brand new summer wash frocks ready for your selection! Stock up now dur ing this sale! Lowest price In O’Neill! Sizes 12 20, A4*/2-24'/2. NOW! .2.77 Knit Blouse Sale Special purchase of 1.98 smart styled blouses! Popular % sleeves. Just the thing to wear with sportswear. While 60 last! ONLY!_66c Jamaica Shorts What a buy! Season’s most popular length shorts now sale priced! Pop ular tartan plaids. Girls’ and Misses’ sizes. Reg. 1.69 values. NOW!_99c SALE! SWIM SUITS | Now, at the beginning of the season we've sliced the prices THIS ™ WEEK ONLY! lit' here and don't miss out on this wonderful i special. l\aens find dozens of brand new styles All brand new merchandise. You'll save plenty! Size 32-44. Values to 7.98 ■ THIS WEEK ONLY! | NOW!_3.88 and 4.88 » SPECIAL! SUMMER BLOUSES | You'll want several at such a special price! Imagine pretty blouses of fine sanforized broadcloth for just 88c! Wide, black and ) pastels. Sleeveless styles. Sizes 32-38. iHin't miss these buylt! t NOW!__88c > NYLONIZED PANTIES I Reduced for this sale! Fine quality tricot. Stock up now! Size ) s-m-1. Reg. 39c. . NOW!--25c ! BRA SPECIALS > Sanforized fine cotton bras at a real bargain price! You'll want P several. Reg. 79c. * NOW!.... 2for$l > "firs SPORT SHIRTS j They’re really good * looking! Smart new " prints on sanforized | no-iron cottons, w shoe rs or popular ) "Ivy League" plaids! Wash like a P breeze! S-M-L. Reg. | 2 49 values! " p » > I I I COTTON HALF SLIPS \ Sanforized fine cotton batiste slips with pretty eyelet trim. Shad- _ ow panel. They’re wonderful buys! S-M-L. Reg. 1.29. P NOW!_88c I SALE! SUMMER GOWNS ! Wonderful special purchase by Gambles makes such values pos- | sible! Full length no-iron gowns—all pretty pastels. Sizes 34-44. F Reg. 2.29 values. ) NOW!--.-.- 1.57; SALE! SOLITA NYLONS [ America’s finest nylon hosiery- now sale priced! Popular stretch weave or lovely seamless stockings. They’re excellent values at P the regular price. Now you get extra savings at Gambles! Sizes t 9-11. Reg. 98c. P now!77c! Boys’ and Girls’ Sandals > What buys these are! Popular as can be and practical ’cause P they’re cool and sturdy too! Good leather uppers and flexible p long wearing compo soles! Smart enough for dress up. Perfect . for play or sportswear. Buy ’em for all the kiddies at Gambles P low price. Size 6-2. Reg. 2.29 values. k w \ I I I J