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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1957)
Future Subscribers SL1ZOSKI Mr and Mrs. John Sluoskt of O’Neill, a daughter, Susan Kay, weighing 5 pounds 14 ounces, bom Saturday, November 30, at St. Anthony s hospital. ARNOLD Mr. and Mrs. Hel mut Arnold, a daughter, Gretclien Elaine, weighing 7 pounds 7Vs ounces, born Saturday, November 30, at St. Anthony’s hospital. YORK Mr. and Mrs. Bill York of Creighton, a daughter, Jcanine Marie, weighing 7 pounds 8 oun ces, bom Monday, December 2, at Lundberg Memorial hospital in Creighton. DOTY Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doty of O’Neill, a daughter, Bev erly Diane, weighing 8 pounds 10 ounces, Inin Saturday, November 30, at Atkinson Memorial hospital CRONK Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk of Page, a daughter, Sally Linda, weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce, horn Sunday, December 1, at At klnson Memorila hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach of Page are the maternal grandparents KAUP Mr. and Mrs. Vic Kaup; of Stuart, a son, 7 pounds 15 ounces, ixirn Sunday, December 1, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. HIPKE Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hip ke of O’Neill, a son. Bryan Lee, weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces, born Saturday, November 30, at At kinson Memorial hospital. HART Mr. and Mrs. Milford Hart of Creighton, a daughter, Patricia Ann, weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces bom Wednesday, No vember 27, at Lundberg Memor ial hospital at Creighton. MAN ION Mr. and Mrs. Joe Manion of Creighton, a daughter, Mary Tercse, weighing 7 pounds i'U„ nnnt'ptj horn Wednesday. November 27, at Lundberg Mem orial hospital in Creighton. OLDBE RDIN G- Mr. and Mrs. LuVern Oldberding of Stuart, a daughter, LeAnne Marie, weigh ( ing 5 pounds 7 ounces, bom Wed nesday, Novemebr 27, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. STRAKA—Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Straka of Atkinson, a son, Mich ael Kevin, weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces, born Wednesday, Novem l>er 27, at Atkinson Memorial hos pital. ' _ ROYAL THEATER — O’NEILL — Wed.-Thun*. D«c. 4-6 This is a picture about dope traffic! Columbia Pictures pre stmts a Warwick Production PICKUP ALLEY Victor Mature, Anita Ekburg, Trevor Howard. Cinemascope. Exposed! -The hell-worlds of the ‘"hooked" and the "pushers”! Er poseti !-»-The war between the dope kings and the international police! I rL-StU Dec. 6-7 Ju everyone must see. A ru*w exciting version of Anna Sewell's great claskltf! If you are among the millions who read "Black Beauty", IF you are amon® the few who missed "Black Beauty’’ You must see— COURAGE OF BLACK BEAUTY Wide Vision, Eastman color, starring John Crawford, Mirrd Gibson. John Bryant, Diane Brew ster, J. Pat O'Malley, Russell -Johnson. Hear the hit songs— "The Donkey Game”, lyrics by; Dick Hughes and Richard Stap ley. Also "Black Beauty" lyrics by Paul Herrick. Music by Ed ward L. Alperson, jr. Sua.-Mun.-Tuea. Dec. 6-9-10 Darryl F. Zanuck’s production of Ernest Hemingway’s THE SUN ALSO RISES The Hemingway love story that shocked the world- so daring, so delicate it could not lie filmed until now. Tyrone Power, Ava Gardner, Mel Ferrer, Errol FlVnn, Eddie Albert. Featuring Gregory Ratoff, Juliette Greco, Marcel Dalio and Robert Evans. Alatlnce Saturtlay & Sunday 2:Sf Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Ft uls.. and Saturday admission— Adults :>t)o; C hildren under 12, 12c, l ice II accompanied by par ent. Wcdn. and Thurs. Fumllj night, lamily admitted lor two Adult tickets. TRUE—Mr. and Mrs. Vi«*or Frue of Ewing, a daughter, Ger trude Anne, weighing 8 pounds 13 ninees bom Thursday, November 18. at St. Anthony’s hospital. * SALLACIi—Mr. and Mrs Don ald Sallaeh of Fairfax, S. D., a laughter, weighing 8 pounds 2 1 ounces, bom Sunday, December 1, at Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch. KE1LNE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kehne of Winnetoon, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 11% ounces, bom Wednesday, December 4, at Lund berg Memorial hospital at Creighton. WOOD Mr. and Mrs. RonaJd of Centerville. S. D., a son, Scott j Dee, weighing 7 pounds, bom Tuesday, November 26, at Cen terville. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood of Lincoln, recently of Page are the paternal grandpar ents. BASS Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bass of Omaha, a son, weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces. Mrs. Bass is the former Bonnie Hubby, daugh ter of Rev, and Mrs. Marriedy of Cedar Rapids, la. Great-grand mother is Mrs. Carrie Borg of O’Neill. Sick & Injured PAGE Mrs. Roy Wilson's con dition remains about the same at j St. Anthony’s hospital where she has l>een a patient the past 10 days . Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., went to Oakland Sun day. On Monday her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Olson, accom panied them to Omaha where the ladies had appointments for med ical check-ups. . . Mrs John Lam ason ,a recent Pageite, has been a vicitim of the Asian flu and has been very ill at her home at 9806 B Victoria Ave., South Gate, Calif. . .Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge arrived home from Omaha Tues day where she had been caring for the Lewis Copple household while the mother was hospitalized Mary Lew Copple accompanied her grandmother to the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Vurnie Copple, at Randolph for a visit. *y liivi mi a. .uua uiiovi »»v companied by Mrs. L. R. Sutt cliffe of O’Neill left Monday to vist their sister, Mrs L. R. Lay man, at Haxarville, Conn., whe is seriously ill. The ladies made the trip by plane from Omaha. . . . Mr. and Mrs. John Turay took their sixteen months old dau ghter, Constance, to Omaha Mon day for observation and treatment of a hip injury. . . Mrs. Andrew Olson, who has been a patient at Antelope Memorial hospital in Neligh, is now at her home in northeast Ewing. . . Cindy Savid ge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Savi&ge, has had pneu monia. They formerly lived at O'Neill. I O’NEILL- Mrs. Ray Orsbom who broke her left arm when she fell Sunday, November 24, is getting along alright. . . Little James and tiny Josephine Maly had measles. . . Mrs. Don Riley entered an Omaha hospital No vember 25, for medical observa tion. Mr. Riley visited her Sunday. . . . Mrs. Thomas Murray, who entered St. Anthony’s hospital Tuesday evening was transferred to an Omaha hospital Wednesday VENUS- Mrs. Fred Uhlir had the flu the wfeek of November 29. . . Mrs. M. G. Strope is still confined to her bed following sur gery several weeks ago. Her granddaughter. Miss Carolyn Woddworth of Parker Prairie, is caring for her. RIVERSIDE — Mr. and Mrs Willie Shrader took Mr. and Mrs. Will Shrader to Sioux City Fri day where Mr. Will Shrader had a checkup. The doctor found his condition ‘ much improved”. The Frontier for printing! Forney Electric Welding School WILL. 1*E HELD Monday Evening December 9 AT 7:30 AT Wm. Krotter Co. j in West O’Neill Everybody Welcome 1 — Quick And Versatile Holiday Dessert During the coming holiday season when sweets are in the spot light, these light and airy Macaroon Rings will serve a myriad of purposes. Quickly made with egg whites, sugar. Corn Flakes, nutmeats and j Coconut, they are perfect to sene as a luncheon or dinner dessert or as a refreshment when Christmas guests come calling. They mav be filled with either fresh fruit, ice cream or other appropriate filling. Corn Flakes Macaroon Rings 2 egg whites 2 cups Kellogg’s Com Flakes 1 cup brown or granulated sugar >4 cup chopped nutmeats V4 teaspoon vanilla flavoring 1 cup shredded coconut Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Fold in sugar, vanilla, Corn Flakes, nutmeats and coconut. Drop by spoonfuls onto greased haking sheet and shape into rings about 3*4 inches in outside diame ter. Bake in moderate oven (350° F.) about 15 minutes until lightly browned. Remove immediately from baking sheet. Serve with fresh fruit or ice cream in center of each ring. Yield: 6 rings, 3*4 inches in diameter. , _——i LOW9 LOW ^ GREEN n EXTRA SAVING 1 POTATO 1 PRICES STAMPS [«*] SPECIALS_ S N A X tXTRA standard quality cut green [fight COLDS and FLU / OQ A. I Get plenty of rest • . • C avoid getting chilled • • • and, eat lota of • • • SARAN FRESH . WRAP OUE^MILY^AHCY CALIFORNIA YUEE TOMATO _ CHtUS FrUlG / new ^^B ^B ^^B B ^B ^^B easy to use ^Bb BB B ^B ^^^B B^B 2,FT' "IQc ^^^B I ^Blfl TEXAS «ou j7'- ^P^B P BP • ■ OUR FAMILY FANCY RED PITTED _ CHERRIES 2 OUR FAMILY FANCY HAWAIIAN CRUSHED _ PINEAPPLE th» roi nma COT THICK rOK SWISS Good Quality Beef Bound BAKER'S Chocolate Chips ^ 39^ OOB FAMILY RICH SMOOTH Peanut Butter —”i«63* 001 FAMILY FANCY WHOLE Dill Pickles _ _Qwrt 29* 0U> FAMILY FANCY SEEDLESS Raisins_W 43* MOKTON — ^ M j— Fruit Pies 4 for JL SATHER — Gem Creme,s lb. ROYALTY — M M Pineapple, flat tin JL 10 OUR FAMILY — Dates, lb. pkg. _%P%#C PARKA i MARGARINE 2™.59* WESSON OIL COOKING oad SALAD OIL rorr 39* Ooabt 75* REALEMON RECONSTITUTED LEMON JUICE is ox. BOTTLE __ 33 ■ ■■— norrnwrm mrama. —— —« *— BATH ROOM TISSUE 4 « 3r HANDY PAPER TOWELS 2™* 39* LUNCHEON NAPKINS 2 oimm 25* .- ■ ■ '""-I FRESH SIDE PORK.^43‘ RING BOLOGNA S3.u.49c SLICED BACON Stt..V£ 39c PORK STEAK £3£3.e&» ...u^ BEEF STEW Sttr ~.u.49‘ ■* -- i.« BABO CLEANSER 2 BEG. GT. 1 3 V 23* IDEAL DOG POOD 3 Si 49* CLOROX BLEACH V. GAL GAL 33* 55* I ALL MEAT MINCED — HAM ..Jb. 39c iKINLESS — WIENERS_ lb. 43c J • - FAN READY — FRYERS lb. 39c ROASTING — CHICKENS. lb 33c CALIFORNIA SOKDST NAVEL ORANGES CAUTOIMA 5UM0ST LEMONS 4*. 19* JONATHAN APPLES 2SKJ< Duncan Hinas CAKE MIX \ RUBNT RUGAE • MABEL! • SPICE DEVIL'S POOD • YELLOW - WHITE z. 29« SWIFT’NING SWIFTS PURE SHORTENING J 79c Mfi NYLON HOSE z 49c Gooch's Best | ELBOW 1 MACARONI ■ or SPAGHETTI z 23c ■ 4 ' Milanls FRENCH and ITALIAN DRESSING 2^ 39c My-T-Fine DESSERT SEVERAL FLAVORS TO CHOOSE FROM 3 29« — 1 n ZEST DEODORANT BEAUTY BAR 2’sS 29* ZEST DEODORANT BEAUTY BAR ! 2S24I* CAMAY new ran 25S2I* CAMAY new ran 2S£2* IVORY SOAP 2 K 19* 2 is. 33* PERSONAL IVORY SOAP 4-27* CHEER WASHES WHITER Large Giant 34* 82* LAVA HEW! CREAMY WHITE 2 IS 23* 21S3I* DUZ RICH WHITE SOAP Log* Giant 35* 84’ DREFT ITS LOTION PINK Large Giant 34* 82* OXYDOL WITH BLEACH Uug* Giant 35* 84* IVORY FLAKES NEWt INSTANT Larg* Giant 35* 84* SPIC & SPAN THE “ONCE OVER" CLEANER IS Os. Giant 29* 93* IVORY SNOW GRANULATED FOR EFFICIENCY Larg* Giant 35* 84* JOY INSTANT LIQUID I 12 Oz. 22 Ox. | 41* 71* TIDE EXTRA CLEANING POWER Larg* Giant 34* 82* --— I IFFY — CAKE MIX pfe 10c BANNER — 0LE0-5k$l SI NKISE VACCI'M PACKED — COFFEE lb tin 69c FORK MOST'S — BIG DIP Hal 59c CREAMERY — BUTTER lb 69c NORTH DAKOTA DRY LAND Red Potatoes 100 $0 00 LB. BAG_ A*TO nitrena — A CfcC Complete Egg, 100-lbs. NITRENA— A C 40^ Hog Bal., 100-lbs. ^Vb^w CRUSHED — CkCfc Rock Salt, cwt. - WHITE — Block Salt, --- a m *3 Ooo 0 o® oo 'o o ° • 8 ° „ 0 ' ° o o° ° % „ o o o o c ° ° T] k T Nisi Top Market Prices For Your CREAM EGGS-POULTRY KEADY-TO-EAT — PICNICS lb 39c SQUARES OF — 25c l(Ki% PI KE (iROUND — BEEF -.21-lbs- $1 ANOTHER BIG CHEESE! Featuring Armour s “Miss Wisconsin Mammouth Cheddar Cheese’’ which is Now On Display In Our Store! Come and see and try the tasty cheese. You’ll find it delightfully good. Special For The Weekend