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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1958)
Favorite Flousehold Appliances Told CELIA Thirteen members and two guests Mrs. Stanley Johnson and Mrs Duane Mintle were pres ent Wednesday, May 28, for a reg-1 ular meeting of the Celia Home makers extension club The meeting was held at the ; home of Mrs George Mintle with j Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman cohcwtess. Roll call was answered with an answer to "my favorite household j appliance.” Lessons were present ed on electrica appliances and their care, by Blanche Pease and Inez Hayes, and sandwiches, by Mrs. Duane Beck and Mrs. Byrl Beck. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Frank Kilmurry Wednesday, June 25, with Mrs. Connie Frickel co- j hostess. Other Celia News Mrs. Mark Hendricks, Markita and Mrs Omer Poynts returned j home Wednesday, May 28, from a trip to McPherson, Abilene ami Manhattan, Kans., where they had visited the Robert and Leon Hend ricks fannilies. Mr, and Mrs. William Maloun and son. Billy of Fontana, Calif., left there Saturday, May 31, for their new home at Sagle, Ida., where they have rented the W. R. Greenwood farm. The Hendricks school, Mrs. Emil Colfack, teacher, had a belated school picnic at Atkinson's city park, Saturday, May 31. Members of Wesleyan metnoaisi church sponsored a picnic at the Leonard Chaffin home Saturday evening honoring the eighth grade graduates — Jerry Hendricks, Charles Chaffin and Sharon Thur low; also honoring those gradua ting from the senior class of At kinson public school James Hen dricks, Eloise Heiser and Vivian Thurlow. Junie Focken is helping Irene Frickel with her work. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken and family, Mrs. Albert Emmons and daughter were Thursday evening visitors at the Elmer Al lyn home. Mark Hendricks took Mrs. Poynts to Bristow Sunday to vis it her sister-in-law, Mrs. Roy Shattuck, also Mr. and Mrs. Bus Whitehead at California who are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shattuck. Billy Focken came home from attending Norfolk Junior college Tuesday, May 27 and began working at the Lee ranch south of Atkinson, Monday, June 2. Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Focken and son were Sunday dinner guests at the Clarence Focken home. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson went to Ainsworth Tuesday after noon, May 27, to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen and son left Thursday for a trip ot Washington state. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken and family and Mrs. Albert Em mons and daughter were Monday visitors at Hastings. Mr. and Mrs Fred Zink of Stuart, Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. George Keidel and s<»n, Dick, were Sun day supper guests at the David Keidel !v>me. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doming and son, Robert, were also Sunday evening guests at the Keidel home. Mrs. Mark Hendricks will lie reporting the Celia news while Mrs. 0. A. Hammerberg is spend ing a few weeks in Michigan and in Ponnyslvania. She will visit the George A. Earles at Broom all, Pa. Vote of Tlianks to Mrs. Winkler— EMMET A vote of thanks to Mrs. Ed Winkler for the sten cil work on the baseball shirts be ing worn by the members of the Emmet Athletics, midget team. Bob Cole is tutoring the Ath letics. __ Alice’* Beauty Shop SLIMLINER REDUCING MACHINE Phone MS-O’Neill DR. J. P. BROWN PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Office ph. 77 — Res. ph. 223 — O’NEILL, — Old Grads Gather at Inman High Mrs. Rouse, 7 1,1* Oldest Present INMAN The Inman High Sch ool Alumni association hold its an nual reunion Saturday ev ening in j which 106 persons were served. , including recent grads, old grads, and guests. Walter Fick was master of cere , monies. Mrs. James Gallagher.! the former Alice Kivett, was in, charge of arrangements. Theme of the affair was “school j days”. On the program were | Mrs Gallagher, Roland Hansen i member of the class of 1958), j Mrs. C. A. (Edith) Rutledge of Norfolk, Merle Crosser, senior boys and senior girls of this year's class. Joseph Coon of Bee mer offered invocation. The first class was graduated in 1903. For a time the school in cluded only nine grades, then 10 grades, and about World War 1 was expanded to a full 12-grade high school. Mrs Gallagher is president of the association; Mrs. Norbert Clark of O’Neill is vice-president; Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman of Norfolk are secretary-treasurer. The dinner was served buffet style. Mrs. Grace Killinger Gannon was scheduled on the program but could not be present. Mrs. Blanche Rouse, 71, class of 1903, was the oldest person present, and Mrs. Floyd E. (Es tella) Keyes, 70, class of 1905, was second oldest present. Coming the greatest distance were CWO Lor in Keyes, who is stationed in France, and M/Sgt. Cecil Keyes, who is stationed in Germany. * 9 Adults Received into Membership Nine new adult members were received into the membership of the O'Neill Methodist church Sun day morning, June 1. The im pressive ceremony welcomed some transferred memberships from other churches and some entirely new members who have completed the membership train ing course. The new members are: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humrich, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Moore, Sgt. and Mrs. William Cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hurley, and Mrs. Fred Jones. M. L. Harkins, Wife Feted at Luncheon INMAN Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Harkins, 82- and 77-years-old, res pectively, Wednesday, June 4, quietly observed their 56th wed ding anniversary. They were honored guests at a luncheon at the home of their dau ghter, Mrs. II. E. Smith. Other guests were R. B. South and Miss Hildred Harkins. Mrs. HaVkins’ maiden name was Ella Martin. She and Mr. Harkins were married at Gris wold, la., June 4, 1902. f amily (iatnering Honors Voting Priest— ATKINSON — Mr. and Mrs. John Laible’s home was the scene of a family get-to-gether Sunday, May 25. Out-of-state relatives were here for the first solemn mass of Rev. Adrian (Bernard) Laible, OSB, which was celebrated last Thurs day at St. Boniface church in Stu art. Laible is a nephew of the John Laibles and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Laible of Stuart. Guests at the John Laible home for the family affair were his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laible and Danny and Diane of Norton Gro ve, 111.; their daughter, Mrs. Vin cent Smedley of Deerfield, 111.; their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs Leo Laiblt, and children and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gettert and child ren, all of O’Neill; and Mr. Lai bie’s sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Buscher and fam ily of Breckenridge, Minn. Arriving Wednesday, May 28 were the Laible's two daughters, Sr. M. Lorenzo, OSF, of Waupun, Wise., and Sr. M. Raynardus, OSF, of Bensonville, 111. They also attended Father Laible’s or dination in Conception, Mo., Tues day, May 27. STANDS ALONE IN ... STEPS AHEAD IN QUALITY COMFORT WITH EVERY FEATURE YOU WANT MOST IN YOUR WORK SHOESI • Sweat-Proof Insoles • Cushion Crepe Soles • Seamless Backs • Spring Steel Shaak COME IN— Try on a pair. We have all size* and widths to atiar* a perfect Ml _SBORN E'2 SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Among the old and young grails at the Inman high alumni gathering were: Front row—Miss Murl Keyes of Mesa, Ariz. (1934), Mrs. Blanche Rouse of Inman (1903, oldest graduate present); Mrs. Floyd Keyes of Inman (1905), Mrs. Clarence (Ruth) Hansen of Inman (1930), Roland Haasen (presi dent of the class of 1958); hack row—M/Sgt. Cecil Keyes of near Kalserlautem, Germany (1935, he came the greatest distance); CWO Lorin Keyes of Orleans, France (1937), Hoyd Keyes of Inman, student at the school until 1898 Ermand Keyes of Mesa, Ariz. (192«).—The Frontier Photo. McCarvilles Feted on 40th Anniversary Mr and Mrs. J L. McCarville, !jr., and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mc jCarville entertained at a surprise party Sunday, June 1 at the John McCarville home in honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. land Mrs. J. L. McCarville, sr. Guests attending %vere Mr. and Mrs. Ovell Mercier of Hastings; Miss Agatha Keller of Council Bluffs, la., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelley of Albion: Mrs. Hazel Kel leher of Norfolk; Mrs. P. J. Don ohue and Mr. and Mrs John Jones, all of Bonesteel, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devoy and Dr. nd Mrs. E. M. Gleeson, all of O'Neill. Carolyn Groeling Is Valedictorian VENUS- Miss Carolyn Groel ing. daughter of Mrs. Pearl Groel ing, was named valedictorian at commencement exercises, Tues day evening. May 27 at the Creigh ton high school. There were 34 members in the graduating class She was awarded the teachers col lege scholarship. The Groelings moved to Verdi gre a few weeks ago from their farm in the Venus community. 56th Annual Lodge Meet Here Friday Eden Rebekah lodge 41 of O’ Neill will be hosts to the 5fith an nual sessiim of the Rebekah lod ges of district 29 on Friday, June 6. Registration starts at 11 a nt., at the O'Neill high school auditor ium. The afternoon session will begin at 1 p.m. The WSCS of the Methodist church will serve the banquet at the church at 5:30 pm. An open house will be held at the auditor ium at 7 p.m. to honor veteran members and give a memorial in honor of deceased members. The public is inv ited to attend this open session. The Rebekah degree will be conferred in the closed session at 8 p.m. Sophia E. Pascale of O maha, assembly president and Lauretta Schnaubel of Ainsworth wall be present. Officers of district 29, which composes of Chambers, Clear water, Inman, Madison, Neligh, Norfolk, Oakdale, O'Neill, Page, Pierce, and Tilden, are Margaret Johnson of O’Neill, president; Ava Crumly of Page, vice pres ident; Valera Philbrick of O'Neill, secretary, and Jean Hoffman of Chandlers, treasurer. COUNTY COURT May .'U—Robert It. Bordeaux of Valentine, intoxication, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Sgt. R. R. Shomey. _ June 3 Lee Wolff, driver for General Wholesale of Norfolk, overweight on rapacity plaets, fined $10 ami $4 costs; officer— Clifford L Kizzire June 3 Caryl Ruterbories of Neligh. operating on dealer’s li cense. fined $10 and $4 costs; of* ficcr Clifford L. Kizzii'e. June 3 Francis J. Tiomey, driver for General Wholesale of Norfolk, overweight on capacity plate and overweight on • axle, fined $70 and $4 costs; officer— Clifford I., Kizzire June 3 Harold IV Lawrence of Sioux Falls. S. P., overweight on capacity plate fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Donald F. Rich* nrdson. ■It STICK COl’KT Warren "Pat” Conani was In justice court on three counts; 1 using foul and vulgar language on the streets of O’Neill: 2. be ing intoxicated; 3. resisting and striking an officer, fined $20 and $5 costs and 10 days in jail. Suspended; officer Miller. Never An After-Thirst! SWITCH TO SQUIRT 1 Cherub Milk ' 25c Pet Milk Hornog.', ‘vilt-D ^rutr'eased . . 2 29C Cottage CheeseScurT.. 54c Homogenized MilkS"X:.45c Table Cream SEE*. pa^^d. X. 25c Skim Milk 19c /.-I- • - - 2-"- nor vl‘^Vvy .CV .1 • / v Sliced CheeiM-SS^,.£: 29c Cheese Wedge wX 49c Longhorn Cheese .Lp£; 41c Butter . 59c Chee Zip Spread .....®?ar29c.53c Cream Cheese Kraft; Philadelphia_I 41c Cheese Spread Es^iJ' ^T.... AL 26c Enjoy a LOWER TOTAL FOOD BILL... shop at SAFEWAY.' Juice Drink 3 '^ 1. Del Monte; Pineapple-Grapefruit, Vitamin-C enriched, chill and serve /^nssel Food Mix.;39 Duncan Hines — White Angel Food Cake Mix, 13-egg, just add water * Sweet Peas 2^29c Town House; Fancy Sugar Bells in a can, such tender eatin’, heat and serve pillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliw Mild, cheddar-flavored cheese spread J ECraft | VeSveeia 2 !!i. VQ. | Cas'i»n E ® I Breeze Cheese Spread.... 2-lb. Carton 69c Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry Star | [ lz3 Cream | | KICIc I i Carfcsi jgfi ^ g Take Home Plenty, the Family will Love it. T '’'lilllillllllllilllllilllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllilllllllll^' Try these New and Exciting Summer Candies Butter Mints™i^ekuoreveryone.29c /— I ' I n Roxbury; try this 8-oz. LhlCken bones new and exciting candy.. .Pkg. Z/C i i II i | Roxbury; fresh, 12-o*. O O Me 110 J e IS a sweet tasting delight.Pkg. J7C ^ ^ ERouor[y Peanut Butter Taao.-s like fresh ■ 8-OX. JoT rousted peanuts, stays mm p| frcuxi and no oil MW ^ * separation, Creamy "jB f or Chunky Stylo c Buttermilk Bresd ..Loaf 24c I I Safeway’s Famous-quality Meats for every meal Ready-to-Iat HAMS Butt Portion Shank Portion Lb. 5Sc Lb. 45s First quality hams, 14 to 16-lb. Avg.—Center Slices. .Lb. 95c Cube Sfeabs E.S*. -— from U.S.D.A. Choice Grade Beef, very tender and lean -j Coca-Cola —plus bottle deposit.6 I3tla. 39c r Tal/O Duncan Hines; Chocolate 17-oz. r Q - bdKC lvIIA Angel Food or Chiffon.Pkg. J7b U/koatinr "Breakfast of Champions", 12-oz. OQ VYIlCdllCJ ready to eat, delicious.Pkg. /7b Cheerios An oat cereal ready to eat... .Pkg. 29c Pancake Mix 25c....SE 55c Canro Cranberry, Ocean Spray; 0 No. 300 A C - JdULC “Dellcioua with Ham”.L Cana “JL Macaroni wSTiunty.»?: 25c Mazola Oil-...SKI 38c ...!££& 74c Reynolds Wrap ^Zmumfou.f^u33c Instant Tea JSfSd hot water.lyi:Z 49c Light Tuna S ar-Kiat; fancy, solid.Can 41c Chunk Tuna SttSa*; light meat .9X 33c Krispy Crackers “f^h..^x 29c Instant Coffee tSESnifSSi ...!S $1.25 Instant MixSSSSl* n.™.pig! 49c Waxed Paper ^‘“iSESng ...*°£2i 23c Ivory Snow *«*«».35c J Dash Detergent £?£«*« .S: 41c Shop Safeway for the Freshest Fruits and Vegetables! NEW Potatoes I JM v?. I to Liss. 49c I White Rose Variety; U.S. No. 1 Grade I Ik Pineapple I ^Hp'' Each I Mexican-grown; LARGE, 4 to 5-lbs. each, fresh and sweet I <$ l i: SCAMPER DETERGENT; - TIDE tS5fc casco | wjffo l SHORTENING :; SHORTEN## | as9C : a 89c 1