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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1958)
Church Notes IMMANUEL LUTHERAN' (Atkinson) "C iiwell of the Lutheran Hour" ilev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor Friday, January 1?: "Steward ship Responsibility Discussion Night". 7:30 p m , at the church R4 .•eshments will be served. All oft icers of the congregation will be nstalled Sunday, January 19: Worship service, 9 a m.; Sunday-school for all age groups, 10:15 a.m., S. H. Brauer, superintendent. • "royal theater — O’NEILL — Tliur*. Jan- 16 The life ... the loves ... the adventurers of OMAR KHAYYAM Starring Cornel W’llde. Michael Rennie, Debra Paget, John Der ek, Raymond Massey, Yma Su mac, Margaret Hayes, Joan Tay lor. Technicolor, Vista Vision. The lover of life and luxury who mashed an assassin army! He Mazed across the world like a fery comet—for love of a forbid den girl! Urt.-Kat. Jan. 17-18 Rig Double RIU GUN DUEL IN DURANGO A woman’s kiss told him: "take down your guns . . . take on the Killers!”George Montgomery, eo ;'airing Arm Robinson, Steve llnxlie. — ALSO — It’s a ball in the land of Ali Baba liOOKING FOR DANGER Huntz Hall and The Bowery Boys with Stanley Clements. Sun.-Mon.-Toe*. Jan. 19-20-21 Columbia Pictures presents Kim Novak. Jeff Chandler in George Sidney’s JEANNE EAGLES Co-starring Agnes Moorehead with Charles Drake, Larry Gates, Virginia Grey, Gene Lockhart. The flame that made her a star was the flame that consumed her too soon. . . Gay! Inspiring! Shocking! Triumphant! Sinful! Stormy! Sad! Virtuous! Serene! Tragic! Sacred! There she was on top of the world and no place to go! Matinee Saturday & Sunday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 12, 12c, Free If accompanied by par ent. Wedn. and Thurs. Family night, family admitted for two Aduk tickets. Tuesday, January 21: Lutheran's Women's Missionary' league will meet at 2 p.m ; confirmation classes, 4:30 p.m.; Sunday-school teachers' and staff met ting, 8 p.m. METHODIST (Chambers and Amelia) Rev. Harold D. Bonath, pastor j CHAMBERS Sunday, January 19 — Sunday ! schul, 10 a m.; worship, 11 a.m.; i morning message "The Source of Power"; family night, 8 p.m. Monday, January 20: Senior ; choir, 8 p.m,; official board and four commissions, 7:30 Thursday, January 23:Women’s Society of Christian Service, 2 p.m., hostesses, Grace Newhouse and Genevieve Gillette, study' of Mark; church league basketball. AMELIA - Sunday, January 19: Worship, 9:30 a.m.; morning message "The Source of Power"; Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. Monday, January 20: MYF bake sale, Wednesday, January 22: Wom en’s Society of Christian Service, 1:30 p.m., hostesses Mrs. Lindsay and Rose Backhaus. Friday, January 24: Choir and MYF, 7:30 p.m. FOR BOTH CHURCHES Tuesday, January 21: Music workshop at Lexington. Wednesday, January 22: Stew ardship school at Neligh; parish prayer time, 8-9 p.m., read Psalms 91. METHODIST (O’NeillEmniet) O’NEILL - Friday, January 17: Dorcas, 2 p.m., at the church. Saturday, January 18: Junior choir. 10:30 a.m. Sunday, January 19: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship. 11 a. m.; school of missions, supper, 6 p.m.; study classes, 7 p.m. Tuesday, January 21: Study I group, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, January 22: High school choir, 7 p.m.; senior choir, 8 p.m.; senior MYF, 8 p.m. Thursday, January 23: Prayer group, 10 a.m., Claude Bates' home. EMMET— Thursday, January 16: WSCS at Mrs. McMillians. Sunday, January 19: Worship and children’s Sunday-school, 9:30 a.m.; adult Sunday-school, fol lowing. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O’Neill) Rev. Robert A. Paul, pastor Sunday, January 19: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Allen Walters, superintendent; worship, 11 a.m,; children's church, 7 p.m.; junior CAs, 7 p.m.; evangelistic ser vice, 8 p m. Christian workers’ training classes Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7:3f) o'clock, for the next three weeks. Revivaltime broadcast every Sunday monvng at 8 o'clock, over station KJSK (Columbus». CHRIST LITHERAN (O’Neill) "Church ot the Lutheran Hour” Seventh ami Clay Streets Rev. A. S. Gedwiilo, pastor Saturday, January 11: Confir mation classes meet, 9:30 a.m. Sunday, January 19: Sunday school for all ages, 9:43 a.m., W Fricke, supermtendent; worship service, 11 a.m., all officers ot the congiegation will be installed. Wayne Speaker at Lwing Church EWING—Dreve Hall of Wayne was guest speaker at the family nite gathering Sunday evening at the Methodist church. Slides were shown of Denmark and other European countries that he had visited. Horn in Denmark, he came to America when he was 18 years old. He related many of his ex periences on his trips back to his homeland. Mr. Hall was accom panied to Ewing by Mrs. Walker, also of Wayne. Festivities for the evening be gan with a 6 o’clock dinner, follow ed by a social hour. Mr. Hall sang a hymn in the Danish language, with Mrs. S. E. Borden accompan ist. A good crowd was in attendance including guests from Clearwater and Orchard. Churches in Japan Lesson Subject PAGE Members of the Wom ens' Society of Christian Service met in an all day session at the church Thursday, January 2. The morning session was devoted to a study on the book of Mark with Mis. Lisle Mewmaw in charge. A covered dish meal was ser ved at noon after which Mrs. El mer Trow’bridge presented the les son. "Churches in Japan”. Women’s Club Meeting— George Hammond was the speaker on “House Furnishings at Women’s club held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. D. C. Schaffer. Jeudi Club Meets— Winners at Jeudi club, held last Thursday with Mrs. Melvin Ru zika as hostess, were Mrs. Max Wanser of Ewing and Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ford of Ainsworth were callers of Mrs. Don Ford and Donnie at the home of Don Lyons last Thursday. FRESH 8EIJOT — Beef Liver_lb. 29c i LEAN — Pork Steak_lb. 49c BOSTON BUTT — Pork Roast_lb. 43c CUDAHY PURITAN — Cello Wrapped BACON SQ. found -29c I | CUDAHY PURITAN — Dried Beef... pkg. 39c ’ RIB — Boiling Beef... lb. 29c CUDAHY PURITAN — Minced Ham ... lb. 49c Fruits and Vegetables NEW TEXAS — LC.E CELLO PROS. Carrots_2 f°r 29c j u. s. NO. 1 NILNDK1ED — Yams_2'fos- 25c FANCY WASHINGTON — 2 POUNDS Winesap Apples... 25c IDAHO MEDIUM YELLOW — Onions_5'^8- 29c GOLDEN RIPE — Bananas. .. 2*lbs. 27c SAVE 10c—5c- Off (ilant Title 5c Comet Coupon Inside Tide PkR. TIDE Pkg.-69c NEW BUTTERNUT INSTANT Coffee ... 6-oz size 1.20 SIIUKFRESH — 2-UB. BOX Cheese Spread — 59c KRAFT — it-OZ-PKO. Marshmallows_23c KRAFT — 10-OZ. SIZE Grape Jelly_19c I»f:K MONTE — In Mustard Sauce SARDINES No. 1 oval can - 33c SUNSHINE — PKO. Potato Frills_39c SHURFINE — LB. CAN Red Salmon _. 79c (’HARMIN' — 400 CT. SIZE Facial Tissue __ 21c SEBASCO FROZEN — POI NT) PKG. Whiting Fillets_29c MEADOW GOLD HEAVY PACK ‘/i-GAL Ice Cream _ 99c With FREE pint Rcr. Ice Cream WELCH'S FROZEN GR. JUICE 0-oz.- 19c 4th Street Market I I Phone 93 WE Deliver O’Neill I More Coffee Strips iNeeded for Plates LYNCH Altar society met a! the Catholic rectory Tuesday at ternoon, January 7. Mes dames An ton Kalkowski, Frank Swoboda and Jake Birmeier were hostess es. The president reported that 20c more coffee strips were needed to receive one hundred dinner plates. The sening of the farm bureau was discussed and more details will be sought before a de cision is made. Leaders of the weekly rosary in church were ap pointed. Letters of thanks were read from the Sisters for Christmas gifts, from the Butternut coffee company for strips which helped buy gifts for the Winnebago mis sion; also from Father Frank of the mission for used clothing which was recently sent there by the Altar society. The President gave a report on! a quick visit to the national shrine in Washington, D.C. Committees appointed were: visting the sick. Stasia Courtney: and Mildred Christensen; mem bership, Elfredia Weeder; pro gram, Claryce Allen. Next meeting will be at the re< - j tory Thursday, February 6, with I Mrs. Frank Weeder, Mrs. Tommy Courtney and Mrs. Don Allen. Officers for 1958 taking office are; Mrs. Don Allen, president; Mrs. C. C. Courtney, vice presi dent; Mrs. Albert Kalkowski, sec retary; Mrs. Frank Weeder, treasurer. Mother-Daughter l ea Planned in May LYNCH—Women’s society o f the First Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Billy Spencer ! Thursday evening, January 9 Miss Nelson had charge of the ! program. A mother-daughter tea was planned for May. The "neighbor lady” of Yankton, S.D., is invited. Fourteen ladies were present and two new members were en rolled. Mrs. Glen Hull was assis ting hostess. Other Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. August Kalkowski and son and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kalkowski were Wednesday, Jan uary 8, supper guests at Leonard Havranek's. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fish of Gross were Monday evening, Jan uary 6, viistors at the Leonard Havranek home. Mrs. Nata Bjornsen and Mrs. Alvin Carson entertained at a birthday supper Friday, January 3, in honor of Mrs. Ralph Papstein. Mrs. Bernice Row and Miss Rose Brunson were O’Neill visit ors last Thursday. Enroute home they visited at the George Martin son home in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Havran ek and family were Thursday, January 9, supper guests at the Leo Kalkowski home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swoboda and family spent a week s vaca tion in Dodge, Omaha and Lincoln during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder and Margene were in Norfolk the first of the week. Mrs. Hannah Streit spent the past week visiting relatives in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swoboda spent the past weekend in Dodge where they attended the baptism of their nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiser, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heiser and I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cassidy I visited with Mrs. Inger Levi at Norfolk who has not been very well. _ , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conklin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher, Miss ' Margaret Stenger and Mrs. I" rank Weeder attended the funeral of Mis. Anna Pecena held at the Methodist church in Spencer Mon | day, January 6. Mrs. Frank Reiser of Butte, Mrs. Joseph Jamber of Spencer and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski of the O’Neill deanery attended the board of directors meeting of the Omaha Archdicesan Council of Catholic Women held at Norfolk Tuesday. .. . ... ! The Monowi ladies aid met with Rev. Miss Anna Nelson Tuesday, January 7. Rev. Nelson spoke on "foreign missions”. Ten ladies; were present.. Rose Brunson was j a visitor. , Joe Boska and Tom Boska of Bristow were Sunday vistors at BUI Mahendorf’s. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Slechta and family visited at Ed Whetham s Sunday. Return from West Coast Vacation EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrad, accompanied by their i son, Francis Schrad, of Omaha, returned to their home in Ewing Wednesday, January 8, from a holiday vacation spent in Califor nia with their children, Mr and Mrs. Carl Schrad at Pasadena, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Funk and family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson at San Diego. On new year’s day, Mr. and Mrs. Schrad were thrilled to view the 69th parade of the tournament of ross at Pasadena,, said to be the most beautiful. At 8:50 a m., trumpeteers in shining silk, sound ed a blast that brought life to the creations. The historical mission of San Juan Capistrano was visited and enjoyed. Another tour of interest was that of the ship “The Prairie" on which their son-in-law, Kenneth Peterson, US. navy, spent six months circumnavigating the globe. Betty Jane Schneider Feted — A family dinner was held Sun day at the Leo Schneider home to honor the 15th birthday anniver sary of their daughter, Miss Betty Jane. Merrymlx Winners— Merrymlx met with Mrs. H. G. Kruse Tuesday with a 1:30 p.m. dessert luncheon. High scorers were Mrs. H. L. Lind berg and Mrs. C. W. Porter. \\ inners of Sandhills Gateway Tourney cuani dui miner s mm an rigors last week swept the Sandhills Gateway conference cage tournament at Brunswick. The Tigers defeated Oakdale in the first round, 59-39; downed Meadow Grove, 64-30, in the second round; topped Clear water, 51-45, in the semifinals, and polished off Orchard, 63-45, in Friday night's finals. Loft-to right: Bottom row Coach Miller, Harold Sobotka (42*, Dick Appleby (30i, Ned Kelley (34), Roland Hansen (50), Wayne Dou (44); back row Sam Watson (32), Bobbie Ruther (24), Roger Tomp kins (22), Bert Smith (40), and Neal Kelley (20). Cards Rap hawks; Lose to Center W in - Streak Snapped in Wide Open Fray St. Mary’s 57; Verdigre 4! A ton to streaK in the second period enabled the St. Mary’s academy Cardinals to forge ahead of the Verdigre Hawks Friday night on the O'Neill rink. The Hill toppers then rolled to a 57-41 Nio brara Valley conference win. The Hawks built a 15-10 first period lead, hitting 55 percent of their tries and successfully bott ling Larry Tomlinson, the Cards’ high-scoring pivot. Jim McGinn, Gary Holly and Gale Stevens shared four buckets in the first frame and four more in the sec ond, when Tomlinson broke loose and rolled up 10 tallies. Verdigre was held scoreless during most of SMA's fat second and the Cards were in front 34-19 at intermission. In the third Coach Don Temple meyer’s crew built a 22-point cushion and turned matters over to reserves until the margin had dwindled to 12 points. The regu lars reentered to ice the game. Tomlinson grabbed 16 points, Holly 15 and Stevens 12 to show the Way for the Scarlet. The SMA reserves remainded undefeated by blasting the year ling Hawks 52- 27. Ronnie Clark showed the way with 16. The SMA underlings racked up 12 points in the final 60 seconds. Center 8#; St. Mary’s 68 CENTER The Bob Pease-tut ored Center Panthers read a 89-68 roit act to the high-riding St. Mary’s Cardinals here Monday night in the season’s highest-scor ing fray in these parts this sea son. John Sealer and Joe Johnson were thorns against the Cards, hitting 5 percent of their tries— mostly from long range. Sealer, a half-pint, scored 36 points for the Panthers; Johnson, 23. Coach Templemeyer’s private Ixxjkkeepers charged the Cards with 38 blunders. The Panthers and Cards traded punches early in the opening per iod and Center pulled away, 19-13, with eight minutes gone. The Cards managed to stay within five points then the walls came tumbling down. Center went into a full court preijs and stretched the bulge to 21 points during the ensuing three minutes. The Cards partially recouped and the board read 45-33 at half time. *' The teams traded baskets in the third but Center gained ground at the charity line. Gale Stevens, Jim McGinn and Bill Craig were retired to the here ch late in the third. With a 21-point disadvantage, SMA reserves played commend able ball with Gary Holly and Lary Tomlinson only starters re maining. It was a wild fourth per iod with a total production of 44 points between the two teams. Tomlinson's 23 points were best for SMA; Lambert Belina got 13; Gary Holly, 12. The SMA seconds, however, came through with a squeaking 35-33 win avenging a one-point loss at Center a year ago. Larry Mudloff piled in 12 for the SMA junior crew. Friday night the Cards will host the Butte Wildcats in another con ference game—the final before the anual Holt tourney. Livestock Info Meeting Slated A livestock information meet ing will be held in Ewing, Friday, January 17, at the American Le gion hall at 2 p.m. Dr. Paul Guyer, livestock spe cialist from the University of Ne braska, will discuss feeding re quirements for different classes of livestock. Dr. E. C. Howe, livestock health specialist, will discuss animal di seases and answer questions. Farmers and ranchers are in vited to be the guests of the Ew ing Chamber of Commerce, which is cooperating with the Holt County extension service to make this meeting possible. Try FRONTIER want ads for quick results. WHAT A COMBINATION! McCulloch lowest quality price You get both with McCulloch’s li Model 35 chain saw. Easy Terms Available The idea! small saw for farmers, sports men, tree surgeons, part-time cutters. Features such as automatic clutch, exclusive diaphragm carburetor and automatic rewind starter put the McCulloch Model 35 in a clast by itself among low priced chain saws. ‘“i"°day“ MARCELLUS IMPLEMENT Phone 5_West O'Neill _I m mm ivonmt Mother Honored— Mi-s. L. A. Burgess entertained at a birthday tea for her mother, Mrs. Laura Walker, at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Walker’s daughters, Mrs. L. M. Crandall of Fremont, Mrs. Edmund Bright of Orchard and many friends called to help celebrate the event. Contract Club Held— Wednesday, January 9, Con tract cluh met with Mrs. L. A. Burgess. Luncheon was held at 1 p.m., at the Town House. High scorers were Mrs. O. W. French and Mrs. L. F. Beckenhauer. M^. and Mrs. William Claussen and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Switzer visited Wednesday evening, Jan uary 8, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holiday at Page. Alice’s Beauty Shop SL1ML1NER REDUCING MACHINE Phone 263 — — — O’Neill Liddy W inner of Regents’ Award The University of Nebraska re gents' scholarships for 1958-’59 1 are awarded to Nebraska high school students who rank in the upper one-fourth of their class, who are of good character and academic promise, and who took the competitive examination and attained a high composite score. This year at O’Neill public school three boys took all the top honors. The winner was Michael | Liddy. with Melvin Luben and j Gale Holcomb as alternates, it was announced Wednesday by I Principal Willard Solfermoser. Winners art' the high ranking students, one from each school, and they will receive $100 per year to apply on tuition at the University of Nebraska. Since each school can have only one winner an alternate is award ed to those students whose exam ination score is equal to or above that of the lowest winner in the state. A scholarship becomes available to an alternate when ever a winner, anywhere in the state, notifies the University of Nebraska that he does not plan to use his award. ,The scholarship is then awarded to the highest al ternate in the state. Try our want ads! Never An After-Thirst! SWITCH TO SQUIRT | DR. J. P. BROWN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office ph. 77 — Res. ph. 223 — O'NEILL — : i f SEE Bankerslifeman — Ernie Brinkman IN ATKINSON I ABOUT An Accident and Sickness Plan PHONE 7442 , DANHERbV^'C COMPANY ... Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O’Neill We are open evenings until 9:00 P. M. for your shopping convenience. Buy the Economy Size and save at Gilligan Rexall Drug during KING SIZE SAVINGS MONTH Rexall Monacet A.P.C. New large Size save 40c -for headaches and cold discomforts. 300 Tablets Reg. $1.79—NOW _$1.39 Aspirin Save 40c on this new King Size bottle. There’s no faster-acting aspirin made than Rexall. 500—5-grain tablets Reg. $1.89—NOW ONLY $1.49 Stag After-Shave Lotion Save 41c on this King Size Bottle. Zestful fragrance, fresh as all outdoors. Big 10-oz. bottle. $2.00 value—NOW ONLY $1.59 Stag Aerosol Shave Cream A King Size saving of 60c. Foamy lather sets up whiskers lor a closer, cooler shave. 12-oz.„King Size can. $1.58 value -NOW ONLY 98c Rex-Ray Heat Lamp A King Size saving of 50c. Spotlights the heat. Infra-Red. Reg. $1.79—NOW ONLY $1.29 Electrex Heating Pad A whopping King Size saving of $1.97. 3 speeds. Unapproved. Reg. $5.95—NOW ONLY $3.98 (nine in and see these and the many, many more January "King Size” bargains available this month at Glllgan Rexall I>rug ^— Super Plenamins | America’s Iargest-Selllng vitamin mineral formula. II vitamins, 12 minerals, with liver, iron, and Vitamin IJ12. One daily tablet supplies more than the minimum dally requirement of all vitamins with set minimum*. Buy ! the King Size and save! Available also for children as Super Plenamins, Jr. Hide Varicose Veins with Sheer, Full-Fashioned SUPP HOSE—The Sheerest Nylon-Elastic Hosiery Yet! Slender threads twice as thin as in old-style elastic stockings, make these 51 guage glamour hose so sheer you’ll be amazed at the firm sup port they provide. Available in O’Neill only at Gilligan REXALL Drug. In petite, regular or tall size. PA1R .-- $4.95 Make Gilligan REXALL Drug your headquarters for all your Veterinary needs. We carry a complete line of vaccines and biologlcaJs. This is the time of year to watch out for lice in your cattle. Come in and get a good lice spray to take care of this Infestation In your stock. Take your next prescription to Gilligan REXALL Drue to i be filled by one of PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS.