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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1957)
Merry Matrons in Session at Amelia AMELIA The Merry Matrons elub met Thursday, Dw<inl»r 19 with Mrs Harry Winings. and Mrs Jack Winings as co hostess There were 24 members and three visitors present After dinner the program committee took charge Mrs. John Mohr, jr., and Mrs Harvey Hanson had charge of games and contests Mrs Lew Raekhaus anti Mrs. Asa Watson won the hostess prize. Two new' members joined the elub. They were Mrs. Alvin Al berts and Mrs. Charles Everett. Mystery sisters were revealed and new names were drawn for next year There was an ex change of gifts Next meeting will he with Mi*. Marvin Ixmlittie with Mis Clif ford Clemens as eo-hostess Clifford Clemens as co-hostess. Other Amelia News Mr. and Mrs Ed Jungman at tended the Bones Purebred Here ford rattle sale at Parker S. D , on Saturday, F»eremiier 14. The grade school and high srhool held their Christmas par ties Friday afternoon and were dismissed for the Chrisimas va cation. H. S. White and his family will reunite on Christmas day, "pro vid<*d all goes well". Those pres ent will be Mr. and Mi*. Frank Adamson and son, David, of Mc Pherson, Kans.; Mr. and Mrs Jack Milton of Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Kay Joy of Walla Walla, Wash They will meet at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Glenn White, Myrtle and Venita. Mr and Mr*. Charles Bligh came up from Omaha Friday evening and will visit over Christ mas with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mr anti Mr* IMck Prater ami son, Bobbie, of Thermopohs, Wyo., arrived Tuesday, Decem ber 17. to spend Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Eva Backhaus and Caroline Mrs Stella Spark and Lonnie, Sam Gilman ami Robert were At kinson visitors Tuesday evening, Decomlier 17. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Adams at tend d the Christmas program at the Emmet school Thursday even ng Miss Cleta Muray, a niece of Mr Adams, is the teacher in the lower grades there. Charles Bligh and Vaydon ! Stamp of Omaha were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank i Pierce Wednesday. December 18. They returned to Omaha on Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Dos itti niiod i birthday party at : the home of Cleta and Demans I Murray in O'Neill Sunday even 1 tng Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman1 anti Nlarda and Mrs. D. L. Fancher, Virgil ;ind Flunice plan i net! to leave Monday to spend Christmas with the Bower Sage ser family at Manhattan, Kans. Mr and Mrs. George Fuller j ton. Phillis and Dale went to Omaha Saturday to meet their I son, Don, who flew home from ! Los Angeles, Calif., where he at tends school. They will eat a pre-Christmas dinner with her I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie i Spath and return home Sunday | evening. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sladek, Mrs. Helen Pokomy, Mr. and Mrs. August Pospichal and Mr. and Mrs Joe Homalka helped clean at the Catholic church Friday. Mrs. Hienie Frahm, Mrs. Os car Peterson and Don, and Art Waldman were shopping in O’ Neill Thursday. I We want to wish our many patrons and friends the molt joyous of Halidaysl May your homes be filled witli happiness and festive good cheerf CENTDAL FINANCE CORP. f ESTHER MORI.AN — SHARON Ml'RRAY * C\ E. JONES — ROBERT HAYTER ► *31 I thanks for the progress made in furthering peace and brotherhood among men Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gillig&n Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O’Neill These “angels’’ sal curiously and watched goings-on backstage during the St. Mary's academy Christmas program: Cheryle Jeffers, Kathy Helmer, Mary Wolfe and Catherine Devoy. The "angels" were a part of a tableau. — The Frontier Photo. M iss Marian Moore, Gene Nott Wed in Fremont Church Bouquets of bronze, yellow and white mums decorated the altar of the Bluffs Trinity Lutheran church in Fremont for the wed ding of Miss Marian Moore, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Moore of Fremont, and Gene Nott, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Nott of Hooper. Rev. Robert W. Kloth officiat ed at the double-ring ceremony. Miss Themes was soloist and Mrs. Raymond Knoell was or ganist. The bride choose a floor-length gown of Chantilly lace and ny lon net. Sequins accented the collar, and the bodice was de signed with an illusion yoke and long lace sleeves tapering to a point at the wrist. The double nylon net skirt featured scroll ap pliqued lace that fell into a long train. She wore a fingertip veil caught by a pearl crown and carried a satin white Bible with red roses ami white satin streamers. Matron-of-honor for her sister was Mrs. Donald Doll of Omaha. The bridesmaid was Miss Janice Nott, sister of the bridegroom. They wore identical ballerina length gowns of deep aqua taffe ta, designed with round neck lines, elbow-length sleeves and gathered skirts. They had match ing aqua headbands of taffeta and lace and carried bouquets of bronze mums. The flowergirl was Miss Janell Kramer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer, jr., of Atkin son. She wore a floor-length gown of white taffeta and lace and carried a white basket of roses. Her headband was similar to those of the bride’s attendants. Bestman for his brother was i u< um u . ti/u <u in 11 a u, i muixoiiiilli was Duane Moore. Ushers were Donald Doll and Gary Nott. Ricky Kramer of Atkinson was ringbear er. All wore dark suits. A reception in the church par lors followed the ceremony. Mrs. A. E. Boro of Fremont and Mrs. Carl Damero of O’Neill, aunts of the bride, served the punch and wedding cake. The Misses Donna and Carolyn Moore, sisters of the bride, serv ed the ice cream. They also had charge of the gifts. The bride was graduated from Hooper high school and is em ployed at Gamble Skogmo com pany in Fremont. The hride groom was also graduated from j DU. II. I). GILDERS LEEV1C OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4 th & Douglas O'NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Office Hours: 9-5 Eyes Examined — Glasees fitted Monday Thru Saturday I « 1 j ! Hooper high school and is now a student at at Midland college in Fremont. They are residing at 6:30 North Platte St. Among the relatives from this j vicinity who attended the wed i ding were: Mr. and Mrs. Louis i Siebert and Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer, jr., and children, Ricky and Janell, all of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Damero, Marlin and Carole, Mrs. Rex Coburn and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coburn, all of O'Neill. Boxes Packed for Children’s Home PAGE Members of the Golden Rule extension club were guests of Mrs. Lorenz Riege for their December lesson on "cookies”. A covered dish meal was served ;vJ noon. Mrs. It. V. Crumly demon strated the baking and decorating of some varieties of cookies and a box was packed and sent to the Nebraska Children's home at Omaha for Christmas. Mrs. Calvin Harvey was the winner of the guessing game. Roll call was answered by telling "Have You Ever Believed in San ta Claus”? All members were present except Mrs. Joe Beelaert. Mrs. A. T. Crumly will be the Tuesday, January 21, hostess for the organization meeting when lessons will be chosen and leaders appointed and plans made for the new year. Yule Carols Used During Roll Call PAGE Mrs. Roger Bowen was hostess Wednesday afternoon, De ; ternoon when the members of East Side Kountry Klub for their Christmas party. Roll call was answered with naming their fav orite Christmas carol. A discussion was held concern ing the lessons for the new year and Mrs- Dale Stauffer was nam ed leader for the Wednesday, ' January 22 meeting at the home ’ of Mrs. Mervin French, jr. There was the usual exchange of gifts. The hostess served lunch. Attend Orchard Aid Party— PAGE Mesdames Lorenz Rie ge, Otto Matschullat. Edward Soukup and Louise Heese went ti Orchard Thursday where they at Iended the Christmas party at the Lutheran Ladies Aid. Mrs. Heese, Mrs. Soukup and Mrs. Herman Eggan were on the entertainment committee. Mrs. Ed Eggan was a guest. Nutshell friends were drawn for the new' : year and the identity of the year’s friend revealed. A covered dish meal was served at noon. Oakland Visitor Guest at Meeting PAGE Mrs. Orville Olson ol Oakland was a guest Thursday af ternoon when the memehrs ol i Women's Society of Christian Service met at the Wesleyan room ! at the Page Methodist church foi an afternoon of work and study. Mrs. Harold Heiss was the read er for the story "Are You Read> for Christmas?” The triple trio sang "Deck the Hall" and Lullaby of Mary's Son" Mrs. Ralph Prill and Mrs. El mer Trowbridge were hostesses Decorations were in keeping with ; the season. Other Page News Mrs. J. W. Finch w<ts hostess to the memehrs of the Neighbor hood club Wednesday, December 18, for their Christmas party and was assisted by Mrs. Roy Hansen in a pay off gesture for having had their names guessed bv their club sister. Mrs. Gerald Waring will be the next hostess. Miss Ix>is Saltz and her broth ers, Harlan and Duane, went to Tamora to spend the weekend with their brother, Elmer Saltz, who teaches there. The boys spent Saturday at Lincoln visiting the Historical Society building and Lois visited Miss Becky Kennedy Miss Lois Saltz and Miss Helen Finch attended the Christmas program at the Venus school Thursday evening where Miss Lois Elsberry is teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and family of Powell, Wyo., ar rived Thursday to spend the Christmas vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss, and with his mother, Mrs. Freida Asher, and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Olson ar rived Sunday from their home at Oakland and will spend the Christ mas holidays with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mer wyn French, jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Gray were hosts to a group of friends for a birthday dinner Wednesday, De cember 18. Guests were Messrs Harry Harper, Allen Haynes R. D. Copes and their wives anc: Mrs. Bertha Reed. Those whe were honored were Harry Harper Allen Haynes, John Gray, Mrs Copes and Mrs Reed. ___ Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O'NEILL. NEBR. Insurance of All Kinds * * jt * jr * jr —*——-mjfi g g I 3 Club Soon at 30th Milestone AMELIA The Helping Hand club met at the homo of Mrs. Blake Ott. Thursday, December 12, for its annual Christmas party. “Silent Night” was sung and Mrs Vent Sageser read the story of the Nativity. New year books were distribut ed, "Christmas in Many Lands'* w,-s read by Mrs Ralph Rees. A review of the club year 1957 was given by the president, Mrs. Link Sageser, Mrs. Julia White presented early history of the club, which was organized on December 27, 1927. and soon will have been a continuous organization for 30 ; years. Five of the present 15 members were charter members: Mrs. lank Sageser. Mrs. Vem Sageser, drs. Blake Ott, Mrs Julia White, Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mrs. El mer Coolidge. Mystery sisters were revealed and new names drawn for next year. The' members signed a Christ Dorsoy Couple Has Two New (•riMidehlldren — DORSEY Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Wells are rejoicing over two new grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs Lyle Wells have a new dau ghter and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Olson have a new son The little man has been named Monty Rhea. | It is the couples first child. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells have another daughter, who is being cared for by her grandparents, the Howard Slack’s. REPORT I’RHED Any person under 72 before February, 1957, and receiving so cial security benefits, must file an annual report in his earned income for 1957 is over $1,200, ad vises Clifford Kittleson, manager of the Norfolk social security of fice. Givi THE FRONT1 E R for Christmas! * It will be a pleasure to serve you in the future! GILLESPIES UaOIO — ELECTRIC Phone 114 mas card which was sent to Mrs Bertha Sammons. Mrs Libbie Watson and Mrs. Rose Robyler V we ! i:'d s in Mrs Frank Pierce, w ho was absent be cause of illness. The meeting was then turned over to the program committee, Mrs. ('liartie Peterson and Mrs. la'W Ikiekhaus. Poems were read and contests and guessing games were enjoy ed by 13 members and three vis itors were present Mrs Will David became a new member. There was a gift ex change. Next meeting will t>e with Mrs. Mrs Frank Pierce January 9. By Mrs William Fry tear, news Preferred Bisk Insurance NC'IDRINKERS AUTO INSURANCE AT REDUCED RATES For Information Call Robert Paul Ph.nie HIS — O’Neill ivjxMter, DANCE American Legion Ballroom - O’Neill— Sunday. Dec. 29 DON SHAW and 1 lis Orchestra AiimlNftlon: $1 - I We’re glad of chance to wish our many patrons and friend* • holiday season filled with good luck, cheer and happiness. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 Vern & I.HrIi KeyniiliNitn to f/ieWOftfo °“r »"« »ith. throughout the yeor.