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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1958)
ruhire Subscribers old Ijexter of Ewing, a daughter, Julie Kay, weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces, bom Thursday, May 8, at St. Anthony's hospital PETSCHE Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Petsche ot O'Neill, a son, weighing b pounds 8Va ounces, bom Friday, May 9, at SC An thony's hospital. FERNAU Mr and Mrs. Dickie of Valentine, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, bom Wednesday, May 7, at Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. Fay iirittell are the maternal grandparents. JQHRING—Mr. and Mrs. Ben nie Johring ot O'Neill, a son weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces, born Thursday, May 8, at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. PEREGOY Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Peregoy of Atkinson, a son, John Franklin, weighing 8 pounds 5 ounces, born Thursday, May 8, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. PETER—Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peter of O'Neill, a daughter, Louise May, weighing 0 pounds 9 ounces, bom Thursday, May 8. at Atkinson Memorial hospital. KUN& Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunz of Stuart, a son, weighing 10 pounds 3 ounces, t>om L riday, May 9, at Atkinson Memorial hos pital. BREECE Mr and Mrs. James Breece of Creighton, a son, Dav id Curtis, weighing 6 pounds, born Thursday, May 8, at Lunii licrg Memorial hospital in Creigh ton. JOHNSON—Mr. and Mrs Ver non D. Johnson of Salem, 111., a daughter, Jo Dale, weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces, born Friday, May 2, at a Salem hospital. Mr. anil Mrs. Vernie Johnson of El gin are the paternal grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. Goldman of Salem, 111., are the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. An drew Johnson and Mrs. Charles i n’Meili are the irreat grandpa rents. CURTIS Mr. and Mrs George Curtis of Novato, Calif-, a daugh ter, Elizabeth Ann, born Satur day, May 3. The couple now has two sons and two daughters. Mrs. Curtis is the former Betty Big lin if O’Neill. RENINGER — Mr. and Mrs. Norinun Reninger of Columbus, O., a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces, bora Monday, May 5. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter and Mr and Mi's. William Reninger, all of Chambers, are grandpar ents. . STEWART—Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stewart of Lynch, a son, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, born Monday, May 12, at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. Guests At Ganklll Home— Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bennett, David, Carole and Debbie of Ft. Smith, Ark., arrived Monday, May 5, at the E. E. Gaskill home. They were called here by the death of Joseph O. Bicek the father of Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Gaskill. Attending a family gethenng Tuesday, May 6, at the Gaskill home were the Bennett family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bicek and Bev erly of Omaha, Mrs. Jane Krupa of St Paul, Minn., Clarence Bi cek Roger Krupa and Miss Mar delle Gaskill all of Omaha An overnight guest at the Gas kill home Monday was Harry' Fleek of Wahoo. marriage license Lonny Ross Miller, 19, of Clear water and Miss Maryetta Peter sen, 18, of Ewing on Wednesday, May 14. Mr. anil Mrs. Lyle Lower and children spent the weekend in Valentine visiting his parents, Mr. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: May 7 Mrs. Don Vanderbti»k of O’Neill, Madeline Cook of O'Neill. Felix Sullivan of O'Neill. Mrs. Ward Dyer of Stuart; 8—Mrs. Hamid Dexter of Ewing, Mrs Al Kloppentiorg of Emmet, Tern McManus of O - Neill, Mrs R. R. Morrison of O'-1 Neill; 9 Mrs. William White of O’Neill, Mrs. William Petscht* of O'Neill, Mrs. Al Fntton of O-' Neill. Frank Clements of O'Neill, Mrs. Dallas Behrens of O'Neill, 1 sm C Kelley of Inman; 10 Kathryn Cav anaugh of O'Neill, | John L Blair of Chamtiers, Mar garet McManus of O'Neill; 11— Mrs. Walter Houseman of Lake Ancles, S. D.. Mrs. Margaret Pri-1 hi I of O Neill; 12 Carolyn Ruth1 Hill of Ewing, Mrs. Bessie Vavak I of O'Neill, Vernon Strong of O' Neill; 13 Suzanne Stewart of O’-1 Neill, Mrs. Earl Tooker of Or- | chard, Virginia Johnson of O'- j Neill, Mrs. Wayne Black of Spen-1 cer. E. E. Dewey of Chamtiers, | Mrs. Thomas Alder of Redbird. | Dismissals: May g Mrs. Ray-; mond McGeorge of Monowi, Mrs. Marie Stmhe of O’Neill, Mrs. 1 Uoyd Waldo of Chambers, 9 — Mrs. Alvin Kloppenlmrg of Em met, Mrs John M. Gallagher of Inman, Dean Hume of Bristow, Joyce Storjohann of O’Neill; 10— Mrs Don Vanderbeek and baby girl of O'Neill, Joseph Steskal of O'Neill, Mrs. Harold Coburn and baby girl of O'Neill; 11 Mrs. Ar len Miles of O'Neill, Don C. Kel ley of Inman; 12 Mrs. Dallas; Hehrens of O’Neill. Mrs. Alfred Hamik of O'Neill, Frank Clem-; cuts of O'Neill, Mrs. William Petsche and son of O'Neill, Mrs. William White of O'Neill; 13 Terry McManus of O’Neill, Mrs. Harold Dexter and baby girl of Ewing; 14 Kathryn Cavanaugh of O'Neill, Mrs. Thomas Alder of Redbird, Madeline Cook of O' Neill, Herman Dimmitt of O'Neill. Hospitalized: Mrs. James Boyle of O’Neill, Garrett Janzing of O'Neill, Mrs. Margaret Pribil of O'Neill, Virginia Johnson of O’ Neill. Vernon Strong of O'Neill, Margaret McManus of O’Neill, Suzanne Stewart of O'Neill, Mrs. Wayne Black of Spencer, Mrs. Earl Tooker of Orchard, Mrs. Walter Houseman of Lake Andes, S. D., Carolyn Hill of Ewing, Mrs. Bertha Harkins of Cham bers, Mrs. Bessie Vavak of O’ Neill, Scott Conner of Ewing, David Hinrichsen of Ewing, Mrs. R. R. Morrison of O’Neill, Mrs. Jenny Hershiser of O’Neill, Fe lix Sullivan of O'Neill, Mrs. Al Fritton of O'Neill, Mrs. Ward Dy er of Stuart, John L. Blair of Chambers, E. E Dewey of Cham bers. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: May 5- Mrs. Robert Martens of Atkinson, medical; Father’s Day is June 15th Give him the gift he will love . . . your photograph! 3—5x7 Photos in Beautiful Folder 4.95 O’NEILL PHOTO CO. — Phone 1 — _ OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Be Wise, Fertilize The moisture is perfect for fertilizing your coni. Take ad vantage of this golden opportunity to get 1/3 to 4 increased yields with the proper fertilizers. Kogers Utters: 10*20 0 — 10-20-0 — 8-24-8 — 42-24-12 — 10-20 0 with Aldrin I 3312 0-0 Spencers Mr. N in moisture pri*of plastic bags Anaconda’s 0-42-0 — 0-0-60 and straight Aldrin or Heptachlor for worm control Two*row attachments for listers for above See Rogers for best quantity prices We Also Offer: Several Summer feeds with Stilbestrol Hi Ians 3% Fat with Stilbestrol $61.00 per ton Com Cubes L2% protein with Stilbestrol $62.00 per ton 3 11 for 5 Iluty Special 32% Cone, with Stilbestrol $100.00 per ton Special Calf Creep feed with Aureomycin $67.00 per ton — ALSO — j Complete line of Hog ami Chicken Feeds _ A wn awvt nmn a KUbtltt rKUUUUS tu. First Store North of Burlington Depot C. E. McVAY. Manager PHONE 771 erman Shrader of Atkinson, medical. 6—John Claussen of O' Neill, medical. 7—Judy King of Stuart, surgical; Mrs. John L’haney of Stuart, medical. 8~ Mrs. Robert Peregoy of Atkin ,nn, obstetrical: Mrs Louis Peter it O’Neill, obstetrical; Ed Mc Donald of Atkinson, medical; Mrs Ray Farr of Newport, med ical. 9 -Mrs. Fred Kurtz of Stu art, olistetrical. 10- Mrs. l-eo Se ger of Atkinson, surgical. 11 — Mrs. Mae Stracke of Stuart, med ical; Helen Dobrovolny of At kinson, medical: John Gallagher of Atkinson, medical. Dismissed: May 5—Robert Mar tens, jr., of Atkinson; 6--Caleb Thompson of Naper, Mrs. Rich ard Shearer and daughter of Stuart, Mrs. Albert Dennis of O’ Neill; 7-Leonard Ulrich of At kinson, Mrs. Natchel Rzeszotarski of Atkinson, Mrs. Robert Mar tens, sr., of Atkinson, Mrs. Ralph Armold of Atkinson, Ray Got schall of Atkinson; 8—Mrs. Geo rge Barlow and son of Atkinson; 9 Mrs Ray Farr of Newport, Mrs. Julia Samples erf Atkinson, Mrs. Frances Timmerman of Stuart; 11 Ed McDonald of At i kinsoB, Mi's. Clarence Grot of Atkinson, Mrs. Robert Peregoy I and son of Atkinson. Hospitalized; Mrs. John Chaney of Stuart. Judy King of S?tuart, George Frohardt of Atkinson. Mrs. Fred Kuru and son of Stu art, John Gallagher of Atkinson. Mrs. Claude Raymer of Atkinson. Mrs. Mae Stracke of Stuart, Mrs I»uis Peter and son of O’Neill. Herman Schrader of Atkinson | Mrs, Leo Seger of Atkinson, Mrs ! Jennie Shane of Atkinson. COUNTY COURT May 8 Merle D. Nelson of j Newman Gro\e, over axle weight, I fined $60 and $4 costs; officer— (lHinald F. Richardson. May 8 Francis J. Tierney dri ver for General Wholesale Gorp. of Norfolk, overweight on ca pacity plate, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Clifford L. Kiz i zire. May 8—Robert W Campbell of Casper, Wyo., excessive length, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Clifford L. Kizzire. May 0 Wendell W. ,Vycrs dri ver for Nash Finch Co. of Nor folk. over axle weight and over weight on capacity plate, fined S80. $10 ;ind $4 costs; officer — | Clifford L. Kizzire. May 0 Charles W. Ferguson of Sheridan. Wyo., no recipro city, fined $10 and $4 costs; offi cer- -Clifford L. Kizzire. May 14 Vernon A. Clauson dri\ er for Tower Trailer Sales of Omaha, overweight on capa city plate, fined $10 and $1 costs; i officer Clifford L. Kizzire. May 13 Robert L. Vance of i Ewing, taking an»l capturing of1 game fish, fined $40 and $4 costs and liquidated damages to State of Nebraska $20; officer Fred! R. Salak May 14 W. R. Brown driver i for Buckingham Trans. Inc., of Rapid City, S p, excessive length, fined $10 and $1 costs; of ficer Clifford l* Zizziiv. May 12 Harold Buster Hybels | of Kalamazoo, Mich . overweight, fined $50 and $4 costs; officer Donald F Richardson. May 14 Neil French driver for Pacific Intermountain Express of Chicago, III. overweight, fined $50 and $1 costs; officer Clifford L ki/zire. _ ... SLAT’S CAFE Thors,, 1TI-, Sul. SI’Bt'lXl.s Iti-o/ Gold'n Shake and Hamburger 27c Jumlx) Ice Cream Cones 5c Chocolate Coke ada-mode 12c Your favorite pie ada-mode 17c Ice Cream Sundaes 10c Malts 17c SUXT'S t’AI K W 1ST O’SKllli mrtm entnnt *m* #4 nn *0STl* blanched * *#» TUNA ■ I i ---—i —• ^ Tip# *IUU PEANUTS Fackofa ■ V Step right up. friends! It's IACK & JILL'S PRODUCE FAIR. See the greatest food show on earth ... Buy crisp greens «rad fancy ripe fruits bursting with flavor at prices you want |o pay . . . Big values in every department. Fun for everyone. toiac§_ —■ Gooch s Best puRE GROUND Gooch's Best WAFFLE “l, elbow BLACK /Qe PA"?¥AKE macaroni pepper 1 "• .»• -W Gooch's Best # Gooch's Best BISCUIT oven proven FIG-BARS Maxwell House ~I M IX F L O U R £°5fEE_ Ip--39' ^.— 43c 2 49* | P* ..., VI - w\ KRAFT SALAD DRESSING - AMERICA'S FAVORITE SALAD DRESSING BY FAR MIRACLE WH,P, RED TOP IMITATION STRAWBERRY ■ RASPBERRY • BOYSENBERRY PRESERVES ~ —-;- SWANSDOWN CAKE MIX — SO EASY TO MAKE — SO GO OD TO EAT Lightest topping AMBUF°OD39« •«-« SWANSOOWN DEVIL'S FOOD - WHITE • BUTTERSCOTCH . YELLOW .-5 CAKE MIX - • ssss. = s 5 n*z%jGRoim WILSON'S _‘i£ 33* I gm MARSHMALLOWS ££“ 2 ^ 25* l”° ZO I 1 CftjE‘ I EVERYONE LOVES HAMBURGERS - THEY'RE EASY M TO PREPARE AND DEUCIOUS EATING m IS GUARANTEED Ll FOREMOST’S POPULAR — "3” FLAVORS — BIG DIP J Gal 59c FRESH KILL — TRAY PACKED — PAN READY — FRYERS lb 39c CREAMERY — BUTTER lb ctn 69c OLEO-3 lb. ctns. 69c HOT DOGS & COFFEE both only 9c * Mi. BOOTH ARMOUR’S PEAR-SHAPED NORTHERN CANNED PICNICS 3 S 1" LEAN, CENTEB BIB CUTS «l. PORK CHOPS.-59* LB. _ JJl ——-CHEEF BRAND LONGHORN DRIED BEEF. 35* CHEESE DELICIOUS SANDWICH PTLLEB Ar%t iimnrn i miAiirAM <ia. ^Tlf 89c QUICK ELASTIC QUICK ELASTIC LIQUID DBY STARCH STARCH _las . .-.ay*| 1st- is* WHITNEY Chiffon WHOLE LIQUID OYSTERS DETERGENT i£ 3?‘ ||g.~_S9t DIAL SOAP DEODORANT BATH SOAP 2^ 39* LB--"T# * real "gold ENTRY BLANK I'°'ICBl H“rmloSuoE'»S °**5®e punch famuy Fun #ASB « 2&39V GRAPE REAL gold DRINK LEMON* • M. Ttx Arja 696 valuable prize*? 2r-33* YOUoinwRH 3 t£33* Immm Jack & Jill Coupon Value HH HOl'SEWIFE’S BEST FRIEND — CHORE 9 Fnr AC GIRLS Atm 7 Expires Mlclnlte May 19 | ■ I.AI N'DRY BLEACH — CLOROX I I Full Qt. 1 8 Expires Mldnite May 19 I Plus S & H Green Stamps "I ROBERT’S GRADE A — BONUS PAK kal 43c | OR. PRINK -226c I WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF POL LTV. HOG, CATTLE H 1 NUTRENA FEEDS I BABY CHICKS $13.00 I TOP MARKET PRICES FOR YOUR ® \ CREAM - EGGS - POULTRY | CAE VI M FROZEN — STRAW BERRIES I 0-oz. Pkg. Expires Midnite May 19 & H Oreen Stamps ——III ....■« mi-T-rHMT,