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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1957)
Marybelle O Connor, Roland L. McClellan Exchange V o w s Miss Marybelle O'Connor be came the bride of Roland L, Mc Clellan at 10 a. m. Saturday August 17 at St Patrick’s Cath olic church in O'Neill. Rev. Rob ert Duffy officiated at the double ring ceremony. Miss Rita Jilg was organist and played the traditional wedding march. She accompanied Miss Bonnie Burival. who sang ’'Ava Maria” and “On This Day . , The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Ida O Connor and the late James F. O'Connor of O'Neill, The tmdegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs. I>on McClellan of O' Neill. The altar was decorated with baskets of mixed gladioli. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Hugh J. O’Connor of Atkinson, wore a gown of white chantilly lace and nylon tulle over satin. The fitted but toned at the hack lace bodice featured a high patterned design ed sabrina neckline and long lace sleeves fitted and pointed at the wrists. The very Ixiuffant tulle skirt in chapel-length and w'orn over hoop petticoats, was shirred to the fitted waistline. The front and hack of the skirt was of matching lace that featured scal loped patterned lace above the tulle hemline. Scatter lace flower applique trimmed the sides of the tulle skirt. A rosepoint lace plateau with side clips held a double tiered chapel length veil of imported French illusion. She carried a cascade bouquet of feather carnations with a built in white orchid corsage. Mrs. William Griffin of O'Neill, cousin of the bride, was matron of-honor. She wore a gown of shell pink-Swiss organdy over matching silk taffeta. The fitted lx slice featured a portrait neck line and brief shoulder covering. The ballerina length skirt, worn over stiffened petticoats was shirred to a wide crushed two toned silk taffeta midriff, very fitted, and continuing to the back releasing into draped streamers. A wide hair braid plateau repeat ed the deep pink tone in the taf feta ribbon trim. Her shoes were dyed to match. She wore a white picture hat with a pink bow and carried a small cascade of white mums inner-woven with pink net ting and pink ribbon streamers. Mrs Frank Harrington of Oma ha. friend of the hride, and Miss es Hose Mary Pursell of Council Bluffs. Ia., and Mary Gay Put nam of Omaha, nurse classmates of the bride, appeared in identi cal gowns to the matron-of-honor, blue organdy with matching The Koland L. McClellans ... to reside in Omaha where bride Krooni attends school.—O’Neill Photo Co. shoes and hats. They also carried small cascade bouquets of white mums inner-woven with blue net ting and blue ribbon streamers. All wore pearl earrings and white gloves the gift of the bride. Roland Shald of Stuart was hestman. Virgil Holtz, Robert McClellan of O'Neill and Robert Schneider of Omaha w ere groomsmen. The bridegroom and his attendants wore white jackets and black trousers. All wore white carnation boutonnieres. The bride’s mother wore a light blue linen dress with white accessori >s. The bridegroom's mother wore a two-piece dress of mauve silk dacron with white ac cessories. Both wore white feath ered carnation corsages. Following the ceremony, a din ner and reception was held at the Townhouse in O'Neill with 100 guests attending. A three-tiered wedding cake centered the bride's table. Mrs. Roland Shald of Stuart had charge of the guest book. Mrs. Donald Myers of Stuart, Mrs Robert Schneider of Omaha and Mrs. Morris Kirkpatrick of O'Neill had charge of the gifts. The bride and bridegroom will make their hme at 4109 Izard St., Omaha. The bride is a graduate of O' Neill public school and St. Catherine's school of nursing in Omaha. For the past year and a half she has been employed by St. Anthony's hospital in O'Neill. The bridegroom attended O' Neill public school and is attend ing the Nebraska School of har boring in Omaha. Out-of-town guests attending were Dick Heerten of Ainsworth; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Krogh of Fairbault, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. —a COIA1RADO — Standard Box PEACHES_2.09 LARGE CELIA) HAG —PASCAL — Celery Hearts_23c CALIFORNIA — 2-IDS. Bartlett PEARS ... 2Sc WHITE SEEDLESS GRAPES j Pound _ 2tc | f GREEN LABEL — 1/3 LB. CAN STARKIST TUNA _. 29c I scki KEsH — 8 FOUNDS MARGARINE_$1 SllltIMP AHOV — 10-OZ. PKG. BREADED SHRIMP 59c SUCK FINE, Fancy Pack — NO. 2* a CAN Pork & Beans 2 for 43c NORTHERN, 80 COUNT PKG. NAPKINS 2 pkgs-25c WEI ATI’S FROZEN — • OZ. CAN GRAPE JUICE 21C ROBIN HOOD — 50 ID. BAG FLOUR $3.59 REAL KIID — RRG. 149 VALUE INSECT BOMBS ^ 98c | SHI R FINE — 303 CAN Pie Cherries 2 for 39c ■B BUTTERNUT COFFEE I i Found-.- 93c ! I ALL MEAT — POUND MINCED HAM ____ 45c SWIFT’S SPICED — POUND Luncheon Meat — 39c I SWIFT’S CHOPPED — POUND PRESSED PORK -59c NATIONAL FOODS — 4-OZ. PKO. DRIED BEEF 37c SWIFT’S PREM. I to <i lb. average —POUND Fully Cooked Picnics 45 C SELECT BEEF LIVER Pound - 29c I _ 4th Street Market Phone 93 WE Deliver O’Neill Oliver Powell of Los Angeles, Calif.. Mrs: Melvin Dewey of Waterloo, la., Mrs. John Pinnt, Dorothy and Bob of Chadron; Mr. and Mrs. John Larsen of Millboro. S. D.; Mr and Mrs. John Heerten of Springview. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Titus of Bassett; Mrs. Corinne Putnam of Fremont; Miss Margaret Gleason of Platte Center; Mr and Mrs. l-'rank Harrington and Robin, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Schneider. Miss Mary Gay Putnam, all of Oma ha; Rose Mary Purse 11 of Coun cil Bluffs, la ; Mrs. Frankie Bald win of Spaulding; Mrs. Frances Knapp, Hugh O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peregoy and Mary Frances and Miss Helen Martens all of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Van Fleet and Ronnie of Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs Bernard Troshynskl of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Shald and Mrs. James Batenhorst of Stuart; Frank Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. V>hn Conard and Mrs. Georgia McGinnis all of Emmet, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Myers of Stuart. Hospital Notes SACRED HEART (Lnvrh) August 19, 1957 W. H. Block of Anoka, Dr. Ed win B. Bradley of Spencer, Mrs. Mary Classen of Spencer, Master Darald Ebsen of Verdel, Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of Norfolk, Mrs. Katie Hrbek of Verdel, Don John son of Lynch, William Jordan of Butte, Joe Lechtenberg of An oka, George Lee of Lynch, Mrs. Frank Mulhair of Lynch, John Reynolds of Verdel, Master Lyle t M M K ■ It St wart of Lynch, Mrs . Anna Vondika of Verdel, Gust Weichum of Naper Dismissed: August 14—Mrs. Bertha Bright of Butte,Mrs Frank Weeder of Lynch; 16 Mrs. Floyd Simpson and daughter of Nio brara, Dale Cbrdwell of Rapid City, S D.; 17— Marcelyn Moody of Lynch. Mrs Mary Sieler of Butte; 19- Donald Soukup of Bris tow. I.l NOBERU MEMORIAL (Creighton) August 10-17 Admitted: Mrs. Arthur Means of Brunswick: Mrs Jack McMan igal of Orchard; Mrs. Emma Breckner of Creighton; Walter Clements of Creighton; Mrs. Al fred Mlady of Wausa; Mrs. Dean Frank of Creighton; James Park er of Creighton; Mrs. Fred Schaefer of Creighton; John Deer son of Creighton; Mrs. I even Miller of Verdigre; Mrs. Viggo Hansen of Verdel. Dismissed: Mrs. Edward Du fek and Mary Ann of Verdigre; Mrs. Arthur Means of Brunswick; Mrs. Jack McManigal of Or chard; Mrs. Emma Breckner. transferred to Sioux City; Walter Clements of Creighton. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admit oil August 12 Mrs. An t Bovvers of Stuart, medical. II Miss Kay Dvorak of Atkinson, medical; Mrs. William New eombe of Long Pine, medical. 16 Mrs. Charles Havranek of O’ Neill. obstetrical; Mrs. Art Hor ton of Stuart, medical. 17 Mrs. Carrie Keating of Atkinson; Otto Smith of Atkinson, medical; El en Chaec of Atkinson, medical; Curt Frizzel of Bassett, medical; vp w w w 1 Anthony Loch of Atkinson, med ical. IS Joseph Schmaderer of Stuart, medical. Dismissed: August 12 Mrs. Elizabeth Bernt of Stuart. 16— Gerald Seboe of Tilden. IS Gott lieb Braun of Atkinson; Miss Kay Dvorak of Atkinson. O’NEILL LtKtALS Ale and Mrs. Wayne Cornelius of Lincoln si>ent Friday and Sat urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirkpatrick. Mr. Cornelius has just returned from Guam. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Krug man and family spent Sunday at Ft. Randall. S. D. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse were her moth er. Mrs. Anna Dahl, sister, Mr. ■ and Mrs. G. F. lVim of Swea City, la Saturday and overnight guests were Rev and Mrs Vern on Kruse of Wheatland. Wyo.. on their way to Iowa and Minnesota. Mr and Mrs. Bruce Johnson spent the weekend in Verdigre. Mrs. R W. Johnson and daugh ter. Diane, of Hyannis arrived Sunday to v isit Dr and Mrs L. A Burgess and Mrs. Laura Walk er for the week Mrs. Johnson's son Bruce, was released from the marines on Sunday and will ar rive to spend the weekend, Mrs Johnson is Mrs. Burgess' sister. Mr. and Mrs Don O. Lyons re turned Sunday from a vacation trip to Cherokee, Okla . where they \ i si ted their son and family. Mr and Mrs Walter Lyons, They went to Rogers, Ark., to visit her mother Mrs. Buell Skaggs, and to Neosho. Mo., to visit Mr Lyon mother, Mrs Nellie E Lyons. Mr and Mrs Helmuth Arnold and Mrs. Elizabeth Redman spent Saturday in Norfolk Mr atul Mrs. M. B Higgins at tended the wedding Sunday, Aug ust 11, of Karen Kaivelmeyer and Vem Hamik on St Joseph s church in Atkinson Robert Holsclaw s returned home Saturday from Sheridan, Wyo . where he w as employed for the summer. He will enter the University of Nebraska in Sept ember. -j NOTICE TO OUR COUNCIL OAK STORE CUSTOMERS Due to closing of our O’Neill .Store you may redeem your wam pum tapes at your nearest Council Oak Store on or before Aug ust 31, 1957. We regret leaving O'Neill—It’s a good Town. We may someday—eome lmok bigger than e\er. We thank eaeh of YOU—For past patronage. SHOP GAMBLES FIRS|T ! SCHOOL TIME IS VALUE TIME! ] f ! I > < ! YOU CAN BUY IT FOR LESS AT YOUR GAMBLE STORE! ! _- -- — iniFi#-- . Deeptone Corduroy 1 Tops ’n Slim Pants 3.98 Values j 991 EACH r i JAC SHIRT TOPS Jauntily styled jac shirt has big patch pockets and triple-tabbed and pleated back. Pinwale corduroy is guaranteed wash able. Clack, turquoise, red. Sizes 10-18. lit *70* I IVY LEAGUE SLACKS Slim 'n trim *n tapered! Ivy League corduroy slacks have adjustable buckle-tab back, side zip, and button-down pockets. Black, *ed, turquoise, brown. Sizes 10-18. II1-Z7U h USE OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN * juii ,.iu m I »y5tifpi nm ii in i jm - i iiw. ii i i H iiimiim SALE! MEN’S BOYS’ Briefs - Tee Shirts Fine quality combed cot tons! Tee shirts have nylon reinforced crew neck. Well cut briefs with comfortable :|| elastic waistband. Values to 79c. f Now! 2 for 99c ! - MEN’S ! Sweat Shirts llcrc’s a real buy! Slight irregulars that won’t effect the long wear. If perfect I 1.09. , Now! . $1 MEN’S Dungarees Sanforized 10-oz. denim. ^ Full cut for good fit. Keg. | 1.9X. : NOW!. 1.79 « 1 SALE! Anklets | HOYS’ | Wide selection of new smart a patterns and colors! Nylon stretch or fine cotton. You’ll 4 save on every pair! Keg. g 19c values. Now! 3 Pr- 99c < _ I HOYS’ " Western Jeans , Here’s real value for "Back a to School". Tough coarse " weave denim. Keal west€*m 4 style! Sanforized. Sizes 4-16. Keg. 1.98 values. ® Now!.. 1.66 ! --- < HOYS’ 4 Flannel Shirts • I Smart new fall colors. San forized for easy washing! Q Sizes 6-16. Keg. 1.9H values. g NOW! - 1.49 J -1 P MEN’S { Sport Shirts » New Fall Patterns! Fine P quality cotton long sleeve k shirts, (iambics have them for less! Stock up now' I Iteg. 3.49 values. ! Now!. 2.77 | Triple-roll Anklets h Fine combed cotton anklets —nylon reinforced. Most P wanted popular style! You'll k want plenty of these white anklets for school. Reg. 59c. ! Now!... 37c SCHOOL SHOES Here they are! At Gambles at real money saving prices. Sturdy compo soles—good quality leather uppers. Choose oxfords — straps —slip-ons — high shoes. Sizes 8'/a - 3. Beg. 3.98 value. Now! ■ 2.77 Print Flannelette Colorful Printed Patterns. Good quality flannel now sale priced. Bog. 49c value. Now! 3 yds S1 Sale! Bath Towels I,arge thick, thirsty terry towels, made by famous Cannon. Keg. 79c values. White and pastels. Now!... 44c Runner Rugs Attractive smart design and new colors! Large 24x70 sire. Non-skid hack. See these today! Reg. 8.49 value. Now!. 2.77 ife A A A A A 4 4 All-Time Junior Favorite I * Black ’n White Saddles J Top* In comfort for growing feet! * Our well-made saddle shoe has 4 flexible elk leather uppers, leather j Insoles, rubber solos. Whit* with " black saddles. Sizes 8V4-3. 4 Big sisters' size*.4.77 4 4to6. .C width; s MUM I