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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1957)
SECTION TWO Mon. — Wed. — Sat. 9 30 - 9:56 A. M. North-Central Nebraska’s BIGGEST Newspaper \ ol. 77. Number 32. O Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, I hursday, December 5, 1957. 0 Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Gate Dierberger and sons spent Thursday and Ft i daw in Seward visiting his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. George Dier berger and Saturday and Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs Lillian Ogden at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Temp lin and daughter, Elaine, and three sons of Detriot Mich., were Thanksgiving weekend guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kessel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McMan us were Thanksgiving day guests Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka spent Thanksgiving with his lath er, Anton Ruzicka and sister Irene, in Clarkson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shelhamer and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shelhamer spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Helen Benda in Platte, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. C G. Shelhase were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shelhase of Atkinson "Pennies from Heaven”. If it’s u MM 7 it really In. For proof Nee Shelhamer Equipment 32-34 Mrs. John G. Stuifbergen and children spent Thanksgiving weekend visiting her purents, Mr and Mrs. E. T. Blinn in North Plate. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pinker man were Sunday guests of Mr und Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman and Mr. and Mrs Guy Hull of Red bird on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Poiter visit ed relatives in Chambers on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prouty of Spencer spent the weekend in Yankton visiting at the Clyde Prouty home. Andy Ramold attended the Oklahoma football game, an all expense trip awarded to him by Standard Oil. “Penny for your thoughts”. A MM7 penney In well worth your thought at Shelhamer Equipment. 32-34c Mr. and Mrs. Don Kellner and Lynn spent Thanksgiving in Val entine as guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kellner. Mr and Mrs. Kenny Ruggles and son of Clearwater were Mon day guests of Mr. und Mrs. C. G. Shelhase. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Paulsen and children were Saturday and Sun guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Paulsen and Mr. and Mrs. V. H. McGuire of Tilden. Judge and Mrs. Mounts and nei ce, Linabell Lucas, left Saturday for Tonkawe, Ok la., to spend the Itolidays at the home of his sis ter, Mrs. Grace Lucas. They will return after the holidays. MILLER THEATER — ATKINSON — , DOUBLE FEATURE Frl. Sat. Dec. 6-7 ' r i 8un.-Mon.-Tue*. Dec. 8-9-10 l Wed. Thurs. Dec. 11-liP I CIPfttHfNTAi •OChf* *U.0TS U<M A».0T» *»TO I I **• UNSCIN »Hf J*. J*Ovl«CD **P ’Hf ON** **» ■ ! ! I I • This coupon and one paid ad- | • mission will admit two adults, 1 . December 11-12. J Recent Bride Miss Lois Ann Bergstrom, (above!, daughter of Mr and Mrs, N. A, Bergstrom of Ew ing and Carl M Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs Ralph Johnson of Norfolk were united in mar riage Sunday evening, Novem ber 24 at First Methodist church in Norfolk. Family Dinner— Mr. and Mrs. George Robert son entertained the Robertson family at their home Saturday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sundell of Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ernst, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ernst of Man hattan, Kans., Margaret Ann Er nst of Topeka, Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson of Scotts bluff. Baby Baptized— Robert Kevin, baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Krugman, was baptized Sunday, November 24, in Christ Lutheran church. Spon sors were Mr. and Mrs. Walt Timmerman of Creighton. Dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. August Kumm of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs Walt Timmerman. .Mlnncrs ut Clubs— Delta I)ek and Nfartez clubs met with Mrs. H. J. Lohaus Tuesday, November 26. Dinner was at the Town House. Winners were Mrs. C J.. Gatz and Mrs. Homer Mul len. Play in Concert— Carol and Renee Hoffman of! St. Mary's academy, Betty Rod man and Diane Gillespie played in recital given by Arne Soren son in Neligh Sunday evening. KerNenhrockn Entertain— The Pinochle club met with Mr. | and Mrs. John Kersenbrock Mon Jay evening. Mis. Frank Grenier von high and Mrs. Roy Lowery, ow. , -d tmahu Guests— Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz enter alned 22 guests at a supper Sat irday evening /or Mr. and Mrs. lack Gatz of Omaha. Mery Mi* Meets— Merry Mix #net with Mrs- Paul Ihierk Tuesday afternoon. High scores were won by Mrs. H. Moses and Mrs. C. W. Porter. Miss Kurts is Feted— Connie Kurtz entertained 201 quests on her birthday aiuiiver tary at her home Monday night. Mrs. Hendrick Hostess— The Birthday club met with Mrs. Felix Hendrick Wednesday ?vening, November 27. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O’Neill) Dr. Pressly, Omaha, supply pastor Thursday, December 5 (today): j Hie women's association willi meet at 7:45 p.m. New officers ire asked to attend as they will be nstalled at this meeting. Sunday, December 8: Sunday school. 9:45 a m , worship ser- i ,ice, 11 am. Monday. Decemlier 9: The Bi ble study group will met at the Charles Nutter home. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing) Sunday. December 8: Worship service at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Pressly if Omaha will be the supply pas tor. Sunday-school following the worship service. Irma Juracek visited with Bar bara Miller Sunday afternoon. i —I STOP! Here’s a smash Gift Suggestion . . . that will be "too much" for any teenager on your list. Swell for the adults and for the home, too. Decca 4-Speed Record Players 16 - 33 1-3 - 45 - 78 RPM • Separate volume and tone control • Flip needle cartridge • Choice of red and white or gray and white plastic cases. • Hi-fi quality, durable, lightweight, portable. Other dealers’ advertised price $39.95 LEE STORE QC CHRISTMAS SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST! 4 O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus. Jeanne and Ellen spent Friday in Omaha. Janice and Donna Lu Turner of Omaha were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs | John Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lower j and family were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs R. L. Gregor of Gregory, S.D. Mrs. W. VV. Waller and parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell of Page spent Wednesday in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kelly of Omaha were weekend guests of Mrs. James Kelly and other relatives. Hll.l. TRADE for IP47 penniet*. —ShHhumer Equipment. 32-34e Thanksgiving dinner guests ol Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Harmon were Mr and Mrs. Roy Berner and Suzanne, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne -A. Harmon *hd family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harmon and Mr. and Mrs. V. C, Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Paulsen and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Martin at Neligh. Mr and Mrs. Harold McNally and children of Ainsworth and Mr. and Mrs O. R. Greenfield and children of Hastings were Thanksgiving guests of their mother, Mrs. Christine Williams. The Charles Chace family of North Platte spent the weekend visiting relatives in O’Neill and Atkinson. Mrs. Don Franklin and children spent from Friday until Sunday in Akron, la., visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peck. Dr. and Mrs. Ed Honke of Sioux City, were from Thursday until Sunday guests of Mr. and < Mrs. Robert Devoy. Mrs. John Robinson and John Lee of Hampton. Ia , visited Wed nesday and Thursday with Mrs F. J. D i s h n e r. They were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. M. J. Golden. Mrs Dishner accompanied them tc Hampton, la., on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy and family of Omaha w ere Thanksgiving weekend guests o Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gondering er. Mr. and Mrs Duane Gray and family spent Sunday at Gavins Point. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Eymann and boys spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Vella Galloway in Oakdale Mr. and Mrs. lX>n Franlkin and family spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Franklin in Verdel. Monuments <u lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen ul the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer.—Emmet Crabb, O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich were ThanksgK ing weeken d guests of their daughter-and fanr ily, Mr. and Mrs. B. E Wanser of Hartingtan. Sister Austina of Croft on was a Thanksgiving weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs Fred Heerman and tier mother. Mrs. Dora Doyle. S Thanksgix ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bridge were Mrs. Henry Harvey, Air. j and Mrs Art Bridge Mr and Airs Ken Bridge and children, Airs j Marvin Howard, Bruce and Way ne. Air. and Airs. Ray Reed. Ron aid and Karmen, all of Orchard. 1 Lyle Treasa of Lincoln and Fred Ehy. Air. and Mr.s Vernon Carpenter I and daughter were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Airs John Um mers of Hartington Mr. and Airs. Kenneth Pound of Blair were Thanksgi\ ing guests of Airs. Esther Downey. All were Thanksgiving* dinner guests of Air. and Airs. William Artus. Air. and Airs. Larry Krause of Sioux City were weekend guests of her parents, Air. and Airs. D. DeBolt. Mr. and Airs. Clarence Lehn | and daughters of Wahoo were Thanksgiving guests of his sister, Miss LeVeta Lehn. Mrs. Donald S. Johnson of Hur on, S.D.. was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs John Baker. Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Beilin were her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs IHck Henry and family of Rock Rapids, la.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eppenbach and girls and Mrs Mary Lu Monk and baby. Mr and Mrs. R. W. Johnson and Dianne of Hyannis were Wednesday until Sunday guests of l>r. and Mrs. L. A Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lineback and Miss Ixitene Wetzler attended tin young peoples convention of the Assembly of Go<l church in Grand Island Thursday. November 2R. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Wecker were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strate and and family of Hoskins, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Buderg of Newman Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kudera of Bloomfield. Mr and Mi's, Kenneth Waring were Thanksgiving guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert Pease of Center. Thanksgh mg dinner guests ol Nir and Mrs George Van Every were Mr. and Mrs. Car! Miller and Ixiys, Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Van Every and Carolyn of Nor folk, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Van Every and children of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Van Every and boys of Perry, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Iwv i Fuller and George. Robert Allen ol Omaha ar rived Wednesday evening, Novem ber 27, to spend Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs Mary lXisa tko. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wettlaufer Thanksgiving were: Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlaufer and family of Page, Mr. and Mrs Gerald Wettlaufer anil son of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strong of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. A L. Patton were Thanksgiving dinner guests ol Mr. and Mrs Harold Young. • 0 l * % 0 Ik Men’s jewelry set Smart cuff link and tie bar sef for him. Choir of new styles . Mixed Nuts Choice salted nuts. Jumbo peanuts, cashews, pecans, al monds, etc., all in one tasty mix. In vacuum packed cans. Lb. Can_$1 Flashlights Sturdy all-purpose flashlight. Normal bright may be chang ed to red or green with ease. Equipped with two batteries. Each-$ 1 ”, - * s Men’s gift boxed sox jj | Two pairs of stretch socks I y Select stretch socks, two y in a gift box. Each box y contains one pair argyles, j y one with novelty pattern. j 3-pc. Trojan Long Bound Set ... Genuine Goodrich Geon Vinyl covering Train Case 21” Overnite Case 25” Pullman Case One piece bent plywood frame, virgin vinyl plastic binding. Handles of high-lmpact Styrene for long wear, easy carrying. All full rayon lined with pockets. In tan, blue and green. --S* ' * Hawaiian biscuit basket and towels Elongated basket with 2 towels to nestle biscuits in. Gift idea ... a billfold for him With or without zipper closure. Boxed. Black, brown, russet colors. * ! I Give printed Pillow Cases! Dainty Floral prints / » Rose or floral printed cases are hemstitched, of type 180 muslin. Choice of colors. I Fancy Foil ; Gift Paper | |20”x5’ long^^^F | 4 rolls I Women’s jewelry KarriiiKH, pins, bracelets nml necklaces for her. Kuril boxed. Dress Lengths Selected wash and wear fabrics, gingham plaids and plains. Four yards in a length. tach__53 g Boys’ Sport Shirts a Sanforized broadcloth. Kohl stripe* and plaids in Ivy League style. Sizes 0 to JH. MP Each-52 5 9 Jj | Ladies’ fancy panties | Very feminine with lace trim. (lioose white, pink, or blue. Rayon, sizes 5-«-7. V | Dainty with lace trim | Two j I Pairs . 1 \ kkMikkMMIklikZZkkhkll Blankets 72" * (Ml" bright plaids. Nylon, orton, rayon blend. 0-inch rayon binding. Each-$6 Sofa Pillows Assorted shapes and sizes. Cotton filled with decorator fabric coverings. Each-51 $ Gift Items A large selection of figurines, ashtrays, compotes, snack jars, etc. Hurry and make your selection today! £ Each-51 ^ v 's. I- jgtg 5 Aprons jff Fresh crisp organdies, fast color prints. Tea apron styles. J Each-51 a IP