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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
Cards Hand Josies ' Season’s First Loss Schaffer Hits 20 for SMA . t The St. Mary’s Cardinals hand ed the St. Joseph Bluejays their first defeat of the season, 66-47, •an the losers’ court last Thurs day. • * K was SMA’s third win of the « aasrpaign. Off to an early lead in r h*t>peuing minutes of the first the Cards were hard enressed to maintain a 15-14 mar gin at the end of the initial canto. - 3L Joe then threw a fast break int» high gear and shot ahead by tfine points during the second -•quarter only to have the Cards .ngain return to the fore to lead, . 30-27, at halftime. The second half found the 'Cards controlling both boards and forcing the Bluejays to fire from outside. Unable to hit the ?ong ones, the Jays slowly drop ?ied behind and St. Mary’s owned a 46-39 edge entering the final •quarter. With Jim Froelich and Dave ‘Schaffer controlling the back t>oards, the Cardinal attack began to click. Coach Don Temple meyer’s kids shed 20 points dur ing the final period, compared to • the Josie eight. IJoth teams hit 33 percent from Che field, but with the Cards con trolling the rebounds, St Joe was limited to 49 attempts compared to the Cardinals’ 76 tries. Schaffer led SMA with 20 points with Tom Head and Jim Becker following with 15 and 14, respectfully. Game Captain Jerry Schmidt played his usual fine floor game and chipped in nine . jxjints. J. Slattery was the high man Coir St. Joe with 10. The St. Mary’s academy reserv . net won their fourth game of the •/ear, 30-21, with Gary Holly lead ng the way with 14 points. The Cardinals will play host to rToly Trinity of Hartington Friday ’.night. The prelim starts at 6:30 o’ m , lock. Recent Winners Winners of the Holt county •first baby contest since the gift shower idea was inaugurated in ' i947 include: 1947 Kathleen Wanser 4 a.m., January 1, 1947 1948 Nancy Elaine Harshfield „ 4>:35 a.m., January 1, 1948 1949 James Michael Beha 7 a.m., January 1, 1949 1950 David Lynn Tracy 1 a.m., January 1, 1950 „ 1951 Betty Jean Knoell « ^:10 a.m., January 7, 1951 1952 Linda Lee Tolbert 11:59 a.m., January 4, 1952 1953 Randy Joseph Schaaf 5:25 a.m., January 1, 1953 1954 David Wilbur Trowbridge .3:11 a.m., January 1, 1954 1955 Diane Faye Scripter • 12:10 a.m., January 1, 1955 Lanmans Quietly Note 40th Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman quietly celebrated their 40th wed ding anniversary on Friday, De cember 23, at their home. On Chrsitmas eve they were visited by their sons and daugh ters and their families, including Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman and family of Verdel; Mr. and Mrs. Vern Grenier and family of O’ Neill; Donald, who attends Morn ingside college in Sioux City, and Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor and family of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Lanman were married December 23, 1915, at Niobrara. Mrs. Lanman’s maiden name was Jessie Barnes. She was from Niobrara. The couple has been living in O’Neill 10 years. Edward P. Jensen Rites at Bristow Funeral to Be Held Today Edward Peter Jensen, 68, re tired farm laborer who had spent most of his life in Holt and Boyd counties, died at 12:25 a.m., Wed nesday, December 28, at the Ed Hood home near Midway, north of O’Neill. He had been in ill health for several years. Funeral services will be con ducted at 2 p.m., today (Thurs day) from the Methodist church in Bristow. Rev. Clyde A. Wells, church pastor, will officiate and burial will be in the Bristow cem etery under the direction of Big lin’s. The late Mr. Jensen was bom May 12, 1887, at Stuart, the son of Jacob and Rosalene Zimdars Jensen, who had immigrated from Denmark and Germany, respectively. He had suffered from spinal meningitis when he was a youth. The late Mr. Jensen was a mem ber of the Methodist church at Bristow. He never married. Survivors include: Brother — David Jensen of O’Neill; sister— Mrs. Emma Katherine Jonason of Maroa, 111. He was preceded in death by his parents, who are buried at Bristow, and by two half-brothers and three half-sis ters. Miss Mae Hammond Here from Washington— Miss Mae Hammond, a native O’Neillite who is employed by the state department in the na tion’s capital, arrived Friday from Washington, D.C., to spend the Christmas holidays here. Her vis it was marred by a two-day stay in the hospital here. She was feted at a luncheon Wednesday noon at the M&M cafe by her sister, Mrs. Ira Moss. Miss Hammond departed late Wednesday by train for Washing ton. VERDIGRE WINS VERDIGRE — The Verdigre Hawks finished strong to defeat St. Ludger’s of Creighton, 52-38, in a basketball game played here Friday night. Johnson led the winners with 25 points. Frontier for printing! 8 Take Rexall ANAPAC COLD TABLETS For quick, prolonged, four-way relief from the symptoms and discomfort of that cold in any stage. You’ll feel better FAST! \ - For relief of minor throat irritations and associated coughs, | Try B10KETS i . . . the anesthetic, antibiotic throat troche. Hit that cough with a three-pronged attack! Rexall Triple-Action Cough Syrup It’s penetrating, cuts phlegm and is quick-acting. | ,( * We feature the world’s safest, quickest-acting vaporizer . . . . | ELECTRESTEEM . . . with automatic shut-off . . . for quick, soothing re lief from the discomfort of nose and throat congestion. Also useful as a humidifier and room refresher. Large Half-Gallon Size Only------ 4.95 Be ready for that cold when it strikes! Stock your medicine cabinet now from our full and complete line of cough and cold relief preparations. Gilligan’s Rexall Drug 1 . Phone 87 — O’Neill Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) Admissions: December 21—Kar en Held, Orchard; Mrs. Ernest Ei lers, Spencer. 22—Arthur Tomlin son, Inman; Bruce Smith, Cham bers; Ralph Stowell, O’Neill; M. F. O’Donnell, O’Neill. 23 — Mrs. Allan Jaszkowiak, O’Neill; Mrs. LaVerne Hoerle, Chambers. 24 — Warren Groeling, Orchard; Mrs. Forest Strait, Bonesteel, S.D. 25— Mrs. Lois Bowlby, Lynch Mrs. Don Angel, Spencer; Eugene Barnhard, O’Neill; Mrs. Maude Fuller, O’Neill; Mrs. Donald Cameron, Chambers. 26 — Mrs. Marion Paine, Inman; Earl David, Chambers; Kathy Rubeck, Cham bers; Arlene Potter, Ewing; Mary Armfield, Anoka, Mildred Wyant, O’Neill; Keith Krugman, O’Neill; Mrs. Cyril Peter, Chambers. 27— Mrs. Forrest Sammons, Amelia; Faye Muray, O’Neill; Mrs. Harold Calkins, O’Neill; Cherie Wanser, Hartington. Dismissed: December 21—Mrs. Francis Musil, O’Neill; Ritchie Al an Lockwood, Inman; Mrs. Ro bert Ferris, Inman; Rita Lydon, Ewing. 22—Charles Hill, jr., O’ Neill; Mrs. John R. Gallagher and i baby boy, O’Neill. 23—Mrs. Mar ! jorie Fagan, Chambers; Larry ] Davis, Ewing; Mrs. Allan P. Jas zowiak, O’Neill; James Hubei, ! Ewing; Carroll Peacock, O’Neill; Mrs. Donald Green and baby boy Chambers; Mrs. Fred SaJak and baby boy, O’Neill. 24—Mrs. Don ald Ruroede, Ewing; Mrs. Don Lines and baby girl, Ewing; Ben jamin Vidricksen, O’Neill; Mrs. Oscar Hansen, Emmet; Bruce Smith, Chambers; Kathryn Ru beck, Chambers. 25 — Mrs. R. H. Shain and baby girl, Ewing; Kar en Held, Orchard; Ralph Stowell O’Neill; Mrs. Lois Bowlby, Lynch! 27 — Mrs. Maude Fuller, O’Neill. 28—Arlene Potter, Ewine: Keith Jvrugman, O’Neill; Mrs. LaVern Hoerle and baby girl, Chambers. Hospitalized: Mrs. Lois Adams, Chambers; Mrs. Don Angel Spen cer; Mary Armfield, Anoka; Mrs Minnie Bay, O’Neill; Mrs. Harold Calkins, O’Neill; Mrs. Donald Ca meron, Chambers; Charles Cay wood, O’Neill; H. J. Harte, In man; Mrs. Ernest Eilers, Spencer Dr. O. W. French, O’Neill; Lionel L. Siffken, O’Neill; Mrs. Forrest Sammons, Amelia; Arthur Tom linson, Inman; Mildred Wyant O’Neill; Warren Groeling, Orchl ard; M. H. Horiskey, O’Neill; Mrs. Mae Landis, O’Neill; Ann Mc Manus, O’Neill; Faye Murray, O’ Neill; M. F. O’Donnell, O’Neill, Mrs. Marion Paine, Inman; Mrs. Cyril Peter, Chambers; Law rence Rang, Butte; James Regal, O’Neill; Mrs. C. E. Stout, O’Neill• Mrs. Forest Strait, Bonesteel, S. D.; Kathy Rubeck, Chambers Cherie Wanser, Hartington. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: December 19 — Ed White, Amelia, medical. 21—Mrs. Carl Friedrich, Spencer, medical. 22 — Mrs. Harry Hood, Stuart, medical; Robert Wilbern, Atkin son, medical; Rodney Boettcher, Atkinson, medical; 23 — Donna Cleary, Atkinson, medical. 24_ Roger Davis, Atkinson, medical. Dismissed: December 19— Mrs. James Hoffman and daughter, At kinson. 21—John Moses, Atkin son; John Gallagher, Atkinson. 22 —Mrs. Victor Frickel, Atkinson; Mrs. Robert Wallinger and daugh ler, Stuart. 23—Rodney Boettcher Atkinson. Hospitalized: Roger Davis, At kinson; Anna Ahle, Atkinson; Donna Cleary, Atkinson; Mrs. Elva Bogue, Atkinson; Ed White, Amelia; Mrs. Carl Friedrich’ Spencer. ’ SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Dr. E. B. Bradley Spencer; Mrs. George Classen, Spencer; Mrs. Floyd France Lynch; Mrs. Alice Jacot, Niobra ra; Barbara Rose Kellar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar, Bristow; Mrs. Ida Noble, Star; Theodore Norwood, Lynch; Miss Lillian Olson, Bristow; Mrs. Bar bara Peklo, Lynch; Lyle Wells Redbird. Dismissals: December 20_Mrs Frank Thomson and baby hey Lynch; Paul Drobny, Verdigre Sidney Zink, Lynch. 22 — Mrs’ Gerald Hamilton and baby boy Fairfax, S.D.; Dean Hume, Bris tol- 23 — Miss Janice Prokop, Bristow. 24—Mrs. Richard Mar ston, Dorsey; John Ficenec, Spen cer; Baby Douglas Duane Bo schult, Lynch. NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR LI CENSE TO SELL ALCO HOLIC LIQUORS BY THE DRINK Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of December, 1955, Paul Beha, doing business as Slat s Supper Club and whose ad dress is O’Neill, Nebraska, filed his application with the City Clerk of O’Neill, Nebraska, for a license to sell alcoholic liquors by the drink. Hearing will be held on said application by the Mayor and City Council of O’Neill, Nebraska, on January 3, 1956, at 7:30 p.m., at the city council room in O’Neill, Nebraska, at which time the Mayor and Council shall re ceive competent evidence for and against granting said license. Dated this 15th day of Decem ber, 1955. O. D. FRENCH, City Clerk NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR LI CENSE TO SELL ALCO HOLIC LIQUORS BY THE DRINK Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day of December, 1955, Joyce Darling, doing business as the Town House and whose ad dress is O’Neill, Nebraska, filed her application with the City Clerk of O’Neill, Nebraska, for a license to sell alcoholic liquors by the drink. Hearing will be held on said application by the Mayor and City Council of O’Neill, Nebras ka, on Januanr 3, 1956, at 7:30 p.m., at the city council room in O’Neill, Nebraska, at which time the Mayor and Council shall re ceive competent evidence for and against granting said license. Dated this 6th day of December, 1955. O. D. FRENCH, i City Clerk Pre-Kindergarten Children in Program ROCK FALLS — On Tuesday evening, December 20, the school in district 33 was the center of at traction when the patents and a few guests gathered to see the Christmas program arranged by the pupils and the ■ four little children who will enter kinder garten when school reopens after vacation. Following the program, the “socks” containing lunches were auctioned by Lyle Vequist. The mothers furnished hot chocolate for the children and coffee for the grownups. On Thursday evening Rita and Janice Vequist attended a Christ mas program at the school at tended by their cousins, Betty and Judy Morrow. Other Rock Falls News Christmas dinner guests at the Levi Yantzi home included Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yantzi of Chadron, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Yan tzi and children of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yantzi and children came for supper and spent the evening. Joe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Yantzi, is spending a few days of his vacation with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker of O’Neill entertained the Benson families at Christmas dinner. They included Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benson and child ren and Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Ben son and Oily. Mrs. Mamie O’Neill is visiting a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Blake Benson and family. Eddy Benson is also spending a few days there. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran, Ardell and George were dinner guests on Monday and spent the day at the home of their son, Francis, and family in O’Neill. utner dinner guests were ivir. ana Mrs. Bert Ott, Mr. and Mrs. Al vin Ott and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran and children and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Ott and children of California, who are here on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Strong and boys, Ronald and Jerry, of Om aha came for the weekend. Miss Evelyn Sterns, who had been vis iting there, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Strong spent Christmas day at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Or ville Morrow. Betty and Judy re turned with them to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanders visited on Monday at the home of their son, Duane Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist spent Christmas day at a family gathering in the James McNulty home. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lansworth and JoAnn, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Grutsch, jr., and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grutsch and boys, Mrs. Celia Grutsch, Mrs. Protivinsky and her b r o t h e r, Gene Bauman and Mr. and Mrs. James Curran, Ardell and George. Ray Johnson was a supper guest Tuesday evening, December 20, at the Floyd Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schultz and children had Christmas din ner at the home of her "parents, Mr. and Mrs. William’fSteskal, and family. Gus Karel was a caller at the James Curran home on Monday and on Tuesday, James and Ar dell repaid the call by helping Gus butcher. Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen spent Christmas day with the Claussen families at the home place. They included Mr. and Mrs. John Claussen, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Claussen and family and Lavern Claussen and Augie Ber ry. Albert Sterns visited at the James Curran home on Tuesday, December 20. Page Towners Twice Victorious PAGE — un weanesaay mgm, December 21, the Page town basketball team played a home game with the O’Neill national guards and won, 59-49. Page led all of the way by a safe margin. Leading the scorers for Page were Park with 20 and Ickes with 10. For the guards, Young hit 20 and Nesbit 12. Five men who dubbed them selves as the “furious five” sec tion of the Page town basketball team defeated the fully reserved O’Neill towners Friday night, 42 39. It was a strenuous game for the Page quintet, operating with out a substitute. The last few minutes found the game very close but Page played a slow of fensive action and managed to hold the small lead to win. Walker and Heiss led Page with 13 points and top scorers for O’ Neill were Loomer with 12 and Lindberg with 11. Chambers Hits Wheeler High, 64-56 CHAMBERS — Ronnie Chipps and Bill Young, pouring in 23 and 19 points, respectively, led the Chambers high Coyotes to a 64-56 victory over Wheeler county high (Bartlett) in a cage hassle Friday night at Chambers. Bartlett took a 10-8 first quar ter lead and enjoyed a 31-21 ad vantage at the half. The Coyotes dumped in 24 points during the final stanza. Yule Scenes Part of Program— Christ Lutheran church Sun day-school presented its Christ mas program Wednesday evening, December 21, at the church. A film strip showing different Christmas scenes was presented by the classes in groups of three, and four, portraying and explain ing the scenes in song and verse. Group singing concluded the program and the children receiv ed treats. Mr. and Mrs. James Cavanaugh of Atlantic, la., spent the Christ mas weekend here with relatives. Mr. Cavanaugh is with a depart ment store. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Noziska and daughters of Chadron are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vince Suchy. Native Texan Is Thrilled with Snow STUART—A/lc and Mrs. Ed mund Kaup came Wednesday, December 21, from Sherman, Tex., to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaup, jr. Mrs. Kaup, having been rear ed in Texas, was thrilled to find enough snow for a snowman and assisted her “in-laws” in making a huge snowman in the front yard. On Monday evening school mates, relatives and friends gathered at St. Boniface church basement to surprise and show er the couple with post-nuptial gifts. They left for Sherman on Tuesday where Mrs. Kaup at tends college and Airman Kaup is stationed at nearby Perrin air force base. The couple was married on July 26, 1955, at Paris, Tex. Neva Mae Bauer Bride at Ewing EWING — Miss Neva Bauer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer of Ewing, and Ralph M. Morrow of O’Neill were married Tuesday morning, December 27, at 9 o’clock at St. Peter’s Cath olic church in Ewing. Rev. Peter Burke performed the double-ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, appeared in a white gown of imported net lace over white satin. The dress featured a full-length train. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a seed pearl tiara. She carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Miss Patricia Bauer, sister of the bride, served as maid-of-hon or. Her street-length dress was of melon chystalette with matching accessories. Her bouquet was of white chrysanthemums. Jerry Lambert, brother-in-law of the bride, was bestman. Ushers were Leonard Abler of Norfolk and Ralph Tomjack of Ewing. All of the men wore grey suits with white carnation bouton nieres. Mrs. Jerry Lambert, sister of the bride, was soloist. She sang “Ave Maria” and “On This Day.” The bride’s mother wore a charcoal and blue dress with light blue accesories. Her corsage was of pink chrysanthemums. Following the ceremony, a luncheon was served at the Town House in O’Neill for 25 guests. Misses Roseanne and Fran Schaf fer had charge of the guestbook. For traveling, Mrs. Morrow chose a turquoise knit suit with grey accessories. The couple left that afternoon for a two-weeks’ trip to California. St. Mary’s Grade Grade school pupils of St. Mary’s academy Wednesday eve ning, December 21, presented “How Many Miles to the Man ger?” The program was given by grades two through eight in the school gymnasium. The Christmas story was writ ten and directed by Sr. M. Mich ael. It consisted of choral speak ing and singing. Those taking part were Jean Colling, Charles Froelich, Gail Stevens, Bill Put nam, Fred Snoward, Bob Murray, Vincent Ernst, Bonnie Burival, Betty Miles, Jean Sullivan, Betty Schneider, Rosemary Lyons, Su zanne Stewart, Margaret Conway and Ronnie Holly. Jerry Jurgens meier was the announcer. Bartak - McClain Rites at Deloit DELOIT—Miss Janice Bartak daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaolph Bartak of the Deloit community near Ewing, and Pat McClain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art McClain of Bartlett, were married Tues day, December 27, at the St. John’s Catholic church near De loit. A dinner was served to a large number of guests. Mrs. McClain has been employed as a doctor’s assistant at Neligh. A miscellaneous shower was given Sunday, December 18, at St. John’s church basement in Miss Bartak’s honor. Ewing, Page Men Among Enlistees Among the recent enlistments at the army recruiting station here are included: Rolland R. Hume of ChaJron, for signal corps; Donley D. Hahn of Valentine, for signal corps; Je rome E. Irion of Bassett and Ber nard S. Oots of Valentine, for en gineer corps; Lorance E. Edmis ten of Page, Delano E. Scholl of Ewing and John B. Wain of Par malee, S.D., for regular army (unassigned). Gillette Family in Yule Reunion— CHAMBERS—A Christmas re union of the immediate members of the Gillette family was held at the C. F. Gillette and Darrell Gillette homes. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gillette, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gillette, Vicki and Curtis, all of Belle Fourche, S.D.; Cpl. Ralph Gillette of San Di ego, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. A1 Zwei bel and Leanne of Glenwood Springs, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cobb, Darrell and Terry of Stu art. This is the first time the fam ily has been together for nine years. All returned home except the Zweibels, who will leave the latter part of the week. Mesdames Schaffer Give Holiday Tea— Mrs. D. C. Schaffer and Mrs. Larry Schaffer were hostesses on Wednesday at a tea given in the former’s home from 2 until 5 o’ clock. Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Don nell of Wichita, Kans., are to leave today (Thursday) after spending the holidays with relatives, in cluding Miss Anna O’Donnell, Mrs. Sue Deaver and Frank O’ Donnell. WEATHER SUMMARY Week’s weather summary, based on 24-hour periods ending at 6 p.m., daily, follows: Hi Lo Prec. December 22 .... 47 24 December 23 _48 34 December 24 ....48 19 December 25 ....30 13 December 26 .... 40 20 December 27 .... 38 26 December 28 .... 37 10 Tr. Cantata-Drama Is Presented at Church INMAN — Christmas was ob served at the Methodist church in Inman Friday evening with a pro gram. Misses Ruth Evelyn Mew maw and Carolyn Watson pre sented piano solos. The ladie’s chorus sang two numbers. Several numbers were presented by the children’s division of the church school. The cantata-drama, “A Gift for Hans”, was presented under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and Mrs. Lewis Kopec ky, jr. Miss Imogene Davis sang between the two scenes of the cantata. Teacher Hurt in 2-Car Accident BRISTOW — A Bristow rural school teacher, Miss Ethel Pap stein, who was to have been mar ried Friday evening at the Bris tow Lutheran church, suffered facial cuts and bruises in an auto mobile accident Thursday morn ing while enroute to the school where she teaches. Miss Papstein’s car and one driven by Duane Humes collided six miles north of Bristow. Stuart Seniors Fete Underclassmen, Neighbors— STUART—The senior class of Stuart high school sponsored a formal dance under the mistletoe Thursday evening, December 22, for the underclassmen and stu dents from neighboring high schools. The affair was held at the Stuart auditorium. Music was furnished by the Jerry Kehn orchestra. O’NEILL LOCALS William Frawley of Spearfish, S.D., was a houseguest of William J. Froelich, jr., Monday and Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Price of Schuyler visited their parents, Mrs. Frank Suchy and Mr. and | Mrs. Ernest Price. Little Miss Cheri Wanser of Hartington came home with her grandparents, the Frank Froe lichs, who spent Christmas with Cheri’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser, and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Storjohann returned Wednesday from Omaha where they had spent the Christ mas holidays visiting their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cooper, Linda and John. STAR NEWS Mrs. Clayton Nelson and Del mar Spangler accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson of Tru man, Minn., on December 21 to attend the funeral services for their uncle, Harold Bowden. They returned home the same night. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slattery and family arrived at the home of Mrs. Slattery’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Miller, early Mon day morning, December 12, from — Germany where Mr. Slattery had been stationed in the armed ser- ° vice. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist and Donnie spent last Tuesday eve ning at the Albert Derickson home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sholes and family and Guy Johnson were supper guests Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Babl and family in O’ Neill. — New Listings! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 400-Acres in Boyd county. 440-Acres in Boyd county. 550-Acres in Keya Paha county. e> * 920-Acres in Holt county. = • 2—320-Acre tracts in Holt county. 5,560-Acres in Holt-Rock counties. 6,400-Acres in Knox county. _ 6 Acreages near O’Neill, Chambers and Inman ED TH0R1N Licensed Real Estate Broker ‘ Auctioneer — Insurance 1 • a Happy New Year, Everyone! y iw ^ A. P. JASZKOWIAK, Prop. Hurry to The APPAREL SHOP’S Year-End ... • * 0 Sale now in progress! Spend your Christmas gift money for a new winter coat or dress during this sensational sales event. Nationally-advertised merchandise marked ’way down for quick clearance. Odds-and-ends of soiled holiday merchandise included. All sales final, no approvals, no layaways, no alterations, please. But hurry! f ...— 1 1 —. i1111 COATS IN TWO GROUPS Formerly to 89.95 Now-$36 Formerly to 39.95 Now_$23 I WINTER HATS Every hat in stock! Formerly to 14.95 NOW — Reduced to $1 • $2 • $3 DRESSES From Famous Makers In two sensational price groups! Group!-$17 Formerly to 39.95 Group II-$11 . Formerly to 19.95 BORGANA GOATS - Now.. One-Third Off Original Price I They look more like fur than fur itself! WOOL JERSEY BLOUSES Formerly to 7.95 Now-3.99 Beautiful WOOL SKIRTS Not too many but these are excellent buys! 5.99 and 6.99 Values to 12.95 Odds-and-Ends LINGERIE Rayon — Nylon — Flannel Values in Gowns and > Slips to 8.95 Reduced to Clear! COTTON BLOUSES Reduced to minimum for a fast clearance! 1.99 and 2.99 Values to 5.95 Shop Our RUMMAGE TABLE . . . odds-and-ends of jewelry, handkerchiefs, gloves, sweaters ■ . . to mention only a few! THE APPAREL SHOP WINNIE BARGER BERNICE ELKINS _ _ 1