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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1958)
Plans Parly Fall Wedding .'ii ana Mrs. wierwyn french, er., of Page, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Bette Jeanette (above), to Robert F. Frels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frels of Hershey. Miss French and her fiance are both attending the University of N bra.ska college of agriculture. An early fall wedding is plan ned. Danish Cookery Meeting I opic AMELIA—Helping Hand club met with Mrs. Frank Pierce Thursday, Junuary 9. Alter dinner the meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. May Sageser, by repeating the Lord's prayer and singing the song "Auld Lange Syne”. Fourteen members, three visit ors and two dinner guests were present. The lesson was on ‘'Danish cookery”. Mrs. Pierce served three dishes prepared fi-om recipes brought from Denmark by her mother, Mrs. Lorens Nissen. The dishes prepared were kale, a! favorite of the famdy on Christ mas ,a fruit filled pancake, made in u special phneake griddle, and a lemon cookie. Mrs. Rulph Rees gave a history of Denmark. Thank you cards were read from Mr. und Mrs. Frank Pierce of their golden wed- j ding anniversary and from Mrs. ‘ Rose Robyler of Neligh, she being ' the one who organized the club 30 years ago. The new program committee Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and Mrs. 1 Ernest Johnston will feature a: program Thursday, Frebruary 13 at Mrs. William Fry rears. Other Amelia Mews Mrs. Nellie Baker of Casper, Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Edison of Shawnee, Wyo., were overnight guests at the Arthur Hiatt home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Edison is the former Gladys Bak er. The young adult group met at the church Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm as hosts. The lesson was a study on the book of Acts. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White took their daughter, Mrs. Kay Joy, to Grand Island, Friday morning where she boarded the train for her home at Walla Walla, Wash. The adult fellowship class of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Edith Andersen Wednes day evening, January 8. The les son was a “church wide study of missions”. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sammons drove to Bassett Monday evening to vist her sister, Miss Shirley Dobrovolny, who is employed at a hank there. Two other sisters were also visiting there that eve Mr. and Mrs. Will David went to Des Moines, la., Sunday to at tend the funeral of a relative on Monday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry went to Scotia Sunday to visit their friends, Mr. and Mi's. Darel H°Mrs. Julia White of Atkinson was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser from Thursday until Sunday evening. They called on Mis Bertha Sammons and Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser Friday and on Saturday afternoon Mrs. White helped Mrs. Lindsey quilt. Mrs. Delbert Edwards and Mrs. Emma Lindsey attended a birth day party Monday afternoon at the Charles McMillen home in At kinson in honor of Mrs. Rosa Snel son’s 85th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Snelsons is Mrs. Ldward s mSam Gilman returned home Sat urday after visiting his friend, Mr. Mohr, in Atkinson several days last week. , t . Mrs. Mary Lou Price and Jack ie of Omaha visited her sister Mrs. George Fullerton, and tumilv over the weekend. Don Peterson went to Gr*"f Island Saturday to vist his In end Frank Patton. They drove to Kearney to make plans to enlet sctool s*™. !»«"•“! “k5 £ forestry. Entry exams will be Jan uarv 23 and 24 and school will 'US Shormerrf Kalispell, Mont., have been vast in'' friends and relatives in Bui well They are looking for a loca tion in that locaity. The Shermers moved to Montana from the Swan ESTriclSiy about two years •%. and Mrs. R- A. Ballagh en joyed having all of their famdy E1 „?°ortdAm“aaMr *wi Mjj Sr^rs"CS Sr tSsht.r g-St'SS day. _ Sponsor Boxing At the American Legion meet ing Tuesday it was decided to send the boxing group to Norfolk January 28 and 29 forthe golden eloves tournament, also that the Legion sponsored oratorical con tst would be held in the "*£.!*J |r ure A stag party was planned for Thursday, February 6. Page Staff Installs Inman Rebekahs INMAN Arbutus Rebekah lodge met in regular session at • he IOOF hall. Mrs. Carrie Mc Mahon was in charge. Mrs Dorothy Nissen, district deputy president, and her Page staff were present and installed fiie following officers for the coming year: Elsie Keyes, noble grand; Ha zel I-orcnz, vice grand; Maurine Smith, secretary; Grace Luhen, treasurer; Patricia Mattson, con ductor; Faye Smith, warden; Karl Keyes, right support to noble grand: Ruth Watson, left sup port to noble grand; Mary Tom linson, right support to vice grand; Ellen Brawn, left support to vice grand; Eunice Appleby, color bearer; John Brunckhorst, inside guardian; Carrie McMa hon, past noble grand. I3irth Anniversaries Noted at Meeting INMAN- Women's Society of Christian Service met at the Methodist church annex last Thursday with a covered dish luncheon at noon. The group ob served the birthday anniversar ies of the members oceuring in October, November, December and January. The table was centered with a birthday cake baked by Mrs. Eleanor Gaughenbaugh, flanked with candles on either side. Lunch was followed by the regular bus iness session with Mrs. L. F. Ko f>ecky in charge. Mrs. Ruth Watson had charge of the lesson on "Japan” and Mrs Gaughenbaugh had charge of the devotions. Youtb Council in Meeting at Inmar INMAN A Methodist Youth Fellowship district council meet ing was held at the home of Li- J nelle and Roger Tompkins Satur-1 day, January 11. Rev. Willis Taplan of Ains worth. district youth director, Rev. Cecil Green of Randolph, Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Ganzel of Rloomfield and Mrs. Hilkinson of Randolph, secretary of youth work j fr.r the Women’s Society of Chris tian Service, were present, be sides the young people represent ing the various offices of the dis trict MYF. Other Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony, owners of Anthony’s Market, ser ved Meadow Gold chocolate milk and Rainbo rolls to their many friends and customers at the store Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat of Page assist ed them with the serving. Mrs. Roy Gannon entertained the Neighborhood club at her home Wednesday, January 8. Joseph Peters who is employ ed at the State Hospital in Nor folk, spent the weekend here with his family. Miss Beverly Smith of Norfolk spent the weekend in the K. F. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coven try spent the weekend in Omaha visiting in the home of their bro i ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Pinkerman, jr., and family. They returned home Monday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander spent a couple of days the past week in Sioux City. Mis. Michael Gallagher and son Timmv. drove to South Dakota last Thursday afternoon where they visited relatives until Sat urday afternoon at Colome and Gregory. Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Ganzel of Bloomfield called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and family Saturday. . .. Mr and Mrs Albert Anthony and family were Sunday din ner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lempke and fam ily at Bloomfield. Smith Again Heads Phone Company— INMAN—The annual meeting of I the Inman tlephone company was I held Monday afternoon at the ! telephone office. Following the regular business session, the following officers Acre elected to serve the com pany for 1958: K. F. Smith, presi dent- L. F. Kopecky, vice presi dent; L. W. Sobotka. secretary: Elwin Smith, treasurer: George Fiok three years. L. R Tomp kins and Frelent Pribil. directors DIVORCE COURT January 13—Agnes Rakes vs. David Rakes, extreme cruelty. Frontier for printing. Athlete-Singers Appear at Church AMELIA The men's quartette and basketball team from Central college of McPherson, Kans., were at the Bethany Free Methodist church Sunday morning, January 12, and had charge of the music. Re% Kenneth Chapman was the guest speaker. S»ge>er* Entertain at Sunday Dinner— AMELIA—Mr. and Vem Sages | er entertained, at dinner Sunday, 1 the following guests Mr. and Mrs 1 Link Sageser, Mr. and Mrs El* j mer Coolidgt, Mrs Bertha Sam ! mons. Mrs. Julia White, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Lew Backhaus, Mr. and Mrs. ! Eamie Johnston and Mrs. Teresa I Wagner. The occasion w as in honor of l the birthday anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser Mr. Sag eser will observe his 90th anniver sary Thursday (today), Januar> 1 Band Mrs. Sageser will be 81 years of age Sunday. January 26 lt.»b Hill in Speaker— Regular meeting of the Holt County Rural Youth was held Friday. January 10, at the court house annex. Roll call was ans wered by 11 members with one guest being present. Bob Hill from the Holt count} soil conservation office showed some slides and gave an interes ting talk on conservation in Holt i county. The sjaM-lal meeting was plan nod and will be held Sunday, Jan uary 26. at the Orville Indi a home Several members paid their T95S dues. Lunch was served and games were played. By Shirk} Harvey, news reporter. IXH NTY «X*l KT January 13 Carolyn L. Bar nr-, of Calgary Allvrta, Can., day speeding, fined $10 and $-1 costs: officer U R Shorney January 13 Dale A. Doolittle at Amelia, minor in {possession of alcoholic liquor, fined $24 and $J costs; officer K M. Hastreiter January 13 Delbert C. Boss man of Atkinson, minor in possess ion of alcoholic liquor, lined and $4 costs; officer fi, M. Ilaa tretter. lannar.N 13 John D. BOikerd of O'Neill, owner permittinK a minor to operate motor vehicle, fined S10 and $1 costs; officer- fc.M. llastieiter. Fancy Jonathan — To Arrive Friday — FANCY SIZED AND WRAPPED — l | PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. TO SAT., JAN. 16 TO JAN. 18 — PLENTY OF PARKING VELVEETA — t GOLD MEDAL — — J Perch_ - | NO FRESH — M Corn_6 Vkc ~i I SNOW <'HOI' — m P^AS Svks_$? | Black Pepper pound can 98c LlltUY’S — Pumpkin . 2 303 cans 23c GOLD NUGGET — CORN-4 303 cans 49c LIBBY’S — Pineapple Juice.. 3 46-oz. cans $ \ Beef Stew-3 ^ cans S1 CHILE -2303 cans 59c NATIVE — APPLE, PEACH, RAISIN — Pie Filling_4 No. 2 cans $ 1 BILLY BOY ASST. — Preserves ..._viant jar 35c SKINNER’S — Noodles-10-oz. pk?. 1 f|c I UK"*’* - ■ *»a £*1T $46-oxcns_% V VlMiUlCE^——rl \ |VARCH^_*^-\ I joo ^ . \^EFRvyrio^\ S *****-** ' .