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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1956)
Summer Scout Schedule Adopted EWING—Fifteen members of Boy Scout troop 181 were in at tendance at the regular meeting held last Thursday evening at the Scout headquarters. Patrol Leader Jerry Tams, as sisted by Assistant Patrol Leader Tom Wanser. conducted the bus iness session. Summer camps were discussed and a summer schedule worked out. The fol lowing six Scouts signed for a course in NRA safety hunting: Tom Wanser, Larry Noffke, Al fred Shilousky, Floyd Boies, Jer ry Tams, Gary Eacker. This will be given by H. R. Harris, scout master. The first evening meeting was to be held Tuesday evening at the Scout headquarters. A hike was planned for Satur day. All of the Scouts met at 9 a.m. at Scout headquarters with full pack. A dinner was to be planned over a campfire. Jer ry Tams was to be in charge. Other Ewing News Mrs. Waldo Davis presented the lesson on transplanting at the Garden club met Monday, April 2, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Walter Millett of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie, accompanied by his moth er, Mrs. Gertrude Davis of Or chard, spent Sunday at the home of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson, at Sioux City. Mrs. Gertrude Davis remained for a longer visit while the Waldo Da vis family returned to Ewing. Mrs. Earl Billings is a guest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunaway, and family at Hast ings. She also spends much of her time with her husband, a patient at the Veterans hospital in Grand Island. Guests Easter at a 1 o’clock dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Pruden were Mr. and Mrs. John Pruden and Sam Burt wistle. The occasion also hon ored the birthday anniversary of Mr. Burtwistle. Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Tinsley were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bennett and family of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Dietz and family, Mr. and Mrs. . Charles Bennett, jr., and family of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hansen and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tinsley and daughters of Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Tinsley and sons of Grange ville, Ida. An Easter egg hunt was enjoyed by ,the children during the afternoon hours. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tinsley and sons of Grangeville, Ida., are guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Tinsley. The Christian Mothers of St. Peters’ church met Tuesday eve ning, April 3, at the home of Mrs. Allan Pollock. Hostesses were: Mrs. Leo Vandersnick, Mrs. Martin Van Conet, Mrs. A. M. Beelaert and Mrs. Agnes Bar tak. After a short business ses sion conducted by Mrs. Gail Boies, pinochle and pitch were played. Scorewinners were Mrs. Lyle Mitteis, high, and Mrs. Frank Schrad, low, ^in pitch; Mrs. Arthur Kropp, high, and Mrs. Frank Bollwitt, low, in pi nochle. Mrs. Leonard Knapp was presented the traveling prize. Refreshments were served. Miss Laura Vandersnick of O - Neill visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick during the Easter holiday week end. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vandersnich were 6 o’clock dinner and eve ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aug ust Thiele on Easter. Franklin Bollwitt of Camp Chaffee, Ark., who spent t> 13 day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bollwitt ol Ewing, has left for Ft. Mon mouth, N.J., where he will get an 18-weeks’ period of signal corps schooling. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards and daughters returned home on Monday, April 2, from Harlan, la., where they had spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Dora Shipp. Other guests were Mrs. Edwards’ brother - in - law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ew all, and family of Davenport, la. Mrs. Merle Shilousky, Jeanne, Diane and Billy of Orchard were Saturday afternoon guests at the Richard Edwards home. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton reiurned home Wednesday, April 4, from Omaha where they had attended a telephone convention. Mr. Hamilton is the manager of the public telephone system in Ewing. During their absence, Gloria stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards and Diana was a guest at the home of her grandparents, Mr. end Mrs. Delbert Boelter at Creighton. Judy Tinsley celebrated a birthday anniversary Saturday. In honor of the occasion she in vited the girls of her Sunday school class of the Ewing Meth odist church to be her guests at a roller skating party at the Ne ligh roller rink. The guests were Bertha Harris, Leonora Tuttle, Marie Davis and Patsy Elliot. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. James Tinsley, Judy’s parents, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Elliot and Jimmie. Ewing Trackmen Down SMA, Inman EWING—Ewing high school's track team won a triangular meeting over St. Mary’s of O’ Neill and Inman at Ewing on Wednesday, April 4. Ewing fin ished with 65 7/12 points, St. Mary’s collected 48% and Inman 15 11/12. Event winners were: 100-yard dash—Bob Hobbs of Ewing, 10.7; 220 yard dash — R. Donohoe of St. Mary’s, :24; 440 yard run—R. Donohoe of St. Mary’s, :58.6; 880 yard run—Francis fleumes ser of Ewing, 2:17.6; mile run—J. Schmidt of St. Mary’s, 5:13. Relay winners: 880 relay—Ew ing, 1:42.8; mile relay—Ewing, 4:02; freshman relay—St. Mary’s :53.1. Field event winners included: Shot put — Dorrence Hobbs of Ewing, 45 feet 8 3/4 inches; high jump, Dorrence Hobbs, Ewing 5 feet 2 1/4 inches; pole vault — G. Couch of Inman, 8 feet 9 in ches; broad jump—Holly of St Mary’s, 17 feet % inch; discus— Virgil Potter of Ewing, 111 feet 1 inch. Mrs. Mary Dumpert at 80th Milestone— Mrs. Mary Dumpert was guest of-honor at a party Monday af ternoon to celebrate her 80th birthday anniversary. It was held at the home of her daughter, John E. Wallen, he guests were: Mesdames Mike London, Ed Flood, Herb Jansen, Leonard Davis, Emma Lawrence, Charles Lawrence, Ray W. Lawrence, John Havelka, Ed Murray, Harold Donohoe, George Hartford and Miss Tillie Kestenholtz. Mrs. Dumpert received many gifts. The birthday cake was baked and decorated by Bennett Heriford. Brownies Visit Courthouse— Brownie troop 2 held a meet ing in Mrs. Reed Herley’s home Monday, April 9. The Brownies brought pages from old maga zines with pictures on them for children in the hospital to cut cut and paste in a scrapbook. After the business meeting they visited the courthouse. The hostess was Marlene Col fack, who served cookies. Our next meeting will be on Apri 23. — By Dianne Gillespie, scribe. Private Smith jioing Overseas— Pvt. Duane Smith, son of Mr. md Mrs. Ward Smith, came :ome the latter part of the week o spend his leave with his par ents. He expects to leave Ft. Bliss, lear El Paso, Tex., on April 20, vhere he will leave for New York md then embark for Germany, ie is in guided missile work. Mark Gribble and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer recently attended the uneral of an elderly aunt, Mrs. 5. A. Stinson, 92, formerly of Dakota City. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Juran mtertained Mr. and Mrs. Stanley jilbert and family of Burke, 3.D., on Sunday. State Capitol News . . . Over 500 State Office-Seekers LINCOLN—Campaigning for | Nebraska’s May 15 election is ! underway. There is more than usual in terest in politics this year, obser vers said, especially in the legis lature. The number of candi dates who filed and who are set for campaigning is high. In the last presidential year, 1952, there were 465 filings of all kinds for the primary. This year total is far past the 500 mark, a record. There is keen interest, too, in races for district judge, especial ly in Omaha where there are 18 candidates for nine positions. Seven seek the 21st district state legislature post held by Sen. Ernest Hubka of Beatrice, who did not run again. In Lincoln’s 20th district, there are also seven candidates. Sen. Robert Perry did not run again. In Omaha’s 10th, represented by Sen. William Moulton, who is again a candidate, there are sev en opponents fcr Moulton. Six are trying for the Eighth district seat vacated by Sen. John Larkin of Omaha. In Om aha’s Ninth district, incumbent Karl Vogel of Omaha has four opponents. Assured of election because of lack of opposition are Sens. Otto Kotouc of Humboldt, John Au fenkamp of Julian, Hal Briden baugh of Dakota City, Arnold Ruhnke of Plymouth, LeRoy Ba hensky of Palmer, Kathleen Foote of Axtell, WHliam McHen ry of Nelson, Don Thompson of McCook, Norman Otto of Kear ney, Harry L. Pizer of North Platte, Donald McGinley of Og allala, and A. A. Fenske of Sun oL The democrats, whc had to fill vacancies on the ballot on the last day before the filing deadline, have their sights set on the Second and Third dis trict congressional races. In the Second district are Ma bel Gillespie of Omaha, Philip Allen of Omaha, J. Emmet Mc Ardle of Elkhorn, Clayton Shrout of Omaha and Joseph V. Benesch of Omaha. On the re publican side are Paul Kruger of Ft. Calhoun, Tom P. Epsen of Omaha, William Thomas of Om aha, Warren Swigart of Omaha and Glenn Cunningham of Om aha. Rep. Jackson Chase of Om aha, republican, did not run for reelectio c Rep. it. D. Harrison of Nor folk, Incumbent republican in the ‘Third district, has three op ponents on the GOP ticket—Les ter Anderson of Aurora, E. A. Carlson of Hordville and Merle Haynes of South Sioux City. Democrats seeking the Third district post are Jesse F. Tepner of Creighton, Ernest Luther of Hooper and Lawrence Brock of Wakefield. * * * Road Group— The Highway 92 association is going to give the 1957 legislature a request to add 56 miles of road to the state highway network. The group voted to hire a lob byist, to work on that request. The mileage would be from Ar thur, where the highway now ends, to Broadwater, where it would connect with Highway 26. Some observers said this might set a trend for the next session of the legislature to cope with. * * * Parking Matter— Action of interest to visitors to Nebraska’s capitol has been tak en by a group of state em ployees. The group incorporated a non stock association which will lease some lots, tear down two old houses on the property, mark off the property into “stalls,” and rent them by the month. The property is near the state house where parking is at a pre mium. About 47 cars will be accomo dated. This should free some space for out-of-town visitors. * * * Hospital Costs Up— Nebraska hospital costs, like everything else, have gone up in recent years. But it probably costs less on the average to be; hospitalized in Nebraska than! most other states. In 1950, figures show, the av erage cost per patient per day .in Nebraska hospitals was $11.72. Last year the amount was $17.20. The national average was $22.50 last year. Only eight states have averages lower than in Nebraska. Generally, hospitals in Lin coln, Scottsbluff and Hastings, are in the same cost category, with Omaha the highest. But of ficials said bigger hospitals are faced with higher operating costs because they provide patients with more service and staff as sistance. The Nebraska cost was com puted on the basis of figures from 123 of the state’s hospitals. STAR NEWS i Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bert Widhalm and family, Mr. i and Mrs. Marvin Johnson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr., and family spent last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Bar bara. Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller visited with Mrs. Hattie Boelter, the Ernest Boelter family and were callers at the Wilbert Wid halm home Sunday afternoon. ——- ■ O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Marion Brewster and family of Ewing were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Brewster. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Adamson and family were guests of Mrs. Adamson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koenig of Ewing. They celebrated the second birthday anniversary of Debibe Adamson Mr. and Mrs. Allen Prescott and family of Dixon, Mrs. Tillie Anderson of Laurel, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamb of Wayne and W. B. Lamb were Sunday after noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson. Debra Marsten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marsten of Dorsey, is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach. Mrs. Sam Gerber and son, Bob bv, of Coumbus visited Mrs. Charles Beilin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Hamik and Mrs. Thomas Blake visited Thomas Blake at Kearney Sun day. Mrs. Lester Walton and daugh ter, Charlotte, left last Thursday for Camp Chaffee, Ark., to join her husband who is stationed there. They expect to be home j^pril 27 for a 14-day furlough. Mrs. Walton called her grand parents, the Roy Parkers, Sun day from Camp Chaffee to tell them she arrived there safely. R. M. Pease was at Emmet on Sunday at the Walter Pease home. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stowell were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huer and Diana of Corning, la., and Mrs. Lou [ .....— Stowell of Prescott, la. On Sun day the Stowells entertained the above guests and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Davis and children of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Stowell and son, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stowell and son. Mrs. Lou Stowell, Mr. Stowell’s moth er, will remain here indefinitely. The other weekend guests left on Sunday. Mrs. Marguerite Sparks of Winner, S.D., arrived Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Soukup. i Spend Weekend Here— Mrs. Jasper Hitchcock of Om aha spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson. DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE Exclusive Franchise in O’NEILL and surrounding territory for the nationally advertised RUSCO Windows Doors Porch Enclosures Awnings OWN YOUR OWN i BUSINESS! l Small investment for sales equipment only. No inventory , problem. Business can be conducted ' from your home. Continuing pro motion program and dealer help to assist you. For full informa tion and more details write to: Nebraska Distributor Micklin Home Iraprorarnt Co. 1702 Cumin* St. Omaha Nebr. More Corn BETTER CORN Contact one of the following Ffister dealers for your Seed Corn Needs and Hybrid Nos. available 381 - 170 - 347 - 277. Anson Closson O’Neill Wayne Rowse Chambers MILLER THEATER — Atkinson — Fri-Sat. Apr. 13-14 Jf\ COOPtH BiffWARO - WW0M4RK tcSSSSS**! 35ftfA;nWjag Sun. -Mon^-Tues. Apr. 15-16-17 «»™q RICHARD TODD JEAN PETERS MARIE’S . Beauty Parlor 4 Blocks E., 2 N. of Stoplight. PHONE 102 — O’NEILL AT STUD . HANK AQHA Sorrel Double-Bred Grandson of King: P 234 Fee: $25.06 STANDING AT C Bar M Hereford Ranch # I On the farm located 7 miles north of Atkinson on Highway No. 1 1, and 27 miles south of Butte, Nebr. Friday, April 20th, 1956 — 12:30 Noon — I 33 - Head of Cattle - 33 8— MILK COWS, 6 fresh now, 2 freshen soon 4—First Calf HEIFERS, 1 with Calf at side 3—COWS with Calves at side 1—Registered 3-year old BULL 9- Big CALVES 4-Small CALVES 2—Hampshire BrcrJ Sows — 120 Laying Hens — 200 Bus. Ear Corn — 75 Bus. Oats 1 I I .111 Ml I I ■■Hill »'■ ■ I II II. .1.1. Ill Machinery J-D Tractor, 1945 Model “B”, J-D 2-Row Tractor Eli > Rubber-Tired Wagon and Box just overhauled 7-Ft. Tractor Case Mower 3-Section Harrow Tractor Cultivator for J-D J D Manure Spreader l0_Ft. Hay Rake Case 2-Row Tractor Lister Farm “te1Row Corn Picker> Set 1%-In. Harness 2-Bottom 14-In. Plow Lefcf Bu^r Grinder Mc.-D. Cream Separator ___ Na Miscellaneous - Household Goods Hog Troughs — Panels & Gates 8-Ft. Servel Refrigerator Enamelled Cook Stove Fuel Barrels — Feed Bunks • Complete Dining Room Set Heating Stove — Steel Cabinets Chicken Feeders — Shop Tools Complete Bedroom Suite Apt. Size Gas Stove Jamesway Bottle Gas Chicken Dresser — Bed Power Washing Machine Brooder Springs and Mattresses Some Dishes and Utensils TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. Lunch Will Be Served on the Grounds Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young WALLACE O’CONNELL AumAVC O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK, Auctioneer VlwlHJiB O’Neill, Clerk Also Selling At Auction — The Farm on Which the Sale Is Being Held Improved 320 Acres Located 7 miles due north of Atkinson, Nebr., on Highway 1 I. It’s the SWJ^ of Sec. 21 and NWJ/4 of Sec. 28, Twp. 31, North Range 14 in Holt County. IMPROVEMENTS: A ice 4-room house, 20x24 ft., with 9x10 cellar. Good bam, 38x48 ft., with | leanto cattle shed and 2 grain bins. Chicken house, 14x30 ft. Shop building, 12x16 ft., with 10x16 ft. \ leanto shed. Good well and windmill at improve ments. REA and telephone line right at the improve f ments. Only mile to school. Daily mail delivery. THE LAND: 1 70 acres pasture, 1 1 0 acres crop land, 30 acres alfalfa, brome and clover, 10 acres in lots and improvements. Has 57-acre com allotment. Land lies nearly level and is in an area where irrigation wells are easy to put down. TERMS and POSSESSION: 25% down payment day of sale. Final settlement and possession May I st. A long term 4% Federal Land Bank Loan may be assumed by the purchaser if he so desires. 1955 real estate taxes will be paid by seller. Warranty deed and abstract will be furnished. ^ ** °ffCred 9ep"*tely ~ or together. The improved quarter has 140 acres grass and 10 acres cropland. The unimproved quarter is principally farm ground. For further information see the I Kenneth Jones, Owner I I ERNIE WELLER & DEAN FLEMING, Atkinson, Auctioneer. i i ^