Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1957)
Amelia News Mrs. Alvin Forbes, accompan ied her parents, Mr and Mrs Carl Smith of Atkinson, to Grand Island Monday, September 2. They were helping Mr and Mrs. Carl Smith, jr move to the new home they had purchased at Al da On their return home they stopped at the Veteran's hospital in Grand Island to visit Andy Forbes. Mr Forties is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and family visited at the home of his mother. Mrs. Bessie Burge, near Emmet Sunday September 1. Mrs. Julia White and Mrs. Em ma Lindsay were dinner guests of Mrs. Bertha Sammons Wed nesday, September 4. Art Waldman returned home Tuesday, September 3, from Lin coln where he had been visiting his brother and sister. Several friends gathered at the Paul Fisher home Thursday to charivari Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Meyers. The Meyers left Friday morning by way of the Black Hills and Yellowstone park en route to Seattle, Wash Mrs. Meyers is the former Elaine Fis her Mr and Mrs. Lee Duncan of Norfolk spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oetter and daughters. Romaine Saunders and daugh ter, Mrs. Mildred Lindholm, and her family of Burbank Calif., visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker on Wednesday September 4. Mrs. Julia White was a dinner guest of Mr.a nd Mrs Blake Ott Friday. It was Mrs. White's bir thday anniversary. Miss RaeDee Wickham and her friend, Dick Bran of Oma ha, came Friday evening and spent the weekend with her Frank Pierce. Lewie Nissen of Lincoln and Herman Nissen of Atkinson visit ed their sister, Mrs. Frank Pierce, several days the past week. ; Mrs. Charlie Spath of Omaha visited last weekend with her daughters, Mrs George Fuller ton and Mrs. Keith McMillen, and their families. Donald Peterson expected to leave Germany Sunday. Septem lier S, enroute to the States. Mr. and Mrs Lee Gilman. Mr and Mrs. George Fullerton and Mr .and Mrs. Oscar Peterson were dinner guests at the Town House in O'Neill Sunday evening. The dinner was in honor of the birthday anniversaries of Mrs., Peterson and Mr. Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees and Mr and Mrs. Blake Ott went fishing at Pickstown Wednesday, September 4. Sam Gilman has been visting the past week at the Eldon Ball aeh home. Mrs. Ballagh is Mr. Gilman's neice. Dwight Kenny, Amelia-Atkm son mail carrier, was back on the job Wednesday. September 4, after spending the labor day weekend in the Black Hills. Mil ton Andrus carried the mail for him Tuesday, September 3. Miss Arlis Edwards is teaching in the Summers district near Ewing this term. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thompson plan to move to Scottsbluff in about a week. They will oper ate the motel owned by Mrs. Thompson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dierks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Serbou sek and family of Pierre, S. D . visited a'cousin, Mrs. Lew Back haus and Mr. Backhaus Satur day, August 31. Mr. and Mrs. Charles V room an and Mr. and Mrs. Will Vrooman and families of Orchard also joined the group to visit on Sunday. Mrs. Margery Sammons and Mrs. Julia White were honored by the WSCS at a "going away" party. Mrs. Sammons is work ing in Sioux City and Mrs. White will move to Atkinson. They were persented gifts. F WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT? Hone of us need be told that the Declaration of Indepen. dence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Right* are unique document*. These instruments, so meaningful to every American, for the first time in history put emphasis on the individual. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” So read* our Declaration. No longer was the individual subservient to the state or any subdivision of government. Paramount were his rights to be governed only in the interest of the welfare of the entire eitiienry. Emphasi* on the individual is another of the many thing* that make* America greut. Communif/es Served by Kansas-Nebraska Have Natural Gas To Grow On PONTIAC MOTOR DIVISION is observing its 50th anniversary of automobile pro duction since the company was first organized on August 28, 1907, at Pontiac, Mich., as the Oakland Motor Car Company. During the half century seven million cars have been built and nearly six and one-half million of that number were Pontiacs, which were introduced in 1926. In 1931 the firm’s name was changed to Pontiac Motor Division when the Oakland car was discontinued. Sharon L. Andrus, Dean Prewitt Wed in September Rite (Photo at right). ATKINSON The wedding of Miss Sharon L. Andrus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Andrus of Atkinson, and Dean Prewitt, son of Mrs. Alice Prewitt of At kinson, took place Sunday after noon. September 8, at the First Presbyterian church in Atkinson. The 2 o'clock ceremony was sol emnized by Rev. Curtis Barnett, | church pastor. The altar was decorated with bouquets of pink asters and white chrysanthemums. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a ballerina length gown of white chiffon over taffeta, featuring a sweetheart neckline with short flowing pan els in the hack. She wore a gold: medallion necklace which be longed to her great-grandmother Overton, and was presented as a gift from her grandmother, Mrs. A. W. Andrus. The bride carried a bouquet of deep pink roses, white lilies of the valley and ivy on a white prayer book with white satin streamers. Miss Darlene Tasler of Atkin son. was maid-of-honor. Her gown, identical to the brides, was snnmp ana sne carnea a bouquet of pink roses and ivy. She also wore a headpiece of white feathers and rhinestones. Bestman was Clifford Clemens of Amelia and seating the guests was Marvin Doolittle. The bride groom and his attendants wore business suits. Miss Judy Schaaf of Stuart, organist, played “The Lords Prayer", “Through The Years” and "Wedding March” by Lohen grin. Following the ceremony, a re ception for about 30 guests was given by the bride’s parents at Davis Cafe in Atlfinson. A wed ding cake decorated with pink roses with a pink rose corsage in the center served as the cen terpiece for the bride’s table. A bouquet of pink roses was the centerpiece on the other table. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davis served at the reception. Mrs. Clifford Clemens had charge of the guest book. The bride’s mother chose a beige linen dress with brown and white acceccories. The bride groom's mother wore a navy blue crepe dress with white access ories. They wore corsages of pink and white chrysanthemums. The couple left for the western states on their honeymoon and will be at home on a ranch southwest of Atkinson upon their return. For travel, the bride chose a blue dress with American beauty rose trim and black accessories. The bride has been employed as sales clerk at Camp’s Ben Franklin store in Atkinson. WI>—J. A. Larson to Ludwig Koenig & wife 9-3-57 $3500—Lot 2 Blk 6—Ewing._ Get Ready for WI NTE R ! to the punch. Before the temperature takes a nose-dive and the ie> *'l!‘s,s roar down from the north, stop in at our store in West O’Neill and look over our Hue se e* a>n^ Ka.s and oil heaters. You’ll find smart and modern styling, excellent guarantees and -3 on the new models. Let us help you solve your heating problem. Perfection Stoves for Reg. Price Sale Price 4 to 6 .Rooms _ $174.95—$125.00 2 to 3 Rooms $ 99.95 $ 75.00 4 to 6 Rooms $178.95 $130.00 I Room $ 34.95—$ 27.50 1 to 2 Rooms _ $ 39.95—$ 32.50 Perfection Heating Stoves for fuel oil Keg. Price Sale Price 5 to 7 Rooms _ $209.95 —$160.00 with blower 4 to 6 Rooms _ $209.95 $160.00 with blower 4 to 6 Rooms _ $129.95 $100.00 4 to 6 Rooms _ $134.95 $110.00 3 to 4 Rooms _ $ 69.95 $ 60.00 WM. KROTTER CO. top value “Serving North-Central Nebraska Since 1891” STAMPS SPENCER — O’NEILL — NAPER — STUART The Dean Prewitts ... to reside on ranch southwest of Atkin son.—O'Neill Photo Co. Martha Schindler Burial at Alford Pioneer Resident of Boyd County LYNCH Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Schindler, 78, were held in the First Methodist chucrh in Lynch at 2 p.m., Mon day with Rev. Anna Nelson of ficiating. Burial was in the Al ford ctmetery. Mrs. Schindler and her hus band were early day pioneer homesteaders between Lynch and Monowi. Survivors include: Sons—Al bert of Monowi and Marvin of Missoula, Mont., and one daugh-! ter, Mrs. M. Murray of Seattle.1 Wash. Her husband and one daughter I proceeded her in death. Area Students Make Pledges Students at the University of Nebraska from this area making pledges in sororities are: Alpha Omicron Pi — Deanna Fried of Butte. Kappa Delta Jackueline Jen kins of Neligh and Sharon Kokes of Atkinson. Sigma Kappa Doris Gunter of i Orchard. Z e t a Tau Alpha — Darlene i Friedrich of Spencer. O’NEILL LOCALS Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mutter and family were in New oort visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lida rurpin. Mr. and Mrs. John Osenbaugh and family of Burwell were re rent visitors of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh. Claire Engdahl of O’Neill and Kenneth Boulter of Denver, Colo., went bow and arrow deer hunt ing in the national forest at Hal sey Saturday ad Sunday. They had no luck in getting a deer. Richard (“Dick”) Jonas left Columbus by train Sunday for Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Lizzie Driscol and Pearl Axtel and boy. Ralph Clark of Stuart, are visiting Mrs. Ahie Coker this week. I»K. H. D. (ilU)EKSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th & Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Office Hours: 9-5 Eyes Examined — tllasses Fitted Monday Thru Saturday — - . I FRIDAY-SAT! RDAY SEPTEMBER 13-14 Rock Hudson and Lauren Bacall in "WRITTEN ON THE WIND’ ’In Technicolor, plus “TOMAHAWK TRAIL" — CARTOON Sl'N.-MON.-TFES. SEPTEMBER 15-16-11 M-O-M PRfStNTS STEWART GRANGER RHONDA FLEMING GUN GLORY CincmaScopc and METROCOLOR m nimm Chill Wills ■ sieve Rowland 1 James Gregory-Jacoufs Aubuchon Also “APRIL IN PORTl'GAL” — Plus TWO CARTOONS WED-THIRS. SEPTEMBER 18-19 Buck Nites — Greer Garson, Dana Andrews in “STRANGE LADY IN TOWTs'" Plus “ITAIJAN MEMORIES” and CARTOON Dorsey News Mrs. 1! H. Miles and daughter Linda, ■ and Katherine Hrbek spent several days last week in Lincoln attending the state fair. They returned home Sunday evening. Rexford Carson was an O' Neill business caller on Monday, September 9. Mr and Mrs. Albert Carson and family visited at the Guy Pinkerman home Sunday. The Dorsey Westminister fel lowship met at the Albert Carson home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn spent Sunday at the Bud Mitchell home. Mr. and Mrs. John IVriekson visited at the Sadie Derickson home Sunday and were dinner guests there. Mrs. H. H. Miles visited at the Bill Aim home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn were business callers in Spencer Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar were callers i n Lynch Wednesday evening, September 4. Mrs. Cih lar visited at her sister's, Mrs. Lucy Hrbek, who resides in Lynch. Ernest Rosenkrans has been helping his brother. Roger Ros enkrans, with his haying. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and family and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Graham visited at the Marvin Tueh home Sunday. Miss Sadie Derickson spent n few days at the Albert Derick son's home this week. mi. aim mra. witiaru ami aim Jo Ann spent Sunday in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering attended the state fair Friday. M\ss Beverly Carson spent the labor day weekend with home folks and visited her aunts, especially Mrs. Mary Wolfe, who had just been dismissed from Sacred Heart hospital. Harold Osborn took his daugh ter, Ruth, to Lynch Monday, Sep tember 2, where she will attend high school. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Butter field’s daughter is attending school in Inman as well as the Gerald Synder girls. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McElhaney of Lincoln visited Mrs. McEl haney's folks, the Harry John son's’Sunday, September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Butterfield and daughter visited relatives in this community the weekend of September 1. The Butterfields live in Topeka, Kans. Several families from this com munity took in the activities in Lynch on Saturday, August 31, put on by the BVM Catholic church. To Missouri— Rev. and Mrs. Robert Paul left Monday for Springfield, Mo., where their daughter. Miss Ella Mae. will enter Evangel college. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rodman at tended the funeral of Mrs. Alex McConnell in Atkinson Friday. The Frontier want ads do the job quickly and economically! *•-!_ _ O’Neill News Dr. and Mrs. Robert Langdon of Omaha arrived Friday to at tend the li J. Birmingham fun eral Saturday. They were guests of Mr. and Sirs. J. Robert Ben gali Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shelhamer had as their guests from last Thursday until Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Greitens of l .os Angeles. Galif. Mr. Greitens formerly lut'd here. They also visited his brother. Jack, near Tilden. Mrs John Turner returned Sunday by plane from Flushing I.I., where she had visited her daughter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. William Kostie, for five days. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and family, Mrs. Alta Finch and Mrs. Ethel Waring, all of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wat sons and girls of Ewing visited in Plainview recently at the Burt Masher home. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth were guests Monday evening for sup per at the Fred Undlierg home to celebrate the wedding an niversary of their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth. The junior Mrs, Worth is a daughter .of the I-indbergs. Mrs. Ray Shelhamer entertain ed Sunday c\ ening for a house guest. Mrs. Ethel Fothergill of Virginia, who returned to her home Monday. Mrs .1 A. Fronking of Omaha attended the H J. Birmingham funeral and visited her sister, Mrs. Marne Melv in for a few days. Sirs. B. E. Wnnser or Harttng ton arrived Monday to attend the funeral of H. J. Birmingham. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koelich. Junior Worth and his friend, Jerry Schneider returned Friday to Whiteman AFB in Missouri af ter spending a 10 day leave here with Mr and Mrs. C. F Worth. While here they received word of their promotion to Statf Sargeant. Houseguosts of Mr. and Mrs. F M. Gallagher, who came to at tend the H J. Birmingham fun eral were: Bernard Bovle. Hugh Bovle and daughter. Mrs. Bar bar a Barel of Omaha and an overnight guest Monday was Uenrv Baume of Denver, l olo.. a cousin of the late Mr. Hirmtng U‘Gene I.eahv of Rushville at tended the Birmingham funeral. Mr, Former You are invited to be our guest . . . Wednesday SeptJ 18 8 P. M. — At our store Hear the story on the new IH Pickers. Films on cornpicking safety, picker shel ters, corn losses (insect and picker). SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. PHONE 570 — O'NEILL -= ~i u. S. NO. 1 JONATHANS — APPLES .... 2-lbs 29c [CALIFORNIA Tokay GRAPES 2 LBS-25c ACORN — pSQUASH_lb. 7c CELLO BCNDLE — CELERY HEARTS . 22c I SUGAR 1 10 lbs-99c | KOKIN HOOD— FLOUR 50-lb. bag 3.79 400 Count Box KLEENEX_25c CAROL — Your COOKIES ...- lb. 29c 10 Flavors JELL-0 .... 3 f°r 23c FRINOR FROZEN — PERCH ... lb. pkg. 39c .Wees! I CATSUP _ 14-02. btl 17r I - 3 fall cans 3Qr 1 is:::v / P, I S FBEE ,,,VT sherbert ^ / 8Hl!R Mm __ I shortening CAN I MEDIL’M — I SPARE RIBS — Jb.3qr I BACON ...2 lbs. 1 ?q »• ». CHOICE KFn ^ / «B STEAK nr fiQ/v ^ I" ■ 1 jnmer Sausage ft. 59c J 4th Street Market Phone 93 WE Deliver O’Neill J -