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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
First grade pupils at the O’Neill public school had an opportunity to chat with Santa personal- ; ly during a visit to their room last Thursday. A m jment after the picture was snapped Karen Allen- ' dorfer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allendorfer, gave the jolly ol’ fellow a big hug. — The / Frontier Photo. I ____ 1 Page News The Rebekah lodge met Tues day evening at the IOOF hall in regular session. Mesdames Wil liam and Soren Sorensen, jr., served lunch. Installation of offi cers has been scheduled for Jan uary 10. Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen and family joined her bother, Duane, and family and Bruce at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Kennedy at Ains worth, for the Christmas eve fes tivities. * Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park were Christmas day hosts to their fam ily. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Park and daughters of Orchard, Mr. and Ms. Neven Ie kes, jr., and children, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge and Ron Park, who attends WSTC and is spending his vacation at home. Mrs. Evelyn Gray was hostess to the members of her family for Christmas supper. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weyer and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baber and children of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray of Blue Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Chase of Key stone. S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gray and family of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Cordes Walker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen entertained Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nissen and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and daughters Monday. The occasion was the birthday anniversary of Mr. Nissen and Mrs. Sorensen. Charles Sorensen completed the task of shipping out 40,000 bushels (or 20 car loads) of corn on Wednesday evening, Decem ber 21, consigned to Omaha for redistribution. Guests in the Carl Max home for Christmas dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Knudson and family of Atlantic, la., Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bernholtz, Mr. and ■Mrs. Hal Farnsworth and Mrs. Helen Knudsen. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks en tertained their son-in-law, Jim Bartak of Inman and Paul Robin soh of Lincoln, and their families and Miss Ruth Parks of Omaha on Christmas day. Mesdames Keith Cable of Cli max, Colo., Cyril Hansen of Hos kins and Eddy Connery of Chad ron were guests of Mrs. Paul Ro binson for a coffee hour on Mon day at the Owen Parks home. About 30 members of the MYF and their friends visited many shut-in homes on Friday evening on their caroling party, sponsored by Marvin Stauffer. They return-! ed to the church basement for games and lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss, sponsors for the MYF for the month of December, assist ed Misses Dixie Nissen, Lois Saltz and Brenda Beelaert with lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper had their family all home for Christ mas. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harper and daughters of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bee laert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Haworth and family of Velva, N.D., brother of Mrs. Mewmaw, came to spend the Christmas weekend with the Rev. Lisle Mewmaw family. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Clem Ha worth of Donnelson, 111., who have spent several weeks here with the Mewmaws, accompanied their son to North Dakota for a * visit there. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen of Creighton were hosts to the Sorensen family on Christmas day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Connery and son of Chad ron, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Soren sen, jr., and daughters of Star, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., and Messers, William and Charles Sorensen and Robert Nis sen and their families, all of Page, and Pfc. Robert Sorensen of Camp Campbell, Ky. Mrs. Dora Townsend of Page accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmer of Ewing to Plainview Christmas day where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heiter. Mrs. Rose Chichester and son, Elbert, were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers. Monday guests in the home of George and Grace Zeller at Dr. J. L. Sherbahn % Block So. of Ford Garage Complete X-Ray Equipment O’Neill, Nebraska mma^mm Alice’s Beauty Shop (P Former Apparel Shop Location) Phone 2«3 — O’NHII Chambers were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and sons of Page. Mrs. Elsie Cork accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Stein berg, to Spencer Tuesday where they were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cork and family. Monday evening guests of Mrs. Ethel Waring for a Christmas party were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pease and sons of Center, Glen Waring and son, Kevin, of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Godel of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood and son Noel of Lincoln, Mrs. Hester Edmisten and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Asher and daughters were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons joined his sister, Mrs. Doris Wright, and children of Sioux City at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey, on Sunday evening for their Christmas day festivities. Monday evening supper guests at the Merwyn French, sr., home were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fink of Wichita, Kans., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher of Powell, Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and sons, Larry Heiss, and Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., and Stephanie. Mr. and Mrs. William Ragland and family and Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, sr., Carroll and Bette were Wednesday evening guests at a waffle supper at the Merwyn French, jr., home. Christmas day guests of Mrs. Alta Finch were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch and family of Venus, Glen Waring and son, Kevin of Orchard, Mrs. Ethel Waring, Larry Taylor, Kenneth Tyler and Arthur Susscool. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes of Page and Miss Viola and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson and daugh ter of O’Neill were Christms day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haynes and daughters at O’Neill. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lundgren and baby of Ft. Collins, Colo., spent the holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lundgren and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas. Mrs. Ed Latta and daughter. Miss Libby, of Omaha returned Wednesday after having spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Gallagher returned Wednesday from Illinois where they had spent Christmas with their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Larson, and sons. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman returned Monday from near Win ner, S.D., where they spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. D. B. Lyons, and with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grady and sons spent Christmas in Ft. Dodge, la., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pray. Miss Jane Kennedy of Coon Rapids, la., who had attended a wedding in South Dakota, Tues day was a houseguest of Miss Marde Birmingham. They and Miss Lorraine Simonson went to Omaha Wednesday to attend a re union of Duchesne college class mates. Mr. and Mrs. Parnell Donohue of Bonesteel, S.D., visited Christ mas night at the Dr. E. M. Glee son home. Edward and Donald Graham of Omaha spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham. Mrs. Patrick J. Donohue of Bonesteel, S.D., is spending the holidays at the Robert Devoy home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman and family of Verdel, Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor and family of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Vem Grenier and family spent Christ mas eve at the Roy Lanman home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman and Don were Christmas dinner guests at the Vem Grenier home. Miss Marilyn Lindberg left Tuesday to attend a Methodist convocation school at Lexington. She will return home today (Thursday). Santa Distributes Gifts at School INMAN—A Christmas program was presented Wednesday eve ning, December 21, by the grades at the high school auditorium. Mr. Sawyer directed the band prelude. Various exercises were performed and songs were sung by the different grades. After the program, Santa Claus put in an apoearance and presented the children with treats. Fluckeys Observe Golden Wedding (Continued from page 1) was John Sageser and his bride, Hattie Christiansen, now both de ceased. The Fluckeys spent their hon eymoon on a homestead southwest of Chambers near a lake. Mr. Fluckey discounts any possibilities of retiring. “The boys do the work. I have a few cattle, milk one or two cows, feed the chickens and keep busy. We’re happy here and wouldn’t want it any other way.” They have spent most of their married life in and near Chambers with the exception of four years spent at Inman and Oakdale where Mr. Fluckey was a barber for short periods. They have lived 36% years at their present home. To this couple were born six children—four boys and two girls. Their children are: Mrs. (Lerna) Wilkinson of Chambers, Leyn Fluckey of Arlington, Mrs. Ivan (Leola) Stokes of Rupert, Ida., Loy Fluckey of Chambers, Marvin Fluckey and Gordon Fluckey, both of Hastings. All the children were present with the exception of Mrs. Stokes. They have 14 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter, Cheryl Sue Mesenbrink, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mesenbrink of Fremont. Mildred Crabb W eds Owen Davis First Presbyterian church in O’Neill was the scene of the Tues day afternoon, December 27, wed ding of Miss Mildred Crabb of O’Neill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dorrance Crabb, and Owen Davis of O’Neill, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Davis of O’Neill. Rev. J. Olen Kennell performed the 3 o’ clock ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her grandfather, Emmet Crabb, appeared in a pink suit. Her ac cessories were wedgewood blue. She wore a corsage of white chry santhemums. Miss Donna Crabb, aunt of the bride, served as maid-of-honor. She wore an aqua knit dress with a white hat and a pink carnation corsage. Little Miss Jean Crabb, sister of the bride, was candlelighter. Her dress was of brown taffeta. Ed Davis, brother of the bride groom, was best man. James Ad amson of Albion ushered. Organist was Miss Nancy Ken nell. Miss Betty Harmon of Scottsbluff was vocal soloist. Following the ceremony, a re- i ception was held at the M&M. ' After a short wedding trip, Mr. i Davis will return to Maryland * where he is statinoned with the i army. Mrs. Davis will return to I Wayne where she is attending col- 1 lege. She will join him in Mary- I land at the end of the semester. (-) —-1 EASY ] when you fell I and buck with , the new I McCulloch i MODEL 33 { chain saw. Has j top horsepower I for its weight, , higher chain I speed too! The ,i new Low Low I maintenance . saw. TRY IT I TODAYI : I I — - I Marcellus Imp ! Phone 5 — WEST O’NEILL — • ... - FOLGER’S COFFEE t Lb, ......... T I SWANS DOWN CAKE MIX H —^——SBBBBBBP ii GOLD NUGGET CORN ^ THISSSEEEEST” nMKanHnBnHIiR _: POMPEIAN SPAGHETTI SAUCE MIX t ~~~wSSM£SmT-~ * j GALLON CHERRIES Gallon__ 79^ VAN CAMP P0fltf £ 4 No. 2i Cans... *9* MA BROWN GRAPE JELLY * 12-0z. Jar_ f ~ IpeciaTstore “mm “ 1 | FOR THE | J NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS ! < Saturday, Dec. 31-8 A.M. to 7 P.M. J j Sunday, Jan. 1 - <£•!"£' | ( Monday, Jan. 2 - Open All Day ' Plenty of I PARKING 1 SPACE f r isi I BOILING BEEF. 2 lbs. 39c PORK HOCKS.. 2 lbs. 35c I j PORK LIVER... 2 lbs. 29c WIENERS, all meat, 3 lbs. SI 11 ff WILSON’S LAKEVIEW SLICED ■ M 19( 1 BABY BEEF PRIME RIB CUDAHY’S PURITAN J K 1 STEAK_Lb. 45c BACON_2 lbs. 79c j l J FRESH OYSTERS ..Pt.35cBEEF ROAST ....Lb, 33c If [HOPS. 1 f CENTER CUTS_Lb. 49c ( ( -- * f PILLSBURY ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX_Pkg. 53c STOCKTON CATSUP_2 for 35c HORMEL’S CHILE_Can £9C LUSHUS SALAD DRESSING - Qt. 39c — — ^ m na wm ^ m ^ STOKELY’S Tomato JUICE, 46-oz. cn. 33c CHASE Orange SLICES, 2 lb. pkg. 39c MANCHESTER CRACKERS2-lb. box 49° PRINCE DOG FOOD_3 cans 29c — — — — — — — — — — ^ — I TO YOU AND YOURS (I A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS I { NEW YEAR jj PHIL — DICK — FLOYD — ROLLAND — BOB — BILL C C LEONA — BEVERLY—KATHLENE — LEONE — ELLEN C C SPUDS X 1*2 Sf RED, SOLID S TOMATOES . Lb- * 19c { JONATHAN m APPLES _ Bushel basket 3.791 Si Si Si Si Si ft' ^B mn ii bi iBn iirfiii iMk\ Sli idS Slfc Sllfc i