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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1956)
Open Class (Contonued from page 9 ) SHEAF GRAINS AND GRASSES TOM LAMBERT, Superintendent Sheafs should be five inches at the band, neatly stripped of leaves and neatly tied. 1st 2nd Oats $ .65 $ .35 Winter Wheat .65 .35 Spring Wheat ,65 .35 Timothy .65 .35 Clover, red .65 .35 Clover, sweet hay 85 35 Lima Beans 65 .35 Sorghum, grain .65 .35 Sorghums, fodder .65 35 Soy Beans .65 .35 Rye 65 35 Alfalfa Hay .85 35 Barley .65 .35 Field Beans .65 .35 Alfalfa Seed .65 35 Intermediate Wheat Grass 65 .35 Brome Grass .65 .35 FRUITS TOM LAMBERT, Superintendent All exhibits must be entered and in place by 5:00 p.m., Monday, August 13, 1956. All fruits must be raised by exhibitors. APPLES, Five on a Plate 1st 2nd Ben Davis $ .65 $ .35 Greening. N.W. .65 .35 Black Ben Davis .65 .35 Grimes Golden 65 .35 Jonathan .65 .35 Delicious .65 .35 Strawberry .65 .35 Tallman Sweet .65 .35 Winesap .65 .35 Wealthy .65 .35 Wealthy, summer .65 .35 CRABAPPLES, Six to Plate Minnesota .65 35 Martha .05 .35 Hyslop .65 .35 Alaska .65 .35 Romanite .65 .35 Siberian .65 .35 Whitney .65 .35 Transcedent 65 .35 PLUMS. Six to a Plate Blue Damson .05 .35 Mlnar .65 .35 Pawttamic .05 .35 Wauneta 05 .35 Wolf _____ .65 .35 Sapa .65 .35 Opata .65 .35 GRAPES, Best Plate Black Grapes .65 .35 White Grapes 65 .35 PEARS, Five to Plate Kiefer .65 .35 Bartlett .. .85 .35 Peter Piper .85 35 PEACHES, Five to Plate Seedling .65 .35 Grafted or Budded 65 .35 (Continued on paRe 10.) -— I Congratulations... I ■ to the 1956 Holt Conuty Fair! ■ 0 The following premiums will be offered 0 0 by the Holt County Hereford Breeders’ 0 0 Association at the Holt 0 0 County Fair: v 0 Plaques will be awarded to the 0 0 • Champion Hereford Stocker-Feeder m m • Champion Hereford Baby Beef V ■ • Champion Hereford Breedin* Heifer ■ 0 Cups will be awarded to: v ■ • The Champion Stocker-Feeder, if it is a Hereford K • • The Champion Baby Beef, If it is a Hereford 0 0 • The Champion Breed in* Heifer, if it is a Hereford « 1 Holt County Hereford Breeders’ Ass’n I C O'Neill, Nebraska 1 m GEORGE ROWSE, Pres. — ROGER BOWEN, Vice-Pres. 0 0 JAMES W. ROONEY, Sec-Treas. m Special Awards _ Honey Baking Contest All contestants must be carry ing a 4-H food preparation pro ject. First place winner under 16 years of age will be eligible for cash award. Over 16 years of age will receive an expense paid trip to Lincoln to the state contest. Winner at Lincoln will receive an expense paid trip to Long Beach, Calif., as a national con testant. State and national Honey Queen or King will have a great deal of publiicty, newspapers and television. Exhibitors must enter at least three classes. Each first place will count four points; second place, three points, and third place, two points. Winner of most points will be crowned Honey Queen or King. Beilin’s Apiaries will sponsor and award the prizes. A 2-pound jar of honey will be given to each exhibitor entering at least three classes. Premiums for County Contest a. Honey date nut bread, 1 loaf b. Honey fudge cake, frost with! honey frosting c. Honey oatmeal cookies (6) d. Honey peanut butter cookies (6) e. Honey coconut divinity or honey fudge (6) Premiums for State Contest a. Honey date nut bread, 1 loaf b. Honey fudge cake, frost with ; honey frosting c Honey oatmeal cookies (6) d Honey peanut butter cookies (6) e. Honey pumpkin pie Chambers Commercial Club Trophies The following trophies are be ing provided by the Chambers Commercial Club for champion cxhiibtors in the following classi fications: Stocker-feeder Baby beef. Cow and calf. Breeding heifer Dairy heifer. 3 Teams to Appear in Baseball Games Three teams, all members of the North - Central Nebraska day-and-night baseball league, have been booked for appear ances at the 1956 fair. Fair Secretary James Gibson says all three appear to be “very evenly matched”, based upon their performances during the current season. The Chambers team will face the Atkinson towners on Wed nesday afternoon, August 15, and the Chambers team will face thu O’Neill Rockets on Thursday i afternoon, August 16. RODEOS IN MANY STATES Last year there were rodeos in j 35 states and Canada. Sprague & Morrow Well Service i • WELL DRILLING • WELLS & WINDMILLS REPAIRED Phones: 553-J and 435-W O’NEILL. NEBR. Artificial Insemination Build Your Herd UP with Curtiss Candy Sires DUANE GRAY O’NEILL - - Phone 40B-J NOT STRICTLY WESTERN Rodeo is no longer a strictly western sport. Last year there were 56 RCA approved rodeos west of the Missippi and more rodeos in Naw York than in Ari zona. Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota. Utah or Wyoming. NO SCANDALS Rodeo is th* only major Am erican sport that has never had a scandal, partly because of the attitude of the men in the sport and partly because of the futility of bribing or dealing with a wild bronc, bull or a dogging steer. Yea, you asked for it! When Sealy ran this record-breaking •ale last year, our factories couldn’t keep up with the de mand! Once again—for a limited time only—you can save a whopping $19.55 on the famous “Enchanted Nights” Mattress. And you do more than save! You get superb Sealy sleeping with all these famous quality features: • Extra high cell count! • Top quality Innarcpring unit . Pro-built borders far year. •# *?*?*_. longer wear I pioneered by Sealyl e Same fine quality matching e Smart decorator declgn ticking! box spring —JUST $39,951 CONVENIENT TERMSI Verified By The AMERICAN STANDARDS TESTING BUREAU to give service and wear beyond its 10 YEAR WRITTEN OUARANTEE _ BIGLIN’S PHONE 38 _EAST TERMS