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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1958)
! FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2Vt miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 _tf FOR SALE: Young female coyote hound. Larry Ruegge, O'Neill.! 38p35 Used Machinery Farmall Regular Farmall 12 IHC spreader £-ft. Dempster mill and 20-ft. tower. IHC loader Good 18-ft. disc Endgate seeder 400 rreosoted posts, ea 40c. Good No. 8 IHC 2-16 plow APPLIANCES Good used washers, 525 Gas refrigerator Combination gas and wood range Used electric refrigerator STOP IN and see the new RCA Whirlpool Appliances We trade for farm equipment on appliances. 5helhamer Equip. Co. O'NEILL, NEBR._ FOR SALE: 1947 International truck with 12-ft. stock and grain box. Will trade for oats or corn. — Lincoln Hamilton, Stuart. 37-38pd Used Furniture Living ixx>m suite 510 00 Living room suite — 519 50 Desk 539 50 Radio and Record Player $29.50 Occasional chair --- 512-50 Midwest Furniture and Appliance Co. 209 West Douglas O'Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: New Norge oil burn ing floor furnace. 50,000 BTU Oil barrels and copper tubing.— Richard Knapp, Orchard, phone TW 3-3635 37-38c FOR SALE: Twenty high grade Hereford breeding cows, good ages —C. C. Nelson and son, Bristow, phone Spencer 3632. 36-38pl00 SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis 516 50 a ton; American 520.50 traffic light. Everett Gorgen, a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 hlks. east, 4 blks. north of Ph. 524-M, O'Neill. 51tf FOR SALE: Yorkshire sows for sale, will farrow In Febr., Mar ch and April. Double vaccina tion.—Glenn Gillogly, Inman. 37-38c Close Out 1957 SWEDEN freezers, new and demonstrator models. Madsen Supply Co. 4713 So. 24 St. Omaha, Nebr. Phono: Ma. 3896 38c SEWING MACHINE BARGAIN: Will arrange for a i-esponsible party in this vicinity to take over 5 payments of $6.30 on 1957 model sewing machine used only 2 months, complete with attachment for making buttonholes, darning, embroid ering. etc.; will give new ma chine warranty. Write to: Credit Mgr.. 2415 Leavenworth, Oma ha 5. Nebraska. _ 380 FOR SALE: Farmall M with wide and narrow front end; AV 40 J-D mounted lister—Harry Thomsen, 3Vfe miles west of Page._37-38p60 FOR SALE: 12-ft. boat with trad er. wid sell together or separ ately Call 351-M after 5 o clock or see Thomas Schober^;© Nedl. ______1__— MILK A GOOD ONE YOU OWE it to yourself_and your family to let GORTISi$5 budd you a better herd for toe future* For efficient service cad 469-J - DUANE GRAY, O Neill 3o-uc FOR SALeT: Purebred Spotted Poland China fad boa™. ^ 130-lbs. out of Goff boar.—Al fred A. Straka. Stuart, phone 5825, Atkinson. _ 37-38pa FOR SALE 71942 H Farmad, good shape, good tires, good pamt Lyle Watson, Chambers. 37-3»p FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tde Now carried in stock. Select your color.-—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill._47ctf FOR SALE: Minnesota Holstein heifers and cows, TB and bangs tested.-Rudy Juracek, Ewing. 3111 for SALE: Registered Hamp shire bred gilts for February and March farrow —Alfred Han sen. 5 miles west, 4 south and 14 west of Plainview._ 37tf SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SF.F. US or white us If interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. Wr will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O'NEILL, NEBR. "Dealers in A - M Sprinkler Irrigation” 37tf FOR SALE: 1956 2-ton Ford truck, with or without dump box, excellent condition.—Phone 434 26tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% : on, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay Write or phone -Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf MONEY TO LOAN on (arms, ranches and homes. Long term, low interest rates — bonds and insurance of all kinds See Virgil L. Laursen at The O'- , Neill Company. 27-lStfc FOR SALE: Angus bulls. Musil Bros., O'Neill. 36-41pd. NEW & USED MOBILE HOMES WHY RENT when you can own your own home? A LARGE selection on hand in 15 to 48 ft., 8 & 10 ft. widths, equipped with the fabulous alarm-o-matic fire alarm. See it demonstrated. SPECIAL PRICES on all units on hand. WE TRADE for furniture, cars, trucks or what-have-you. WE FINANCE up to 5 years. SEE US AND SAVE MONEY Dewey Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr FOR THE FORD in your future see Del Robertson at Lohaus Motor Co., phone 33. 37 tf FOR SALE: Grapple fork com plete with cylinder and controls for Farmhand; 11 ft. IHC fer tilizer spreader; No. 44 John Deere 2 bottom 16-in. plow. — Willard Frerichs, Page. 38-40p FOR SALE: Beer equipment, to be moved. Reasonable. Modern location available in O’Neill.— Ralph McElvain, O’Neill. 28tf FOR SALE: Used Sewing mach ine (electric), good condition, take over five payments of $5. Can be seen locally. For infor mation write credit manager. PO O. box 24, Sioux Fall, S D. 37-38c CAFE FOR SALE: Good going business. Selling due to ill health.—Ted’s Cafe, Verdigre. 36-38c Repossession Sale COMPLETE drive in equipment for sale in western Nebraska. Can be had at drastic savings. Equipment like new. Building can be leased. A real buy for anyone interested in a going business. Madsen Supply Co. 4713 So. 24 St. Omaha, Nebr. Phone: Ma. 3896 38c FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 mos. coming 2 years old in spring.—John Niewoh ner, 2M miles west of Drive In. O'Neill. 34-52p4.85 FOR SALE: Bred gilts, Hamp and York cross.—Leonard Jur acek. O’Neill. 38-39p60 FOR SALE: 1 Tamworth boar and bred sows.—Ray Robertson, O’Neill, phone 6F11. 38-39p FOR SALE: Pups out of Reg. police female and purebred English Shepherd male. Both parents natural heelers. Good watch dogs. 10-weeks-old. extra large. $3 and $5 — Bob Straka, Stuart. 38c55 CARDS of THANKS WE WISH to express our heart felt thanks to our many friends and relatives for their wonder ful expressions of kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of Mrs. Catherine Schollmeyer. — THE SCHOLL MEYER FAMILY and the rel atives of Mrs. Schollmeyer. 38p IN BEHALF of the residents of Rest Haven and ourselves we wish to thank everyone who help ed to make a wonderful holiday for the aged. A special thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Asimus for their gift of a tele vision set and their other re membrances. — STUART REST HAVEN, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nickless. 38c I WANT to thank Dr. Brown and the nurses at St. Anthony’s hos pital for their wonderful care during my stay there. Also spe cial thanks to those who sent me cards and gifts. Special thanks to my Grandma Bowers for spending so much of her time with me everyday—LINDA SUE WOIDNECK. 38p50 WE WISH to thank the Page fire department and all those who assisted in anyway at the time of the fire in our home.—MR. AND MRS. EDWARD CER NOUSEK. _ 38p I WTSH to thank my friends and neighbors for their remem brances and deeds of kindness i during my recent illness. — FORREST HENDERSON. 38p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Resident property. Large modern house, san be used as duplex or one family resi dence with 4 bedrooms, base ment. Full city block (16 lots) garage, small bam and chicken house. Garden patch, strawber ries.—Inquire Joe Sobotka, O’ Neill or Mrs. Dorr thy Simmons, 1014 N. Burlington, Hastings. 37-39p FOR SALE: To the highest bid der, small house and six lots — W. B. and L. J. Lamb, O’Neill, I phone 568-R 36-40pd MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE WE INSTALL CARPET — TILE AND LINOLEUM Midwest Furniture & Appliance Co. 209 West Douglas O'Neill, Nebr. AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THOR1N Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O'Neill WANTED ” DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewinding Rebuilding Any make and size up to 100 h.p. NEW — USED MOTORS 1/40 through 10 h.p. single phase V* through 100 h.p. 3 phase REPAIR ANYTHING Electrical Appliance, Portable Tools, Controls Commercial & REA WIRING Distributors for FAIRBANKS MORSE Motors and Pumps Allen Bradley Controls Gates Belts & Pulleys Also many other types of Electrical Equipment & Supplies IF ITS ELECTRICAL TROUBLES YOU ARE HAVING—CALL 243-W 24-Hr. Service Northwest Electric Motor Service O’NEILL, NEBR. No job is too small or too big No joh is too close or too far No service or time too great that will not take care of you NORTHWEST ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE SERVICE TO YOU IS OUR MOTTO 36 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $1,000 or leas $25.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO Made on our regular monthly repayment plan and on a Spec ial Plan for Farmers. CONFIDENTIAL, PERSONAL SERVICE! Central Finance Corp. C. E. JONES Phone 14 O’Neill 2tf DANKERT’S PROPANE O'NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas Heating Systems Dearborn, Seigler, Coleman Universal Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER and DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert’s Propane 22tf ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality. O’NEILL, NEBR. PH. 269 52tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding NEW & USED MOTORS IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O'Neill, Nebr. 34tf WANTED Exceptional Opportunity RELIABLE man or worm an from this area to distribute complete line of cigarettes, candy, nuts, or gum through new automatic vendors. No selling or solicit ing as accounts are established for you. To qualify party must have car, references, and cash capitol of $700 which is secured by inventory. Earnings up to $300 month part time—Full time more. For personal interview give phone etc. Write P.O. Box 156, Rochester, Minnesota. 38p Invitation to a Career IF YOU are interested in know ing how to become an Agency Manager with a Health & Ac cident Company working ex clusively through banks, write C. B. FABER, 216 Strand Build ing, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for personal interview. 37-38c Elelp Wanted EXPERIENCED mechanic to work on guarantee and commis sion. See Bob Krotter or Herb Kaiser for more details. Wm. Krotter Co. PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE Phone 531 West O’Neill 38c WANTED: A good used piano.— A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. 38tf Income Opportunity RELIABLE man or woman from this area to service a route of cigarette machines. Will take 5 hrs. a week of your spare time and can net as high as $275 monthly and can be built to full time business with our help, which could eventually net $20 000 annually No experience or selling necessary, route is es tablished for the operator. To qualify you must have $900 to $1,800 cash immediately avail able, which is secured, and a serviceable automobile. If sin cerely interested write for per sonal interview giving phone number and brief outline of background to Box 5182, St. Paul, Minn. 37-38c WANTED: Serum pigs. Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, phone 3741. WANTED: Man between age of 23 to 45 This could mean full time job for right party with selling experience. No limit to the amount of earnings for ambitious party. Must have good cam. for work in Holt county. Married man prefer red with references. — Write box 334, Neligh, Nebr., for date to be interviewed. 26tf FOR RENT j FOR RENT: Apartments.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O'Neill. 38tfc FOR RENT: Streeter house, gas heat. Phone 126 O. E. Davidson, O’Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: Storage space.— Phone 565. O’Neill. 37tf j FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment, 4 rooms and bath, heat ed, close in.—Elmer Hagensick, O’Neill, phone 556-R. 34tf FOR RENT: January 15 modem duplex 4 rooms with bath and basement. Automatic oil fur nace. 5 blocks from school.— Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: 3-room modem apartment.—Tony Asimus, O’ Neill, phone 510. 33tf. FOR RENT: Two 2-bedroom homes. See or call—Anna Bell Asimus, phone 364. 37tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 16tf NOTICE OF ANNUAL TOWNSHIP MEETING Coleman township annual meet ing will be held Tuesday, January 21, at 2 p.m., in the district 14 schoolhouse. -CARROLL O’NEILL Township Clerk 38c /'modernize "the. ^ I KITCHEN DREAR- I I DON'T HAVE IT tf SMACK OF ^ fvESTERVEAR J • LOCAL TRADEMARKS. Uc rim** fgsstezzLZsnp Dorsey News Mr. and Mrs Thomas Hiscocks and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slack helped little Susan Wells, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. Lvle Wells, celebrated her birthday Thursday, January' 9. They were evening guests there. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar spent Sunday at the Paul Cihlar home helping them celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. Frank Ruzieka, who is employ ed in Sioux City, spent the week end visting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzieka, and other relatives. A birthday dinner was held at the Dorsey church Sunday for all of the folks having a birthday in January. A nice time was had by all who could attend. Albert Lee Brady, who attends school in Lynch and lives with his grandparents, the Albert Schlin dlers, visted his other grandpar ents, the Lee Brady, sr., family in Holt county over the weekend. Mr and Mrs. Joe Cihlar attend ed the open house held for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cihlar Sunday on their silver wedding anniversary. Lee Brady and Harold Osborn were business callers at the Tom Alder home Wednesday, January 8. Dorsey aid society meet at the home of Mrs. Harry Johnson Wed nesda, January 8. Several from this community ( attended the Wilmer Sedivy sale I held Saturday near Monowi. Missionary Speaks— Mrs. John Hayes, a missionary of the Presbyterian church, and who has served in China and the Philippine Islands, Malaya, Ja pan and Sumatra, gave an ad dress in Fellowship hall of the Presbyterian church, Wednesday j afternoon at 2:30 p.m. A recep- j tion and coffee followed the ad- j dress. L Mrs. licit* Rub) Shower Honor**— EWING A pink and blue show er was held Thursday evening at the parlors of the Ewing Metho dist church, honoring Mrs. Gene Ruby. Contest games were played for entertainment. All prizes were presented to the guest of honor The gift table was decorated in pink and blue and entered with a doll bassinet After the open ing of the gift packages by Mrs. Ruby, lunch was served by Mrs Archie Tuttle. Mrs Rol*rt Pru den, Mrs, Julian Schmidt and Mrs. Thomas Eacker. Other Ewing News A Sunday-school board meeting was held at the Ewing Methodist church on Tuesday evening. Jan uary 7. Superintendent Dewitt Hoke was in charge. Mr and Mrs. J H. Gibson w’ere callers at the home of Mr and Mrs. H. R. Harris Friday. They had returned Thursday from Tueson, Ariz., where the)’ had ac companied their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Daryl Walling, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walling, and children are nicely located in a cottage at 401 East Alturas st., on the edge of Tuc son, where they hope their small son, David, will regain his health with the change of climate. While in Arizona, the Gibsons visited Mrs. Belle Barnhardt and son, Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Barnhardt, all of Phoenix The Barnhardt families are all for-: mer residents of the Ewing com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey j Wood were entertained at a 6 o’clock dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood of Newcastle, Wyo., are enjoying a 10-day vacation with relatives and friends in Ewing They also visit ed relatives in Lincoln. Mrs. Vera Anson, Miss Vina Wood and Eddie Shrader return ed from Lincoln Thursday, Janu ary 9, where they had l>een guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Coe Butler a few days. Others at tending a family get-together while they were at the Butler home were Mr. and Mi’s. Lee Wood of Newcastle, Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and son of Lincoln. Mr. and Mis. Ray Funk and family were Sunday guest# at the 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis b\ink Saturday callers at the home el Mr and Mi's Hay Funk were M !>> Helen Weibel of Omaha, Mrs Hose Weibel and son, Joe Weibel, of Ewing. I 160-A Irrigated Holt Co. Farm and Personal Property AT PUBLIC AUCTION On the promises, located 4 mi east of Chambers mul 4% mi. south: OK 23% mi. south of O'Neill and 1 ml west, on Friday, January 17th Sale starts at 12:30 p.m. Lunch on grounds A1J, IRRIGABLE FARM: 87 A. under cultivation, 37-A. alfalfa. S8 A. pasture and improvements. IMPROVEMENTS— 7 rm, two-story house, large barn, poultry house, brooder house, garage, hog house, tool shop, ca\e and wash house. Two small moveable bldgs. Windmill. 18 In. steel eased well and Ir rigation equipment. TERMS: 25% on dale of sale. 25% on March 1, 1858, when possession Is given; balance on terms to right party. Abstract furnished. 15 HKA1) OF CATTLE: 7 milk rows, 4 bucket calves, 2 first calf heifers, 1 open heifer and 1 aged cow. 75 laying hens — 30 T alfHlfa hay in stack 100 hales straw 1,200 bu. 1957 ear com COMPLETE LINE MACHINERY: Cultivator, disc, drill, mower, rake, planter, combine, milkers, etc. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOOD | TERMS on personal property: CASH Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lieswald & Son Wallace O’Connell & Merlin Grossnleklaus, Aucts Vern Reynoldson, Auct.-Roal Est. Broker Chambers State Hunk, Clerk. ---———^ii^——i—■ ■MlH!HnanMHH0M00000000000000HHBBii^^vi rand pening ^ DOOR PRIZES! TREATS FOR ALL! Thursday, Jan. 16th ROGERS PRODUCTS CO. invites you... TO INSPECT OUR MAMMOUTH NEW "One-Stop" Feed Store in O'Neill Located immediately north of the Burlington Depot on U. S. Highway 281 (South Fourth St.) Treats for Everyone! ALSO Special Introductory Low Prices! IN ADDITION TO our regular low com- HIIX ROGERS of Ainsworth, owner of ROGERS PRODUCTS i petitive prices, ROGERS offers a SPE- GO., believes the farmers and ranchers In the O’Neill territory 1 CIAL DISCOUNT on all feeds purchased deserve and will patronise a “one-stop” feed store where they at this store - ran bt,y on« or a truck loa<l Of more than 50 different rvti | fi * J P . 1 kinds of feeds at low, competitive prices! Thursday — Friday — Saturday _ JANUARY 10-17-18 COMPLETE “ONE-STOF’ STORE! • RANGE FEEDS • HOG FEEDS • HEN FEEDS • HEN SCRATCH • CHICK STARTER • CHICK GROWER • HORSE FEEDS • DAIRY COW FEEDS • PELLETED MINERALS • SALT AND MINERAL MIXED • BRAN SHORTS • CORN — OATS • TANKAGE • CREEP FEEDS • VETERINARY SUPPLIES • DOG FEEDS STOCK SALT (Retail-Wholesale) Low-Priced Truck Load Delivery We’ll be pleased to have you stop in, look over our big store Grand Opening Day or your next trip to town! ROGERS FEED & GRAIN (PRODUCTS) CO. CLAIR E. McVAY, Mgr. O’NEILL — PHONE 771