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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
WSCS Will Serve for Mens Meeting INMAN — The WSCS met Thursday at Maxey Memorial ad ditions. Mrs, Elsie Keyes, vice-presi dent, wa» in charge. Mrs. Marv Mewmaw had charge of the les son. Members decided to serve dinner to the Methodist men’s group meeting here Sunday, Ap ril 28. Mrs. May Watson and Mrs. Jessie Retke served refresh ments. Other Inman New* Mrs. Harry Snyder arrived home Wednesday evening, April 10 after spending the past month at Teeumseh with his sister, Mrs. Chris Jacka. Mrs. Robert Loomer and two sons left Wednesday, April 10 for Lincoln where they spent the re mainder of the week visiting in tlie home of Mrs. Loomer's moth er. Mrs. Halstead took care of Bruce while they were away. Mr and Mrs. Floyd DeLong left Thursday for Savannah, Mo., where Mr. DeLong went through the clinics. They visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Do Longt> and family in Omaha enroute, returning home Sunday evening. Lowell Butterfield took care of the tav ern while they were away. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder of O’Neill, Mrs. Ethel Siders and 1 Marilyn took Mrs. Arthur Ben ash to Columbus on Sunday where her husband and family met her, She returned to her home in Beatrice after spending the past week with her mother, j Mrs. Siders. Mrs. Harvey Tomkins and son, Neal, took Mrs. Tomkins’ moth er to her home in Utica Monday. Mrs. Caldwell had spent the several weeks in the Tomkins home. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes left Monday morning for Heath, Mont., where they will attend the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Clark. Mr. Clark is Mrs. Keyes’s brother. They j will also visit relatives in Glen ! Rock, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan and son, Michael, of Norfolk came Friday evening and spent | the weekend in the James Cov entry and Mrs. Marge Hartigan homes. Little Mike was baptized j Sunday morning at the Methodist 1 church by Rev. Lisle Mewmaw, j church pastor. The following from here drove to Waterbury on Sunday where they attended the funeral of John R. Gallagher ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Bldg. O’NEILL NEBR. Charles Chase, father of Neil Chase, and well known here: JoM^ph and Beatrice Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harte, Mrs. Frances May and Fred Moore. SP3 Kenneth LeRoy Moore has returned to Ft. Henning, Ga„ af ter taking part in operation •King Kole,” at Ft. Polk, La. This was reported to be the larg est maneuver ever to be held during peace-time. The Inman and Page Metho dist church groups met here Sun day evening for a fellowship din ner and program, sponsored by the Inman young adult fellow ship. Mrs Woodrow Gaughen baugh had charge of the devo tionals and Mrs Albert Reynolds, program. A film was also shown. Irrigation Film Shown to Rural Youth— On Friday, April 12, the Holt County rural youth met at the courthouse annex. Neil Dawes showed a film on irrigation, after which a discussion was held. Wednesday, April 17 was the date set for the planning meeting of the banquet to be held hi May. April is also the month for a jamboree. All young people of Holt county, between the ages of 18 and ;0, are invited to attend. There will be further notice of time and place. Redbird News Mr and Mrs. Fred Truax and Alfred visited at the Theriza Crawford home in Lynch Sunday afternoon, April 7. Mr and Mrs. Claude Pickering and Darla and Virgil Pinkerman were dinner guests at the John Hurd home, Wednesday, April 10. Austin Searles was helping at the Merrill Anderson ranch all day Tuesday, April 9. Alfred Truax returned last week from Riverton, Wyo, where he has been employed the past seven months. Guests at the Merrill Anderson home Friday, April 12, were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells of Bris tow and Mr. and Mrs. James Storms and family of O’Neill. Austin Searles helped saw wood at Ted Crawford’s Wednesday, April 10. Mr. and Mrs. Meriyn Anderson and Debra accompanied Mr. and Mis. Merrill Anderson to Lynch Sunday afternoon and visited Mrs. Ben Johrinr, who is a pa tient in the Sacred Heart hospital. Gary Wilson, who is a student at the University of Nebraska, is spending the week with home folks. Saturday Guests — Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krugman and Mr. and Mrs. Hartford were Sat urday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Schmohr. SPECIAL _ HEREFORD BULL SALE SELLING 14 Head Registered Hereford Bull 14 (Ages 12 to 23 Months) AT THE BUTTE LIVESTOCK MKT. Butte, Nebraska WED., APRIL 24 CONSIGNED BY— J A. M. ENGELHAUPT, Butte L. J. LECHTENBFRG, Spencer BLOOD LINES: Royal Prince. Helmsman. Husky Pioneer (All Bulls are TB and Bangs Tested) : save - SAVE - SAVE! j I EASTER SPECIALS ON PARADE j ► Entire Steck—Girl’s Coats, Suits, Toddlers Coats, new j » spring styles. Greatly reduced for this Easter Special. i * Every garment reduced. J A t Hurry For Better Selection « [ GROUP! GROUP II GROUP II! J | 5.88 £.88 9-88 j ! Values to $7.95 Values to $9.95 Values to $13.95 J Betrothal Told Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Crow of Arnold have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Sharen Ann, (above;, to A/2c Earl LaMoyne Johnston, of San Antonio, Tex., son of Mrs. Claud Daily of Arnold. Miss Crow will graduate with the 1957 class at Arnold. Mr. Johnston was graduated with hte class of 1953 at Chambers and for the past 2Va years has been with the air force. He is stationed at Kelly air base in San Antonio, Tex. No definite date has been set for the wed ding. O’Neill News The Misses Rose Mary and El len Corkle arrived home Wednes day from St. Mary's college at Xavier, Kans., to spend Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Corkle. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker, Jim and Roberta spent the week end of April 6-7 with their daughter and sister, Miss Barbara Becker, of Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Frank Dishner and her sister, Mrs. P. F. Morgan, went to Omaha Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McElhaney of Lincoln visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson, for the weekend. Friday Mrs. Charles F. Nutter had Mrs. Gifford Lighthall and some students, all of Valentine, drop in to see her. They had come to attend he music contest. Sunday guests of the Nutters were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland of Page. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Neil Dawes were her father, Perry Swan and his daughter, Miss Shirley. Also, Miss Sharon IVUgCI UUMdlhUIl ctuu miss Marie Yocum, all of Lincoln. Miss Swan will remain for a while with the Dawes family. Miss Elizabeth Schaffer arriv ed Wednesday from the Univer sity of Nebraska to spend the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer. Monday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKim were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Baumeister of West Point. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, jr., were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter and family of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and family of Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frank of Norfolk were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don McKamy. Mrs. Merle Cox, also of Norfolk, called on the McKamy’s. Mrs. Cox was a weekend guest at the Mark Muff home. Edward McCarthy and sisters, Miss Beverly and Miss Barbara, all of Omaha, are expected home for Easter. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy. Ed ward attends Creighton Univer sity; Miss Barbara is a student at St. Catherine’s hospital and Miss Beverly is a supervisor for the telephone company. Mrs. Don MacKinlay arrived Saturday evening to visit her son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. William S. MacKinlay. Miss Mar garet MacKinlay, their daughter, and a student at Chadron State college and her fiance, Charles Littrel, also of Chadron, are ex pected for Easter. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mahon were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hanzlik and Ter ry of Verdel. Dorsey News Bud Miles arrived home Thursday to help witn the sale at the Leta Miles farm. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Barta re ceived the news of the death of Mr. Barta’s grandfather, Ru dolph Barta, of Verdigre. He hadn't been feeling too well for some time, and was taken to the Lynch hospital Wednesday, Aoril 10. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering weer Spencer callers Saturday. Howard Graham and son, Les lie, and Harold Osborn were cal lers at the John Derickson home Sunday. Alfred Linquist was a caller at the John Derickson home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sibbei of Butte visited at the R. B. Mars ton home Friday. Mrs. Leo Hart was a caller at the Willis Butterfield home Fri day, April 3 2. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn and Mr. and Mrs. Bed Mitchell were Norfolk shoppers [ Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta ano Evelyn were dinntr guests at the Rudy Cihlar home Sunday. 138th Anniversary of j Lodge Noted— INMAN— Arbutus Rebekah lodge met Wednesday evening, April 10, at the IOOF hall. Following the regular meeting the unit observed the 138th an niversary of Odd Fellowship by entertaining the Odd Fellows at a card party. A. E. Bowen Named MFA Mutual Agent A, E. Bowen of O’Neill has been appointed agent for the MFA Mutual Insurance company I of Columbia, Mo., it was announ ced by J. M Silvey. president of ; the company, "Sole purpose of MFA Mutual is to provide protection to policy holders who are owners of the ! company," Silvey continued. I “MFA Mutual provides non-as I sessable policies without member ship fees at low rates. Claim ser vice is quick, friendly and coast i**~*"* . - •—" ' to-coast. Types of insurance in clude auto, truck, school bus, farmer's liability, farm equip ment, personal liability, hospital 1 and surgical benefits, fire and 'extended coverage, general lia bility and workmen’s compensa tion ** To enable him to be of maxi mum service to MFA Mutual pol icyholders. Mr. Bowen has just completed a thorough study of the company and its policies. Marcel luses Hosts — Saturday evening guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mareellus were Mr. and Mrs. Nolan DeLosh and Cirls and Glenn Sorenson all of ; Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mnrcellus. a brother, of Atkinson were also there. 11 -Cu. Ft. Automatic Defrost ^ ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR I Only | $238.88 I Midwest Furniture I and Appliance Co. I 209 West Douglas — O’Neill, Nebr. I We7/ remove 'em for You FREE of charge and install a \ set of all New ... \ CllZuL-tifltr 2 CHANNEL ' TRIPLE-TILT ■ Aluminum Combination 1 Storm-Screen Windows \ • End* window changing forever! — • Change from Storm to Screen in 2 Seconds! • All panel* tilt hack into your room for easy cleaning • Patented "Weather-Weave" weathcrsiripping seals in heat . . . seals out drafts for Free Home Demonstration CALL OR WRITE JIM SESSIONS WESTERN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. PHONE 409 O’NEILL P.O. BOX 568 TOP VALUES IN SPORT SHIRTS V Rangoons V Dan Rivers ' V Ginghams V Broadcloths Come in and choose now for the best values everl Rangoon weaves, Dan River cottons, ginghams, broad cloths—good-looking, easy-going shirts styled with long sleeves and semi-spread collar. Patterns? Plaids, checks, stripes and plains. Colors? Light and bright for the spring season. Price? No doubt about it—a "best for the money" buyl Men’s sizes S-M-L MEN’S SPORT COATS Here’s a wonder ful value! Smart styles in most wanted colors 100% wool You’ll save during this h-i-c; Pre-Easter Special! | Reg. values to 29.95 Now! 18.88 _ _X/_ IVY LEAGUE JACKETS BOYS’ POLO SHIRTS Sporty gold and gray stripes on spring weight rayon sheen gabardine. Made with adjustable buckle-tab back, two button cuffs, and full lining. Zip front has leather pull thong. Men's sizes S-M-L ■ ma A blaze of stripes for junior boys! Brilliant washfast colors on combed cotton knit . . . durable, practical, easy-care! Made with short sleeves and nylon-reinforced crew neck. 4-12. Built for Long Hard Woar Boys’ Oxfords 2.9S 044 Vole* Stitched moc-type vamp and lots of toe room in these sturdy black oxfords! Sizes 10 to 3. \ Canvas Gloves jz 19< Good buy for'spring chores— men's sturdy 8-oz. canvas gloves with snug knit wrist •6-0100