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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1957)
Legal Notices (First pub. Aug. 8, 1957) IN THE DIHTR14T CXH KT (>E HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA COUNTY OF HOLT, PLAINTIFF, vs. ETHEL COWLES; John Doe, real true name unknown, hus band of Ethel Cowles; and. I^ots 8, 9, and 10, in Block 7, of Hal lock's Second Addition of the Town of Stuart Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff'! First Cause of Action. KENNETH CAD WAU AU ER; Clarion CadwaUador. hus band and wife. The Village of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska, a municipal corporation; and, D>l 1, m Block 19, of Hallock's Sec ond Addition to the Town of Stu art, Holt County, Nebraska Defendants in Plaintiff’s Second Cause of Action. JOHN M. HIUSCH, and Anna K Hirsch, husband and wife; and Henry Brockman; and, I>ots 1 to 6, both inclusive, in Block 21, of Pio neer Townsite Company's Additior to the Town of Stuart, Holt Coun ty, Nebraska; Defendants in Plaintiffs Third Cause of Action. ClJFFORD C GRAVES. Mar> Graves, first and real true namt unknown, wife of Clifford C Graves; and, Lots 8, 9 and 10, ir Block 2, of the Original Town oi Page, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiffs Fourth Cause of Action. C. A TOWNSEND; Mary Town • send, first and real true name un known, wife of C. A. Townsend; Carrie H. Townsend; John Doe real name unknown, husband ol Carrie H. Townsend; and Th< South 25 feet of Lots 9 and 10; and, the North 25 feet of the South 7: feet of Lots 9 and 10, all being in Block 9 of the Original Town ol Page, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff's Fifth Cause of Action. CIARENCE M. STEVENS; Mary Stevens, first and real true name unknown, wife of Clarenct M Stevens; and, North 25 feet ol the South 50 feet of Ix>ts 9 and 10 ui Block 9, of the Original Towr of Page, Holt County, Nebraska Defendants in Plaintiff Sixth Cause of Action. EMMA DORR; John Doe, real real true name unknown, husband of Emma Dorr; and, North 42 feel of Lots 9 and 10, in Block 9, of the Original Town of Page, Holt Coun ty', Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s Seventh Cause of Action. WILLIAM D. TOWNSEND; Mary Townsend, first and real true name unknown, wife of William D. Town send; Berenice Ware; John Doe, real name unknown, husband of Berenice Ware; Jessie Swain; John Doe, real name unknown, husband of Jessie Swain; Clinton A. Townsend; Mary Townsend, first and real true name unknown, wife of Clinton A. Townsend, and, Lots 11, 12 and 13, in Block 18, of the Original Town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska. Defendants in Plaintiff’s Eighth Cause of Action. SADIE E. SHANNER; John Doe, real name unknown, husband of Sadie E. Shanner; George M. Rost; Mary Rost, first and real true name unknown, wife of George M Rost; and, Lots 11 to 15, both inclusive, in Block 28, of the Original Town of Page, Holt County', Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff's Ninth Cause of Action. BEN LA MASON; Mary Lama ; son, first and real true name un known, wife of Ben La mason. Old I Age Assistance Board of Holt County. Nebraska; ami. Lots 1 to 14 both inclusive, of Block 4, of East Side Addition to the Town of Page, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants In Plaintiff's Tenth Cause of Action. M A R G A R E T A CLAUSSEN; John Doe, real name unknown, husband of Margaret A. Claussen; and, Nondescript No. 38 in the Town of Atkinson, Holt County, Ne braska, more particularly de scribed as: commencing at a point 986.13 feet South and 638.33 feet West of the Northeast comer of the Northeast Quarter of South east Quarter of Section 32, in Township 30, North, Range 14, West of 6th P. M., running thence West 44 feet, thence North 208.70 i feet, thence East 44 feet, thence South 208.70 feet to the place of 1 iseginning Defendants in Plaintiff’s Eleventh cause of Action. Said defendants will take notice that on the 5th day of August, 1957, the plaintiff, the County of Holt filed its petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you and each of you and the described parcels of land in each cause of action, as defend ants, the object and prayer of such petition being to foreclose certificates of tax sale duly issued ! by the County Treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska, on June 17, 1954, and to foreclose the subsequent de | linquent taxes on each such par cel of real estate involved in each cause of action for the years, Sec ond half of 1953, and all of 1954, I 1955 and 1956, as follows: viz. ' Cause of Action 1: Certificate ' No. 771 for 1950 to 1st nair oi iudj, both inclusive, and subsequent •i taxes for second half of 1953 to ' 1956 inclusive, amounting in all ' to $1113.82 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 2: Certificate No. 775, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, tn)th inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting 'I in all to $197.89 as of May 1, 1957: •I Cause of Action 3. Certificate ! No. 776 for 1950 to 1st half of 1953 1 both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $200.96 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 4: Certificate No. 784 for 1951 to first half of 1953, both inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 lx>th inclusive, amount in all to $2174»4 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 5: Certificate No. 788 for 1946 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956, lx>th inclusive, amounting in all to $298.53 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 6: Certificate No. 789 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953 l>oth inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 195.1 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $146.46 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 7: Certificate No. 790 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953 Ixith inclusive, and subsequent taxes tor second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $107.96 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 8: Certificate No 791 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953 Ixith inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $26.62 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 9 .Certificate No. 792 for 1948 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subsequent Get “THRU”... TO THE PAIN Rexall's new Liquid Formula, “THRU”, actually goes through the skin to kill the pain of muscular aches, stiffness, simple neuralgia, where it hurts — deep inside tissue. THRU l>egins to penetrate within 30 seconds. Get THRU today at GILLIGAN REXALL DRUG. The New Stag Line MEN! Have you tried the new Stag Line of Men’s Toilet ri*wT Rexall’s famous men’s line has new look—and new outdoor tang. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to get ‘‘Stag’’ the next time you need shaving rream, electric pre shave, after shave lotion, cologne, demlorant, or a hair prepara tion—you’ll be glad you did. “Fast” Permanent August SPECIAL! "FAST”, the permanent with professional wave lotion no beauty shop permanent can outlast it! During August you can get 2 Cara Nome "FAST" Permanents for the price of one. Your choice of Gentle, Regular, Super. Little Girl s, or Pin Curl. Buy one at the regular price of $1 50, and get a sec ond—absolutely free! Cara Nome Cream Shampoo luxuriant, lanolin rich lather leaves your hair with shimmering highlights. Now at Vt price! Huge $2.00 jar for j just $1.00. _ Cara Nome Constellation Colognes Your choice of four heavenly fragrances. Each, regularly $2.00. now only $1.00 . -—1 Animal Health Needs We carry a complete line of Animal Health Needs —vaccines, peiilelllin, penicillin streptomycin, m^lnes, syringe*, needles, and Instruments. Make GILLIGAN REX ALL. DRUG your headquarters for all your vetenn ary needs. See us' now about a fly spray for your stock DIXT, Methoxychlor, or Toxaphenc—all highly recom mended to keep files off livestock. : t - -I,—i—, - The next time your doctor gives you a prescription, take it to G1LLIGAN REXALL DRUG to be filled by one of our PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. WE ARE OPEN EVERY EVENING for your CONVENIENCE. Gilligan’sRexall Drug Ben Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O Neill taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting m all to $42-24 as of May 1. 1957; Cause of Action 10: Certificate No. 794 for 1951 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 l>ofh inclusive, amounting in all to S2S4.27 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 11: Certificate No. 673 for 1948 to first half of 1:153 lioth inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956. both inclusive, amounting in all to 541.66 as of May 1, 1957: Said tax sale certificates and subsequent delinquent taxes draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from and after May 1, 1957. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure on each tax sale certificate and the subsequent delinquent taxes on each parcel of real estate descrilxxi for the amount found due with interest and legal costs, and that said plaintiff be allowed an attorneys j fee equal to ten per cent of the amount found due in each cause of action to be taxed as part of the costs, and that said real estate be sold for the satisfaction of such liens, and the costs and interest. You and each of you are re quired to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of Septem ber 1957, otherwise judgment will be rendered against you accord ingly. COUNTY OF HOLT. PLAINTIFF By: William W. Griffin, its attorney. ( 15-18c ) ( First pub., Aug. 8, 1957 1 IN TIIK DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA COUNTY OF HOLT, PLAINTIFF, vs. HANNAH A. TUTTLE; John Tuttle, first and real true namel unknown, husband of HAnnah A. Tuttle; Ilollin L. Tuttle; Mary Tuttle, first and real true name unknown, wife of Rollin L. Tuttle; The Village of Ewing, in Holt County, Nebraska, a municipal corporation; Old Age Assistance Board of Holt County, Nebraska; and Ix>t 13, in Block 9, of the Original Town of Ewing, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s First Cause of Action. EDNA K. BLACK; John Black, first, and real true name unknown, husband of Edna K. Black; The Village of Ewdng, in Holt County, Nebraska, a municipal corpora tion; and. Lots 7 and 8, in Block 33 of the Subdivision of Outlots A 1J nf T’u/ina Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s j Second Cause of Action, j JAMES L. PRUDEN; Mary Pruden, first and real tine name unknown, wife of James L. Pru den; The Kansas Nebraska Gas Company, a corporation; and, A tract of land described as: Be ginning at a point 544% feet West of the Northeast comer of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, in Township 26^ North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, running thence West 613% feet to the East line of the Right of Way of the Public High way, thence Southeast along the East line of said Public Highway to a point 533 feet South of the l>oint of beginning, thence North 533 feet to the point of beginning; and. All of the North half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, in Township 26, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, lying South of the Right of way of the Chicago, Northwestern Railroad Company; and, The South half of the North west Quarter of Section 3, in Township 26, North i Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., in Holt County, Nebraska, excepting: a tract commencing % rod North of the Northeast comer of the South west Quarter of said Section 3, ] running thence North 8 rods, thence West 10 rods, thence South 8 rods, thence East 10 rods to the point of beginning, Defendants in Plaintiffs Third Cause of Action. ROBERT E. DAVIDSON and El sie M. Davidson, husband and wife; real names unknown; and, A tract of land described as: Be ginning at a point 35 feet South and 114.5 feet West of the South east corner of Block 16, in Haze let’s Addition to the Town of O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, thence running South 170 feet, thence East 45 feet, thence South 257 feet more or less to the Sec tion line on the South side of Sec tion 30, in Township 29, North, Range 11, West of the 6th P.M., thence running West on sail Sec tion line 162.9 feet, thence run ning North along the center line of Madison Street of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, 407 ft., thence running West 170 ft-, thence run ning North 20 feet, thence running East 287.9 feet to the place of beginning. Defendants in Plaintiff's Fourth Cause of Action. ELLIOTT E. THOMPSON: Mary Thompson, first and real true name unknown, wife of Elliott E. Thompson; Sarah J. Wolf; John Wolf; firs? and real true name unknown, husband of Sarah J, Wolf; Ellen Bold Mellravie; John Doe, real true name unknown, husband of Ellen Bold Mellravie; May Mellravie; John Doe, real true name unknown, husband of May Mellravie Leslie W. Cain; Mary Cam, first and real true name unknown, wife of Leslie W. Cain; Irene Cain Hoxsie; John Doe, real name unknown, huslvand of Irene Cain Hoxsie; Edna May Cain; John Doe. real name un known. husband of Edna May Cain; Hazel Cain; John Doe. real name unknown, husband of Hazel Cain; Glenn Cain; Mary Cain, real name unknown, wife of Glenn Cain; Ivan Cain; Mary Cain, real name unknown, wife of Ivan Cain; Esther Cain; John Doe, real name unknown, husband of Esther Cain; Helen Frances Waid; John Doe, real name unknown, husband of Helen Frances Waid; and, West One-Half of Lot 5, in Block A, of Millard's Addition to the Town of O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Fifth Cause of Action. MINA COVENTRY; John Doe, real true name unknown, husband of Mina Coventry; and East 50 feet of Lot 2, in Block 3, of the Village of Inman, Holt County, Nebraska; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Sixth Cause of Action. NORBERT E. CLARK; Mary Clark, first and real true name un known, wife of Norbert E. Clark; and, South One-half of Lot 6, in Block 14, of the Subdivision en titled Blocks 12, 13, and 14, and Outlots 4 to 11 inclusive of Out lot B in the Town of Inman, Holt County, Nebraska; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Seventh Cause of Action. ETHEL F. COWLES; John Doe, real true name unknown, husband of Ethel F. Cowles; and, West 74 feet of Lot 11, in Block 7, of Hal lock's Addition to the Town of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska; Defendants in Plaintiff s Eighth Cause of Action. DALE HENDERSON and Hazel H. Henderson, husband and wife; the Village of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska, a municipal corpora tion; and. Lots 1 and 2, in Block 9, of Hallock’s Addition to the Town of Stuart, Holt County, Ne braska ; Defendants in Plaintiffs Ninth Cause of Action. JOHN 11. CHANEY; Mary Cha ney, first and real true name un known, wife of John H. Chaney; Old Age Assistance Board of Holt County, Nebraska; The Village of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska, a municipal corporation; and, South One-half of Lot 1, in Block 7, of Western Town Lot Company’s Ad dition to the Town of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s Tenth Cause of Action. Said defendants will take notice that on the 5th day of August, 1957, the plaintiff, the County of Holt, filed its petition in the Dis trict Court of Holt County, Nebras ka, against you and each of you and the described parcels of land in each cause of action, as defend ants, the object and prayer of such petition heing to foreclose certificates of tax sale duly is sued by the County Treasurer of Holt County, Nebraska, on June 17, 1954, and to foreclose the sub sequent delinquent taxes on each such parcel of real estate involved in each cause of action for the years, Second half of 1953, and all of 1954, 1955, and 1956, as follows: viz.: Cause of Action 1: Certificate No. 705, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 both inclusive, amounting in all to $465.20 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 2: Certficate No. 710, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $262.00 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 3; Certificate No. 720, for 1951 to 1st half of 1953, lx>th inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $89.16 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 4: Certificate No. 722, for 1952 to 1st half of 1953, both inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amount ing in all to $93.61 as of May 1, 1957; „ Cause of Action 5; Certificate PALMER MONUMENT CO. • MONUMENTS • MARKERS • MAUSOLEUMS WHEN IN NEED of a monument or marker, write for our prices. Always remember: Pleasing you keeps us in business. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 1957 FAIR. PALMER MONUMENT CO. BROKEN BOW. NEBRASKA No. 734, for 1948 to first half of 1953, both inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956. both inclusive, amounting in all to $55.24 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 6: Certificate No. 744 for 1951 to first half of 1953, both inclusive, ami suhst quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956, both Inclusive, amounting in all to $26.02 as of May, 1. 1957; Cause of Action 7: Certificate No. 746 for 1950 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $21 99 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 8: Certificate No. 764 for 1949 to 1st half of 1953 to 1956, both inclusive, quent taxes for second half of 1953 ,to 1956, both inclusive amounting in all to $1872.47 as of May 1. 1957; Cause of Action 9: Certificate No. 768, for 1948 to 1st half of 1953 both inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amount ing in all to $982.85 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 10: Certificate No. 771, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953. both inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, amounting in all to $149.92 as of May 1, 1957; Said tax sale certificates and subsequent delinquent taxes draw interest at the rate of sev en per cent per annum from and after May 1. 1957. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure on each tax sale certificate and the subsequent delinquent taxes on each parcel of real estate describ ed for the amount found due with intorest and local costs, and that said plaintiff he allowed an attor ney’s fee equal to ten percent of the amount found due in each cause of action to he taxed as part of the costs, and that said real estate he sold for the satisfac tion of such liens, and the costs and interest. You and each of you are re quired to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of Sep tember 1957. otherwise judgment will be rendered against you ac cordingly. COUNTY OF HOLT. Plaintiff By: William W. Griffin, its attorney. 15-18c ) Leo Moore Heads Member Committee President C. E. Jones announced committee chairmanships Monday evening at the August meeting of the Chambers of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce. Membership—J. Leo Moore; en tertainment James W. Rooney: retail William W. McIntosh; ir rigation -Lyle P Dierks: stocker feoder Lyle P. Dierks; Christmas decorations —K. L. VanVoorhis; yule treats —A. L. Patton; new industries—Dale Wilson. A Save-the Trains report on last week’s Valentine hearing was made. Nine C of C members at tended the hearing. Monday’s meting was held at Slat's Supper club. Attend Circus— Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Krugman and children and Mrs. Ed Krug man attended the circus in Nor folk Monday afternoon and also visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Kumra. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laurence and Virginia with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty spent Sunday on a trip to Picks town. Mr*. Baker, Mrs. French iuul Mr*. Kucha . . . they were winners in jjals’ Rolf tourney.—The Frontier Photo _ ■ —-- ' ■ ■■ Chambers News Several members of the Moth-! odist youth fellowship and Rev. I and Mrs. Harold Bonath attend ed a swimming party in O' Neill Wednesday evening, July 31, as guests of the O’Neill group. Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell spent Sunday, August 4, at the home of her brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ur ban, at Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Harkins were also guests. The Honeywells visited in the Elwyn Rubeek home in the evening. Linda Coats of O’Neill has spent t he past week with her cousin, Katheryn Rubeek. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cooper and Mr and Mrs Lyle Cooper and daughter of Winner, S.I)., and Mrs. Genevieve Bell of Cham bers were Sunday, August 4, din ner guests in the L. V. Cooper home here. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grimes of Lincoln came Sunday evening, August 4, to spend a few days. They were accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Jamfcs Grimes, who had returned to Lincoln from Montrose, Colo., where she had gone to l>e with her grand sons, Robby and Stevie Conley, on their return home. Frank Osborne and Mrs. Dora Osborne of Mullen, Mrs. Blanche Co.x of Seneca, Mrs. Fred Ermer and Mr. and Mrs. William Wcxxis visited in the Roy Reese home Sunday afternoon. Mrs Reese is a cousin of all but Mrs. Ermer. Mr. and Mrs. I/?Roy Holcomb and Gary and Gail left Satur | day for a few days of vacation ing in the Colorado mountains. Pamela Shavlik returned home Friday from Clearwater where she had been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer. Guests in the William Woods home Sunday, August 4, were Frank Osborne and Mrs. Dora Osborne of Mullen and Mrs. Blanche Cox of Seneca. All are cousins of Mrs. Woods. After noon callers were Mi-, and Mrs. Thomas Anderson and family of O'Neill and Mrs. Fred Ermer. j Miss Emma Shavlik of Elgin j and Miss Helen Shavlik of Den ver. Colo., visited from Friday ; until Sunday with their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mi’s. Steve Shavlik, and Pamela, and niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hubbard. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs Leland Clark of Elgin visited Sunday with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Marcellus at tended hay days at Atkinson on Monday. They were one of the couples in the square dance club. Eddie Murphy of Wood Lake is spending the week with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy. Mr and Mrs. A. E. Bowen pic niced with Mr and Mrs. John Bowen at Wayne Sunday honoring Mrs. John Bowen’s birthday an niversary. Mrs. Durven Hippie entertained at a party for her daughter Cher ie’s 7th birthday anniversary on Wednesday. There were twelve guests at the party. Mrs. Baker Captures City Golf Laurels Mrs. French Winner of First Flight Mrs John L Baker Sunday was crowned champion of the citywide ladies’ golf tourney nt the Country club. She defeated Mrs. Robert Cole in the finals, 4-2, in the championship flight Her toughest test, however, came in the semifinals when she bested Mrs Dale Kersenbrock. 3-up, in 13 holes Trophies were awarded the winners. It was the third annual tour ney for the gals. Play was ex tended over five days. Results: CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT First Komi it Miss Nyla Jaszkowiak defeated Mrs. Francis Yantzio, t-up in 10 holes; Mrs Cole bosh'd Mrs Sue IVaver. 2-up; Mrs. Kersenbrock knocked Mrs. H TV GUdersleeve from the runnig, 3-up: and Mrs. Raker toppled Mrs Thomas Uddy. 3-up. Semifinals Cole over Jaszkowiak; Raker over Kersenbrock Finals Baker over Cole Consolation Yantzio vs. GUdersleeve, yet to be played in the finals. FIRST FIJGHT First Round Mrs. Fred Appleby defeated Mrs. uex wiisim; Mrs. utue French bested Mrs James Ear ley (sisters!; Mrs. A. P Jasz kowiak defeated Mrs. William Kelley; Mrs. Robert Devoy last ed Mrs. Earl Hunt. Semifinals French eliminated Appleby; Jaszkowiak eliminated Devoy. Finals French defeated Jaszkowiak. Consolation Hunt defeated Jaszkowiak, 1-lip, ! in the finals. SECX>M> FLIGHT First Kim ml Mrs. Ivan Pruss defeated Mrs. William Petsche; Mrs. M L. Sucha defeated Mrs. Vern Rey noldson; Mrs Ken Werner de 1 I'eated Mrs. John DeWitt; and Mrs. Gene Dobbs defeated Mrs. I R. E McGinn. Semifinals Sucha over Pruss; Dobbs over Werner. Finals Sucha over Dobbs, 1-up. Consolation DeWitt over Petsche in the finals. Mrs. Gordon Block and children of Walnut were guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. William Mattem. DRS. BROWN & FRENCH — O’NEILL — PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS I Dr. J. L. Sherbahn CHIROPRACTOR Vi Block So. of Ford Garage Complete X-Ray Equipment O'Neill, Nebraska Wonderful flavor from an enchanted land! Crisp, sprightly, refreshing—that’s the personality of this famous flavor from the land of sky blue waters. Doesn’t this frosty-cold glassful of Hamm’s Beer look just right?—for you?—right now? Theo. Hamm Brewing Co., St. Paul, Minn, and San Francisco, Calif. the BEER refreshing From the land of sly blue waters»