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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1957)
FOURTEEN I’AGES 4 rwo SECTIONS North-Central Nebraska’s BIGGEST Newspaper Volume 77,— Number 15 O Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, fhursday, August 8, 1957. Stick Pierces Windshield Mrs George Hammond points to a stick driven between the windshield and the frame of the family ear. The Hammonds were at Montevideo, Minn., dur ing a series ot small twisters. The ear was unoccupied when the object came to call.-The Frontier Photo. Roy Bowker, 65, Neligh Man, Dies Funeral services for Roy Bow ker. 65. of Neligh were held Mon day at the Hoepfinger Home for Funerals. Rev. Richard Miles of ficiated. Mr, Bowker, who died in the Tilden hospital after a long ill ness. was engaged in business in Neligh at the time of his death. His survivors include: Widow; one daughter and three sons, in cluding William H. Bowker of Omaha, formerly of O’Neill, one sister, four brothers, and II grandchildren. Among those at tending from O'Neill were Mr and Mrs. George Hammond, Mrs Ira Moss and Mrs. II. J. Ham mond . Visit Minnesota — Mr. anil Mrs. Art Remter and daughter, Mary, returned recent ly from Nevis. Minn , where they visited Mrs. Render's brother-i law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stengel. Inman MY I Goes to Swim Party INMAN The Inman Methodist youth fellowship attended the O' Neill MYF swimming party Wed nesday evening. July 31. Mrs. Harvey Tompkins spon sored the group which included: Anna Mae and Georgia Marie Herold, Edna Fairbanks, Marilyn Siders, Patty and Sharon Morrow, Lorraine Butterfield, Karen Brown, Brenda and Bernice Col man, Linelle and Roger Tomj> kins. Terry Anthony, Carol Gaugh enbaugh, and Perry Dawes. Other Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke spent the weekend here and returned to Norfolk to visit relatives from ! California, who are in the Nor folk vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and children and Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Kivett and son, Keith, and Mr. and Mrs. James Solxdka and girls enjoyed a picnic Sun day at the Niobrara state park. 150 Cattle Expected Today There will be 150 bead of cattle ol todays’ sale—mostly light yearlings, steers and heifers. Tile offering will consist chiefly of light feeder cattle. Expected for the hog sale will be between 100-150 feeder pigs. Both cattle and hog markets have been good this week around the auction circuit—generally the prices have been a bit higher. O'Neill Livestock Market Phone 2, O’Neill [Penney’sI kJ>*Y CLEARANCE FRIDAY AFTERNOON AUGUST 9TH Doors Open 12:00 to 5:30 Store will be closed Friday morning to mark-down the following merchandise: For MEN Dress Straw Hats Dress Oxfords Faded Den. Pants Summer Sport Shirts Summer Ties Swim ng 1 runks Summer Crepe Pajamas Western Work Straws Summer Jackets FOR Women - Children Summer Dress Shoes School Oxfords Sportswear Jewelry Girls’ Sportswear Childrens’ Sandals For BOYS Summer Dress I rousers Summer Sport Shirts Swim’ng 1 runks Felt Hats Summer Crepe Pajamas Ball Caps Work Straw Hats Summer Jackets For the HOME Better Drapery Yard Goods Ready Made Drapes Panel Curtains Kitchen Curtains Better Wash Cloths Beach Towels Theresa Brenier Oldest in Family , ROCK FALLS Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda spent i the weekend in Palmer where on Sunday they attended the Rob inson family reunion. Mrs Theresa Rreiner is the oldest living member of the Rolv inson clan Others from here who were present included: fjois Breiner, Mr and Mrs. Bill Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary and sons, Larry and Dick. Other Rock Falls News Eddy and Beth Benson of Spencer are spending the week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson. Mrs. Elwin Benson and daugh ter. Cris, of Omaha were Satur day evening callers at the Blake Benson home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert VVidtfeldt, Norma and Jimmy were last Thursday evening callers at the John Kitchens’ home. 1 )ewey Sanders spent Monday with Terry Brown. Last Thursday evening visitors at the John Schulte home were Herb Underwood, Pat Gallagher and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derick son and l>oys. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and tieiiy wen’ sunuay muuuuu ami supper guess of the Henry Ve quist family. Bill Farewell and wife of Stan ton visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. Duane Sanders, and family Saturday and Sunday. Lyle Vequist and children spent Tuesday evening, July 30, at the Henry Vequist home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes at ti'ruled the Burwell rodeo Satur day. Their little daughters stayed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins. Mr. and Mrs Hynes returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Slayma ker and children were Sunday supper guests at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell were Sunday after noon callers at the Albert Sterns home. Mrs. Neil Hipke was a caller at the William Claussen home Wednesday, July 31. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Anderson ; were afternoon callers at the! William Claussen home Thurs-! day, August 1. The William Claussens spent Sunday at the Don Drickey home in Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall called at the Claussen home on j Monday morning, August 5. Dan Rakes and Peggy had sup- : per Thursday, August 1, with the ] Floyd Johnson family. Mrs. John Schultz and daugh- j tors, Gwenda, Trudy and Deb bie, were Monday forenoon cal- 1 lei’s at the Floyd Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson ! spent Sunday at Gregory and ! Burke, S.D After spending a few days in ! the Black Hills last week, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boyd and sons stopped off at the Sam Derick son home from Friday evening until Saturday, when they left for their home in Omaha. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi were her daugh ter, Mrs. Sam Derickson, hus band and boys, and sons, Fritz and Bill Yantzi, and families. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yantzi and children spent last Thursday at the home of their sister, Mrs. Sam Derickson, and family. Ihambers News Rev. and Mrs. Ward Smith and I children of Shelton spent Mon day with his mother, Mrs. Cor- j dia Smith. The two older child-1 ron have been visiting here and returned home with their par ents. Miss Katheryn Newhouse came Sunday from Evanston, Mich., where she has been teaching. She will spend the rest of her vaca- j tion with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Newhouse, and will return to Evanston in September, man and family drove to Cedar Bluffs Sunday to visit Mr. and ' Mrs. Donald Rump and family. Mr. Rump and Mr. Hoffman are friends of navy days. They also visited his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cus tard, and children at Manley, ; j returning Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheedy of Lincoln spent the weekend visit ing Mrs. Reed Bell and Mr. and J Mrs. Melvin Bell and Lana. | Other guests at Mrs. Reed Bell's home Sunday were Carl Jeffers of Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Max Jeffers and daughters of O'Neill. Miss Bonnie Grimes, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Donald Grimes of Eaton, Colo., came Tuesday, July 30, for a short visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter, and Mrs. Gene vieve Bell. She had accompanied her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, and family of Atkinson back on their return from a vacation trip to Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Arbogast and family of Madison were Sunday, August 4, guests of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Damme, and family. Mr and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and children, Bobby, Kathy and Ross, of Sioux City spent Fri day night and Saturday with the E. R. Carpenters and E. H. Medcalfs. On Sunday they and the Carpenters were dinner guests of the Dean Stevens fam ily in Atkinson. Bonnie Grimes, vho had been visiting the Ste vens family, accompanied the Vfedcalfs to Sioux City Sunday ?ve for a two weeks visit. Rev. and Mi's. Harry Myers ind children, Sally, Audrey ami Jeffery, of Dakota City and Mike St. Onge of Bloomfield <pent several days visiting with friends n the Chambers commun ity last week. They were Ixxise guests of the E. R. Baker fam ily. Mrs. Dora Townsend of Page visited Mrs. Sarah Adams and her sister. Mrs. Hart, the first of the week. Mr and Mrs. G. H. Grimes visited Mrs. Bertha Sammons Sunday. August 4. Mr ami Mrs. William Carpen ter ;uid four daughters of Bak ersfield, Calif., were Friday, August 2, dinner guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. ami Mrs. ]•:. R. Carpenter. They called on the Floyd and Vernon Whitaker families in the afternoon, W. P Reninger and T. »E. New-house flew a plane to Col umbus, 0. Tlte plane had been | I purchased by Mr Hettinger's son, Norman. They made the trip Thursday and returned Sat- t i urday, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Bonath ■ HIIM——■IMIIHIMI— and three children of Davenport, la., were recent guests of his brother and sister-in-law. Rev and Mrs. Harold Ronath, and Monty. Mr and Mrs. Norman Chris tianson and two children of Tilden are guests of his mother, Mrs Celia Christianson "LITTLE HEEL” PUMPS For the Teenager! Light Blue or I’ink Were 7.95 tiKT THEM NOW AT 3.47 CHILDREN’S BACK TO SCHOOL SHOES LONO wearing Buster Brown Oxfords & Straps CLOSE - OUT Oxfords & Strap* , mis „* , Valu“ to 7.50 2.99 3.99 <XR 4.99 GLOV-ETTS .11 ST KEC'KIVED! j New Shipment of Slight Factory- | Damaged (d.O\ KTT OXFORDS & LOAFERS 4.99 ■ SAVE! Women’s White or Straw PUMPS Values to 9.95 Plenty of season left for these! 4.99 SALE WOMEN’S WEDGIES THREE GKOI I’S AT ItIG SAVINGS! GROI'P NO. 1 _ _ WHITES & STRAWS O WERE TO 5.95 _■ ^7 *7 GROI P NO. 2 INCU DES SANDALS ami ^ WEDGE CAS CALS, NOW'“fr i GROI I* NO. 3 _ / ALL AIR-STEP WEDGE SANDALS. WERE 9.95 Barefoot SANDALS I Were 3.95 * J A “7 NOW . M bHt M _!_ Men’s Dress OXFORDS PIDWINS, AIR O-MAOICS and WOLVERINE SHOES FOR MEN Sizes Prom 6,/2 to I 2 ALE AT ONE LOW PRICE! Values to 11.95 A 6.97 < LOOK THESE OVER ODDSSENDS In Slippers, Shoes, Loafer Sox, Dress Mats $1 & $2 I_ Women’s Air Steps & Paradise Kittens DRESS PUMPS Wonderful Fitting Pumps IN RED. BEIGE, BLACK AND OTHERS VALUES TO 13.95 For This Sale .6.99 WOM EN’S HIGH HEEL PUMPS | You’re chance to Ret that other 1 pair you’ve been wanting. Blue, biege, grey, hliu-k and others. Were to 9.95 5.99 2 GROUPS DRESS FLATS Whites and Colors Narrow & Med. Widths Group 1 Group 2 4.95 Value! 6.95 Value! 2.97 3.99 ODDS&ENDS WOMEN’S DRESS SHOES Suedes and Leathers Values to $11.95 $4 • All Sales Final! * No Exchanges! * No Refunds! WOMEN’S SPORT FLATS Values to 6.95 PENNY LOAFERS, GORE LOAFERS AND OTHERS IN BLACK, BEIGE, BROWN AND TAN 3.99 SAVE Men’s Famous Brand WORK SHOES Regular 9.95 NEOPRENE SOLE . . . TOUGH COWHIDE UPPERS, SEAMLESS BACKS 7.97