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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1957)
KrtN-kahi to Aid HmplUI— Twelve members were present when Eden Rebekah lodge met Friday evening, August 2. and vot ed to buy and sell some chemical cloths Proceeds will go to the con valescent hospital at York. Past noble grands were honored when several members presented a short program. Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick and Mrs. Melvin Kling ler were hostesses \ugust 10 Meet is Scheduled— AMELIA The Happy Girls 4-H club met Saturday, July 27, with Mrs. Marcia VVidman. Plans were made to attend the style review In O'Neill. Joan Fullerton gave a demon stration on “stay stitching” and cK.dl'nH Kail* tn nut nnH «PU’ bias strips. Next meeting will be held Satur day. August 10, at the Methodist church annex.—By Marcia Wid man, reporter. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Melena and children departed Friday for Sarles. N.D., where they are t apatinnincr for a ww»lf 133 Served at Club Dinner — One hundred and thirty-five per sons were served at the fortnightly Sunday Country club dinner. Co chairmen were Mrs. Richard E. Nelson and Mrs Elgin Ray. Try FRONTIER want ads for nuiek. economical results! YOUR CHOICE EITHER UPRIGHT OR CHEST MODEL $10 DOWN-YOUR TRADE-IN WILL APPLYI CORONADO 15 cu. ft. Deluxe Upright lowest price we’ve ever seen for a deluxe upright freezer with sub-zero storage for 525 lbs. of food right at your fingertips. Six door shelves, 2 juice can dispensers, 4 fast freeze shelves and roll-out basket. Safti-latch door opens from the inside. Our double guarantee gives you 5-year $250 food protection plan and a 5-year unit warranty. 44-7719 List Price 379.95.Pay only 299.95 10 Cubic Foot... 229.95 20 Cubic Foot... 359.95 44-7719 44-7749 I CORONADO 15 cu. ft. Custom Deluxe S Yes, you save $100 on our finest 525 lb. capacity chest • model freezer I Color styled interior has 4 ice cube trays, tote tray, pull-out juice can rack, 2 baskets and 2 dividers. Top mounted controls and Safti-latch lid. Dri-wall construc tion assures no sweating of cabinet in high humidity. 5-year $250 food protection plan and 5-year unit warranty. 44-7755 list Price 399.95.Pay only 299.95 20 Cubic Foot list Price 479.95.Ray only 359.95 44-7715 r— See Coronado’s EXCLUSIVE FOOD WRAP BAR! Conveniently built into the backguard—handy dispenser for two rolls of freezer wrap to save you time and work. Ask to see it demon strated during Gambles Food Freezer Falr.l l ■■■ CORONADO "SUPER 15" List Price Your economy buy with deluxe features! 525 lb. capacity, child-safe safti-latch, dri-wall construction. Interior lights, Fiber glas insulation, basket and divider. Five year double guar antee food protection plan and unit warranty. 44 719% 10 CUBIC FOOT -mo 219.95 Dom_ yQUR TRADE-IN WILL APPLY 20 CUBIC FOOT -mo 299.95 __\ _ _- ---,-- m SAVE! COMB SET 251 Value Big price cut on combi, cellophane wrapped in •ett of five. Variety of •iiet to fit every need. t»-22M POTATO PEELER 20* Value low, low price! Stain less steel peeler"by "Nee Action". Won't rust, stain or tomisH. ii-um _ PARING KNIFE 15< Vain. Save on famous Geneva j Forge knife of stainless j steel. Ribbon ground jj with red enamel handle. j GLASS GOBLET 20* Valu* Reduced 25%l Crystal clear goblets designed for beauty. Lends charm to any table setting. 21-HIS FIRE-KING CUP Regularly IK Stock up now whilo tho prico it right I Ivory whit* cup mod* from Mat-proof glass. II-G50# ^ PLASTIC BOXES IMValgi TUMBLER SET 3.00 Voli» v Rre-King A pink r 12-PIECE SET Regularly 1.9S fx»ey fnnfc dlnwwiw HAA -pfk*U rtghtl Altrw »,wil^.4an | ^ - NW ™_ 8-PC SNACK SET MIMn 7-PC BERRY SET I4IWM - Amelia Group Makes Trip to Omaha AMELIA — Miss Florence Lind sey, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Emma Lindsey, Mrs. Eva Baekhaus and Caroline Back haus, drove to Omaha Sunday and visited relatives until Wednesday. The Ijndseys visited at the home of Florence's sister. Mrs. P L. Stronger, and family. They attended a family reunion Sun day. The Stronger** youngest son, Marian, had returned home from the armed forces having boon stationed at Nancy. France, for the past 28 months. The Back hauses visited her" brother, Elmer Johnston, and family Other Amelia News Mr. and Mrs. Silas Johnston and Miss Barbara Nelson viscited Mr and Mrs, Dunk Peterson Sunday morning Mrs Harold Gilman received news Sunday that her sister, Mrs. Helen Wells of Oxnard, Calif., was found dead in tier apartment. She lived alone. Mr. and Mrs Paul Briggs and | children of Rose visited Mrs. ; Briggs' sister, Mr. and Mrs. Helm 1 ie Frahm, here Sunday. They brought Mrs. Frahm’a mother, Mrs. Maude Forbes of Bassett, here for a visit with the Frahms. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle and son, Rodney, and Gene Skala went to Howells Sunday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs Leon Skala. Mrs. Charles Bligh and daugh ter, Raedee, of Omaha visited her JVf,. ,*.>1 *\ 1 . 1C.1 Pierce, from Saturday evening until Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr. and Mi-s. Dick Doolittle and sons, Mr. and Mrs Marvin Doolittle 1 and Rodney, Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton helped Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes dress chickens for the deep freeze Monday eve. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Johnston of I 1/Ktmis and sister, Miss Susan Johnston, ami granddaughter, Miss i Barbara Nelson of Holdrege, came Saturday to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Johns ton and friends at Amelia and At I kinson. Pete Frahm went to Pilger Sun I day morning to visit his daugh [ ter, Mrs. Jerome Krutz, and fam ily. He was to return Monday night. Mrs. Rose Backhaus and Mrs. M. L Sageser called on Mrs. Wil liam Fryrear Sunday eve. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson of Holdrege came Friday and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Johnston. Mr. and Mrs Ed Vescio and . family of Omaha sjx'nt the week | end with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Waldo, and family Mrs. Charlie Spath and some friends came from Omaha Satur day and visited her daughters, Mrs. George Fullerton and Mrs. Keith McMillen. Mr. Spath, who has been spending his two weeks vacation here, returned to Oma ha with them Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Gloria Landrum and Sally, Mi ami Mrs Heinie Frahm, Mr, and Mi's. Oscar Peterson were among the Amelia folks attending the rodeo in Rurwell Saturday. The Glenn Whites were in O’ Neill last Thursday. Caroline Backhaus a n d her mother, Mi-s. Eva Backhaus. Mi-s. Blossom Butler ami Mrs Delia Ernst were in O'Neill Thursday where Mrs. Butler had dental work done. Clyde Burge is putting up hay for Frank Pierce. Miss Ramie Wickham and Miss Doris Bogue of Omaha came Sun day to visit relatives ami attend hay days at Atkinson. Raedee \ is ited her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Pierce, and Miss Bogue will visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Bogue, near Atkin son. They returned to Omaha Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce,Mr. ami Mrs. B W. Waldo, and John 1 Zinkon were among the Amelia ; folks attending the Rurwoll rodeo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wal- j do attended Saturday. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Nelson of Fremont visit ml the latter part of last week with her sister and , family, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Pier ! king, and Cynthia. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Enbody of Winlock, Wash . arrived Tuesday, August fi, to visit their daughters. Mrs. Tommie Doolittle, Mrs. Jim Rilstein and Mrs. Eldon Rallagh and families, and their son, George, Enlmdy, and family at Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adams and their son, Robert, and wife of Ad ams visited Saturday and Sunday \\ ith their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Doll Kramer and sons, David and Dannie, of Lin coln came Sunday evening to visit her mother, Mrs Edith Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle were supper guests Sunday evening, July 28 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Robison. The occasion was in honor of Mr. Doolittle’s birthday anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lierman came in the evening. The WSCS met at the church annex Wednesday. August 24. There were 15 members and one visitor, Mrs. Robert Fullerton of Atkinson, present. Mrs. Harold Fullerton was the hostess and served on the luncheon committee, with Mrs. Alvin Forbes. Mrs. Ralph Rees led the worship and program service. The next meet ing will be at the annex on August 28. with Mrs. Rees as hostess. Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs. M. L. Sageser and Mrs. Itaph Rees went to Mrs. C. V. Robertson's Friday evening to see slides of famous flower gradens in Washington state and British Columbia. These slides will also be shown at the work shop meeting August 6, in Chambers. Mrs. Stella Sparks and son Lon nie and Sam Gilman ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ballagh and family. Norfolk Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. Don Kellner and Lynn spent Saturday in Norfolk. City Golf Tourney Pairings Are Told Play is now underway in the annual citywide O'Neill Country club golf tourney. There are eight flights. First round matches must be played by Tuesday. August 13. First round pairings follow: CHAMPIONSHIP I LIGHT A. P. Jaszkovviak vs. John Do Witt; Joe MeCarville, bye; Henry Lohaus, bye; Hen Grady vs John Baker. FIRST M IGHT Marvin Johnson vs. John Con an! ; Jim Clifton vs. Laurence Hay nes; Dale Kersenbrock vs. Gordon Drayton; Karl Hunt \s. Tom Lid dy. SKt'ON I) PLIGHT Mar\ Miller vs Dave Schaffer; Ed Gleeson vs Harry Gilder sleeve; John MeCarville vs. Par nell Donahoe; Rex Wilson vs. Dale French. THIRD FLIGHT Fix'd Appleby vs Ivan Pruss: Hill Kelley vs. Neal McKee; Hud Colt* vs Hill Artus; William Mc Intosh vs Jolm Watson. nil It I'll FLIGH T Hob Cble vs. Fritz Yuntzl; LX>n Hunkers, bye; Louis Keimer vs. Jim Earley; George Hammond vs. Vein Jteynoldson. FIFTH FLIGHT W. E. Witte vs Bob lX'voy; Morgan Ward vs. Louie Zastrow; IX>n Templemeyer vs. George Shoemaker; Cal Stewart, bye. SIXTH FLIGHT L. Sehleusener vs. William Petsehe; 1 z'igh Reynoldson, bye; Bill Miller vs. Dick Nelson; Ken Werner vs Glen Miller. SEVENTH l*'l,l (HIT Ben Gillespie \s. Gene Dobbs; George Janousek \ s. Junior Cleve land; IVin Becker vs M. L. Su elia; Robert McGinn vs. Bob Kurtz. (First round results and the second round pairings will be pub lished next issue.) Eddie Gat/, of Omaha and Miss Jeanne Cole drove to Minocqua, Wise . Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich, jr., of Chicago, 111.. Miss Mary Froelieh and Jim ana Chuck and their guests I)K. II. I). GIl.HKKSI.EEVE OPTOM ETK18T Norttieast Corner of 4th & Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR Phone 187 Office Hours: 9-8 Eyes Examined-Glasses fitted Monday thru Saturday ffoHm! Future-Fashioned '- MONTEREY ■ Division of American-Standard pi Buy your kitchen as you buy your wardrobe START with tliis Monterey Basic: • Cabinet Sink • 2 base cabinets... 5 glide-easy drawers • Warm-beige “Sandalwood” • exclusive “Pantry Cabinets” with built-in lighting. About $ * 1 ADD TOPPERS to create this ADD Monterey SEPARATES for this Monterey Kitchen: luxury Kitchen: • Cabinet Sink • Big 30" Jet®-Tower Dishwasher • 2 base cabinets...continuous countertop • Cabinet sink • Exclusive “Pantry Cabinet” unit • Handy 4-drawer base cabinet • 2 wall cabinets with furniture-finished • 2 exclusive “Pantry Cabinet” Units hardwood doors • 2 wood-door wall-cabinets and utility cabinet • Utility cabinet in custom steel. • Youngstown Kitchens Food Waste Disposer. About $ * About $ * OR CHOOSE THE COMPLETE MONTEREY i KITCHEN ENSEMBLE NOW. Get all this and pay as little as $ monthly* • Work-level oven-space unit • Counter-top cooking unit with cabinets below • 2 Rotary Corner Cabinets • Big 4-drawer Base Cabinet • Cabinet Sink • Jet®-Tower Dishwasher • Food Waste Disposer • 3 “Pantry Cabinet” units • Wood-door Wall Cabinets • Utility Cabinet. COME IN TODAY...PLAN ON MONTEREY.. .ASK ABOUT OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. SPECIAL CLOSE - OUT PRICES! On GAS, BUILT-IN OVEN, COOKING TOP AND MATCHING CABINETS James Davidson & Sons O’NEILL, NEBR. PHONE 864 *U0 Youngstown Kitchen unite can be financed through FHA.)