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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1957)
Attend PlrnU At Atkinson— Among those attending a picnic at the Atkinson state recreational grounds Sunday for state employ ees lie longing to the union and their families were: Mr and Mrs Maurice Cava naugh, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Mc Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. I^pwis Wray, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ep penbach, Mr and Mrs Ray Re veU, all of O'Neill; Mrs Clyde McKenzie, sr,. and Miss Connie Bowl by, both of Lynch; Mr. and Mrs. LeVeme Hoerle of Chamb ers; Mr and Mrs. Richard Os bom of Atkinson; the DeVall family of Spencer; and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cady, Mr. and Mrs Neil Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wi gent and Mr. and Mis. Virgil Thornton, all of Ainsworth. tirmip Attending Summer Sessions at Wayne — Among teachers returning from attending summer school at Wayne State Teachers college are the Misses Nina Burival, Kathleen McConnell, Mary Fet row and Mary Thomas. Among those staying there for a post session are the Misses Marlene Ermer, Judy Sanders and Alice FT-erichs. Frontier for printing. — O'NEILL NEWS i.Wss Marybelle O’Conner was in Omaha visiting friends from Wed nesday, July 31, to Saturday. ^ Mrs. P. B Harty and Mrs. F N Cronin drove to Sioux City Tues day to meet the latter’s sister, Sr M Calixta of Madison, Wise. Mr and Mrs. Floyd McManigal of Beemer arrived Monday to spend the week visiting at the Fdward Kirkpatrick home Mr. and Mrs Leslie Lange ol Cedar Rapids, la., who were en route to Yellowstone national park, stopped in Saturday to see Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shelhamer John Lange came with them and will visit his sister, Mrs. Ida Shelhamer, until they return. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter are staying at the farm home of the Clyde Streeters until their home is finished Mrs Preston Jones visited her son, Morris, and family in Chadron Wednesday, July 31, and Thursday. She made the trip with Mr and Mrs. Elmer Devall. Mr. and Mrs. R V Crumly and family, Mr and Mrs. Walter Devall and family were Saturday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones. Mrs. Owen Hiatt and children of Ralston arrived Monday to spend the week visiting Mr. and Mrs John Kersenbrock. -1 Attend Legion Parley in Omaha Mrs. Virigl Laursen, Mrs. Rob ert Lowery, Mrs. Jack Davidson, Mrs Verne Reynoldson and Mrs M< I. m Ruzicka attended the 8 et 40 convention in Omaha last Thursday. Mrs Lowery, Mrs Davidson and Mrs. Jean Reigge stayed for the American Legion auxiliary convention. Among those attending the Leg ion eonventioft were Verne Reyn oldson, G. Owen Cole of Emmet and William White. Ml** Schaffer | Reach*** Alaska— Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer re ! ceived a letter from their daugh I ter, Miss Elizabeth fibs”), stat ing she arived an Sitka, Alaska, Wednesday, July 31 She flew from Seattle, Wash., to Juneau and from there to Sitka by aircraft equipped with pontoons Enroute, she was joined by other faculty members of Shelton Jackson col lege, Their first duty upon arriv ing was to get ready for an Alaska conference to be held at the col lege. Miss Schaffer is the physical education instructor at the college, j O'NEIIJ. LOCALS Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, sr., and Miss Connie Bowlby of Lynch 1 were Monday evening guests of' Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, jr., and family. They were returning from a two weeks’ vacation in Iowa. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedges of Peoria, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shclhamer had as their guests Tuesday, July t JO her cousin and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Sebesta of Mitchell, S. D. Mrs. Stuart Schleusener of Seattle, Wash., visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sivesind Monday, July 29. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith went to Norfolk to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. St. Anthony’s Hospital Auxiliary benefit, O’Neill I>rive-In Theatre Thursday, August 8, showing "Ambassador's Daughter” an en tertaining comedy you’ll enjoy. Ite sure to attend. Money used to apply toward purchase of baby Mr. and Mrs. William Bowker and family of Omaha were visit ing her mother, Mrs. H. J. Ham mond Monday. The Bowkers and Mr. and Mrs. George Hammond had attended the funeral of Mr. Bowker's father, Roy Bowker, 65, in Neligh the same day. Mr. ad Mrs. Edward Tellier and boys are spending part of Mr. Tellier's vacation in Silver Creek visiting relatives. Teddy and Patricia McKenzie are spending this week at the farm home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter. WHY PAY RENT! When You Can Buy This . . . New National Home in O’Neill • Slightly Over One Year Old • I vacated in New Northern Heights Addn. • Only 3 Blocks from School • 3-Bedroom • Full Basement • Beautiful Youngstown Kitchen Cabinets • Gas Furnace ami Hot Water Heater • Oak Floors • I^ot 70 ft. x 100 ft. • Insulated • Ixnv Down Payment I»ng Term FHA Loan • Immediate Possession • Landscaped Shrubbery Planted Last Spring • Other Optional Improvements ^7^ fL EI.BERTA STANDARD LIT. PEACHES 1.98 I'.S. NO. I CAI.IF. — I'KR 115 CANT'LPE 10c (’AIJF. white seedless — GRAPES 2 lbs. 39c SUNKIST — LEMONS — 2 lbs. 29c guaranteed to please ROBIN COFFEE Lb. Can-85c l»l .\TTE valley WHOLE Sweet PICKLES... 39c packed by del monte - u OZ. BTW. Miss. CATSUP 3 for 43c ISTOKELY’S FROZEN — PEACH, APPLE OR CHERRY 10V* OZ. PIES 23c PER LB. HOKMEL’S - * “ Roll SAUSAGE — 49c SWIFT’S picnic HAMS^ 4i lb. can ... 2.89 FRIONOR FROZEN - LIVPKG. cod fish_37 c BANNER CAROL — LB. PKG. COOKIES 29c KRAFT — 46-OZ. CAN Orange DRINK.... 99C BI'Y 3 AT REG. PRICE, T O T A I. GET 4TH CAN F R E E-! TENDER MINI'TE ST EAKS Per lb._69c MEADOW GOLD HEAVY PACK — j ICE CREAM ..... 98c WITH FREE TINT HALF GAL. OF SHERBET! FRESH. LEAN GD. BEEF FREE I4-OZ. BOTTLE MISSION CATSUP WHEN YOU BUY 2 LBS. REG. PRICE ... 49c LB. j Total_98c SALAD BOWL — QUART Salad DRESSING45C CUDAHY PURITAN — PER LB. Chopped PORK... 59C f ■ 4th Street Market Phone 93 WE Deliver O’Neill ; 3 BIG DAYS - Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 3 BIG DAYS ! ’ " ■■ ■ ' .. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 - ■ i TOTS’ OVERALLS Sturdy sanforised' bib overalls In sires 1 to 6. Elastic back. ( Iioose blue or stripe bib overalls. Kegular $1.?9 values! NOW!_$1.00 TWILL MATCHED SETS Here is a real value you’ll not want to miss! . . . Sturdy, long-wearing matched pants a n d shirts. Sanforized for easy washings. They’re top buys at regular price. Two popular colors—army tan or dark grey. I Shirt Sizes 14l/a to 47 Pj I’ants 30 to 42 J NOW! Shirts - 2.33 Pants .. 2.77 MEN’S WORK SOCKS Fine soft cotton ank lets or full length socks. White or as sorted colors. Slight mill imperfections that won’t affect the long wear! If perfect, 29c! Now! 5 pr $1 MEN’S Work SHIRTS Sturdy woven blue ehanibray. Full cut for gt*od fit. Sanfor ized. Regular $1.39 value! Now! -1.00 MEN’S BLUE JEANS Sanforized 10-oz. denim miule by famous “Blue Bell”. Full out for fit. Here’s real value! Regular $1.98! NOW!_$1.74 DACRON PANELS < What a buy! tt \ HI in. panel curtain* of l(M>°o Dacron. Wash | ami dry in a jiffy! little or no Ironing needed! Regular $1.40! ' GENUINE ! FLOUR SACKS s Best tor real absorbency! Perfect quality, fine e soft cotton that really dries the dishes. Large | 100-lb. size. Regular 33c! ► NOW !..... 5 for 1.00 NYLON - RAYON BLANKETS Here’s everything you want In a blanket at a price you can afford to pay! Strong, warm nylon com bined with color-rich rayon in a fluffy deep-nap ped yet lightweight blanket! Choice of five mar velous colors. Regular $4.9k! now l_3.99 RUNNER RUGS ; Itig 24” x 70” size. Washable hard-twist cotton loop with non skid bucks. Five new color* to ™ choose: Rose, grey, blue, brown, liiuiter green. | NOW !...- 2.77 ! . i ; mens WORK SHOES Another BIG SPECIAL, at Gambles Shoe Department! Tough " sturdy work shoes styled for long wear and good fit! Good | leather uppers and long-wearing cork - rubber soles! k Shop now and save! Sizes 6Vz to 12. Regular $5.95 values! I NOW !_4.66 BOYS’ POPLIN JACKETS Water-repellent! Wind - resistant! Washable! And just the right weight for chilly autuniB days. Warm suede-flannel lining. It's ideal for back to school or s|»orts wear . . • and priced to save you money! Bed, navy and charcoal. Sizes 4 to 16. Regular $8.9H! now !_2,99 MEN’S SWEAT SHIRTS I/mg wearing, heavy duty sweatshirts at a new low price! Slight imperfections make such a value possible. White grey or colors. Men’s sizes. If perfeet $1.69! NOW!_1,00 BOYS’ GINGHAM SHIRTS Real Ivy League — the style most In demand by boys of all ages. Button down collar front and back. Choose stripes or plaids In dark Fall colors. I>mg sleeve! See them today! Sanforized. Sizes 6 to 16. Regular SI.*9 values. NOW! _1.00 Men’s Nylon Stretch SOCKS Here’s real value! Brand new colors and patterns in these popular, long-wearing nylon dress socks! Perfect fitting, comfortable. Reg ular 09c values! NOW!- .3 Pairs l.QO W89 i Q A I n Boys’ and Girls’ ( J M ^ C.. SHOES I Here’s real value in good i|iiality shoes for g school, play, dress up! You’ll find stra|>s, ox fords, slip-ons, casuals, high shoes! They’re all ^ at GAMBLES — sale-priced for big savings! Soft leather up[M*rs and no mark flexible ^ compo sob's that wear and wear! You’ll like these wonderful buys in Gambles Shoe De- f partment! Sizes 8*/a bi 3! Regular $3.98 values! g NOW !_2.77 « -- I NYLON HOSIERY Best value in O’Neill1 Beauti ful 15 denier perfect-fitting stockings — every pair per fect. New shades. Choose reg ular length or knee-length. Regular 98c Value! 47c NOW _ mm Wrfr7TTTWrTTTn^ViLW\Mcli\i:\WTm > FRANK McKENNY, Mgr. O’NEILL I ¥ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4 ^ ^ ^ ^ BRA SPECIALS 4 Sanforized fine cotton bras at a real bargain d price! You’ll want several. Regular 79c, values! ^ NOW!_2f«r$l J PRINT FLANNELETTE J Here’s a wonderful buy! 36” printed flannel In * hundreds of new smart designs und patterns. Stock 4 up now and Save! — KKtd'I.AK 49c VALUE! NOW!_3 yds. $1 ! FLAININtL UlAPtKS I Slight imperfections make such a value possible! Soft, fine, fleecy flannel. Bleached snowywhlte. Q If perfect $2.49! g NOW!_ 1.77 Doz. ! SALE! NEW PERCALE ] Here’s the best value in town! New Fall prints and plain color percale at a real special price! f Stock up on this percale and save! All 3fl In. g Regular 39c! ™ NOW!_3 Yards $1 J