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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1958)
Legal Notices (First pub. May 8, 1958 ) John R. Gallagher, Attorney notice of srrr To Qaude Carey and Hallee Carey, husband and wife; Ralph Carey, a single man; Howard Carey, a single man; Fred L. Carey and Myrtle B. Carey, hus band and wife; Boyd Carey and Evelyn Carey, husband and wife; Glen L Carey and Irene Carey, husband and wife; Bertha E. Ramsey and Forrest R. Ramsey, wife and husband; Lillie Carey, the heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Lillie Carey, Deceased, real names unknown; All persons having or claiming any interest in the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 21, Township 29, Range 11, West of the 6th P. M , in Holt County, Nebraska, real true names unknown, defendants. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 6th day of May, A. D., 1958, Leola Wilkin son, as Plaintiff, filed her peti tion and commenced an action in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the obeet and prayer of said petition is for a partition of real estate according to the re sped ive rights of the parties therein or if the same cannot be equitably divided that said prem ises may be sold and the proceeds thereof be divided between the parties according to the respect ive rights and that the defend ants "all persons having or calim ing any interest in the above de scribed real estate, real names unknown may lie decreed to have no right or interest therein or to the possession thereof", and may lie excluded from any right, title, lien or interest in or to said above described real estate. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 16 day of June, 1958. I-KOLA WILKINSON. PLAINTIFF BY JOHN R. GALLAGHER Attorney for Plaintiff 2-5c (First pub. May 8. 1958) John R. Gallagher. Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP Estate No. 4267 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF ESTATE OF IJLLIE CAREY, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. To all persons interested in said cs | tate, creditors and heirs take no I tice: 1. That Leola Wilkinson has ! filed her petition alleging that Lillie Carey died intestate in Holt County, Nebraska on or about I COYNE HOW. Phone 21 O’Neill, Nebraska > • ^ _ PITTSIURGH PAINTS keep thot look longer! January' 10. 1947. being a resident j and inhabitant of Holt County, | Nebraska and died seised of the j following described real estate, I to-wit: An undivided one-half in- j terest in and to the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: The Southwest Quarter of Section 21. Township 29. Range 11, West of the 6th P. M,, in Holt County, Nebraska leas ing as her sole and only heirs at law the following named per sons, to-wit: Fred Carey, her husband, Claude Carey, Ralph Carey, Howard Carey, Fred L. Carey, Boyd Carey and Glen Carey, her sons, and Bertha E. Ramsey, Myrtle I. Young and Leola Wilkinson, her daugh ters. 2. That the interest of the pe- j titioner herein in the above de scribed real estate is an heir at law and daughter of the said de ceased and praying for a deter mination of the time of the death, [ the heirs, the degree of kinship, : and the right of descent of the real property belonging to the said deceased, in the State of Ne-1 braska. which petition wall be for' hearing in this court on May 29, I 19*38, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this i 6 day of May A. D.. 1958. LOUIS W REIMER, County Judge, iCOUNTY COURT SEAL) 2-4c (First pub. May 8. 1958.) SHERIFF’S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein County of Holt is plaintiff and Ethel Cowles et. al. are de fendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O'Neill, Ne braska, on the 9 day of June, 1958, I at 10 o'clock A. M., the follow ing described premises in Holt County, Nebraska: Lots 8, 9 and 10, in Block 2 of the Original Town of Page, in Holt County, Nebraska, to sat isfy the sum of $217.94 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $40.19 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 7 day of May, 1958. LEO S. TOM JACK Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska. 2-6c __—_— (First pub. May 8, 1958) Julius D. Cronin, attorney NOTICE OF PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION (Estate No. 4266) IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOI. GOUNTY, NEBRASKA. MAY 5, 1958. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES MATTHEWS, DECEASED Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Thomas F. Matthew's, Leo P. Matthews and Bernard J. Mat thews as Joint-Administrators of said estate, and will be heard May 29, 1958 at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’ Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 2-4c Visit at Hospital— Mr. and Mrs. Billie Marcellus and family, Mrs. Harold William son and family and Betty Miles spent Sunday, May 4, in Grand Grand Isand where they visited Mr. Williamson, a patient in St. Francis hospital. I _ If lights dim when you turn on an appliance, if fuses blow frequently, then the answer to the ques tion is “yes.” Now’s the time to modernize your home wiring se you cen fully enjoy all the convenience of Better Living . . . Electrically today AND tomorrow. Ask your electrical contractor to give you a free estimate of what it will cost te bring your home up to full HOUSEPOWER. Financ ing can be arranged—no money down and up to five years to pay. Why not call him right now while you’re thinking about it? You need more Housepower In Your Kitchen You can get It with the New Westlnghouse Automatic Appliance Center Operates up to five appli ances at a time without blowing tuses E-ch cir cuit protected by o cir cuit breaker Easy to in Stoll In any wall. ** r? ■ /'N CONSUMERSS Nebraska's Sell-Supporting, Efficiently-Managed Source of Dependable, Low-Cost Electricity Pupils Ride Train, Visit The Frontier !I < .1 rt,__t _1 CC Cnnnnlap tJoHi' Manoon <inH Phillm 1 i'fV 1 U|MIO IJI 11IV OIUI 1 Ul m ov* iw« .v « ww * * ■ day visited The Frontier publishing plant and the "Voice of The Frontier” radio studios. Front row <lcft-to-righti Veldon Spangler, Bradley Hansen. Gayle Spangler, Diane Kubik, Vicky Hansen; back row—Billy Revell, David Butterfield, Dennis teacher. Earlier the teacher took the pupils on a train ride O'Neill to Atkinson—on Chicago & North Western's passenger-mail-express train 13. The Frontier Photo. Chambers Center Holds Observance.— CHAMBERS The Extension clubs of the Chambers center ob served national home demonstra tion week Wednesday, May 7, at the* parlors of the Methodist church. Mrs. Frank Tracy, group chairman, was in charge. Mrs. Kathryn Indra, home agent from O’Neill, was present to show a film on eye care. Slides were shown and a chalk talk was presented by Mrs. Thomas Lambert follow ed by a skit in which Mrs. Wil lard Thomson, Mrs. Edwin Hub hard and Mrs. Lloyd Hilligas par ticipated. Lunch was served and a social time was enjoyed by the group. Bernard Matthews of Lincoln spent from Wednesday, April 30, until Saturday, May 3, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter and with his brother, Leo Matt hews, at St. Anthony’s hospital. Mrs. Clyde Streeter accompan ied him to Lincoln. Mrs. Streeter visited her son, Gene, and fam ily for a few days. Cpl. Bill Davidson of Hastings arrived Monday, May 5, and vis ited until last Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson. (First pub. May 15, 1958) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4262 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MAY 8, 1958. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF ELIZABETH COLMAN, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is September 5, 1958, and for the payment of debts is May 8, 1959 and that on June 5, 1958, and on September 6, 1958 at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, 1 will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, exam ine, hear, allow, or adjust al claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 3-5 Riverside News Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and family and Mr. and Mrs. Will Shrader, Eddy and Alice ate dinner Sunday at the Willie Shra der home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier and : Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier. Mrs. | ; Kitty Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Bert I Fink, the Lee Fink famiy, and the Lorraine Montgomery family were guests Sunday at the Lynn Fry home. The Alfred Napier family and Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Hord and Duane were Sunday dinner guests at the Lafayette Gunter home near Hoskins. Russel Napier and two boy friends of Sterling, Kansas, were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Napier. Mr. and Mrs. John Napier and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and family and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and famiy of Newman Grove were dinner guests Sunday at the Richard Napier hime. The dinner was in honor of Anna Marie Jensen’s birthday anniVer sary. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier were afternoon callers. Valanda Biddlecome and Shar on Johnston accompanied Dr. and Mrs. William Ross. Bertha Har ris and Sherry Tuttle fe> a youth meeting in the Presbyterian church in Lincoln Saturday. May 10. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsman of the J. F. Bloom Oo. . . . monuments from the factory of the con sumer.—Emmet Crabb, O’Neill. Mrs. Lynn Fry took a carload of school children in the River side district to the track meet in the Neligh park Friday afternoon. Janelle Hobbs and Florence Hoke visited Tuesday afternoon, May 6, with Lillie Meyers in Clearwater, and they were Neligh visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery visited at the Wilbur Ma hood home in Orchard Sunday afternoon, May 4. Sunday Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waller of Carroll were Sunday, May 4, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller. I CERTIFIED HYBRID SEED CORN Go to SCOVIE’S for HARTZ Seed Corn WE HAVE A REPLANTING AGREEMENT All Early Hybrids: IOWA 306 — IOWA 4249 — IOWA 4207 — HARTZ 22 HARTZ 44 SCOVIE’S , WESTERN AUTO STORE . . . O’Neill j Ewing News Baccalaureate services for the class of 1958 of the Kwing high school were held Sunday, May 11, at the Ewing puhUc school audi torium The following program was pre sented : Processional, by Roberta Mc Daniels; invocation, by Dr. Wil liam 11. Ross; vocal solo, "The Lord's Prayer", by Sandra Shra der with Mrs. Robert Hobbs ac companist: solo, "Calvary", by Mrs. Maynard Rouse, director of vocal music in the Ewing public school with Miss Shrader accom panist. Sermon, with scripture reading from the fourth chapter of Pro verbs, by Rev, Ivan Turner, pas tor of the Riverside Free Metho dist church; solo, "1 Walk with God . by Sharon Kropp with Miss Shrader accompanist; benediction by Doctor Ross; recessional, by Miss McDaniels The seniors are: Stanley Bartos, Delbert Carl, jr, Patricia Ernesti, Patricia Hahlbeck, Darlene I ,at/el, Mary U)is Noffke. Maryetta Peterson, John Mlnarik, Virgil Potter, Bev erly Rotherham, lVnnis Scheer, Patricia Schindler, Sandra Lee Shrader, Gene Sisson, Judith Stamp, Bobbie Tuttle, Robert iVelke, Richard Williamson, Lar ry Wragge. Patricia Wright, Shir ley Wright, Vivian Wright. The class flower is the white rose: the class colors, blue and white; class motto. "Every man for himself and God for all". Miss Ijoma Marcellus of Lin coln s|H'nt the May 3-4 weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M 1? Marcellus. SYMBOL OF PUBLIC SERVICE 4 H AND FFA CHARITABLE PROJECTS SCHOLARSHIPS --— COUNTY FAIRS AGRICULTURE AND LIVE STOCK SHOWS I WHERE RACING DOLLARS GO IN NEBRASKA In NEBRASKA, racing dollars are returned to you. Your charitable, educational and civic enterprises . . . your county fairs, agri culture and stock shows, 4-H and FFA ac tivities all benefit. No Individual can profit because racing in Nebraska can be con ducted only by non-profit organisation* or fairs. Yes, Nebraska racing Is different. Ycm not only share in fun and the pleasure— but also the benefits* Imrri MAY 20 - JULY 5 8 RACES DAILY 8 Except Sundays and Mondays 9 Races Saturdays & Holidays POST TIME LADIES'DAYS 2 P.M. Tuesdays and RAIN OR SHINE Fridays Twilight Races Except May 30 & July | 3:30 P.M. NO CHILDREN Thursdays ADMITTED (CLIP AND SAVE) Elkhorn Valley Little League BASEBALL SCHEDULE ALL GAMES START AT 6 P. M. FIRST HALF HOME TEAM MAY 12 MAY 19 MAY 26 STUART. AT EWING W. O'NEILL AT LYNCH EWING. STUART AT EMMET E. O'NEILL EMMET ••• AT W. O'N. EWING AT PAGE W O'NEILL • • • EMMET AT STUART ORCHARD E ftiimr. . . AT LYNCH PAGE AT EWING_ LYNCH. E. O'NEILL AT ORCH'D STUART ORCHARD • AT PAGE LYNCH AT W. O'N. _ . . nnfHaBn AT E. O'N. EMMET JUNE 2 JUNE 9 JUNE 16 JUNE 23 PAGE AT EMMET ORCHARD^ E. O'NEILL^ AT ORCH'D W. O'NEILL AT LYNCH AT PAGE LYNCH STUART AT E. O'N. ORCHARD AT E. O'N. AT EWING PAGE LYNCH W. O'NEILL AT ORCH'D ” EMMET AT STUART AT EMMET AT PAGE EWING AT W. O'N. EWING E. O'NEILL AT STUART AT EMMET AT STUART LYNCH AT W. O'N. EWING SECOND HALF HnMr TEAM JUNE 30 JULY 7 Stuart • • • • ewing at w. o'n. lynch EWING. AT STUART EMMET AT E. O'N. EMMET. W. O'NEILL AT EWING PAGE W. O'NEILL • • • AT EMMET _STUART AT ORCH D E. O'NEILL • • * LYNCH AT PAGE __ EWING ■^NCH. AT E. O'N. ORCHARD AT STUART ORCHARD"^"- ~PAGE AT LYNCH ! W. O'NEILL AT ORCH'D E. O'NEILL AT EMMET JULY 21 ^ULY 28 AUG^4 AUG. 11 AT PAGE _ EMMET AT ORCH'D AT E. O'R ORCHARD AT W. O'N. LYNCH PAGE AT LYNCH ! AT STUART E. O'NEILL AT ORCH'D E. O'NEILL^ _ EWING AT PAGE_ AT LYNCH AT W. O'N. ORCHARD AT EMMET STUART EMMET _ PAGE AT EWING w7 O'NEILL AT EWING AT E. O'N. STUART EMMET STUART AT LYNCH W. O'NEILL AT EWING Schedule Published thru Courtesy EARLEY OIL COMPANY w^r«"