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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1957)
Christmas in the Churches MKTHODI8T (Pag**- In man) Brv Lisle E. Mewrnaw, pastor PAGE— December 24. (Christmas eve): Christmas candelight service, “Swigs in the Night," 7:30 p m. We cordially welcome all who wish to attend this service. Thursday, December 26: Youth sbuir practice, 7:3© p m Sunday, December 29: Student mcognmon day. Sunday-school, M a.m.; worship service, 11 a.m , with recognition of our students; MY)' 7 T) p m Tuesday. L>eeemU'r 31 (New Year s eve): MYF Watch Night party, 10 p m. and worship ser vice. Thursday, January 2; Woman’s Society of Christian Service all day meeting with covered dish dinner at noon. Sunday, January 5: First sea son of annual scliool of missions v> the evening The Belgian Con £> is one of four "Ijinds of De moon" that will be studied Plan to attend! INMAN - Thursday, December 26: Wo mans Society of Christian Ser vice meeting, 2:30 pm. > Sunday, December 29: Worship amrvice. 9 45 a.m.. with recogni toon of our students; Sunday srfmof. 10:45 a.m Tuesday. December 31 (New # •- - 1 t. kf « #1 ■ p ! OSCAR’S Buick Sales \ » aSOAR HFlTZENBERflER Year's eve): MYF Watch Night party FOR BOTH CHURCHES Wednesday. December 25: Plan to us4- the family worship ser i ■ fni Or stn 11 n page 58 in The Upper Room and may you have a" merry, joyful, blessed Christmas day. Sunday. December 29: Fifth Sunday I'n-e change offering for world service in both morning worship service's. W’ednesday, January 1: Happy new year. Start the new year right with faithful church • atten d incr and work. Thursday, January 2: Monthly MYF roller skating party at Plain view- roller rink, 7 p.m. METHODIST (O’Neill Emmet) Rev. Glenn Kennicott O N KILL - Tuesday, December 24: Christ mas communion, 9:.% p.m Thursday, Decern ber 26: Pray er group at the Claude Bates home, 10 a.m. Friday, December 27: Dorcas, 2 p.m., at the church. Saturday, December 28: No junior choir. Sunday, December 29: Church school, 9:45 a.m.; student recog nition day observed in the wor ship service at 11 a.m.; fellow ship supper, 6 p.m.; worship ser vice, 7 p.m., beginning of school of missions. Toshira Isa will speak In both services. Monday, December 30: Inter mediate MYF. Tuesday, December 31: Family New Year's watch night party at the church, EMMET — Sunday, December 29: Worship service and children’s Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; adult Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O’Neill) Seventh and Clay sts. Rev A. S. Ueuwulo, pastor Tuesday, December 2.: Christ mas eve worship service by the Sunday-school children present ing ‘"Die Gift of Jesus”, 7 p. m. Parents and friends are invited to participate in the worship and join the children in the singing of familiar Christmas hymns. Wednesday, December 25: Christmas Day worship service. 9 am.. The pastor's sermon: “The Mystery of Christmas.” Saturday, December 28: Con firmation classes meet, 9:30 a m. Sunday, December 29: Worship service, 9 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:15 a.m., W Frieke, superin tendent; “The Lutheran Hour” on WJAG, 4 p.m. Wednesday, January 1: New Years' day worship service, 10:30 a.m. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor Wednesday, December 25: Christmas day worship service, 10:30 a.m The pastor's sermon:' “The Mystery of Christmas.” Sunday, December 29: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., S. H. Brauer, superintendent. superintendent'; worship service, 11 a.m.; “The Lutheran Hour” on WJAG, 4 p.m Tuesday, December 31, Confir mation classes, 4 p.m. Wednesday, January 1: New Year’s day worship. 9 a.m. Francis A. Murray is spending the holdays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray. He is a student at the University of Ne braska. HAMIK & ENGLER STANDARD SERVICE Fifth A Dougin* — Arrow* from Safeway L HELEN’S FLOWER & GIFT SHOP I HELEN SULLIVAN — NELL HARDING J (HI K< II OF I HK1ST (Ewing) Jim Caton minister Sunday. December 29: Worship sen ice, 10 a m,, “What Sliould I Do?”; Bible study, 11 a m., 12th chapter of Romans, youth ser vice, 7 p m : worship service, 8 p.m , study in 5th chapter of He brews Debit News Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon left Denver, Colo., Wedensday, De cemlier 18, by bus for Colorado City, Ttex . where they will spend a week with their son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Christon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Heinz of Ew ing and Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hertel and family of Chambers were dinner guests recently at the Ralph Tomjack home Mary and Robert Miller came home Friday from Omaha to spend the holidays with their par ents. Mr and Mrs. Frank Miller. Leonard is in tlfb service in Ger many. Mrs. Otto Reimer and Mrs. Upton of Lincoln visited the E. L Sisson and Claence Schmiser homes Tuesday, December 17. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fuller and children have gone to Kansas City. Mo., where Donald will attend school this winter. Joe Funk is visiting relatives here over the holidays. He is employed in California. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson I of Anchorage, Alaska, are fly ing to Oakland, Calif., to spend i their two weeks’ vacation with Mrs. Larson’s mother and broth ers. Sunday dinner guests in the Lambert Bartak home were Mr. and Mrs. August Kallhoff and granddaughter of Tilden, Mrs. Wayne Paul and Larry and Mrs. Alice Lodge of Elgin Supper guests were Mr.- and Mrs. Bill Gibbs, David and Kathy. Larry Paul was a weekend guest. ivir. ana mrs. iwiui doi ioa had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mosel and Mona, and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Jensen of Neligh. Tuesday, December 17, Lam bert and Keith Bartak, Bill Gibbs and Ewald Spahn visited the stockyards in Omaha, having cattle on the market. The Christian Mothers of the St. John's church held election j of officers and Christmas party j Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Shavlik and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn attended the concert at the Sa cred Heart school in Norfolk Sun day evening. Sharon Shavlik was in the program. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bartak and | Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan were in Omaha on Tuesday, December I 17. The two Beaudin children spent j several days last week with their j grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack while their parents vis ited relatives and friends in On aha. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Timple and Twila spent Christmas day at the Claude Temple home in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pollock visited the Keith Bartak home Tuesday evening, Decemlier 17. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and Elayne spent Sunday at the Howard Temple home in Hast ings. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller vis ited the Johnny Miller home Thursday evening. Several from here attended the program and pie social at the Hubei school Friday evening. O’Neill News Spc and Mrs. R. G. (“Dick") Nelson, who live at Waynesville, Mo., arrived Sunday for a week’s visit with relatives. The Nelsons were Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. Esther Asher and family, former O’Neillites, at St. James, Mo. Miss Mary Froelich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich, is home from Duchesne college for the holidays. Miss Mary Elizabeth Gatz and her cousin, Edward Gatz, are here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz from St. Mary’s college and Creighton university, both in Omaha. Edward Campbell of Green Bay, Wise., is spending the holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cambpell. Allen Martin, who teaches at Battle Creek, is spending his week s vacation with his mother, Mrs. Henry Martin. 4-H W inners Vow To Ring The Bell For Safety ¥ 1.000.000) ' I MEMBERS. SAf vjLn 1958 j I • : ' Tf/Ci 82?000^ i hr: mm ami ' DETERMINED TO BOOST THE NUMBER of 4-H members actively participating in safety pro grams to the million mark in 1958 are these eight national winners in the National 4-H Safety Program. Here, they show Ralph W. Moore, Director of Plant City and Field Relations for General Motors, the dramatic rise from 72,000 4-H participants in safety when GM began its sponsorship of the program awards 13 years ago to the current participation of 825,000 members. Leading 4-H toward the “million in safety mark” next year will be these winners, each of whom received 2400 college scholarships from GM. In addition, General Motors provides them and the other state winners all-expense trips te the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. Bottom row, left to right are Sylvia McCarty, 18, Myers, Ky.; Leonard Wertx, 17, McClave, Colo.; Marilyn Ellison, 17, El Reno, Okla.; Don Willis, 18, Mendenhall, Miss.; Top row, left to right are Sharon Mitchell, 16, Dixmont, Maine; Carolyn Kay Moore, 16, Fairviewr, Hans.; Ronald Powell, 16, Clark, Mo.; Christine Pasley, 17, Hillsboro, Ore. O’Neill News Mrs. Louis W. Reimer, sr., re turned Saturday, December 14 from a month’s trip to California. She visited her father, Grant Hasherger and her brother, Claude, in Eureka and spent some time with her daughter, Mrs. H. H Moore in Burbank. Mrs. Moore is the former Margaret Reimer.' The Reimer’s son-in-law and dau ghter, Sp-3 and Mrs. Richard G. Nelson are here for the holidays from Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Weekend guests of Mrs, Hugh j J. Birmingham were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Riley and daugh ter, Marie of Fairbury. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich left Tuesday to spend Christmas with their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wansei and family at Hartington. t, Miss Carolyn Lindberg is home for the holidays from Nebraska Wesleyan at Lincoln. She is the daughter of the Harold Lindbergs Mrs. J. D. Fraber and Denise came with Mr. Fraber from Oma ha Sunday to visit her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. John Harrington ! and family. Mr. Fraber returned to Omaha and will arrive with Mr. Harrington, who is employed in Chicago, 111., to spend Christmas in O’Neill. Ralph Shaw and family were expected to arrive Monday from Cowley, Wyo., to spend the holi-! days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw, and also to visit his sister, Mr. and Mrs. K» C. Hunt and other relatives in Cham l>ers and Ewing. Mr. and Mrs William J. Free lich, jr., of Chicago, 111., are visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam J. Froelich for the holidays Miss Shirley Schultz, who is a student at St. Francis School of Nursing in Grand Island, arrived Sunday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kersenbrock. Her brother, Nels Schultz, who was recently trans ferred from Omaha to Los Ange les, Calif., with Union Pacific Ralroad, will be unable to be home. Miss Judy Liddy, a student nurse at Lincoln General hospital in Lincoln, came Friday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liddy. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman expect to leave Tuesday for Oma ha to spend Christmas with their son and his wife, Mr and Mrs James Merriman and daughter, Tracey. Miss Genevieve Biglin and Miss Nora McAuliffe of Sioux City ar rived Sunday to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs F. N. Cronin. Sunday guests of the Cronins and other relatives were Mr. and Mrs C. E. Cronin and girls of Grand! Island. | Miss Ruth Harris arrived from New York to visit her mother, Mrs. Esther C. Harris for the holi idays. Mrs. Harris drove to Co lumbus Friday with Mr. and Mrs C. W. Porter and then went on to the airport to meet Miss Ruth. Ill Mfty yon know a Christmas Season if i Filled with Peace and Happiness | | JAMES DAVIDSON & SONS Phone 264 — O’Neill I *>!*»-.X5.E.2.2,;.*2,fci.2 . S.; %3sa. Mr and Mrs. Roy Worth and family of Omaha, formerly of O' Neill, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth and Mr. and Mrs Fred Ijndberg Saturday and Sunday. Clarence (Junior) Worth and Miss Demaris Lind berg accompanied them home. Miss Lindbcrg recently complet ed a business course in Omaha. John Joe Uhl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norb Uhl, is home from Washington, D. C., where he at tends Georgetown School of Law. He is also employed. His sister, Miss Mary Lou, is home from Omaha. Lt. Allen Porter, who is station ed at Dennison, Tex., arrived Sunday to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen ol the J. F. Bloom Oo. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer.—Emmet Crabb, O’Neill Miss Mary Lu Wilson of the University of Nebraska at Lin coln arrived Friday. Miss Carolyn Wilson of St Theresa’s college in Winona, Minn., joined Miss Catherine of St. Mary’s hos pita at Rochester, Minn , and ar rived in O’Neill Saturday to spend the Christmas holidays with par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson. Mrs. Bertha Hayden of Wig gins, Colo., sister of Mrs. Guy Young and Maude Rouse is visi ting Mrs. Fred Keman of Bas sett. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE: Dry wood, cut in stove lengths. — William Ba butzke, O’Neill. 34-35p60 Chambers News CHAMBERS -Woman’s Society of Christian Service het Thurs day, December 19, at the church with Mrs. John Honeywell, Mrs. Mina Meyers and Mrs. LaVeme Hoerle hostesses. Mrs. T. E Al derson led the devotionals. Mrs. Steve Shavlik presented the les son on "You Are My Witnesses” assister by several of the ladies. Mrs. Lloyd Gleed and Mrs. C. V. Robertson sang Christmas carol The vice president, Mrs. Guais Wintermote, presided at the bus iness session. Mrs. T. E. New house, promotion secretary, gave a report. Letters were read from Rev. Duane Hutchinson and Rev. and Mrs. Hansberry, former pastors. Lunch was served by the hos tesses. CHAMBERS — Valley Center extension club met Friday at the home of Mrs. H .C. Walter with 18 members answering roll call by naming a favorite cookie. One visitor, Mrs. Howard Beed, was also present. A business meeting in charge of the president, Mrs. Sam Young was held. Mrs. G. H. Grimes, Mrs. Genevieve Bell and Mrs. Hattie Tibbets reported on the St. Anthony’s hospital auxiliary meeting. Names were drawn for mys Drs. Wilson & Sucha PHYSICIANS * SURGEONS Phone 138 —O’Neill | , I »■ I I 9 9 S 9 OUR WONDERFUL FRIENDS! MAY WE SERVE YOU AGAIN! S? in l K & M CAFE & BUS DEPOT f MTU Jin WYANT t £ tery sisters fo rthe new year. Mrs Orville Svatos was in 1 charge of games for Christmas. Gifts were exchanged and lunch was served by the hostesses. Next meeting is Tuesday . Jan uary 17, at the home of Mrs Sam Young. Mrs. Edwin Hubbard and son, Ricky, sp nt the wekend of De cember 14-U> with her brother-ln law and sister. Mr. and Mrs Har vey Gesch and family at Lincoln mpwwiwmewwj:* z.. . ■ v v. - ■>» . ■■ ■ «.' - « I f MANY DEAR FRIENDS! a THE TOWN HOUSE JOYCE & BOB i l i i i i i i $ i I COYNE HARDWARE j ! H. E. COYNE — .MKEVIN IU ZIC KA — AMUCEY HOWOEN ^|S V*1 ' a i ‘ * j.r.‘ B * ** r, ’*'* !1P: "Bwai^ lljl