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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1956)
Arm Amputation for Knox Farmer c Ora Caskey Is recovering satis factorily in St. Anthony’s hospi tal following an arm amputation. Mr. Caskey, who lives in the Middlebranch community, was grinding feed on Wednesday, * March 21. He was having trouble with a belt coming off the ma chine. His right arm was caught in the grinder and he was badly wounded near the shoulder. Despite considerable loss of blood, Mr. Caskey made his way on a tractor to the home of a neighbor, Sidney Faulhaber, who lives across the road. @ “ Mr. Faulhaber rushed the in jured man by car to the O’Neill hospital where an amputation was performed. Mrs. Caskey, who had been a patient at St. Anthony’s until a few days before, was attending a club meeting at the Clair Schroth * home at Brunswick. Mrs. C. J. Barnum Burial at Chambers CHAMBERS—Funeral services were conducted at 1 p.m., Sunday, March 25, from the Methodist o church at Chambers for Mrs. C. J. Barnum, 86. Mrs. Barnum died Friday afternoon, March 23, at Neligh. She had been ill several years. Her maiden name was Hattie Doherty. She was born January 20, 1870, at Kankakee, 111. a daughter of James David and Ra chel Doherty. * She married Mr. Barnum in 1907. They lived in Chambers a number of year? where Mr. Barn um was in the hardware business. Her husband died September 8, 1955. Survivors include the following nieces and nephews: Mrs. C. E. Tibbetts of Chambers; Mrs. Gene vieve Bell of Chambers, who had o cared for Mrs. Barnum several years; Msr. Floyd Anderson of Lincoln; Mrs. D. H. Ward of Los Angeles, Calif.; L. V. Cooper of Chambers; Harry Cooper of Win ner, S.D.; Will Cooper of River ton, Wyo.i Floyd Cooper of Yak ima, Wash., and David Doherty of California. Deemer Conner, Wife o Married 60 Years (Continued from page 1) Mr. Conner is a veteran member of the Masonic lodge at Ewing and Mrs. Conner has been a member of the Eastern Star chapter 31 years They be long to the United Brethren church at Orchard. 0 Mr. Conner drives his own car and can offer a convincing argu met in behalf of the democratic ° political party. “I guess I’m a democrat, but it doesn’t mean much anymore. I vote for the man!” he explains. Afternoon callers included Mr. and Mrs. Bill Conner of Ewing. Bill and Deemer are brothers and their wives, Matilda and Alice, respectively, are sisters. The Bill o Conners will have been married 53 years on June 6, 1956. © ___ Edwards Signed as Basketball Coach William L. Edwards of Cole ridge will be the head basketball coach of the O’Neill public schools. In addition to coaching duties, he will teach mathematics end science courses. He has been active in Boy Scout work since the age of 10. Mr. Edwards is a graduate of” Wayne State Tteachers college. During his senior year of college, he was married to Beverly Mc Pherson of West Point. They both received their degrees in 1951. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards have two children. During the Korean conflict, Mr. Edwards served in the marine corps. He was released as a first lieutenant in 1954. Since that time he has been coach of bas ketball, football and track at Coleridge. Mary Belle Ryan Burial at O’Neill Miss Mary Belle Ryan, 67, died Thursday, March 22, at Superior Wise. Graveside funeral services were conducted at 10:30 a.m., Monday, March 26, at Calvary cemetery here by Very Rev. Timothy O’ Sul’ :van, pastor of St. Patrick’s Catholic church. Biglin’s were in charge of arrangements. The late Miss Ryan was born at O’Neill, the daughter of Wil liam and Annabelle O’Neill Ryan. Her brother, John, died in 1950! There are no immediate surviv ors. Mrs. Eugene Ryan of Superi or, Wise,, is a sister-in-law and came here for the funeral. 0 FUTURE SUBSCRIBER KLINETOBE — Mr and Mrs. Dean Klinetobe of Wffit Point, a daughter, Mary Lou, weighing 5 pounds 10 ounces, born Thursday March 22, at Sacred Heart hospi tal, Lynch. Mrs. Klinetobe and in fant daughter are convalescing at the home of his parents, Mr. anit Mrs. William Klinetobe, at Page PAGE—Clem Haworth, 64, fa ther of Mrs. Lisle Mewmaw of Page, died Thursday, March 22, at Page as the result of a heart ailment. Biglin’s forwarded the remains to Donnelson, 111., where funeral services were conducted on Tuesday, March 27. WEATHER SUMMARY Hi Lo Prec. March 22 . 71 29 March 23 . 56 28 March 24 . 62 26 March 25 . 71 39 5 March 26 .67 36 March 27 . 62 28 March 28 .30 12 .12 EWING — Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Schwager and David and Ruth Durre were in Omaha Tuesday, / ■ I . * ..; .. ; " !■'. V # . ... if|. . '%■'> ; SAVE TWO WAYS 1. Always Low Prices 2. Plus Green Stamps REDEEMABLE FOR NATIONALLY KNOWN MERCHANDISE GOLDEN VALLEY DELUXE IN SYRUP PLUMS * SALAD DRESSING SALAD BOWL GOOD QUALITY SOLID PACK TOMATOES SNOW CROP. FRESH FROZEN GREEN PEAS nwr MAKttto- of your paster Dinner... Our annual Easter Food Sale brings you many new appetite provoking suggestions. ' Hams at savings — brands youjenow and trust go on tale this weekend. Stock'Qp^row on all your Easter Sunday food needs. LARGE SHANK PORTION DELICIOUS SMOKE FLAVOR GOOD QUALITY TENDER LEAN HAMS BUTT PORTION “59c\56T1 CENTER SLICES “79c SMALLER HAMS PRICED ACCORDING TO SIZE SWIFT’S 1 p5“1 ™ SIRLOIN FRYERS steak 89cea. l. 63c Sliced Wafer Thin DRIED BEEF .vj£29' Tender, Juicy, No Waste SKINLESS WIENERS.u. 33' ■_ I Swift Oriole ™ SLICED BACON.’pkl,b:33' ^‘^MUSTtX WALNUT MEATS .'! 4£33' &luL SOOTHII FACIAL TtUVtt TISSUES 2:39t - ■ PLEASMOR Marshmallows / Mother’s Best FLOUR S LB. BAG $1OT ....1 ... PILLSBURY PEANUT COOKIE M»X , 2 65* * Duncan Hines ! CAKE MIX White - Yellow - Chocolate Your Choice GM®f And at Your Rnger Tip* When You Shop at Jack & Jill for Your EASTER DINNER * FRESH CARROTS * GRTEN ONICNS i * HEAD LETTUCE * GREEN PEPPERS * FRESH RADISHES * CELERY HEARTS * FRESH ASPARAGUS * FRESH APPLES * LEAF LETTUCE * NAVEL ORANGES * GRAPEFRUIT * SUNKIST LEMONS COLD NUGGET C'.S. NO. I YELLOW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES.2-25‘ FANCY, NEW, FULL OF FLAVOR POTATOES .3-27' I ITALIAN CHEF ROQUEFORT r 45c ALL ™37c GOLDEN CORN .4N”T“369‘ GREEN BEANS t°m"’.2nt“3 39c RIPE OLIVES .r 37< SWEET PICKLES .pc'39c GRAPE JUICE 2L,.“£57c r'■■■■" ■ ■■ 1 —■ ■ Many Kinds to Choose From AT A JACK & JILL LOW PRICE PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER o1,2 43* & 59* WESSON OIL twinkle mm coppeb Salad and Cooking Oil P" ^ iVhUKtS cleaner fL 37' 0,69' CLEAN-IT DAZY SPRAY AIR-FRESHNER £23* o‘49* if 49* Now in a NEW ECONOMY SIZE! 20 02. Welch’s PRESERVE OF WHOU CONCORD GRAPES » Ox, DESSERT *iOc DISH AT TRUCKLOAD SEED POTATOES TO ARRIVE THURSDAY SEE US FOR YOUR SEED POTATO REQUIREMENTS RED POTATOES (While Supply Lasts)_100 Lbs. $1.98 =rN....... Per bunch 5c » «.3 » 29* 2 « » SPtlhbsiy [jPgJjR* Pillsbnxy FUDGE », 37‘ WHITE 31' Frosting Nix J hosting flix Doeskin ** «* # dinner Gerber* , NAPKINS CADMFOOD I BOX y| Tour Choice s 49c I 32f[25e 11 2 001. ran 33c •c OKAHH - GRAPEFRUIT BLENDED BASI ^^ D+OOQD“0> «VOl fTOZtn I CU«< IMMlil MMf $URF@- 31c I § _ [_2S25« __I»3I>>74> Don’t Take Less Than the TOP MARKET for Your EGGS! REMEMBER TO CHECK OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU SELL NUTRENA CHICK STARTER_ inn I b,. $4.SS NUTRENA EGG CRUMBLES_100 Lb*. $3.95 BEEF CAKE “32” — Pellets or Cubes_ Cwt. $3.75 40% HOG BALANCER _ 100 Lbs. $4.95 TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS_100 Lbs. $4.50 SOYBEAN MEAL — 41% — Old Pr_100 Lbs. $3.95 BRAN - 100 Lbs. $2.65 SHORTS __ 100 Lbs. $2.75 WHITE BLOCK SALT _ Each 79c 10 Blocks at-77c ea. 20 Blocks at_75c ea. Baby Chicks! OUR PRICE: h lumm M $12.50 per 100 n Chick Starters FOR jjtfi fci I FOLLOWING VARIETIES: E I/V/Mlf K« WHITE ROCKS - WYANDOTTES if Uffll W. LEGHORNS* — LEG HAMPS P j AUST. WHITES — LEG ROCKS SHELHAMER'S “thjL fyuswdlisiAL aIoajl in. ijown. " «