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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1956)
Open Class (Continued from page 8.) FARM PRODUCE TOM LAMBERT. Superintendent All exhibits must be entered and on the grounds by 5:00 p.m. Monday, August 13, 1956. 1st 2nd One Gallon Winter Wheat $ ,65 $ ,35 One Gallon Spring Wheat ..._ .65 .35 One Gallon Winter Rye . .._ .65 .35 One Gallon Spring Barley 65 .35 One Gallon Oats .65 .35 One Gallon Buckwheat _ .65 .35 Ten Ears Yellow Corn _ 1.25 .65 Ten Ears Rice Pop Corn . 1.25 .65 Ten Ears Other Pop Corn _______...._ 1.25 .65 Ten Ears Corn, any variety __ .... 1.25 .65 One Ear Corn, any variety 1.25 .65 One Quart Field Beans, white _ .65 .35 One Quart Lima Beans ,65 .35 One Gallon Alfalfa Seed .65 .35 One Gallon Sweet Clover Seed . 65 .35 One Gallon Red Clover Seed . .65 .35 One Gallon Alsike Clover Seed . .65 .35 One Gallon Madison Vetch.. .65 .35 One Gallon Grain Sorghums, any variety .65 .35 One Gallon Feed Sorghums, any variety _ .65 .35 One Gallon Brome Seed ._. .65 .35 One Peck Early Potatoes ........ 1.25 .65 One Peck Late Potatoes ........ 1.25 .65 Qlv Pntahncfoc A*i Six Turnips_.65 .35 Sight Tomatoes, red 65 .35 Eight Tomatoes, orange___ .65 .35 Twelve Pear Tomatoes _ .65 .35 Sample Grape Tomatoes_ .65 .35 One Quart Peanuts _ .65 .35 Eight Onions, white _ .65 .35 Eight Onions, yellow _ .65 .35 Eight Onions, red _ 65 .35 Two Cucumbers, slicing . 65 .35 Two Cucumbers, pickling .. 65 .35 Sample Celery _ 65 .35 Three Table Beets .. .65 .35 Three Best Sweet Peppers ... .65 .35 Three Kohlrabi 65 .35 Six Carrots____ .65 .35 Six Parsnips _ .65 .35 Three Cabbages . .65 .35 Three Pie Pumpkins .65 .35 Three Table Squash _ 65 .35 Three Large Winter Squash _.... . .65 .35 Three Summer Squash . .65 .35 Three Egg Plant _ .65 .35 Sample Parsley ...._ .65 .35 Three Muskmelons . .65 .35 Heaviest Watermelon . .65 .35 Heaviest Squash . .65 .35 Heaviest Pumpkin .65 .35 Twelve String Beans, yellow _ .65 .35 Twelve String Beans, green . .65 .35 Sample Spinach .65 .35 Six Stalks Rhubarb . .65 .35 Three Okra ..... 65 .35 One Swiss Chard . .65 .35 (Continued on page 10) I lllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiilllll I iiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMu11111* Tune Ini “Voice of The Frontier” Mondays - Wednesdays - Saturdays WJAG (780 k.c.) — 1,000 WATTS 9:30 Til 10 A.M. Heard Regularly by a Loyal Following of Listeners in 3 States Mail Response from 63 Counties • Features and Important Shopping Information. • Brief, concise, well-edited news from throughout the ' O’Neill region . . . reported by trained, alert corre i spondents . . . about folks you know. • Up-to- the-minute weather news furnished by the UJ. { Weather Bureau. • • Roundup of Hospital News from the O’Neill, Atkin son, Lynch and Creighton Hospitals. The Frontier Woman . . . School Time Draws Near By Bl.ANt'IIK SPANN PEASE. Ilomeniaktnc Editor It s hard to realize that August’ is with us already. Summer will soon be gone and the kids will be back in school before we know it. So it’s time to remind you \ that if you have some school lunch ideas and recipes, now is the time to send them to The Frontier Woman, so don't forget., Just send them to Blanche Spann Pease, care of The Frontier Woman, Atkinson, Nebr. Everybody has a favorite choc olate cake and here is one bf a well - knowui home economist along with her never fail icing. You'll probably want to try this. The cake is moist and fine-tex tured and keeps well. FAVORITE CHOCOLATE CAKE. One-half cup butter or short ening, 1 cups sugar, two eggs, two cups sifted all-purpose flour, teaspoon baking soda, Vi cup hot water, one teaspoon soda, one cup sour milk (or you may use two tablespoons vinegar in sweet milk), V4 teaspoon salt, two squares baking chocolate or four tablespoons cocoa, vanilla. Cream butter and sugar, add unbeaten eggs and beat well. Sift flour, salt and baking powder to gether. If using sweet milk, mix with vinegar and add soda to nulk. Add the milk and flour al ternately to creamed mixture. Add hot water to chocolate and heat over low heat until choco late is melted and mixture thick ens. Add to batter, add flavoring and turn batter into greased loaf pan or layer pans. Bake at 300 F. lor one hour. If baking in a glass cake dish, cut the temperature to 275 F. or reduce baking time by 15 minutes. NEVEK FAIL. ItJINU One and one-half cups sugar, five tablespoons water, two egg whites, one tablespoon Karo syrup or lemon juice, pinch cream of tartar. Dissolve the sugar in the wa ter, syrup and egg whites. Place over water in a double boiler and aLlow water to boil under the mixture lor four minutes. Do not stir. When the four minutes are up, remove double boiler from the fire and start beating with the syrup mixture still over the not water. Beat until frosting holds peaks. Flavor with any kind of fruit, almond extract, lemon or vanilla, — tfw — Mrs. Dobias Wins Subscription— Stuart, Nebr. Dear Blanche: I have been canning fish this afternoon and am now waiting for the last ones to finish cook ing. Next week, I hope to start canning mulberries. It seems good to have mulberries and so much other wild fruit. There seems to be such an abundance of wild fruit this year and I hope to can and freeze quite a lot. A wire egg basket makes an ideal carrier for lids, rubbers and other small pieces of canning equipment. Everything is right where you want it when you need it and you don’t need to search every place. 1 really enjoy that nice beef cookery book. It has so many de licious recipes in it and I enjoy trying new recipes. When baking cup cakes in pa per containers, place them in two-piece jar tops if you haven’t enough muffin tins. You can bake all of your cup cakes at once and they will be uniform in size. Our little girl is 10-weeks-old today and is really growing. We enjoy so much every new thing she does. She spends so much time playing and talking to her self. During the hot summer months, one of our favorite desserts is strawberry gelatin ice cream with strawberry rhubarb topping, which is also made with gelatin. I am enclosing the recipes as some of your readers might enjoy them. STRAWBERRY GELATIN ICE CREAM Dissolve one package straw berry gelatin in one cup hot wa ter. Add Vi cup sugar, two cups milk and one cup cream. Mix thoroughly and freeze till firm. Eeat well and return to freezer and freeze till firm. It serves six. STRAWBERRY RHUBARB TOPPING Mix four cups rhubarb with four cups sugar. Bring to boil j hrv wn mrwmww* ■ Sit e of 56 Husking Contest D. E. Lane, University of Nebraska extension agricultural en gineer, and farm machinery officials look over the irrigated dem onstration field at the 1956 national corn picking contest site near Columbus. Lane will be a judge at the contest to be held October 11-12. Pictured (left-to-right) are: Lane, Walter Landwehr of Co lumbus, Ralph Norberg of Omaha and Wayne Persons of Central City. and boil 15 minutes. Add one package strawberry gelatin and put into jars. This makes two pints. A good cup cake to go with this combination is DATE-NUT CUP CAKES Combine one cup salad dress ing and one cup sugar. Add one teaspoon vanilla. Sift together 2Vi cups flour, one teaspoon soda, one teaspoon baking powder, dash of salt, *4 teaspoon nutmeg. Add this alternately with Vi cup cold water. Blend well. Stir in two tablespoons grated orange rind, Vi cup chopped dates, and Vi cup chopped nuts. Mix. Bake at 350 F. 15 minutes, or until done. I see it’s time to take the cook er off, so 1 had better close for this time. Mlts! RAYMOND DOBIAS A 1,000-pound steer yields only about 35 pounds of Porter house steaks. Plans Announced for Heralding Dam Completion The corps of army engineers announced plans lust week for a public ceremony on August 11, marking completion of Ft. Ran dall dam and reservoir on the Missouri river in South Dakota, and the end of a 10-year 195 mil lion-dollar project. Gov. Joe Foss of South Dakota has named a statewide commit tee to help arrange the dedication program to be staged at North Point recreation area just up stream from the dum. Preceding the formal program ir ihe afternoon there will be a demonstration of water sports to dramatize the recreational ad vantages of the 150-mile long lake, presently the largest body of ' water in South Dakota, • *••*»*•**»•****••••*•- ■ ; • SHOES FOR THE WHOLE ! ! • • MEN'S FURNISHING I I • LADIES’ ; I • DRY GOODS ;; Phone 85 — O’Neill h............. ? Planning a NEW HOME? We’d be pleased to make FREE estimatea for you! « HOME BUILDING • COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION • CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ETC. O’Neill Construction & Cabinet Works PHONE 205 GERALD MONK, Prop. O’NEILL