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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1956)
Future Subscribers MLADY — Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mlady of Verdigre, a son, weigh ing 6 pounds 10 ounces, born on Tuesday, April 3. Mrs. Mlady is the former Elsie Mott of Walnut. The Mladys now have three sons. ORE— Mr. and Mrs. Orville Orr of Atkinson, a son, Robert Willis, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces, bom Wednesday, April 3, in the Atkinson Memorial hos pital. , OHDE—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ohde of Atkinson, a daughter, Barabra Jean, weighing 5 pounds 5 ounces, bom Wednesday, April 4, in the Atkinson Memorial hos pital. „ ., DE NAEYER — Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DeNaeyer of Bassett, a daughter, Jane Elizabeth, weigh ing 6 pounds 6 ounces, bom Thursday, April 5, in the Atkin son Memorial hospital. SWANSON — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swanson of Denver, Colo., a son, born Monday, April 9, in the Atkinson Memorial hospital. Mrs. Swanson is the former Mer cedes Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Miller. ELSASSER — Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Elsasser of Niobrara, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces, bom Sunday, April 8, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. S PEI DEL—Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Speidel of Fairfax, S.D., a son, weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces, born Thursday, April 5, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. LINQUIST — Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist of Star, a daughter, born April 2. Mrs. Linquist and baby went home Saturday. SWANSON — Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swanson of Bristow, a daughter, Marilyn Kay, weighing 6 pounds 15% ounces, born Sat urday, April 7, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: April 4— George Pebbles, O’Neill; Mrs. R. A. Co burn, O’Neill; Mrs. Abbie Coker, O’Neill; Mrs. C. V. Robertson, Chambers; Larry Strong, O’Neill. 5—Ray Calkins, O’Neill; Mrs. Harry Clauson, O’Neill; Alma King, Atkinson; Mat Schmitz, Naper; Shirey Jean Kyser, O’ Neill. 6—Judy Slattery, O’Neill; Connie Johnson, Spencer. 7—Mrs. Harold Swanson, Bristow; Marlin Wichman, O’Neill; Carlyle Strong, O’Neill; Mrs. Fred Ap pleby, O’Neill; Mrs. Charles Houser, O’Neill; Mrs. Irene Mar tin, O’Neill; Mrs. Eva Grothe, Emmet. 8—Mrs. Fay Doty, Ew ing. 9—James C. Parker, O’Neill; Kenneth Peacock, O’Neill; Mrs Ben Miller, Star. 10 — Ronald Summers, Page; Mrs. Charles Long, O’Neill. 11—Mrs. Margarel Whtie, O’Neill; Curtis Peacock, O’Neill; Mrs. Lyle Mitteis, Ew ing. Dismissals: April i — tonme Strong, O’Neill; Timmie Strong, O’Neill; Bernard Janzing, O’Neill; Marjorie Fagan, Chambers; Su son Weyhrich, O’Neill; Mrs. Har old Calkins, O’Neill; Mrs. Eldon Ramsel, O’Neill; Mrs. Marlin Lu ber and baby girl, O’Neill; Duane Hoerle, Chambers; Mrs. Elmer WilliamsoB, Orchard; Ambrose Biglin, O’Neill; Mrs. Clifford Potter Ewing; Mrs. Maude Ful ler, O’Neill. 5—Joseph Howard, O’Neill; Charles Stout, O’Neill; Mrs. William Biglin, O’Neill; Mrs. Daniel Flannigan, Stuart; Mrs. Eugene Kurpgeweit and baby boy, Ewing; Elizabeth (“Betty”) Miles, O’Neill; Kelly Fuhrer, O’ Neill; Mrs. Ralph Adams and baby bov, Chambers; Mrs. Fran cis Pfeffer and baby boy, Butte; Alma King, Atkinson. 6— Terry Gallagher, Emmet. 7—Katherine Matthews, O’Neill; Donald Keyes, Inman: Theodore Dean McKen zie. O’Neill; J. H. Hintz, Ewing (exm>ed). 8—Marlin Wichman, O’Neill; Judy Slattery, O’Neill; Connie Johnson, Spencer. 9 — Morna Farrand, Dorsey; Ray Caki ns, O’Neill. 10—Mrs. A.bbie Coker. O’Neill; Mrs. Harry Clau son, O’Neill; Mrs. Charles Hous er, O’Neill. 11 — Mrs. Harold Swanson and baby girl, Bristow; Mrs. Charles Long, O’Neill. Still hospitalized: Shirley Jean Kyser, O’Neill; Mrs. Mae Landis, O’Neill; Mrs. Ada Hamdorf, O’ Neill; Curtis Peacock, O’Neill; Kenneth Peacock, O’Neil; Mrs. Minnie Bay, O’Neill; Mrs. Lois Adams, Chambers; Sharon Camp bell Kilgore; Mrs. Fay Doty, Ewing; Ronald Summers, Page; Larry Strong, O’Neill; Mrs. Ora Caskey, Venus; Bonnie Crumlv, Page; Jim Parker, O’Neill; Mrs. Fred Appleby, O’Neill; Mrs. C. V. Robertson, Chambers; Carlyle Strong. O’Neill; Mat Schmitz, Naper: Mary Dougherty, Inman; Mrs. Eva Grothe, Emmet; George Pebbles, O’Neill; Mrs. Ben Mil ler, Star; Mrs. Irene Martin, O’ Neill; Mrs. Margaret White, O’ Neill; Mrs. Lyle Mitteis, Ewing. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: April 2—Mrs. Or ville Orr, Atkinson, obstetrical. 3 —Arthur Emmerson, Mariaville, medical. 4—Arthur Ziska, Stu art, medical; Mrs. Charles Ohde, Atkinson, obstetrical. 5 — Mrs. Lawrence De Naeyer, Bassett, obstetrical. 6—Dr. Charles Cro zier, Stuart, medical. 8 — Mrs. Fred Swanson, Denver, Colo (Mercedes Miller, Atkinson), ob stetrical. Dismissed: April 3— Mrs. Ed ward Schneider and daughter, Stuart. 4—Mrs. Bud Kunz and daughter, Stuart; Mrs. F. J. Man cuso, Atkinson. 5—Mrs. Herman Schrader, Atkinson; Arthur Zis ka, Stuart; Kathryn Lorraine Freouf, Atkinson. 9—Mrs. Char les Ohde and daughter. Expired: April 6 — Ronald Stems, 8, Atkinson. Hospitalized: Mrs. Fred Swan son and son, Denver, Colo.; John Gallagher, Atkinson; Ed Sco field, Atkinson; Irvan Christen, Newport; Dr. C. Crozier, Stuart; Mrs. Frank Boehme, Newport; Mrs. A. B. Sorey, Atkinson: Mrs. Alex McConnell, Emmet; Joe Dvorak, Atkinson; Arthur Em erson, Mariaville; Mrs. Orville Orr and son, Atkinson; Mrs. Lawrence DeNaeyer and duagh ter, Bassett; Gerald James Man cuso, Atkinson. SACRED HEART (Lynch) HJospitalized: Dr. Edwin B. Bradley, Spencer; Baby Terry Michael Carlson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carlson, Spencer; Calvin Christensen, Monowi; Mrs. Mary Classen, Spencer; Mrs. Alvin Clocker, Fairfax, S.D.; Mrs. Lettie Combs, Lynch; Mrs. William Derickson, Star; Mrs. Bernadine Dophiede, Butte; Mrs. Gerald Elsasser and baby girl, Niobrara; Raymond Elsasser, Sr>encer; Mrs. Levi Hull, O’Neill; Miss Lillian Olson, Bristow; Mrs. Joseph Rihanek, Monowi; Mrs. Robert Speidel and baby boy, Fairfax, S.D.; Mrs. Ben Wood ruff, Butte. Dismissals: April 2—Mrs. Josie Scheinost, Spencer; Mrs. Dwaine Huber and baby, Lynch; Baby Garcia Koppelman, Osmond; Ba by Mary Ann Tejral, Spencer. 4 —Mrs. Albert Stoffer and baby, O’Neill. 5—Elmo Bames, Lynch; Baby Steven Kennis Hansen, O’ Neill; George Kubik, Star. 6— Baby Rita Kay Ahlers, Naper. 7 —Baby Carl Frisch, jr., Winne toon; Baby Linda Bridge, Spen cer. 8—Mrs. Hiram Johnson, O’ Neill; Baby Curtis Babl, Dorsey; Mrs. Thomas Boska Spencer. O’NEILL LOCALS Roy Lanman, Sharon Grenier and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lanman went to Omaha Sunday to visit Mrs. Roy Lanman, who is a pa tient in the University hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gettert spent Sunday at Atkinson visit ing Mr. and Mrs. John Laible and family. Mr. and" Mrs. L. B. Epltz were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Glandt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Douglass were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Newton. Monday dinner guests of R. M. Pease were Walter Pease of Em met and Ted Zaborewski. Legal Notice (First pub. April 5, 1956) Elven A. Butterfield, Attorney Case No. 4106 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF i HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF HARMON EDWARD COON, DECEASED. TO ALL PERSONS INTEREST ED IN SAID ESTATE, BOTH HEIRS AND CREDITORS. You are hereby notified that on the 31st day of March, A.D., 1956, Catherine Anna Spangler and Jo seph Harmon Coon, filed a peti tion, setting forth that Harmon Edward Coon deceased, died in testate on November 16th, A.D., 1936, a resident of Page, Holt County, Nebraska, being seized in fee simple of the Northwest Quarter, of Section 14, in Town ship 28 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Holt County, Ne braska, leaving as his sole and only heirs at law, his widow, Myrtle M. Coon, and his children, Joseph Harmon Coon, Catherine Anna Spangler and Lester L. Coon. The prayer of said petition is for a decree determining the date of the death of the deceased, his residence, the names of his heirs, fixing the degree of kinship and their right to inherit the real estate of which he died seized and for an order dispensing with the regular administration pro ceedings and barring all claims and for other relief. Said matter is set for hearing before the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, on the 26th day of April, A.D., 1956, at the hour of ten o’clock a.m. Dated this 30th day of March, A.D., 1956. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 49-51 (First pub. April 5, 1956) NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE ORCHARD RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TO ALL ELECTORS WHO ARE OWNERS OF ANY INTEREST IN REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR TAXATION IN THE DISTRICT AND WHO RESIDE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIB ED BOUNDARIES: ANTELOPE COUNTY All of Garfield Township. All of Sherman Township. All of Royal and Verdigris ex cept the 12 east sections of each township. KNOX COUNTY South 24 sections of Walnut Grove. HOLT COUNTY All of Sections 24-25-26 35 and 36—Verdigris Township. All of 1-2-3 and Sec. 12 of Golden Township. Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held at the Town Hall, Orchard, Nebraska, on the 26th day of April, at 8 o’clock P.M. for the purpose of completing the organization of the ORCHARD RURAL FIRE PRO TECTION DISTRICT, election of officers and directors thereof and for such other business as may properly come before said meet ing. LILLIE FALLESEN County Clerk 49-50 HOTEL LINDELL LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Fine Foods Reasonable Rates Mgr. Frank Klein Res. 2-1006 O rr . H| H • ^ NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS WE HAVE RESERVED ALL OF THE SPACE ON THE EAST SIDE OF OUR BUILDING FOR CUSTOMER PARK ING - WHICH WILL ACCOMMODATE ABOUT THIRTY CARS. JUST DRIVE INTO THE PARKING LOT AND SHOP WITHOUT PARKING WORRIES! □MAXWELL HOUSE RITZ [I “7 instant COCKERS Crackers C«9FF|E »»_35* I 2-.b. Zm49c $149 I WESSON I OIL 1 HANDI-GB1P SPONGE ONLY f" Q Ml OQ* Prices Good '7,4 1 AMSCO SPONGE CLOTH 51 H |J (2-\f fl Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. V All in Handy V V U f _^ APril »2 - 13 - 14 Keep-Clean Bag x VALUE $1.29 / QT. __/S CLOROX BLEACH FOR COTTON - LINEN - NYLON - RAYON j r CLOROX 5 i 40*1 OUR FAMILY BRAND FINEST QUALITY fSSfifc I J._l LIFEBUOY 3^29' 2 Bath 90* Size 47^ LUX 3IS25* 2^25‘ RINSO LS OI.KOH.7j BLUE SIZE | <• SIZE / *t1' SURF »31 > “S4 74' LUX« ^ “ 39« “ 69' GOLDEN VALLEY CHEESE 5Qr 2 Pound Box. W TUNA TIME ^ ^ ^ TUNA 6 —$1^ Hot Tin. I DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW 3/r 24 Ox. Tin. t ^ 1 $1*9 EA. SI WAXTEX BRAND WAXED PAPER WAXTEX£l9* Makes Water Softer Than Rain CALGON ( “ 3 s c „ __— .--H ttf> RED APP/PC 11 A I I C \A/ F FT tender skinless pickled PIMENTO. l-l-w TT U«- I MACARONI CHEESE OUR FAMILY MARGARINE A ^ WIENERS Baked Loaves PINEAPPLE Crushed.4 Has 1 j Po„d Chs / VC ggHDCEUO 47* _37‘ van CAMPS co LDE™"'^^ -Jl-^ PORK and BEANS ....,.BW BANANAS-Lb. 15c ICE CREAM_Vt gal. 59c bEInT”" .«*» GRAPEFRUIT _ 10 for 33c BUTTER _ _ Lb. 63c skippy brand WE HAVE A WIDE VARIETY OF gEQ POTATOES ™!L, “ 3S‘ Also a Limited Supply of Red Triumph Eating Potatoes — Priced Right! KQOL'AID . 6 Ph3s.25C NUTREHA FEEDS EGG CRUMBLES, 100 Lbs. _$3.95 CHICK STARTER, 100 Lbs. _ $4.95 40% HOG BALANCER, 100 Lbs... $4.95 BLOCK SALT SALE WHITE BLOCKS, Each __ 75c Ton Lots- 3c Less Per Block ALWAYS THE TOP DOLLAR For Your EGGS an(l CREAK WE HAVE BABY chicks every day Priced at $ 12.50 Per 1®® Chicks White Rocks — Wyandottes — Leg Rocks — A. Whites Leg Hamps — White Leghorns We Have Some STARTED CHICKS on Hand SHELHAMER'S1 I ■MU * • f t • • J 00 rnton.