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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1956)
M Future Subscribers CHRISTIANSON — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christianson of Scrib ner, a daughter, Kemberly Sue, weighing 7 pounds, born Thurs day, March 1, in a Fremont hos pital. The Christiansens are for mer Chambers residents. Mrs. Christiansen is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo T. Adams of Atkin son. The Christiansens have an other daughter. TAYLOR—Mr. and Mrs. Monte (“Tick”) Taylor of Baltimore, Md.. a daughter, Mary Lou, weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces, born Tuesday, March 13, at Baltimore. Mr. Taylor is in the armed ser vice. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Taylor of Page are the maternal grand parents. CUSTARD— Mr. and Mrs. Dan Custard of Omaha, a daughter, Tamara Jean, weighing 7 pounds, born Wednesday, March 7, at Omaha. The Custards are former ly of Chambers. Mrs. Custard is the former Mariam Hoffman. The couple has two sons. PEASE — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pease of Center, a son, bom Monday, March 5. Mrs. Pease is the former Maxine Waring of Middlebranch. Mr. Pease is coach at Center high school. The Peases now have four sons. HOBBS—Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs of Ewing, a daughter, Christine Marie, weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces, bom Wednes • 1 day, March 7, in St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill. WADDEN—Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walden of Beaumont, Tex., a daughter, Kathleen Ann, born Wednesday, March 14. Mrs. Wad den is the former Patricia O’Don oO IJCli VI vy nciu. EARHART—Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Earhart, who reside north east of Ewing, a son, bom Mon . day, March 5, in Antelope Me morial hospital at Neligh. HENN — Mr and Mrs. Floyd Henn of east of Deloit, a daugh ter, Cynthia Sue, weighing 7 pounds. Mrs. Henn is the former Marlene Kaster. KESTENHOLTZ—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz of Inman, a son, Keith LeRoy, born Thurs day, March 8, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. SUMMERS—Pfc. and Mrs. Jer ry Summers of Clarksville, Tenn., a daughter, Joan Louise, born Sunday, March 11. Private Sum mers is stationed at Clarksville. HAWTHORNE— Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hawthorne of Atkinson, a son, Timothy Mac, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces, bom Saturday, March 10, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. ZISKA—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zis ka of Stuart, a daughter, Janice Rochelle, weighing 6 pounds, bom Thursday, March 8, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. DE WITT—Mr. and Mrs. John DeWitt of O’Neill, a son, Joseph Patrick, weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces, born Saturday, March 10, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. HEISER—Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hei ser of Atkinson, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces, born Monday, March 12, at Atkin son Memorial hospital. , MOSEL—Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mosel of Page, a son, bom Wed nesday, March 7, at St. Anthony’s o hospital. DAVIDSON — Mr. and Mrs. Owen Davidson of O’Neill, a son, born Wednesday, March 7, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. PORTER—Mr. and Mrs. Char les Porter of O’Neill, a daughter, bom Wednesday, March 7, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. KYSER—Mr. and Mrs. George Kyser of O’Neill, a daughter, born Sunday, March 11, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. MATTHEWS — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matthews of O’Neill, a daughter, bom Monday, March 12, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’ Neill. RILEY—Mr. and Mrs. Don Ri ley of P’Neill, a son, bom Mon day, March 12, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. McKENNY — Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenny of O’Neill, a son, bom Monday, March 12, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. f * ' __ ■ i .i - Rural Schools Are Discussed— Arnold L. Norskov of Albion, president of- the Nebraska Rural School Boards association, and State Sen. Frank Nelson of O’ Neill spoke at 2 p.m., Wednesday in the O’Neill public school audi torium. Listeners were members of rural and town school boards and others interested in school •problems. Miss Alice French, Holt county superintendent of public instruction, arranged the meeting. $10 to Polio Fund— The Elkhorn project club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ray Lawrence. The business meeting was held, after which a lesson on deep fat frying was given. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Roy Lowry on April 10, with Mrs. Hattie Kindlund and Mrs. Frank Summers serving. t The club at the January meet ing gave $10 to the polio fund. -— Past Matrons Are Entertained— Mrs. A. E. Bowen entertained the past matrons of the Order of the Eastern Star Tuesday. AT STUD HANK AQHA Sorrel Double-Bred Grandson of King P 234 Fee: $25.00 STANDING AT O j C Bar M Hereford Ranch G o • — O Sick & Injured LYNCH — Roland Cranford of Valentine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cranford of Lynch suffer ed a broken back in a fall from a truck. He will be in a cast for several months. He is confined in a Valentine hospital. . . Dorothy Kraft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kraft of Bristow, suffered a severely sprained ankle while playing at school. Local doctors treated the sprain. . . Ivan Thom son, the local REA supervisor, is getting around on crutches hav ing fallen several feet down off a REA pole when the climbing hook let loose. . . Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKenzie of California are here at the parental Clyde Mc Kenzie home due to the sickness of the former’s father, Clyde Mc zie, sr., who is a patient in St. Joseph’s hospital, Omaha. He en tered the hospital on Friday, March 9. . Mrs. Katie Hrbek was dismissed from the Sacred Heart i hospital and is being cared for at the Joe Hrbek home near Dorsey. EMMET—Little Marjorie Way i man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wayman, is sick with measles. . . Madge and Jerry Richards are sick with influenza. ! . . . Mrs. Gilbert Fox and baby, Peggy Lee, were released from St. Anthony’s hospital Wednes | day, March 7. . . Sherry Fox, ' small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox, is sick with measles. Her two brothers, Steven and ! Roy, had measles last week. . . i Billy Jean Perry had measles last week. . . Annette, Johnny and Joe Schaaf returned to school on Monday after having been absent two weeks because of measles. . . Linda and Grayaon Bates, Jackie and Kent Cole, Carol Richards and Maureen Schaaf were sick with measles last week. . . Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg has been ill the past two weeks with influ enza. . . Mrs. Paul Newton and Janet were released from St. An thony’s hospital Friday. AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson visited Mrs. Julia Kamphaus and Charlie Cavan augh at the O’Neill hospital Sun day evening. . . Mrs. Tommy Doolittle and Mrs. Jim Bilstien arrived home early Wednesday, March 7, from Winlock, Wash., where they visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Enbody. Mr. Enbody, who submitted to major surgery while they were there was home from the hospital and “feeling much better”. . . Don Adams was able to return to Business college at Norfolk Sun day after a two-week siege of chickenpox. . . Michael Pospichal, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Pos pichal, has been ill with measles. . . . Vern Sageser went to Ro chester, Minn., Saturday where he will enter the Mayo clinic. Mrs. Sageser and Mrs. Link Sageser took him to O’Neill Saturday morning to meet the bus. PAGE—The Richard Heiss and Matt McCabe children are having measles. . . Mrs. Robert Gray is substituting for Mrs. Eva Cun ningham at the school in the meal serving department while Mrs. Cunningham is ill. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman, Mrs. Jerome Allen and Jerry Lamason went to Sioux City Tuesday where Mr. Lamason and Mrs. Fusselman received medical checkups. . . Mrs. Oswald Goid fuss was quite iii last week with a severe attack of the flu. . . Soren Sorensen, jr., of the Star community received medical at tention at Page for a prolonged attack of influenza and an ac companying sinus infection. . . Mrs. Hattie Stewart was taken to the home of her son, Roy, two weeks ago for special care. She is convalescing satsifactorily but will remain there until warmer weather. O’NEILL—Harry R. Smith en tered St. Anthony’s hospital late Monday to receive treatment for a back ailment. . . Frank Froe lich, who was a patient at Ro chester, Minn., returned with Mrs. Froelich Saturday. Their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser of Hartington, went up after them last Thursday. Mr. Froelich is “doing well.” . . Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Weyhrich and family took their little daughter, Susie, for a checkup in Omaha. She is “fine.” . . Ed Campbell is in St. Anthony’s hospital. . . Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Strong and Bessie Klingler left Tuesday for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where Mr. Strong went for a checkup. CHAMBERS — Mrs. William Wood returned home Sunday, March 11, from St. Anthony’s in O'Neill where she had been hos pitalized following a car acci dent. . . William Witte was dis missed from St. Anthony’s hospi tal Saturday following a case of pneumonia. INMAN—Mrs Donald Lockwood entered St Anthony’s hospital on Saturday, March 3, for medical treatment She was dismissed last Thursday. . . Mrs. Lisle Mewmaw was admitted to St. Anthony’s hospital Wednesday, March 7. EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke took his mother, Mrs. Pauline Noffke, to Omaha on Tuesday where she had a physi cal check-up. DELOIT — Clarence Funk had the misfortune to get a piece of steel in his eye last week while working on his farm. A doctor re moved the steel Saturday, RIVERSIDE — Howard Miller has been in O’Neill several times the past week receiving medical treatment. Train Teachers for Bible Work— A one-day institute for training teachers for vacation church; schools will be held at the Methodist church here Thursday, March 15. The O’Neill institute will be one of 27 in the state sponsored by the Nebraska Coun cil of churches. Sessions begin at 9 a.m. IN SUNDAY CONCERT Dwaine Booth of O’Neill will be a trumpet soloist on Sunday, March 18, when the University of Nebraska presents its annual spring concert ax Lincoln. 6c den STARKIST BRAND GREEN LABEL I ADAMS OUR BRAND SLICED OR HALVES MOTHER'S BEST - _ BR^F Banjj^m MStitf" ^FBP<CTLaqjM JrSBBaBBB^ ( Cream Style I CORN NO. 303 ^ TENDER LEAN FRESH MADE RING BOLOGNA - 27c FRESH FROZEN WHITING FISH 2 - 25c FRESH FROZEN COD FILLET LB 33c CLOROX , Bleaches. Removes Stains, Deodorizes and Disinfects PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING GOLDEN |Oc CRISCO FLUFFO CUMI-” HALF GALLON_JJ C GALLON_53* 3 LB. TIN .. V# ^ 3 LB. TIN .. Nebr. Red POTATOES_50-lb. bag $1.40 j White Russet POTATOES_100-lb. bag $1.08 GRAPEFRUIT ___10 white for $0c COOKIES Lg.pkg.29c ™ IDEAL PARSON'S 1 GLASS WAX' JOY DOG FOOD SUDSY AMMONIA «««« * wimoow a <hn«w 2 a 29* ql __25*| " 59' ^ 32‘ <*75' Salad Bowl Sandwich SPREAD .~21c“~ 35c ! Salad Bowl FRENCH DRESSING.. <* 19< DILL PICKLES wk.^ . ^ 29‘ Our Family Tall 46 Oz. Tin PINEAPPLE JUICE . .. 3-$P Kitchen Charm WAXED PAPER.2 35‘ SALM0NGold" VolleyPi"k. - 59c we give ii&i GREEN STAMPS I ARE YOU IN THE MARKET FOR BABY CHICKS WE HAVE TWO HATCHES COMING OFF WEEKLY - WHICH INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES: ‘ WHITE ROCKS — W. WYANDOTTES WHITE LEGHORNS — AUST. WHITES LEG HAMPS and LEG ROCKS OUR PRICE: A r A STRAIGHT RUN - Per 100 ....$1 Z.5U SEE US FOR PRICE ON PULLETS AND COCKERELS SOYBEAN MEAL, 100 Lbs_$3.95 TANKAGE, 100 Lbs- $4.50 40% HOG BAL., 100 Lbs__$4.95 D.H. CHICK STARTER, 100 Lbs. $4.50 TOP MARKET FOR YOUR ■ EGGS-CREAM- I POULTRY I CHECK OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU SELL! A Complete Line of Feeds for Your Livestock Needs EGG CRUMBLES As Low As_$3.95 Per Cwt. BEEF CAKE 32 Per Ton___$75.00 lilted- j Starter | CHICK STARTER -1» Lbs. -$4.851 SHELHAMER'S * / “ff.r *i*rAfn*n rn tnwj’V" &