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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
Cupboards to Get New Coat of Paint . CHAMBERS—St. Paul’s Luth eran Ladies Aid met in the church parlors Thursday afternoon. Ap ril 11, with 13 members present. Mrs. Edward Hoerle became a new member. In the absence of the pastor, Mrs. H. C. Walter had the open ing devotions. Roll call was an swered by naming a plant of the scriptures. The lesson on ‘•abiding prayer” ' -was led by Mrs. Walter and Mrs. L. O. Lenz, with the others par ticipating in groups. An invitation to the Lutheran Community hospital aid meeting to be held in Norfolk. May 7, was read. A thank-you card from the Lutheran World relief was al so read. This was for clothing. It was voted to repaint the kitchen cupboards and prepare a box of groceries for Bill Majors. It was also voted to sponsor the showing of the Martin Luther film on Sunday, April 28, at the Golden Gate Theatre and charge no admission. It was voted to buy linoleum for the floor of the church kitch en. Raymond Kennys Land in Washington AMELIA—Neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kenny recently to honor them at a farewell party. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Paul Fisher; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge; Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Madsen and Neal; Mr. and Mrs Milton Clemens, Jeanette and Donald; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett and Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge, Robert, Joyce and Bruce; Mr. and Mrs. Glen While, Myrtle and Venita; and H. S. White. The Kennys left Thursday morning, April 11 for Sedro Wooley, Wash. They reached there Sunday evening and James Platt, who ac companied them, phoned back saying they had a good trip and found everyone well. _ 1 Easter DANCE Butte Legion Ballroom Sunday, April 21 Mu*lc by Jess Gayer and His Orchestra Admission: $1.00 Star News Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson were in Lincoln Wednesday and rhursday, April 10-11. Mr. and I Mrs. David Johnson of Creighton stayed at the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring spent Wednesday evening, April 10, at the Ewalt Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boelter and Jim visited at the Ewalt Miller home Friday. The men folks attended the Miles farm sale. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and sons, Mrs. Pearl Groeling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rokah and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Hul da Miller and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller and sons were Sunday guests at the Mattison home near Royal to honor the birthday anniversary of their grandson. Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mattison. Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Mrs. Hattie Boelter spent Sunday evening with the Ernest Boelter family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boelter ! and Merle were Sunday visitors | at the Ewalt Miller home. Mrs. Clarence Stewart, mother | of Mrs. Elmer Juracek, has been ! in an Omaha hospital the past j two weeks. She is expected home sometime this week. In the armed service: Pvt. Vernon D. Boelter, U. S. 27722639, Btry B, 2nd Stu. Bn., Spec. Comd. CL213, Ft. Chaffee, Ark. O’NEILL LOCALS Miss Mary Froelich, a student at Duchesne college in Omaha, arrived Wednesday to spend Eas ter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve and family were in Sioux City Wednesday. Mrs. Dave Widtfeldt had as j guests Friday her daughter, Mrs. Melvin Spangler, Mr. Spangler and her grandson’s wife, Mrs. John Binkerd, all of Ewing. Miss Jeanne Cole arrived home i Friday from the University of ' Nebraska to spend Easter with ! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hamik and family are expecting to spend Easter in Stuart with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hamik. “Bud” God el has left Tuesday for Redwood Falls, Minn., where he has accepted a position with a Penney store. His family will join him about May 1. Mrs. Lod Janousek, Mrs. Hen ry Martin, Miss Mary Holliday, Mrs. Margaret White, Mrs. H. J. Harte and Mrs. Mary Peters wore in Norfolk Mpnday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fernholtz and their daughter, Mrs. Francis Holz, were Sunday dinner guests in Page of Elmer ("Buck”) Ed na inst on. John Grutsch left Sunday to spend a week with his daughter, Mrs. Leslie Stevens, at Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hazelhorst and family were in Spencer for dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fish. 5 Infants Baptized at Page Church PAGE — Baptismal services were held during the Sunday morning worship hour at the Methodist church with Rev. Lisle Mewmaw, pastor, officiating. Infant baptisms were: Nancy Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stauffer; Lisa Ellen, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher; Julie Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronk; George Doug las, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wettalufer; Gilbert Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Kelly. Miss Norma Sorensen received the rite of baptism and she and Mrs. Leo Neubauer became mem I bers of the church. Other Page News Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schneider ; of Lincoln were weekend guests | of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! Harold Kelly. Harold Kelly went to Sioux City Monday where he will have work on the section of the Bur lington railroad in that vicinity. Paul Neubauer and his mother, Mrs. Emma Morris, and Mrs. N. ID. Ickes were Sunday evening callers in the home of Rose Chichester and her son, Elbert. Mrs. Chichester has not regained her health since having the flu some time ago. Mrs. Byrl Baty was accompan ied to Norfolk Saturday evening by the Misses Faye and Aletha Rutherford and Marilyn Terrill where they attended the chorus concert by Miltonvale Wesleyan college ol Miltonville, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Leach re turned to their home at Page Friday after spending the past week at the home of his son, Wil lard, at Sioux City. Mrs. Earl Parks was hostess to the members of the Woman’s Missionary society of the Wes leyan church, Thursday for an afternoon of work and study. Mrs. J. E. Smith had the lesson. The group worked on items need ed at the woman’s dormitory at the Wesleyan camp grounds near Atkinson. Mrs. Roy Wilson will be the May 9 hostess. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Man son attended a concert of sacred music at the Christian church at Ord Sunday. Mrs. Ivan Briggs, a relative, was the pianist and choir director. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lundgren are spending the Easter holidays with their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lundgren and little daughter of Ft. Collins, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gillespie are expected to arrive today (Thursday) from San Gabriel, Calif., where they had visited their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wood, for a month. Mrs. Clyde McKenzie sr., of Lynch visited at the Clyde Mc Kenzie jr., home Wednesday eve ning. April 10 and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Tenhorg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wiseman at Page. William MacKinlay left Sat urday on a business trip to Chad ron. Church Notes FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O’Neill) J. Olen Kenneli, Minister Thursday, April 18: Circle I meets at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. C. ' E. Jones as the hostess; Circle II ! meets at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. Joe Tennis as the hostess; Circle III meets at 8:45 p. m. with Mrs, Bob Tingle as the hostess. 7:30 p. m. Session meeting to receive new' members. members. Maundy Thursday communion service at 8 o’clock. Friday, April 19: 12:30 p. m. J3:00 p. m. Union Good Friday service in the Methodist Church. Easter Sunday, April 21: 6:15 a. m. sunrise service followed by breakfast for the young people. The Methodist young people will be our guests. First worship ser vice, 8 o’clock; second worship service, 11 o’clock. Monday and Tuesday, April 22 and 23: Niobrara Presbytery and Presbyterial meets in Norfolk beginning at 1 p. m. Wednesday, April 24: Junior hi youth fellowship at 7 o'clock; choir practice at 8 o’clock. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES (O’Neill) Friday, April 19: Theocratic ministry school, 7:30 p. m.; sub ject ‘Written Review”; service meeting, 8:30 p. m.; “Sharing With Jehovah, Not with Dem ons.” Sunday, April 21: A Bible lec ture will be given at Kingdom Hall, 2 p. m., entitled “How im portant is life to you? What is life worth to you? How much are you willing to give to it?” These questions will be an swered by H. B. Thompson, a representative of the Watchtower Bible and Tract society. The regular Watchtower study will be at 3:15 p. m. Subject “Love Builds Up.” Tuesday, April 23: Bible book study, 8 p. m., using book “You May Survive Armageddon Into God’s New World.” Chapter XVIII “Constructive, Lifesaving Activities.” ASSEMBLY OF GOI) (O’Neill) Rev. E. Kir9chman, pastor Sunday, April 21: Sunday school for all ages, 10 a. m.; the annual loyalty campaign and a new “class contest” will be in troduced. Easter service, 11 a. m.; choir singing, dedication of in fants, Easter message by the pas tor; children’s service; 7 p. m.; evangelistic rally, 7:45 p .m. Week-night service, Tuesday, 8 o’clock. Christ’s Ambassadors’ service, Thursday, 7:45 p. m. For transportation to the church, phone 452. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN J. Olen Kennell, Minister Friday, April 19: 7:30 p. m., the session will meet to receive new members; 8 o’clock, com munion service. Easter Sunday, April 21: 9:30 a. m. worship service; 10:30 a m. Sunday-School. Try Frontier want ads! I ' — Mrs. Ralph Munn Is Honored at Dinner RIVERSIDE—On ^Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry gave a dinner in honor of Mrs. Ralph Munn's birthday anniversary. Other guests were Ralph Mum and children, Norma Fry and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Phyl lis Jensen and children of New man Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Ot to Retke of Inman. Other Riverside News The Willie Shrader family were hosts to the March wedding anniversarys. Couples present were the Ralph Shrader family and Dewitt Hoke family. A supper was given Friday evening at the Wilbur Bennett home honoring Mrs. Harold Ben nett and daughter of California. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Morrow and fam ily, Mrs. May Shrader, Mrs. Em ma Coover, Ina Bennett, Mrs. Flora Young, Jim Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shrader and family, Eddy Shrader, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and David, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shrader and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bus Napier and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Doty of Dakota City were dinner guests Sunday at Grant Motts. O’NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Dorthea Shaw visited hci daughter. Mrs. Glen Pocop, ir Norfolk Sunday Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs Roy Parker were Mr. and Mrs Harlan Parker and family ol Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berner were in Omaha Monday and Tuesday. County judge and Ms. Louis W. Reimers were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Philbrick i and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.. Eby Stcut, of Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Davis of Junction City, Kars., spent from Friday until Monday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sageser and Mr. and Mrs Men tor Davis. Eddie is stationed at. Ft. Riley, Kans The MM club met wl*h Mrs. Esther Harris Saturday after noon. Bridge was played with Mrs. L. A. Burgess and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer having high score. Late lunch was served. James DeBacker, a student at the University of Nebraska, went to Denver, Colo., to spend a few days with his sister, Miss Diann. He will return home and join his family to go to Columbus to spend Easter with a brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Dan De Backer. Another brother. Rev. Thomas Deftacker. of Norfolk, ■ will be present also. Juedi clu bmet with Mrs. Mel vin Ruzicka Thursday. April 11. Dinner was served at the M&M and cards were played at her home. High scores were won by Mrs. Dale Kersenbrock, and Mrs. Ruzicka Guests were Mrs Leon ard MHiller and Mrs. Virgil Laursen. Mr. and Mrs. Mike London ex pect their sons, Michael and S-Sgt. James, both of Omaha home for Easter. James is sta tioned at Offut AFB. Miss Mary Elizabeth Gatz is : expected home from the College I of St. Mary in Omaha for the Easter vacation. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Ueb and family were in Star v isiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Der ickson. Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr. "■■■ -1 3-PC. BLONDE BEDROOM SUITE Bookcase Bed, Tiltiny Mirror, Dust Proof. Save $30.00 ^ M Reg. $199.50 ..... N0W®lO5f.3U 3-PC. WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE SAVE $40.00 (t <fl E A EA Reg. $199.50 _NOW 7-PC CHROME DINETTE 2 12-inch Leaves — SAVE $40.00 g0 Reg. $149.50 _ .... NOW 9lU«/i&U LIME OAK DINING ROOM SUITE 3-Leaf Table, Glass Door China, 4 chairs. SAVE 31.00 gm M A A Reg. $303.80 _NOW 3)ic4iC.oU 2-PC. LIVING ROOM SECTIONAL Foam Rubber, choice of colors — SAVE $40.00 COO M H> £\ Reg. $219.50_NOW $1/9,51) Complete line of ADMIRAL Appliances RCA TELEVISION NECCHI SEWING MACHINES . • , * * > - , * • • • •* * * • * j s ... . ITS EASY TO HAVE A BEAUTIFUL HOME WHEN YOU SHOP AT MIDWEST FURNITURE and APPLIANCE 209 West Douglas Street West O’Neill •*« * . * • **.* THE OLD RELIABLE MARKET REPORT Tuesday, April 16 Auction Cattle receipts 658 head: A very fine offering of light weight replacement cattle and all classes of butcher cattle sold fully 50c to $1.00 cwt. higher on a very active market. Many local buyers participated in the bidding as steer calves sold largely $22.00 to $24.00 cwt. with weightier offerings clearing from $20.00 to $21.75 cwt. Heifers of all classes in strong demand largely $18.50 to $20.50 with lighter weights commanding the top figure. Butcher classes continued to show strength with beef cows $12.50 to $14.00 commercial cows $11.00 to $12.25; Canners and low cutters $10.00 to $11.00 cwt. ?eef bulls $12.50 to $14.50 cwt. NEXT AUCTION TUESDAY, APRIL 23rd. A GREEN GRASS I CARLOT AUCTION 3.500 HEAD ,1 The bulk of the cattle included in this Special Auction * are light weights averaging under 450 lbs. If you have cattle ^ weighing over 500 lbs. and want to consign them to this spe- . cial sale phone 5141 Atkinson and list them today. Already listed are 1,000 fancy Hereford heifer calves, 350 fancy Angus heifer calves, 600 Hereford steer calves, 400 Angus steer calves with most of those averaging from 325 to 475 lbs. If in the market for fancy young replacement cattle or breeding or feeding purposes these will please you. ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. In New Location IRRIGATION SUPPLIES DRILLING FERTILIZER — SEED Producers Exchange FOR SALE !.200 Lbs. Bromp Seed Martin Milo Midland Milo Atlas Sorgo Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover 100-Bu. Ranger Alfalfa Seed 20 Bu. Oak. 12 Alfalfa Seed 25-Bu. Madison Vetch. (Nebraska Grown) 400-Bu. Seed Oats 450-Bu. Ear Corn 250-Bu. Rye 17 Stacks Good Hay 13 Stacks Alfalfa Hay 1 Near New Slide Hay Stacker l 28-Ft. Trailer House, good 1 Quaker Oil Heater, good 4 Good Reg. Hereford Bulls, 2-yrs.-old. Some Good Used Scoops, Forks, Hoes. Shovels, Chains. Etc. New Power Lawn Mowers 1953 Plymouth 4-door 1951 Chevrolet 2-door 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air WANTED A Good 3-Bottom Plow A Good 4-section Harrow 1 Good Used Lime Spreader 1 Good Used Gas Range 1 Table and Chairs ELKHORN SUPPLY CO. 3 Blocks South of Stop Light FAY BRITTKLL 4th Street Mkt. PHONE 93 — O’NEILL FREE DELIVERY .SUNKIST SEEDLESS ^ ^ ORANGES.3 lbs. 39c PLENTY OF U- s- NO- 1 — Carrots_2 cello pks. 15c CELLO BUNDLE OF 2 LARGE STALKS ^ _ CALIFORNIA CELERY HEARTS 25c U. S. NO. I LOUISIANA _ PUERTO RICAN YAMS 2 lbs. 27 I ADD A REAL TOUCH OF SPRING TO YOUR EASTER SALAD WITH FRESH TOMATOES ... CUCUMBERS ... CARROTS ... RADISHES... GREEN ONIONS ... CORN ... ASPARAGUS AND NEW POTATOES. U. S. NO. 1 — GRAPEFRUIT10 for 39c DELBROOK - OQ MARGARINE.2 lbs. STOKELY'S FINEST - ROUND JAR DILL PICKLES .. QUART 29C OCEAN SPRAY STRAINED CRANBERRY SAUCE . . .2 39c BOOTH CUT LUNCH. IN WINE SAUCE — HERRING_i-gal. $129 DEL MONTE CREAM OR KERNEL — GOLDEN CORN.3 »> *» 49c NATURIPE FRESH FROZEN ... KJ-OZ. Sliced Strawberries .... 23c STOKELrS FRESH FROZEN GREEN PEAS.7‘ STOKELY*S BIG FAMILY SIZE ^CHERRY PIES.„ 49c FRIONOR SUNLESS _ CATFISH FILLETS 55c y^J f-*. Iheavy pack I ^Uf. CREW - EASTER HAMS CUDAHY PURITAN — 14-LB. AVERAGE Whole__ 59c Butt Half 65c BORMEL, FULLY COOKED, BONELESS — HAM_pound 99c rENDER GROWN — FRYERS-f :nnd 43c FRESH — GROUND BEEF_3 pounds 5J. CUDAHY PURITAN — ROLL SAUSAGE_pound 35c U. 8. CHOICE FED. GRADED — CHUCK ROAST_pound 49c CUDAHY PURITAN. THICK SLICED — BACON-.. 3 pkg. 59c