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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1956)
o Rock Falls News O _ - 3cu Whether or not Easter Sunday is a nice day will remain to be seen, but Palm Sunday couldn’t have been nicer. Judging from the crowds at various churches, it would seem that folks took ad 's vantage of the day to attend the church of their choice. We love the bright, sunny days but are sincerely hoping for a good many really rainy ones to soak the parched subsoil. John Richadson was calling at the Lyle Vequist home last Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and Lynda spent Wednesday, March 21, and Friday evenings at the George Calkins home viewing TV. Chief interest was the prize fights. ,. Pat Gallagher called at the Mrs. Kathryn Yantzie home last Thursday. Mrs. Albert Sterns and Eve lyn and Mrs. Donald Sterns call ed at the Edward Sterns home on Friday and later visited Ronald Sterns at the Memorial hospital in Atkinson. Evening visitors at the Wesley Taylor home Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sanders and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Brown, Terry and Cindy. Mr. and Mrs. wniiam u<m»cu were Wednesday, March 21, din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Drickey of Bristow. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yantzie of Chadron were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Der ickson. Bill began a three-weeks school course in Omaha Monday in connection with the telephone company with which he is em ployed. Mrs. Yantzie is remain ing here during his absence. Mrs. Arnold Benson of Phoe nix S.D., spent a couple of days last week at the Blake Benson hoipe.. She was on her way home from Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson were supper and evening guests at the John Schultz home Friday. Several games of cards were played. The men were victorious. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Earley, sr., were evening callers at the Wil liam Claussen home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and boys were Sunday dinner guests of the Elroy Lieb family in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson, Stanley, Elwin and Maurice Grutsch and Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Axdcll were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Karel, who moved recently from Rock Falls to northeast of L Ma^y Jo Curran of O’Neill spent Saturday night and Sunday at the Lyle Vequist home. Mrs. Kathryn Yantzie was a Sunday dniner guest at the home of her son, Robert, and family. Wednesday evening, March 21, guests at the Lou Brown home were Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Brown and daughter, Melodee, and Mrs. Ethel Brown of Atkinson. Arlen and Lou called at the Floyd John son home a while during the evening. Ray Johnson was an afternoon visitor and supper guest of the Floyd Johnson family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and children and Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty were Sunday evening guests at the Francis Curran home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Rusty were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Brown. On Saturday Billy McIntosh accompanied Rusty Johnson and his daddy to the ranch where they spent the day. Gwenda, Tru dy and Debbie Schultz joined them in play during the after noon. Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen spent Sunday at the home of Bill’s sister, Mrs. Mary Lewis, and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Connor were evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen on Mon day. O’Neill News Miss Barbara Becker, who is employed in a radiologist’s office in Kansas City, Kans., is expect ed home Friday to spend the Eas ter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker.. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gettert and children were in Atkinson Sun day visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Laible. Lyle Fox, who is stationed at Great Lakes naval station, 111., is expected home on furlough Ap ril 8. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Juran and son visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kahler, in Bone st_el, S.D., Sunday. Think of it! A 30-month bat tery for $10.95 exch. daring oar “Early Bird Sale.” — Scovie’s Western Auto, O’Neill. Mrs. Iva Hopkins’ weekend guests were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith and son of Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Nelson were in Soiux City Tuesday on business and they visited Mr and Mrs Gordon Nelson. Mr and Mrs. Norman Engen of Norfolk were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Simon and family. Brownies Observe Nature— Brownie troop II met at Mrs. Elgin Ray’s home Monday. We had a hike and observed nature. We are working on our scrap books for the hospital. Linda Stuifbergen was hostess. — By troop scribe. 0 -1 Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. Alice's Beauty Shop (In Former Apparel Shop Location < Phone 263 - CTNetli VENUS NEWS Bernard Schote and son enjoy-1 ed a visit with his son-in-law j and daughter from Columbus. I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davy o: Bellevue and Mrs. John Zatopek of Plattsmouth were Friday, March 23, overnight guests at ' the Ralph ^Brookhouser home. | Mrs. Brookhouser is a niece of Mrs. Davey and Mrs. Zatopek. The Daveys visited Saturday at their farm where Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ickler and family now reside. Pfc. Ray O. Brookhouser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook h o u s e r , recently returned to Korea from two weeks’ furlough in Japan. He has been overseas • since November 1955. Ray writes both countries are getting spring rains. FREE BABY C CKS °:=r SAT. ONLY Chicks to be given to children (when accompanied by an adult) between the ages of 2 & 8, While they last. These FREE chicks will be a WONDERFUL EASTER GIFT for the kiddies, so Mom come in and shop and bring the kids and get your FREE CHICKS. CHASE l SANBORN @^r fift s m ft IeUii EL (•LB. 6AI» ■ H(Limit- i please) P FLUFFY H ' I0-0Z.PK6. , ^_/////////////^///z /// K " Oceanjplay | s j CRANBERRY SAUCE ' __(6 OZ.CAN M i f / »ht« *4*?; / c* MIXED NUTS "*“#/ 1 SUPERB "W <®W/ FMIT COCKTAIL 1J I; SUPERB "*! AS / IsWKTfOBffOtsIJl / SUPERB GREEN On WAX AJ|! 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