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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1957)
Rock Falls News Out of town visitor at the A1 • ■rt Stems home from Friday September 6, to Monday w'as Frank Barnes of North Platte, a cousin of Mrs. Stems. The Eagle Creek 4-H club met Sunday, September 8. at the Fred Ernst home, with all members present. This was the meeting when all Isaaks were settled up in r< idlness to begin a new year in the club work. Mesdames Alltert and Donald St.-ms and daughter, Debbie were afternoon callers at the home of Mrs. Lyle Vequist, Fri day, September 6. John Richard son was an evening visitor. Mr and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell were Sunday after noon visitors at the Lyle Vequist home. , * Mrs. Floyd Johnson was a supper and evening guest Wed nesday, Septeml>er 4, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Schultz and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and boys spent last Thursday eve ning with the John Schultz fam ily. Mrs. Neil Hipke and son, Clint, called at the James Curran home on Saturday morning September 7 Mesdames, James Curran, Albert and Donald Sterns attend ed the funeral on Friday after noon of Mrs. Alex McConnell in Atkinson. Hugh Lar.gan wa a Saturday morning caller at the William nin..DOnn ^ Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen had dinner and spent the day on Sunday with Mrs. Marie Lewis. Mr and Mrs. Sam Derickson and hoys were Friday evening visitors at the Don Hynes home. ( allers at the Floyd Johnson home Sunday included, Mr. and M,s- John Schultz and girls and Mi and Mrs. Dwell Johnson and eons Roland and Jim. The latter was home for the weekend from school m Manhattan, Kans. Dwell Johnson purchased a choice heifer from the Floyd Johnson Hereford herd for his Son, Roland, to enter in his 4-H project. Alden Rreiner took his sister Lois to Grand Island Monday’ where she will resume work with the Rutter Krust bakeries there ultrr having spent the summer with her mother, Theresa Brei ner in O’Neill. Mr, and Mrs. Don Hynes were host and hostess at a dinner in their home on Monday evening honoring the ninth birthday an niversary of their daughter, Lynda. Those present were Mrs. I n ins Hynes and Regina of O’ Neill, Mr. and Mrs. George Cal kins and Terry and Cindy. The latter two were also overnight guests. Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda had supper and spent the eve ning at the Theresa Breiner home in O’Neill on Friday. Little Debbie Yantzi spent from Thursday until Saturday with her grandmother, Mis. Kathryn Yantzi. Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi was a Sunday evening visitor at the Lloyd Gallagher home. Mrs. John Grutsch, sr., is spending a day or two in the country with her son, Ehvin. Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi visited her Tues day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morrow and family were evening visitors at the Sam Derickson home Thursday, September 5. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benson and ehildren spent Sunday at the Blake Benson home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and boys were Sunday dinner guests of the Bill Derickson, jr., family. Mrs. George Sullivan was a Sunday guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mol er. Dave and John Langan of Spencer were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their sis ter. Mrs. Dave Moler and hus band. Mrs. Moler spent Sunday evening at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson attended the Hugh Birmingham funeral in O’Neill Monday mor ning. Venus News Mr and Mrs. Clarence McKee of Chicago, 111., arrived at the Lloyd Butterfield home Friday, August 30. They were dinner guests of her brother and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey, and sons, Sunday September 1, a picnic was held at the Creigh ton park in their honor. Mrs. Mc Kee and Mrs. Butterfield are sisters. The Brookhouser reunion was held Sunday, September 1, at the Ta-ha-zouka park at Norfolk. Thost attending from this terri tory were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bartos and family, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brookhouser, Mr. F. E Butterfield. Mr. John Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brook houser. Redbird News Mr and Mrs. Carl Krogh vislt at the Merrill Anderson home Tuesday evening, September 3. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Wright spent last week vacationing with relatives in Idaho. Hallie Carston is staying at the Frank Carsten home while at tending high school in Lynch. Carl Krogh Is helping with haying at the Merrill Andersons this week. school Qnrrs ATKINSON—School Supt. John Priest, serving his third year as head of the Atkinson city schools hns submitted his resignation, ef fective October 1. He will sell school text books for a Chicago, | 111 publishing firm, Allyn & Bacon. His wife and son, James, will continue to reside in Atkin son at least until next summer.! The board of education officially released Mr. Priest Monday eve ning. * mka t*? Graduate Nurse Julie Chmeler (above), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chmeler of Norfolk, and granddaughter of Mrs. Carrie Townsend of Page, was one of the graduating members of the St. Elizabeth hospital nurses training class Friday evening, August 29. Mrs. Frank Chmel er of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. lorn Dover of Madison and Mrs. Bonnie Gilmore of Mit 'hi ll attend the ceremonies. 1 lope Marie Condon Bride on Coast In nupital rites conducted Sun day afternoon, September 1, in St. Gregory’s Roman Catholic church, Los Angeles, Calif., Miss Hope Marie Condon became the Ludlow Hall Rathbone, I lie bride is a daughter of Mrs. Edward Joseph Condon of New York City, formerly of O’Neill, and the late Mr. Condon. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Gordon Boone Scott of VVestham pton Beach. I»ng Island. N.Y., and Norwood Rathbone of VVesL port, Conn. Rev. Daniel Johnson officiated in the presence of the families and a few intimate friends. A reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Laughlin followed. The bride was given in mar riage by her brother .Michael A. Condon. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Edward J. Condon, was matron of-hnni ii* R. Gordon Laughlin was the bestman. The bride is with the Los Ang eles office of Young & Rubicam, an advertising agency. She is a graduate of St. Mary's academy. O'Neill. Mr. Rathbone attended Pomfret school and was graduated from Lehigh university in 1952. He is a member of Sigma Nu. He is fin ishing studies for a master of science degree at the University of Southern California. Mr. Rathbone served as a lieu- j tnant in the air force in Korea. ! The bride appeared in a balle rina-length gown of beige silk organdy and a short tulle veil at- j tached to a wreath of flowers.1 She carried a bouquet of cream colored orchids. Mr. Rathbone's mother is the former Miss Elizabeth L. Hall, j daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ludlow Hall of New; York and a cousin of Mrs. Frank lin D. Roosevelt. The bride is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh and the late Mr. and Mrs. j Michael Condon, all of New York. Following the death of Mr. Condon, a New York City police officer, Mrs. Condon brought the family to O'Neill where the bride, her brother and sisters were reared. The family left about three years ago. Amelia News Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle and boys were Sunday, Septem- j ber 1 guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Amy Slaymaker, in Atkinson. Another sister, Mrs, Ilienie Hoffman, and Mr. Hoff man and their daughter, Susan, of Marristown, S. D., were also present. On Friday, August 30, the ladies visited their grandmoth er, Mrs. I)ela Ashby, at Newman Grove. Don Adams will teach in the grade school in Gordon this year. Mrs. Delia Ernst accompanied her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ernst, to their home in Wichita, Kans., for a visit. HiUid Parents Will Meet Monday Eve— There will be a meeting of parents of members of the com bined O'Neill high-St. Mary’s academy band. Meeting has been scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Monday evening in the O'Neill public school band room. “Parents of all band members i from both schools are urged to1 be present,” a spokesman ex plained. Duane Miller, band director, J will conduct a discussion and re freshments will be served. WE BEC. YOUR PARDON Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Regan | of Omaha did not visit Mrs. j Thomas Green of O’Neill andj Mrs. John Murray of Spencer as [ stated in last week’s Frontier. The Greens were on vacation. The Regans are not related to the Murrays. They did, however, visit a sister, Mrs. Arlen Kirk of Spencer. OPENED TO TRAFFIC ATKINSON — Detour barriers on U.S. highway 20 were taken down last week, opening up ap proximately six miles of new hardsurfaced construction east from the southeast corner of At kinson. Work had been in pro gress all summer. Return from Indiana— ATKINSON—Mr. and Mrs. Leo T. Adams returned Wednesday, September 11, from their vaca tion which took them to Indiana and intermediate points. Try FRONTIER want ads for quick results. corn" - 4303 * 59c I TISSU E «0ci>*27cl m.uswe^' o ibs. 4*9 c \ OLEO I Few BUTTER - 12-oz. iav35C t COOKIES -T 'bpkg.45c 1 CRACKERS 'k;,37c I SUM-R AID 6 wb59cl JAM" ®2Ul ’a,s*1’00 | S pepper «98c 1 1303 cns 98c 1 PLUMS near gal- SQC \ FROZEN HI-WEST — PEAS 4 10 oz. pkg. 49c 1 coupon i = SKINNER’S == LIBBY’S FROZEN — == STANDARD =E I NOODLES I FRUIT PIES 5 te- $1 | INSECT BOMB I = — FLAVORITE FROZEN — EE == | 7-oz. pkg--- 10c | LEMONADE —• 6 cans 59c I Per Bomb ---49c | 1 COUPON 1 ii/mTIUr Ik 1 A I COUPON 1 !liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii3 WHITING-per lb. - ^ 9c ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiinr F STOCKTON ■ DEL MONTE ATSUP I OR. JUICE oz. btls25c I 3 46-°z. cns. . 89c AT IT S BEST \4e*/u&c *t/afoeed!\ 1 UTAH — primes; » C WEALTHY — RED MALAGA — I APPLES.. 11/8 bu. $3.98 GRAPES_per lb. 5C > CANTALOUPE _ per lb. 5C TOMATOES „ per lb. ± QC g We RED HOME GROWN 1 Top Value SPUDS MELONS | 1 atqmpAh 25-lbs. ... 98c YOlB <HO,CE f 10°-,bs- - $3-19 Eacb — - 39c g Prices Effective Thursday thru Saturday 1 jlmt September 12 to 14 PILI-SBI7RY I PILLSBI7RY CHOCOLATE FLOUR I ANGEL FOOD 50-lb. sack .... 3.59 | Per Pkg 39c AT ITS BEST I MaiJtwe fat U. S. GOOD BABY BEEF — \ ' U. s. GOOD — LEAN MEATY — M RIB STEAK.. per lb. 59C BEEF BOIL... per lb 19c I LONGHORN — WIMMERS ALL MEAT — ■ CHEESE..... per lb. 49C RING BOLOGNA . lb. 45c f BACON SQUARES lb, 39c PORK ROAST, 45 C AIX MEAT ORIOLE SIAB — BY' THE PIECE WIENERS .... 21-lbs. $1 BACON_perlb.59c