Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1957)
Curran, Hunt Clans in Sunday Reunions ROCK FALI.S A Curran fam ily reunion was held Sunday at the Francis Curran home in O' Neill. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Curran and children, Mr. and Mrs Dale Curran and child ren, Mr and Mrs James Curran, Ardell and George, Mrs. Delia Ernst, Mr, and Sirs. Burt Ott, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ott and children. Arlene Kilpatrick and Anita Elliston. The descendants of the late Jake Hunt met at a family re union Sunday, August 18 at the park house in Atkinson, There was a good attendance, with a picnic dinner. Attending from this neighbor hood were Mrs, Albert Widtfeldt, Norm a and Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist. Other Rock Falls News Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda and Mrs Purdy were Sunday dinner guests of Theresa Breiner and Lois in O'Neill. Mrs. John Cleary and sons. Larry asd Dick, and daughter, Mrs. Dick Loock and baby were afternoon callers. Mrs. Purdy is spending a f ew days at the Breiner home. Mrs. John Schultz and daugh ters, Gwenda, Trudy and Debie, Mrs Rosetta Purdy and Mrs. Floyd Johnson were guests at a “drop-everything and eome-as you-are" luncheon Tuesday, Aug ust 13, at the Sam Deriekson home. It seemed a shame to drop two pails of garden fresh cu cumbers and tomatoes, f>ut it was easily forgotten in the en Ncr>*r An After-Thirst! SWITCH TO SQUIRT joyment of a platter of fried chicken. Dinner guests at the Floyd Johnson home Wednesday, Aug ust 14. were Alden Br. inier and son, Russell, of near Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Connaughton of Wliner were afternoon callers at the John Schultz and Floyd Johnson homes, Wednesday. August 15. Mr. Connaughton was a memtxT of an early pioneer family m this community. Mrs. Rosetta Purdy and Mrs. Floyd Johnson spent Friday eve ning with the John Schultz fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grutsch and children were Wednesday eve ning. August 14 sisters at the I.vie VeqilLst home. Mr. and Mrs. John Grutsch. jr., ind children and Mrs. Celia Grutsch of 0 Neill were Sunday supper guests at the Lyle Ve quist home. The John Schultz and Sam Dcrickson families enjoyed a picnic dinner at a secluded spot along the Eagle creek Sunday. The Frank Schultz family joined them in the afternon and every one had a swim, at least they all got wet, in the clear, cool stream. Mr. and Mrs. John Kersen brock were Wednesday evening, August 14, visitors at the John Schultz home. Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes and daughter of Racine. Wise., , spent Wednesday and Thursday, August 14-15, at the Albert Sterns home. They also spent Saturday night there and left for home on Sunday morning. Mr. Barnes is Mrs. Stern's brother. Mrs. Floyd Barnes spent last Thursday visiting her brother and sister-in-law, the George Barnes, family at the Albert Stems home. Mrs. Mildred Strong and three i ns of Omaha were weekend guests at the home of her par ents Mr. and Mrs Albert Sterns. Ronald, the eldest son, stayed with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Benajmm -- ' ■■ “Hi 300-400 Cattle Expected Estimated receipts of livestock today (Thursday) for our regular weekly sale will t*e between 300-400 bead of cattle. There will l>e 50 head of plain yearling steers, 53 head of good fo-ehoiee yearling steers from southeast of O’Neill, 35 of yearling heifers. 14 head of whlteface yearling steers from Burton, 24 head of yearling steers from O'Neill. In addition there will be numerous other consignments and packages from 10 to 20 head. One hundred fifty feeder pigs will he featured in the hog side, starting at 1 o’clock. O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O’Neill fab 1Ssss The Time Is Running Short! Take advantage of these Cara Nome August Specials! CARA NOME “FAST” HOME PERMANENTS Reg. $1.50 each NOW 2 FOR $1.50 CARA NOME CREAM SHAMPOO Reg. 2.00 size ... NOW JUST $1.00 CARA NOME MAKE-UP STICK Keg. $1.50 size . NOW JUST $1.19 CARA NOME COLOR SHAMPOO Buy the shampoo, get bottle of peroxide absolutely free CARA NOME Constellation Colognes—Four new fragrances Reg. $2.00 each NOW JUST $1.00 each Come in now! These bargains are good only through the end of August. Rexall Alco-Mist Something new from Rexall! Now a rubbing alcohol com pound in a pressurized aerosol can. Just press the button and spray it on. Rub briskly and feel how soothing and refreshing it is. Get ALCO-MIST today at GELLIGAN REXALL DRUG. Grain Fumigant Don't risk grain damage from insect infestation. Fumi gation now will prevent serious damage to your grain and re sultant loss of value. Get some grain fumigant, sufficient to take care of your grain bins, today at GII.LKiAN REXALL DRUG. “Stag” Men’s Toiletries Have you tried Rexall’s new "STAG” Men’s Line yet, Everything’s new but the name You’ll like the new real "He-Man" scent to the Stag preparations. When you need, Pro- or After-Shave Lotion. Talc, Cologne, Deodorant, or Hair Preparations, choose the all-new STAG. Prescriptions Our Prescription Department shelves are lined with lit erally thousands of bottles—medicines which your doctor might wish to prescribe at some time. Whether it be for the latest development in the antibiotic field, or for one of the old “standbys” In the medical field, we are ready to fill your Doctor's prescription for whatever he might want to use. WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P..W. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O’Neill and daughter, Martha, of Ham son. Ark., and Bill Benjamin of Dunlop, la., spent Tuesday Aug ust 13, at the James CUrran home. After enjoying a refreshing lunch, they went on to Burwell to visit a sister of the two gentlemen Mrs. Bill Crandell, Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi spent Thursday afternoon visiting Mrs. John Grutsrh, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Grutseh were spending a few days at the farm with their son. Elwin. Mrs. Mary Ellen Yantzi and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Kathryn Y’antzi. Grandsons. Gene, Joe asd Mike Yantzie were overnight guests there. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Yantzi were Monday morning callers of Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Curran and children of Minneapolis. Minn . arrived Saturday afternoon at th James Curran lime. They plan to spend a few days visiting rela tives here. Gwenda and Trudy Schultz spent Saturday evening with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson, while their folks went to town. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf. Most of the Eagle Valley 4-11 club members with their fami lies attended the Holt county fair at Chambers, and were for tunate in winning ribbons on their exhibits. Terry Brown won i double blue ribbon on his gard en exhibit, which entitled him i to an Ak-Sar-Ben award. Mrs. George Calkins spent Fri day at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Don Hynes, canning com. Lynd Hynes is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda were Monday supper guests of the Lowell Johnson family. Mrs. Doris Hynes of O’Neill and Mrs. Don Hynes were busy on Tuesday canning corn for Mrs. O. J. Drucke. Riverside News Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Herting and family ot Concord. Calif., spent Wednesday night. August 14, at the Dewitt Hoke home en route to visit Mrs. Herting’sj father, who is ill in Salem, S. D. Mrs. Dale Napier, Mrs. Don Larson and Linda, Mrs. Robert Montgomery, Mrs. Richard Nai> ier and Reita and Mrs. Lorraine Montgomery, all members of the Seek and Share project club, and Mrs. Ralph Munn and children vv e r e dinner guests Tuesday, August 13, of Mrs. Duane Jensen in Newman Grove on her birth day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wehenkel visited Sunday evening at the Robert Montgomery home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and ehilden enjoyed an outing in the Niobrara park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayon and Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord visited Sunday evening at the Harold Jones home near Clearwater. The Willie Shrader family spent Tuesday evening, August 13, at the Lynn Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter visited Thursday at the Verl Gunter home in Crookston. Mr. and Mrs. Will Shrader were met in O’Neill, Thursday morning by their daughter, Mrs. Gerald Wetlauffer, whe brought them on to their home near Ew ing. They had spent a few days I visiting at the Verl Gunter home I in Crookston. Mrs. Dewitt Hoke accompanied ' Mrs. Rol Hord to Neligh Friday afternoon. They visited Mrs. Pete Downs and infant daughter in the Neligh hospital, and also called on Mrs. Albert Howey at | the Downs home in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Montgomery' and family, Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, and Mr. and Mrs George Montgomery, attended j the Robson reunion Saturday which was held in the Ta-ha-zou ka park in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ablers called Friday evening at the Earl Pierson home and helped Earl with the evening chores. Dennis Scheer stayed at the fair grounds at Chambers last week to help care for dairy stock of the Happy Hollow 4-H club. Mrs. Keith Riddlecome’s father, Henry Dearth, died Wednesday morning, August 14, in a Moline, 111., hospital. Mrs. Biddlecome and children received the word in Omaha enroute to Ewing. She | and daughter Valonda went to Moline to attend the funeral re turning to Ewing, Saturday morning. Milton came on Thurs day to Ew'ing. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Pnbnow and family of Cedar Fiapids and the Pat Rurke family were Sun ; day dinner guests at the Earl; Pierson home. Mr. and Mrs. V al do Davis and Marie were after j noon callers. Monday morning Sarah Hol man returned to the Keith Bid dlccome home after spending a few days at the Clarence Hohl beck home in Ewing. Mr and Mrs. Lionel Gunter visited Sunday evening at the 1 Bill Fry home. Lionel and Lester Fry talked over their old school FOOTBALL PRACTICE — at the O’Neill public school Monday Evening 0:30 Will check out equipment all day Nearly everyone look* Intently from the bleu s during Thursday night’s rodeo performance— climax of the 65th annual Holt county fair.—The : • r I’hoto. Shutter Snaps Too Soon U. \t Oslxime, Atkinson youth, appears to have everything under control almard this calf during the calf-riding interlude tor kids Thursday's final rodeo performance at the Holt county fair. Moments later, however, he picked Irimselt up off the ground — The Frontier Photo. days when both were attending district N6. Alice Shrader assisted Ina Ben nett entertain the VMS Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth McClung, Pitts burgh, Pa., and her niece, Mrs. Vial of Sioux City la. visited over the weekend at the Ora Switzer home and also called on James McClung near Page Sunday af ternoon. A dinner was held Sun day noon in their honor at the 1'nited Presbyterian annex in Ewing. Reed Emsick returned to his home in Omaha Thursday after spending two weeks visiting his grandparents and other relativ es. The Charles Rotherhams are taking care of Charles Lofquist while his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lofquist, are visiting Mrs. Mary Rotherham in a hospital at Scottsbluff. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Garrison of Fremont were Sunday dinner guests at the Bert Fink home. Return from Missouri— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loflin and Jo Lee returned Wednesday from a vacation trip to St. Joseph, Mo., and Kansas City, Mo. •mb mmm mm mmm mm mb ■ Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. Herman Carlson and Darla of Elgin were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hon eywell Wednesday, August 14. They also attended the fair. Oth er dinner guests were Mrs. Char lotte Honeywell, Mrs. Fred Tuck er, Mrs. Elwin Rubeck and Ka thy. Kathy remained with her grand parents until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Ritter t ush. Arnie Mace, Mr. and Mrs. John Ritterbush and boys of Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Arn ie Mace, jr., and Dickie of O' Neill Sunday attended a family picnic at Clarks. Mr. ad Mrs. Delbert Whiting and family of Ewing were Sun day evening visitors in the Hen rv Fleek home. , ’Mrs. Verle Tuttle, Linda and Sherry of Clearwater called at the John Honeywell home last Thursday. Dinner guests in the G. H. Grimes home Friday evening. August 16. were Dr. and Mis. Loren Coppac and family of At tumwa, la., and Mr. and Mrs. James Grimes of Chambers. r— — — — — — — -i ' STINKER DAY COUPON | This coupon worth 9c in trade ■ on any order brought in STINKER DAY I (Friday, August 23) j FREE PLASTIC BAG WITH EACH ORDER * ? IDEAL CLEANERS ! I George and Gloria Morlang | ^ REE PICKUP & DELIVERY . O’Neill — Phone 775W _I * j SCOVIE’S STINKER DAY SPECIALS STINKER WALL PAPER ALL STOCK SIDEWALL Vi PRICE --. SPUN RAYON SEAT COVERS Vz PRICE Many Other Stinkers Reduced V2 or More SCOVIE’S WESTERN AUTO_ _ O’NEILL — hangmans Now Located at York CHAMBERS Fred Fangman me Thursday evening, August j, from Beaver City, where he s working. On Friday, he and drs. Fangman attended the fun ral of a friend at Clay Center,! ;oirn; on from there to York \ here they rented an apartment, dr. Fangman returned to his vork at Beaver City Sunday eve-! ling. Mrs. Fangman moved herj 'oods to York Wednesday. She '. as accompanied by h r daugh-[ er, Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and hildren, who assisted her for a! :ouple days on getting moved and! settled in her apartment. other Chambers News <i Mrs. I nni Kaup and i Lighter of Stuart were Sunday, \ugust 18. guests of Mr. and Mr's. Terry O’Malley. They also ailed; >n her parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 Raymond Beed and Judith. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McAllister md daughter, Jo Anne, ot Teka nah, visited from Wednesday, August 14, until Monday, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An drew Gilbert. Burdette Johnson of Trenton was an overnight guest Wednes day, August 15. in the T. E. New house home. Mr. Jphnson is a brother of Mrs. James Newhouse. Mr. and Mrs. James Newhouse and two sons of Wichita, Kans., j visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I’. E. Newhouse, and his sister, I Miss Katheryn Newhouse, sev eral days last week. They also at tended the Holt county fair. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Starkey and | hers one day last week. Dr. and Mrs. Loran Coppac and two children of Attumwa, la., visited her mother, Mrs. James Grimes and Mr. Grimes during the fair. They returned home Sunday, August 18. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sha' lik of Lincoln spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Pamela and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. md Mrs. Edwin Hubbard and Ricky. Connie Barnett of Greeley, spent a few days last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. t. E. Alderson. I — Chambers News Marilyn Walter came from shhjx City Friday to spend a few lays with her brothers Dwayne md Roger Walter. Mr. and Mrs. ,Valter are on a vacation trip to ;he west coast. Mr and Mrs. Robert Ronath ind family of Beklen were recent visitors of Rev. and Mrs. Harold Ronath and son. Monty. Mr. and Mrs. Lestor Crn»k and 'iimilv of Los Angeles. Calif., ar rived' Friday. August Ifi to visit us parents. Mr and Mrs. Her man Cixik, and his grandmother. Mrs. John Wintermote und other relatives. Miss Phyllis Kilt/., who has spent several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kilt/, left Monday, August 12, for Janesville. Wise., where site is em ployed as instructor In the high school. Harry White of Amelia and their son-in-law and dnugtv Mr and Mrs Frank Adams -r who are missionaries on furl, from Africa, were calling friends in Chambers Sunday \ gust 18 With them urn' m White's other son-in-law .u,. daughter. Mr and Mrs Milton, of Denver, Colo Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wilson Joan of Stanton wen* dim guests in the Alfred Walter i Sunday. August 11. Mr, and Mrs. William Held , two daughters, who have K ■ living on the farm during summer, have rented a house George Smith from the west i« ; of town and will move into 11 - the school term Alice’s Beauty Shop Re*. 3 door* writ of Trite, 125 East Douglas Phone 263 — O’Neill CHECK OUR >2 PRICE TABLE ■ ■ HR 0 ■ We Give TOP VALUE Stamps PATTON’S O’NEILL i.ijwj .iiiinmp M H L Ml m \ f m1 kl klA | K■ _i n n* MSB—— ** Shop at... MOORE-NOBLE LBR. & COAL CO. for STINKER BARGINS One Table Odds & Ends on Display on Sidewalk Sale Prices Will Be Indicated! SURPRISES! — VALUES --— STINKER DAY! At the APPAREL SHOP we call the following STINKERS. You I I may call them best of bargains ’cause that’s what they are! INSIDE THE STORE Entire Stock of Our Summer Dresses One rack, regardless of former price, out they go! Broken sizes. NOW — 2.99 5.99 BLOUSES Values to 3.98 NOW_$2 BATHING SUITS 1/2 Original Price Sizes 32-34-36 SPORTSWEAR • Pedal Pushers • Sports Sets • Bermudas V2 Original Price OUTSIDE THE STORE STINKERS Odds and Ends of JEWELRY Purses • Mowers • Etc. at j Honest-to-Goodness BARGAIN PRICES The APPAREL SHOP Sale opens Friday morning—stinker day—and continues until all merchandise is gone! Please, all sales final! Do not ask for lay aways or alternations at these prices!