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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1958)
Star News Mrs Ewalt Miller spent Mon day. Jan 6 with Mrs Wayne Boe Iter in Verdigre while Ewalt attended the sale there. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson were in Kimball, S.D., last Thurs day Wyn and Larry spent the day with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Ewalt Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller called on Mrs Hulda Miller and at the Gerald Waring home, Tues day, January 7. Mrs. Pearl Groeling accompan ied Mr. and Mrs Richard Miller to Spencer Tuesday, January 7. where they attended the funeral services for Mrs. William Bock, a former resident of the Walnut community. Mrs. I^eonard Juracek and son were in Omaha last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Juracek and family had dinner Sunday. January 5, with Mi's. Sofie Neku da in Omaha. In the afternoon they went on the Lincoln taking their daughter, Judy, who attends school there. She spent the holi day vacation with her family. Mr. anl Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pik lapp and Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen and family were Sunday dinner guests at the L A. Hansen home to honor Mi's. Hansen s birthday anniversary. Her daugh ter, Mrs. Joyce Lantz, prepared the dinner. The L. A. Hansens are moving to Creighton from their farm home. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Grosscop, and son of Billings, Money to Loan — on — \ UTOMOBIIJ5S TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance C. E. Jones, Manager O'Neill Nebrxaka Mont., will move to the Hansen's farm this spring. Arnold Miller had supper with Wayne Boelter last IThursday eve ning. Mrs. Nels Linquist spent last Thursday with her mother, Rebec ca Butterfield, in Orchard. Mrs. Butterfield has not been well and is spending a few days with Mrs Linquist. Mr. and Mrs Wayne Mattison and .family spent the weekend with the Richard Miller family. Eastern Star Installs Officers Order of Eastern Star m e t Thursday, January 9. The follow ing officers were installed for the ensuing year: C. W. Porter, worthy patron: Mrs. Eugene Porter, worthy mat ron; Larry Schaffer, associate patron; Mrs. Don McKamy, assoc iate matron; Mrs. Gale Dierber ger, conductress; Mrs. Alfred Car oil, associate conductress; Mrs James McManus, treasurer; Mrs. John Osenbaugh, sercetary; A. E. Bowen, pianist; Mrs. C. W. Porter, chaplain; Mrs. D. C Schaffer marehall, Mrs. W. W. Waller, sentinel; Georgia Lam bert. Adah; Betty Marcellus, Ruth; Mrs. Larry Schaffer, Esther; Mrs John Conard, Martha; Venetta W'ettlaufer, Electa. There were 31 members and four vistors present. Neligh Pastor Going to Pender NELIGH Rev. Ernest Rosen krans has accepted a call from the Assembly of God church at Pender. He expects to move his family to that city alxiut the mid dle of January in order that his children can enter the Pender schools at the min-term. Rev. Rosonkrans has been pas tor of the Assembly of God church in Neligh for a little over five years. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fernau returned from three-weeks visit in Fullerton, Calif., with relatives. Gerald Harding of Fullerton re turned with them for a visit. Gerald is a son bf the Hardings. "3 PUBLIC SALE As we have decided to dissolve partnership, we will hold a complete dispersion sale at the Harry Titus ranch located 4 miles west, 1 north, 4 west, 2 north, 1* west of Springview on Highway 12, then 4 miles north, 2 west and Vi mile south; OR 3 miles east of Norden on Highway 12, then 7 miles northeast. Road will be marked. Monday, January 20th In case ol storm, sale will be held one week later, Monday, January 21 Starting promptly at 12:30 Lunch by Norden Extension club 215—Head of Cattle—215 207 head of choice high grade Hereford* Consisting of 185 stock cows, 3 to 8 years old; 19 heifer calves; three registered bulls, two 3-years-old, one 4-years-old. Cows to start calving about March 10th. 1—Shorthorn heifer calf; 2—Guernsey milch cows, 4-years old, milking now; 1—Brown Swiss cow, 8-years-old, milking now; l—Holstein eow, 8-years-old, milking now; 1—Black 2-year old heifer, fresh In February; 1—Roan 2-year-old heifer, fresh in spring; 1—Whiteface 2-year-old heifer, fresh in spring. 4l/a DOZ. TRIPLE A GRADE ANCONA HENS Machinery and Equipment 1948 John Deere A tractor, new rubber, A-l shape; John Deere H tractor with 3-rake hitch, new rubber; 2—12-ft. McCor mick Deering hay rakes; 12-ft. John Deere hay rake; 7-ft. John Deere mower, 1-year-old; 7-ft. No. 9 McCormick-Deering trail mower; trail mower hitch for model A John Deere; McCormick Deering manure spreader, tractor type; 10A John Deere ham mermill; 300-gal. fuel tank with stand; McCormick-Deering separator, self washing, nearly new; nearly new electric sickle grinder; set of tractor chains, 12x38; 4—feed bunks; light hay sled; several rolls of new slat cribbing; some shop tools; some household goods; other articles not mentioned. Ern Larsen and Harry Titus, Owners Jim Frederick!**!, Auct. First Nati. Bk., Springview, Clerk ( ZIMMERMAN | I INSURANCE AGENCY 1 mmm SSS e~: Ewing Nebraska || • —2 ojwr.i^JVuwn.-.-Lri.-Ln.n. ^.nu^nu-u-^-u-^-u-onu-ur-, .'* - | Insurance of all kinds! 1 i § = We have the latest income tax service || §| Available for you. '.'E EE We would be pleased to do your financial bookkeeping EE — for you on a year - around basis and maintain the 'E~ EE record# for you. — illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs Carl Lorenz were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Schmohr. The previous Wednesday the Ralph Stowells were guests of the Lor enzes. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Caskey visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey, in Orchard, Sun day. Mr and Mrs Louis Wray and family were Sunday supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Duane Miller and family of Emmet. Ray Smith of Omaha was also present. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. W'orth were Rev. and Mrs. Robert Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Libby and Ronnie of Page. Among those attending the fun eral of Rev. Egon Kirschman Friday. January 10 at Scottsbluff were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Line back, Miss Lorene Wetzler, Mrs. Mary Wetzler, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, Roger Rosenkrans, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krogh, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters, Joe Seiwert and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman and child ren of Emmet and Reuben Red linger of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Baker left Wednesday on a trip to Dal las, San Antonio and Austin. Tex., visiting friends. They plan to drive on to Mexico City and Acapulco, returning in two weeks. Friends of theirs in Seattle, Wash., are flying to Mexico City to join them. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Koenig of Norfolk were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith The gr oup was joined by Mr and Mrs. Rex Beckwith to spend the day at Ft. Randall. Guests Tuesday, January 7, of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cavanaugh were his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cavanaugh, of Dubuque, la., and parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cavanaugh of ^nainucm. Mrs. Mabel Shade, Mrs. Pat Gorgen and Patricia attended a band concert in Pierce Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pacha of Atkinson were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis. Mrs. Clyde Davis of Atkinson was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoesing, Dawn and David of Wayne were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Engdahl and family spent Saturday in Nor folk. Patricia Gettert is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John liable, in At kinson. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen ol the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer.—Emmet Crabb, O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. David Maughan and son of Tilden were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Haug and son, David, left by plane for Washington, D. C., Monday, Jan uary 6, to return to their home at Arlington, Va., after spending the new year holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley and children of Atkinson were Saturday overnight guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McGrew of Seward were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs- Guy Cole. Guests from Tuesday, January 7. until Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan of Atkinson. Jehovah’s Witnesses Plan Minnesota Meet— Delegates of Jehovah’s Witness es from this area are being invit ed to attend a three-day religious assembly at the armory in Worth ington, Minn., January 24, 25 and 26 sponsored by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Brooklyn, N.Y. The assembly purpose is to cultivate and train ministers in works of Christian preaching. Carl F. Andersen, presiding minister of the O’Neill congregat ion, stated 12 delegates will at tend from O’Neill, Clearwater. Newport. Stuart and Bassett. The O'Neill congregation will aid in the cafeteria anangement. Mr. Andersen has been assigned to work in the first aid department. Kites tor sojkh levins— EWING—Twin sons were born Thursday. January 2 at Antelope Memorial hospital at Neligh to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sojka and passed away within a few hours. Survivors include parents, two sisters and one brother. Graveside rites for the twins were held Friday morning with j Rev. Hoesing officiating . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dendinger and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Densber gcr were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Bessie Burge near Emmet. ' -n Pan! Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL, NEBR. Insurance of All Kinds DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVB OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th & Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Office Hours: 9-5 Eyes Examined — Uiassee Kitted Monday Thru Saturday Conference Band Clinic Scheduled The North - Central Nebraska conference annual band clinic will be held in Valentine Monday, January 27. The band clinic is an all-day session of music for all school band members from Ains worth, Atkinson, Bassett, O'Neill. Springview and Valentine. The students will be divided into two bands of about 150 students each. The bands will rehearse through out the day and will present a public concert in the evening be ginning at 8 o'clock in the high school gymnasium. The guest conductor for the “A" band is Ray DeVilbiss, director of bands at the University of South Dakota. Robert Lowry, director of bands at Morningside college, Sioux City, will be guest conductor of the “B” band. The public is invited to attend the evening concert. Covered Dish Luncheon Held— DELOIT — HEO club met last Thursday for a covered dish luncheon at the Clarence Schmis er home. Mrs. Jewell was a guest. Fern Stearns presented a lesson on "candy making”. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Sisson Thursday, February 13. Hostess HI; New Date Set— CHAMBERS—Due to the illness of the scheduled hostess, Mrs. Ernest Thorin, the Chambers Garden club held no meeting Wednesday, January 8. Next meeting will be Wednesday, Feb ruary 5. Deioit News Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sehi were supper guests at the Leo Funk home Monday, January 6 Mrs. Fred Maben spent from Monday, January 6, until Wednes day. Japuary 8, with her aunt, Mrs Wulf, in Ewing. Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and Mrs Leo Heinz went by bus to Omaha Friday. Ralph Tomjack went to Omaha Sunday and they returned home with him. They visited the Gene Ray home while in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Harpster visited the Reimer home in Ew ing Sunday. Guests for supper Thursday evening, January 9, at the Frank Miller home were, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Saphn and Doris Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and Myrtle Jewell and Mr. and Mrs Henry Reimer. Mrs. Myrlte Jewell recently visited her sister in Niobrara. She spent the weekend at Johnny Bauers. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson were Sunday evening visitors at the Henry Reimer home. Howard Temple attended the county agents convention at Lin coln last week. On last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Temple at tended the banquet at Golds. Several from here attended the “singspiration" at the Chruch of Christ in Orchard Sunday after noon. Mrs. Lambert Bartak enjoyed a visit with her sister, Peg, last Thursday, Mrs. Sisson, Fred and Dana called at the Werkmeister home Thursday evening, January 9. Dimes Blaze Trails in Rehabilitation The face of polio is changing because you give to the march of dimes. As the march of dimes I made the Salk vaccine a reality, so today it is blazing new trails in human rehabilitation, helping thousands for whom further help j once seemed impossible. The march of dimes is changing i your life, too. It’s researchers are pioneering in exploration of vir uses and virus diseases. Your march of dimes is a bulwark of strength in the nation's fight to conqueror disease and disability. Please help your local chairman and her co-workers, explained Mrs. Robert Mortens of Atkinson, Holt chaiman for the 1958 drive. Mrs. Richard Nelson is the local chairman for O'Neill and Mrs. John Stuifbergen is co-worker. Celia News Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Foeken, jr., were last Thursday evening supper guests at the Clarence Foc ken home. David Frickel spent Wednesday night, January 8, with Roger and Gary Hoffman Dorothy Scott was an evening visitor at the Hoffman home. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman attended a meeting of Sunday school teach ers at the Emmaunel Lutheran church Tuesday evening, January 7. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks were last Thursday O'Neill visit ors. VENUS NEWS Mrs. Dale Dorr and daughter j were O'Neill visitors Saturday’, January 4. Frank Muray of O'Neill called at the Clarence Finch home Wed nesday, January 8, and was a din ner guest at the Ralph B»ook-| houser home. Mr and Mi's. Lavaine Hines were Creighton visitors Friday, January 3. NJr. and Mrs. Larry Brookhou ser visted at the Ralph Brook houser home Sunday evening. January 5. You Are Invited to Attend the Free Livestock Feeding Practices Clinic January 21 — 1 o’clock p. m. NORFOLK CITY AUDITORIUM MAIN SPEAKER — I>R. RODNEY A. BRIGGS From Dept, of Agronomy, University of Minnesota IMseusaion on “Production Relationship on Feed for Uveatoek SPONSORED BY — Agriculture Committee of Norfolk Chamber of Commerce INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE • RETURNS PREPARED — Farm and Ranch Returns a Specialty • MODERATE CHARLES for Ordinary Returns MORGAN WARD 15 YEARS IN INCOME TAX FIELD Golden Hotel — O’NEIIJ,, NEBR. — Phone 414 Good Tax Sendee Doesn't Cost, IT PAYS ^WmmWA PUBLIC AUCTIOiy HAVING BEEN knocked-off from a haystack, I m no longer able to run the place, so am offering my person- B al property at public auction, on the premises, known as the Ed Workman place, located 6 miles south of B Ewing, 8 west, I south and ^4 east; OR 3 miles east of Chambers, 2 south, 8 east, I south and j/4 east; OR 7 ■ miles west of Knievel’s Store, 3 north and % west; OR 20 miles south of O’Neill on U. S.281, 8 miles east, 1 g south, east, on — ■ TUESDAY, JANUARY 28TH I Sale Starts at 12:30 P. M. Sharp Lunch on Grounds I 34-HEAD OF CATTLE--34 I 1—Polled Hereford Bull, reg., 4-yr*.-old 13—Calves—4 heifers and 9 steers 1—Heifer, coming 2-yrs.-old 6—Heifers, coming 3-yrs.-old Beginning to calve March 15 1—Roan Milk Cow, 9-yrs.-old, about dry 50—White Rock Hens — 4—Bantams 1— Roan Milk Cow, 3-yrs.-old, about dry 2— Red Cows, 8-yrs.-old, dry now 1—Brocklefaced Milk Cow, 4-yr*.-old, dry now 1— Brocklefaced Cow, 8-yrs.-old, dry now 2— Whiteface Cows, 3-yrs.-old, about dry 4—Stock Cows, 3- to 4-yrs.-old GOOD SADDLE MARE, Smooth Mouth FARM MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT I 1919 Case Tractor, In top shape, D-C Packer, 7-ft. John Deere 7-ft. Mower Sickles Insulators and Bolts fl 1951 Farmhand, In top shape Heavy Wagon and rack Bull Halter or controller Forks and Shovels H John Deere Power Mower, new in 1950 Blue Grass Stripper McCormick Rake Teeth Vaccine Gun fl cut only 1,100 acres John Deere 1-row Lister Cottonwood Lumber Feed Bunk 3x16 W Heavy Duty Cabling Rack Buzz Saw, 30-in. Blade, with engine Stock Tank, 8x2Vi Wheel Barrow fl Winch with cable Tractor Hitch for Jeep Steel Posts, 5-ft. 2—Front Car Axles H 2—Cables, 1-inch with hook and eye Extension Box for Jeep Steel Posts, 5Vi-lnch. 5—16-inch wheels for Ford ifl 3/8-inch Cable Trail Mower Hitch Mulberry Posts 5-Gallon Gas Cans fl 5/8-lnch Cable, new 10—Cottonwood Sweep Teeth Black Locust Posts Some Oil Barrels fl IHC Manure Spreader 2—Truck Tires, 7.50x20 New Spool Galvanized Wire, 80-rods Some Windows 34x41 fl Double Rake with hitch 2—4.50x21 Tires, good Lots of Galvanized Wire in Rolls 14-ft. Creosote Post fl 5-Section Harrow 2—4.75x19 Tires, like new 3—Rolls Heavy Hog Wire 2—Heavy Roller Track Doors with fl Press Drill, 7-ft. Log Chain, 3/8 Inch Electric Fencer for 110 or 6 volt Track Size 12x 64 inches H Disc, 7-ft. 3—Water Heater Tanks 60—Steel Posts for Electric Fence Loading Chute (to be left until cattle H Cutaway Disc, 8-ft. Threshing Machine Blower Pipe 2—Rolls Galvanized wire for Electric are loaded) fl F>nce (about a mile) H I HOUSEHOLD GOODS Glass Jars 3-Burner Oil Stove Dresser — 4 Beds Some Vinegar Barrels Rocking Chair Scale 3—Dining Tables DeLaval No. 318 Cream Separator Wood Heating Stove with large door Milk Pails — Calf Palls Some Cement FEEDS, SEEDS & MiSC. | Feed .Molasses Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, Bronte Gram, H Cotton Cake 41% Sand Love Mixed Gram Seed ■ Some Oats and Milo Alfalfa Hay — Prairie Hay B Crushed Rock Salt, 600-lbs. (Hay cut in July, all good. It was B Seed for Chicken Feed not stacked in cage. Tops on good. B No sweet clover) B I Five-Room Dwelling to Be Sold II Main portion of this house measures 16 x 24-ft., containing three rooms. I B Addition measures 14 x 24-ft., containing two rooms ft B ■HH'. '■ HPlflflfeMflHiviffH Garage & Granary Combined — Cattle Shed — Bam — Milk House B Also Many Other Articles Too Numerous to Mention — TERMS OF SALE: CASH I No property to be removed until settled for. B JESSE, MAY & LYLE CLARK I OWNERS I COL. ED. THORIN, O Neill, CHAMBERS STATE BANK, I ROY KIR WAN, Butte, Auctioneers Clerk 1 ■