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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1956)
Legal Notice (First pub. Mar. 8, 1956) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation in the State Capitol at Lincoln, Nebraska, on March 29, 1956, until 10:00 o’ clock A.M., and at that time pub licly opened and read for GRAD IN G, DETOUR, CULVERTS, SEEDING, GUARD RAIL, SUB GRADE RECONSTRUCTION, SOIL - AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, SHOULDER CON STRUCTION, ARMOR COAT, BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE, BITUMINOUS SAND BASE COURSE, BITUMINOUS MAT SURFACE COURSE and incident al work on the O’NEILL NORTH Federal Aid Primary Project No. F-14(15) Federal Aid Road. The proposed work consists of constructing 6.8 miles of Oiled Road. The approximate quantites are: 85,350 Cu. Yds. Excavation 1,536 Thousand Gallons Water, Applied 16 Right-of-Way Markers 2,970 Lin. Ft. 6” Corrugated Metal Pipe Underdrains 102 Lin. Ft. 18” Culvert Pipe for Driveways 82 Lin. Ft. 24” Culvert Pipe for Driveways 28 Lin. Ft. 30” Culvert Pipe for Driveways 230 Hours Rental of Motor Grader for Detour 140 Hours Rental of Crawler Tractor and Scraper for Detour 40 Hours Rental of Crawler Tractor and Bulldozer for Detour 1,775 Cu. Yds. Gravel Surface Course for Detour 80 Lin. Ft. 24” Culvert Pipe for Detour , . 17 Cu. Yds. Concrete for Head walls 21 cu. yds. Concrete for Ditch 1,807 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel for Headwalls 1,935 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel for Ditch Checks 129 Lin. Ft. 24” Corrugated Metal Pipe 4 . __ . 67 Lin. Ft. 30” Corrugated Met al PiP6 . , . 5 Lin. Ft. 48” Corrugated Met al pjn^ 278 Lin. Ft. 18” Culvert Pipe 42 Lin. Ft. 30” Culvert Pipe 87 Lin. Ft. 36” Culvert Pipe 172 Lin. Ft. 48” Culvert Pipe 16 Acres Seeding 16 Guard Posts 200 Lin. Ft. Beam Guard Rail I, 800 Lin. Ft. Beam Guard Rail or Wire Cable Guard Rail 4,080 Cu. Yds. Mineral Aggre gate (No. 2—Gravel) 13,540 Cu. Yds. Mineral Aggre gate’(No. 4—Coarse Sand) 2,830 Cu. Yds. Soil Binder from Local Pits 600 Thousand Gallons Water, Applied 24.500 Gallons Asphaltic Oil for Prime Coat, Applied 271 Stations Manipulation of Soil-Aggregate Base Course 257 Stations Subgrade Recon struction 257 Stations Shoulder Con struction 870 Cu. Yds. Mineral Aggregate (No. 2-B, Gravel) for Armor Coat, Applied ... . 22,030 Gallons Asphaltic Oil for Armor Coat, Applied ‘ 6,890 Cu. Yds. Mineral Filler from Local Pits II, 940 Gallons Asphaltic Oil for Tack Coat, Applied 118.850 Gallons Asphaltic Oil for Bituminous Base Course, Ap 5> 271 Stations Manipulation of Bituminous Base Course 102,700 Gallons Asphaltic OH for Bituminous Sand Base Course, Applied . , 89 Stations Manipulation of Bi tuminous Sand Base Course 160,000 Gallons Asphaltic Oil for Bituminous Mat, Applied 361 Stations Manipulation of Bituminous Mat Surface Course Each bidder must be qualifed to submit a proposal for any part or all of this work as provided m Legislative Bill No. 187, 1955 Leg islative Session. Proposal Torms iui detour, culvert^ seeding, sub grade reconstruction, soil-aggre gate base course, shoulder con struction, armor coat, bituminous base course, bituminous sand bas*. course and bituminous mat sur face course will be issued to con tractors who are qualified to sub mit proposals for bituminous sur facing. The attention of bidders is di rected to the Required Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract. The attention of bidders is in vited to the fact that the Depart ment of Roads and Irrigation has been advised by the Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor, that contractors engaged in highway construction work are required to meet the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (52 Stat. 1060), as amended. The minimum wage paid to all skilled labor employed on this contract shall be one dollar and sixty cents ($1.60) per hour. The minimum wage paid to all intermediate labor employed on this contract shall be one dollar and thirty cents ($1.30) per hour. The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor employed on this contract shall be one dollar ($1.00) per hour. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and informa tion secured at the office of the Division Engineer of the Depart ment of Roads and Irrigation at Ainsworth, Nebraska, or at the office of the Department of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, Ne braska. _ , -1 DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVF OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th & Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 B\ utiilnw} Mr. -1 , The successful bidder will be required to furnish bond in an amount equal to 100% of his con tract. As an evidence of good faith in subittming a proposal for this work cr for any portion thereof as provided in the bidding blank, the bidder shall file, with his pro posal, a certified check made pay able to the Department of Roads and Irrigation and in an amount not less than the total amount, determined from the following list, for any group of items or col lection of groups of items for which the bid is submitted. Grading, Detour, Culverts, Seed ing, Subgrade Reconstruction, Soil - Aggregate Base Course, Shoulder Construction, Armor Coat, Bituminous Base Course, Bituminous Sand Base Course and Bituminous Mat Surface Course Items — nine thousand four hundred (9,400) dollars Guard rail items — five hundred (500) dollars The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND IRRIGATION L. N. Ress, State Engineer J. V. Murphy, Division Engineer 45-47c (First pub. Mar. 8, 1956) NOTICE OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF CHAMBERS RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TO ALL ELECTORS WHO ARE OWNERS OF ANY INTER ! EST in real or personal PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR TAXATION IN THE DISTRICT AND WHO RESIDE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED BOUNDARIES: CHAMBhlrlo Uisinici (Revised 2-29-56) Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 6 in Township 26 North, Range 13, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebras ka, running thence West 18 miles to the Northwest corner of Sec tion 6 in Township 26 North, Range 16, running thence South 12 miles to the Southwest corner of Section 31 in Township 25 North, Range 16, running thence East 24 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 36 in Townsh p 25 North, Range 13, running thence approximately one-ha If mile East, thence in Wheeler County, Nebraska, from the Northwest corner of Section 6 in Township 24 North, Range 12, West 6th P.M., running thwice South 6 miles to the Southwest corner of Section 31 in Township 24 North, Range 12, running thence East 12 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 36 in Township 24 North, Range 11, running thence North 6 miles to the Northeast corner of Section 1 in Township 24 North, Range 11, running thence West on the Wheeler-Ho!t County line to the Southwest corner of Section 36. Township 25 North Range 21, West 6th P.M., running thence i North 12 miles to the Northwest I corner of Section 1 in Township 26 North, Range 11, runring thence West 5 miles to the Nortn vest corner of Section 6 in Town ship 26 North, Range 11, running thence North 3 miles to the North east corner of Section 24, in Township 27 North, Range 12, running thence West 12 miles lo the Northwest corner of Section 19 in Township 27 North, Range 13, running thence South 3 miles to the place of beginning. Excluded from the foregoing area is that territory embraced within the corporate limits of the Village of Chambers in Holt County, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held at the Chambers Town Hall in Cham bers, Holt County, Nebraska on the 24th day of March, 1956, at the hour of 2:00 o’clock, P.M., for the purpose of completing the organization of the CHAMBERS Rural Fire Protection District, election of officers and directors thereof, and for such other bus iness as may properly come be fore said meeting. KENNETH WARING 45-46 County Clerk (First pub. Mar. 8, 1956) NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the regular city election to be held on the 3rd day of April, 1956, in the City of O’ Neill, Nebraska, there shall be submitted to the legal voters of the City the following proposition: “Shall the City of O’Neill erect a building on real estate now owned by said City to be used as a fire station for the City, and “Shall the City of O’Neill pledge its credit and issue its negotiable bonds in the prin cipal amount of Twenty Thou sand Dollars ($20,000.00) to provide funds for the erection of a building for use as a fire station for the City; the rate of interest and the maturity of the bonds to be fixed by the Mayor and City Council at the time of their issuance, and “Shall the City of O’Neill cause to be levied annually tax es by valuation on all the tax able property in the City in ad dition to other taxes of a rate and amount sufficient to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as the same become due’” [ ] YES [ ] NO Electors voting in favor of the proposition will mark an X in the square opposite the word YES and electors voting against the proposition will mark an X in the square opposite the word NO cn the ballot. The polls will be open from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. on the day of the election. Voters residing in the First Ward will vote at Court House Basement; voters residing in the Second Ward will vote at Buick Garage; and voter- residing in the Third Ward will vote at Citv Hall. BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF SAID CITY. A. MARCELLUS Mavor O. D. FRENCH City Clerk (SEAL) 45-48C (First pub. Mar. 8, 1956) William W. Griffin. Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4090 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, March 1, 1956. In the matter of the Estate of Nancy M. Kurtz, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is June 29, 1956, and for the payment of debts is March 1, 1957, and that on March 29, 1956, and on June 30, 1956, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. ’ LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 45-47c (Corrected Description) (First pub. Mar. 8, 1956) NOTICE OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF EWING RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TO ALL ELECTORS WHO ARE OWNERS OF ANY INTER EST IN REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR TAXATION IN THE DISTRICT AND WHO RESIDE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED BOUNDARIES: EWING DISTRICT (Revised 2-28-56) Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 13 in Township 27, North Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., in Holt County, Ne braska; running thence 1 mile west to the Northwest comer of Section 13 in Township 27, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M.; thence 1 mile north to the Northwest comer of Section 12 in Township 27, North, Range 9, west of the 6th P.M., in Holt County, Nebraska; thence west 2 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 10, in Township 27 North, Range 9, west of the 6th P.M., thence south 1 mile to the South west corner of Section 10 in Township 27, North Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., thence running West 3 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 10 in Township 27 North, Range 10, West 6th P.M., running thence South 5 miles to the Southwest comer of Section 34 in Township 27 North, Range 10, West 6th P.M., running thence 4 miles West to the North west corner of Section 1, Town ship 26 North, Range 11, running thence South 12 miles to South west corner of Section 36 in Township 25 North, Range 11, running thence (in Wheeler Coun ty) East approximately one and one-half miles to Northwest cor ner of Section 6 in Township 24 North, Range 10, West 6th P.M., running thence South 6 miles to Southwest corner of Section 31 in Township 24 North, Range 10, running thence East 5 miles to Southeast corner of Section 35 in Township 24 North, Range 10, running thence North 1 mile to the Northeast corner of Said Sec tion 35 last mentioned, running thence East 4 miles to the South east corner of Section 28 in Town- i ship 24 North, Range 9, running thence North 2 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 22 in Township 24 North, Range 9, run ning thence East 3 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 13 in Township 24 North, Range 9, run ning thence North 3 miles to Northeast corner of Section 1 in Township 24 North, Range i*. running thence approximately 3% miles West to Southeast corner of Section 33, Township 25 North, Range 9, West 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, running thence North 12 miles to Northwest cor ner of Section 3, Township 26 North, Range 9, thence running Bast 3 miles to northeast corner, of Section 1, Township 26 North, Range 9, running thence North 4 miles to the place of beginning. Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held at the American Legion Hall in Ewing, Nebraska on the 24th day o? March, 1956, at the hour of 8:00 o’clock, P.M., for the purpose of completing the organization of the EWING Rural Fire Protection District, election of officers and directors thereof, and for such other business as may properly come before said meeting. KENNETH WARING 45-46c County Clerk (First pub. Mar. 8, 1956) NOTICE ORCHARD RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TO ALL PERSONS RESIDING IN OR HAVING ANY INTER EST IN REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITH IN THE FOLLOWING BOUND ARIES IN ANTELOPE, HOLT AND KNOX COUNTIES: ANTELOPE COUNTY All of Garfield Township, All of Sherman Township, All of Royal Township except sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35 and 36. All of Verdigris Township ex cept sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35 and 36. KNOX COUNTY The South 24 sections of Wal nut Grove Township. HOLT COUNTY All of Sections 24, 25, 26, 35 and 36 in Verdigris Township. All of Sections 1, 2, 3 and 12 in ■ Golden Township. Notice is hereby given that there has been filed in the office of the County Clerk of Antelope County, County Clerk of Holt County and the County Clerk of Knox County, petitions for the organization of the Orchard Rural Fire Protection District to be lo cated within the above described boundaries in Antelope, Holt and Knox Counties. That said petitions have been signed by sixty per cent or more of the freeholders residing within said district whose names appear on current tax schedules in the office of the County Assessor. That pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska, I hereby designate the 23rd day of March, 1956 at 2 o’clock P.M. at the Ante lope County Courthouse for a hearing before the County Board of Supervisors of Antelope, Holt and Knox Counties, Nebraska, upon said petition, at which time all persons residing in or owning taxable property within the fore going boundaries shall have op portunity to be heard respecting the formation of such district and j the location of the boundaries | thereof. Dated at Neligh, Nebraska this 5th day of March. 1956. LILLIE FALLESEN County Clerk 45-46c (First pub. Mar. 15, 1956) AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO MIDWEST TRANSVIDEO SERVICE SYS TEMS, INC., A CORPORATION ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO OPERATE, CONSTRUCT AND MAIN TAIN TELEVISION COAXIAL CABLES UPON, ALONG, THROUGH, OVER AND UN DER STREETS, ALLEYS, BRIDGES AND PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA ORDINANCE NO. 296-A Section 1. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and the City Coun cil of the City of O’Neill, Nebras ka, that Midwest Transvideo Ser vice Systems, Inc., a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, its successors and assigns be and the same is hereby granted the right, privilege and authority to construct, oper ate and maintain lines of tele vision coaxial cable including poles, wires and fixtures where necessary upon, along, through, over and under the streets, alleys, bridges and public places of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, under the terms and conditions herein after provided. But such cables shall not be placed except upon application in writing to the Elec trical Department and/or North western Bell Telephone Company of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, and the aproval by said Depart ment. The application will carry details and plats showing the lo cations of any such cables. Section 2. The poles used for the said coaxial cable shall be those erected and maintained by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company and/or the Electrical Department of the City of O’ Neill, Nebraska, when and where practical, providing satisfactory rental agreements can be entered into with the said Northwestern Bell Telephone Company and the Electrical Department of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska. All streets and sidewalks that may be dis turbed or damaged in the con struction of said lines shall be promptly repaired by the said Midwest Transvideo Service Sys tems, Inc., at its own expense and to the satisfaction of the Govern ing body of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska. Section 3. Said corporation shall be subject to all ordinances now in force or that may be hereafter passed relative to the use of high ways, streets, alleys, bridges and public places of said City. Section 4. Said corporation shall hold the said City of O’Neill, Ne braska, safe and harmless from all damages or claims for damages arising by reason of the negli gence in constructing or main tenance or operation of said co axial cable. Section 5. The rights, privileges and franchises hereby granted are for the term of thirty years from the date of this ordinance, and may be extended after the ex piration date, upon proper ap plication, for an additional period of thirty years. Section 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage, ap proval and publication as re quired by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of March, A.D. 1956. A. MARCELLUS Mayor Attest: O. D. FRENCH , City Clerk (SEAL) 46c 2 Birthdays Noted at Sunday Gathering STUART—A family gathering to celebrate the birthday anni versaries of Gregg §cott and Mrs. Bill Obermire was held at the G. L. Obermire home recently. Mr. and Mrs. James Scort and son, Gregg, and Joe Obermire of Lin coln spent the weekend at their parental home. The Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Obermire and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Henning and family and Mrs. Mary Hen ning, all of Atkinson. Inman Raises $141.66 for March of Dimes INMAN—Following is the re port for Inman and Inman pre cinct in the recent march of dimes drive here: School collection, $32.24; coin collector, $4.02; special events, $30.23; clubs and organizations, $50.15; house-to-house, $25.02: total, $141.66. Inman precinct , under the chairmanship of Mrs. John Matt son, reported a total of $68. Cantata Planned— EWING—The United Presby terian church plans to present an Easter cantata. Practices are be ing held each Wednesday evening at the church, beginning at 8:15 o’clock and on Saturday evenings at 8 o’clock. Any*ne who wishes to take part in this is invited to be present and participate in it. Arrive from McCook— Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer, who were in McCook visiting Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker, Ann and Julie, returned Tuesday, March 6, and brought back Mrs. Walker and children, who plan to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer, until Friday, March 16. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmett Crabb. O’ Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr, .. DANCE .. AT O'RBLL AMERICAN LEGION AUDITORIUM AND BALLROOM Saturday, March 17th ACES OF RHYTHM Admission: Adults, $1 ; Students, 50c Roy Worden Estate Personal Property THE FOLLOWING described personal property will be offered at public auction on the premises, located 30 miles south of Atkinson on Highway 1 1 ; OR 27 miles north of Burwell on Highway 1 1 ; OR 1 2 miles I west of Chambers and 6 miles south on— WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21st Sale Starts at 1 O’Clock Lunch on Grounds by Homemakers Club 106 - Head of CATTLE - 106 I 5—MILK COWS 23—MIXED COMING YEARUNG STEERS 1—Whiteface 6-yrs.-old, milking 1 TimiTr A fr HPIPPn • !• 1—Holstein, 4-yrs.-old, milking 1 ”“111111 Li.Av.fc HCill cK? coming yearlmg 1—Roan, 6-yrs.-old, milking - _.__ ZcTZo" 4 _ HEAD OF HORSES - 4 4-BUCKET CALVES 1—WORK TEAM, 7-yrs.-od, wt. 3,600 lbs. I 7, CTnrir rnnrc , , c 1-BUCKSKIN SADDLE MARE, 7-yrs.-old 73—STOCK COWS, 4- to 6-yTS.-0ld 1—BAY PONY, coming 5-yrs.-old One-half or more with calves by side; balance are heavy springers 1—SMALL PONY, very gentle for children CHICKENS—7-Doz. Mixed Pullets . . . 4—Sets of Good Harness . . . Pony Saddle . . . 5—Riding Bridles 2—Hereford Stock Saddles, like new Farm and Ranch Machinery 1952 Allis Chalmers Tractor with 1HC Hay Rake, 12-ft., like new Steel Branding Chute Winch 2—Oil Bath Horse Mowers A Lot of Old Horse Machinery Underslung, 14x16 platform, Two-Rake Hitch on Rubber Wagon with Dump Boards 8.25 tires Hay Stacker — Horse Sweep Anvil — Vise — Drill 3—Hay Racks and Wagons One-Horse Drill — Disc Screw Jack — Handy Jack Wagon and Box 2—Two-Rows, horse drawn Many Articles too Numerous 3—Old Wagones / John Deere Manure Spreader to Mention Household Goods Apt. Size Skelgas Range, like new—Skelgas Heater 2 Beds and Mattresses — 2 Dressers — Writing Desk —Home Comfort Wood and Coal Range— Electric Gasoline Washing Machine — Some Kitchen Refrigerator, like new — 5-Pc. Chrome Dinette Set ^7 Cream Separator Cream Can and — Kitchen Cabinet — Kitchen Cupboard —2 Wood Ml£ Pf!S ~ 4'Qt Pr£f ure. Cooker — 8-Day Clock and C°al Heaters-2Platform R°ckers-Davenport Duhes pots and pans _ gome Canned Fruks ^ — China Closet — Sideboard — Sewing Machine — Vegetables — Some Fruit Jars Some CORN and OATS 1955 FORD TUDOR, 7,000 miles, like new Possibly 12 Stacks of PRAIRIE HAY 1949 FORD {-TON PICKUP MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS include a lot of old iron and a half-dozen fuel barrels. _TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. No property to be removed until settled for. LYLE WORDEN, Administrator COL. ED THORIN, O’Neill CHAMBERS STATE BANK Auctioneer - Real Estate Broker Clerk