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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1957)
Sick & Injured INMAN Mrs Dana Lanes en lered the Clarkson hospital in Omaha and underwent major sur ger on Monday. Reports are to the effect that she is recovering sat isfactorily. Her grandson, Danny Lines, also had surgery on his leg the same day in Omaha He was able to return home on Tuesdas M L Harkins spent Monday and Tuesday in Sioux City, la' receiving medical treatment . . Mrs. Earl Watson was dis missed on Tuesday from St. An thony’s hospital in O’Neill where bod I - i n a medical patient for a week. 0 NEILL Mu»s Elizabeth O’ Malley returned Tuesday, De cember 17, from Omaha where sh. had surgery for an eye catar act She was accompanied to O’ Neill by her niece, Miss Grace Quilty. who remained two days be fore returning to Omaha. . John Prihil, 68, is "improved" at St Anthony's hospital He suffered a h< art attack Monday, December 16 VENUS Leland Caskey was on the sn k list with the flu Tuesday and Wednesday, December 17-18 His brother, Gary, was ill Friday. Leland -is a senior at the Creigh ton high school. ROCK FALLS — Terry Brown spent from Sunday evening, De cember 15, until Wednesday, De cember 18, In St. Anthony’s. ROYAL THEATER — O'NEILL — Wed.-Thurs. Dec. 23-26 This is not Family Night STOPOVER: TOKYO John P Marquand’s sensation al story from the pages of the Saturday Evening Post . . . and the gripping book-<*f-the-month!, starring Robert Wagner, Joan Collins, Edmond O’Brien, with K*-n Scott, Reiko Oyama, Larry Keating, Sarash Selby. Actually j filmed on the spot ... in the dens and tiack alleys of the city of the thousand passions. Frl. Sat. Dec. 27-28 Twin shock revelations of the “Get Lost" Generation Big Double Bill America’s youth having a hall! NO TIME TO BE YOUNG Introducing Robert Vaughn, with Roger Smith. Tom Pittman, Dorothy Green, Merry Anders, Kathy Nolan, Sarah Selby. — ALSO — A little past 17 . . . nearly past saving. Columbia Pictures presents THE YOUNG DON’T CRY Sal Mneo, James Whitmore, J. Carrol Naish. Sun. Mon.-Tuee. Dec. 29-80-31 HAND OF ANGELS Clark Gable, as the man who took the strange name of Hamish Bond! Yvonne DeCarlo, as Manty, the girl who thought she was a Louisana belle. . . Also starring Sidney Poitier, as liau-Ru with Efren Zimbalist, jr., Rex Reason, Carrolle Drake, from Warner Bros. Matinee Saturday & Sunday 2:80 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 30c; Children under 12, 12c, Free If accompanied by par ent. Wedn. and Tburs. Family night, family admitted for two Adult tickets. MERRY CHRISTMAS j CHAMBERS — Mr and Mn E R. Carpenter drove to Nelig Saturday to visit her uncle. Char les Carpenter, who just retume from Antelope Memorial hospital PAGE—Mrs C. Dobbins ha had a bout with asthma the pas week. Cardinals Top St. Joe, 46-4! The St Marys' academy Car •If - pull*-<l the chestnuts out o: the fire Friday night and defeat eil St Joe of Atkinson, 46-41, or the Atkinson court. It was the fourth sti ui;ht win for the Cards The game, loaded with fault} passes, fumbles, fouls and nu melons other miscues, more closely resembled a post-vacatior contest than the actual pre-hoh , day windup St. Joe jumped to an 8-0 lead be fore St. Mary’s managed to get a shot. A gratis toss by Bill Craig broke the ice and the Cards proceeded to narrow the margin and trailed 12-15 at the end of the first quarter. The second stanza found SMA going ahead 18-17 only to have the Bluejays rally to lead 27-21 i at halftime. The Cards sharpened some what during the third. With iArry Tomlinson and Craig finding the i range they enjoyed a four-point edge going into the final. Ijoss of Craig during the clos ing minutes of the third session and Tomlinson at the outset of the final quarter hampered the Cards, but nevertheless they mov ed to a nine-point advantage with three minutes remaining and played control ball to hang onto their hard fought victory. Tomlinson with 21 points again paced the Cards. For the fourth straight game he rimmed better than 20 points. Schaffer of St Joe was the evening's high scor er with 22 points. The St. Mary’s seconds contin ued to remain undefeated and posted victory number 5 with an easy 48-20 win. Bellna, Schnei der and Clary paced the victors with 10, 9 and 8 points, respec tively. This was their 13th straight victory over a two-year span and gives a 20-1 margin in the last 21 games. Balers Topple O’Neill High The O'Neill high Eagles ab sorbed a licking here Friday night bowing to the Atkinson high Balers, 51-33. Duane Humphreys and Jim Hendricks, with 14 points apiece, led the Baler parade. Larry Oet ter scored 10 for O’Neill. All of Oetter’s points came in the sec ond half. Atkinson jumped to a 16-9 lead at the first quarter. O’Neill was limited to a skimpy two points— a fielder by Parks -in the sec ond. The Balers connected on 50 jercent of their shots while O’- j Veill could convert on only 251 percent of the tries. The O’Neil reserves wan, 35-21. MARRIAGE LICENSES Robert Dean Hobbs, 19, of Ew ing, of Ewing, and Jenell Maud Hoke, 17, of Ewing, December 20 Henry Sheldon Kinney, 19, of j O’Neill and Mary Louise Kilcoin. 16, of O’Neill, December 22. Mar ried by Judge L. W. Reimer. I 1 I l|C* J^vciii C^ite I 1 ^ I & SEGERWOOD CAFE f § East O’Neill 'I &S}S}9!SsS;S;SjSs-Ss5jSiS}5ia55SiS!';ai5iSjSi5;{1 Jim McGinn (in white, right ami hooked) fired these two points in Friday’s St. Mary’s breexe over the Stuart Broncos. His team ! mates includes Gary Holly (32), Bill Craig (42), Larry Tomlinson (54), and Gale Stevens (30, numeral hidden). Bronco* In photo are Dana Bigelow (52), Kus* Cobb (45, near foreground), and Tom Bige low (42),—The Frontier Photo. Coyotes Triumph Over Oakdale CHAMBERS Coach Bill Witte's Chambers high Coyotes made it win number six Thursday night as they vanquished Oakdale, 51 34, at Chambers. Rod Elkins led the way with 22 points followed by Kenny Thom sen with 10. The Chambers gals scored a 37-22 victory over the Oakdale girlies in volleyball. Try uur want ads! (ill lu ll LEAtiUE PLAY CHAMBERS—In •hurch league cage play, the Amelia Methodists and the Chambers Methodists clashed Tuesday, December 17. The Chambers crew triumphed. Mi-anwhile the Memorial Baptist club trounced the Amelia Cath olics. M&M club held a Christmas party at the home of Esther Har ris with a chow nuin dinner. An exchange of gifts and bridge were features of the evening. Guest, Gertrude Gribble, and Mrs. L. A. Burgess had high scores. Poinsettias Take Boughs What would Christmas be without poinsettias? They are as much a part of the holiday scene as holly wreaths and Christmas trees, lending a warm and festive touch wherever they are placed. Because of their great beauty and popularity, they make perfect Christmas gifts for business or personal friends — to give or wire any place in the country or overseas. Alyn Wayne, official stylist for the Florists* Telegraph Delivery Association, has de signed here an arrangement of white poinsettias and fir boughs suitable for home or office. Particularly note the fact that the arrangement is of cut poinsettias, disproving the general opinion that once cut, they die. The secret is in the handling before ar ranging: Soak your plant heavily overnight, then cut and dip immediately in alcohol from 5 to 10 minutes. This sears the cads, and your poinsettias should last in arrangement from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the woodiness of the stem. Try it yourself. ' . DR. G. R. COOK — VETERINARIAN — ! O’Neill Phone 576 County Court December 19 William F Mey ers, dr. for Charles T. Vaughn Company of Omaha, overweight on capacity plate, fined $10 ant' I costs; officer Clifford L. Kiz zire. December 19 Ronald E. Brew t r of Ainsworth, day time speed mg. fined $16 and $4 costs; officer E. M Hastroiter. December 19 — Harold Bryan Benge, dr for Peak Transport mu' 't Chester, overwa aght on capacity plate, fined $10 and $1 costs; officer Clifford L. Ki/zire 1 »t mct>er 19 -George J. Ries, of Atkinson failure lo stop a stop sign, fined $10 and $4 costs: Ulcer K. M. Hastreiter Decmher 19 Roy Turner of New Westminister, B C , over gross and over capacity plate, lined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Donald F. Richardson. December 19 Larry L. Roach of Page, speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Gerald Wettlaufer. Decent l>er 20 Marcellos Augus tus Hough of Council Bluffs, la., night speeding, fined $17 and $4 costs; officer- R. L. Gude. December 20- C. C. Orr of At hiiiMiii, miiure 10 stop ai snip sign, i fined $10 and $4 costs officer . Sgt. R. R. Shorney. Deceml>er 20—Russell Breiner of O'Neill, night speeding, fined $14.50 and $4 costs; officer— R. L | Gude. j December 21—Duane G. Sum | mers of O'Neill, night speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— i R. L. Gude. December 23 — Lairy James Maynes of Martin, S.D., no mile age permit, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer- Donald F. Richard son. December 23—Francis Horton of Springview, speeding, fined $35 and $4 costs officer Gerald Wettlaufer. Arriving for Christmas— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowen and three children of Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen of Wayne are expected to arrive to spend Christmas with the men’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ’ Bowen. The Robert Bowens will also visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zakrzewski. Home for Holidays— George Shoemaker, a student at Conception Seminary, Conception, Mo., is home for the holidays to visit his mother, Mrs. Leona Shoemaker. Betrothed Couple Feted— Mrs. Hugh J. Birmingham was hostess at a party in honor of her daughter, Miss Margaret Demaris and her fiance. William Hugh Ril ey. son of Mr and Mrs. Hugh • Bernard Riley of Fairhury. Guests from a distance: From Lincoln: Charles Meehan, Charles Swingle, jr From Fairhury: Mr. and Mrs. H L Riley. Mary Riley, Dan Riley. Gene Frwin. Fi u Ashby: Pete Becker From Omaha: Mae B Ham mond, 1-tom Chicago: Mr and Mrs. W illiam J. Froelich, jr. From Green Bay, Wise.: Kd ward Campbell. From Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. lx»o Adams, Mr. and Mrs Wayne Galyen, Mr, and Mrs, A G. Mil-. I. r, Dr. and Mrs. N. P. McKee, Mr and Mrs J. L. Berlgan, Rev. R J. Parr. From Menasha, Wise,; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Harty. Burney to Parleys with Roosevelt Continued from page 1.1 commie-dominated labor meeting Burney and his friend were kayo ed, poured onto a train at nearby Windsor, Ont., Can., and awaken ed the next morning in Winnipeg Some knives were brandished in another incident at Detriot and , Mike's wife, Betty, took a hand Mike resigned and became a member of the Nebraska game commission, serving as warden at Neligh until mid-1957. For Investor’s Mr Burney will serve Holt, Rock, and Brown counties. Waldos 1/eavo on Vacation— AMELIA -Mr. and Mrs. B W. Waldo left Tuesday, December 17 for a several months vacation. They went first to North Platte to visit her sister, Mrs. Everett Smith, and then to Denver to spend Christmas with their son, Harold Waldo and family. They will visit in Montana, California and Texas before re turning home. John Bohn, who teaches at Loup City and his brother, Rich ard, a student at the University of Nebraska, are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Bohn. CAP Squadron Being Reformed The O'Neill squadron of the civil air patrol nna Sunday af ternoon with 12 prospective members present. Former mem bers were reinstated and new members were signed. The CAP radio, Wigwam 22, returned to service that morning. The permanent meeting date was set for tfie second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Sih> > iai meetings will be called on Sunday afternoons Next meeting will lv January 13 at 7:30 p m. at Fred lleer mann’s Flkhorn motel Inter ested persons and members are urged to attend. Ihuiny Watson Is 4— CHAMBERS Mr. and Mrs. I.yle Watson, south of Chambers entertained Sundae at a dinnet to celebrate the fourth birthday anniversary of their son, Danny. Other guests were his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wat son. Mrs. Henry Martin, Mrs. Mary Peterson and Emmett Slaight and son, Gordon. Trv our want nils! MILLER THEATER ATKINSON Hint- shim nightly i*t 1,30) Sm ■ >l»>n.-TWi». 1 >*>»-, 'IS-30-81 Ik ^nSSEIEl Weil. II...1-s. Jaii. 1-8 NO COUPON ll.t|i|>,v N.‘«' I mr ' ' ' ' ' - .—11!—-I--————^ I . I JERSEY CREAM FLOUR 50-lb. bag.... $2.98 HI TTER KERNEL — Corn 2 303 cns 29c BETTER KERNEL — Peas 2 303 cns 29c *■* PIVVMIRIPIPI I - ■ ggg MOKIiKlJ/8 ■ LARD I 2*—.35c I • ■% ■»« A l*r Hi iWIMMEK S AEE MEAT RING — lMr BOLOGNA .... 47c MINCED — Per lb. HAM 39c I ENDS & FIMJtiS — r^1 BACON 29c STEAK 47c iiili/l hi/ i/ii/ii/n - Pepper 2 cns J, 5c STRONOHEART — 2 can* Dop Food . 21c I ItOltlt ROSS — 12-0*. Jar Peanut Butter_ 35c I KITCHEN CHARM — Roll Wax Paper .. 19c HOME BRAND — 5 jar* Preserves $1 I SI'RV S ilt, tin Sir \ SI RE 1r. pkR. 34c * IUNBO BLUE Ir. pkR. 34c LUX LIQUID J2-o*. ran 41c I MERRY CHRISTMAS AND I HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL I I DELHI OH OLEO 4 $1.00 SKINNERS — 10-OZ. pkg. Nicies 10c II ®? 55c Duncan Hines Yel., Choc. 2 |>kg deal Cake Mix_49c LIBBY — Chili.- 4 cns $ 1 I WHITE OB PINK — GRAPEFRUIT Bag of io 39c IKED RIVER VALLEY SPUDS 100-lb. b* $2.79 TEXAS JUICE ORANGES 3-lb. bag-69c Prices Effective Thurs. - Sat., Dec. 26 to 28 IN ORDER FOR OFR EMPLOYEES TO SPEND CHRISTMAS WITH THEIR B FAMILIES, WE WILL CLOSF AT 6:00 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE AND ALL DAY CHRISTMAS VUVUTA I 2-B> box.- 85c I BUTTERNUT ■ COFFEE I Per lb_ 85c I