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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1955)
//// v\vvl' U///'S §t — - . __. — M. ~ - --- ~ —-» -— /2n ...—* FOR SALE Bargains! Bargains! 1949 Ford 2-dr. Good car . $185 1947 Ford 2-dr. Runs good .. $145 1951 Mercury. Better than av erage . .'. $395 1951 Ford Deluxe. Extra nice. „ °"]y $345 Good Ford 1 %-ton . truck. New tires and motor . $365 1955 %-ton pickup. Just a few miles. Save! . $700 Several later model cars and re member nobody can beat our price on new or used cars. P. T. Stock Shute Co. Cafe and Truck Stop Highway 20 Northeast Atkinson Open 7 days a week 7 a.m. to . • 11:30 p.m. Phone 483-W in O’Neill morning and evenings Phone 8871, Atkinson FOR SALE: Typewriter. Reming ton portable, late model, good condition, carrying case in cluded.—Lew White Motor Co., O’Neill. 31c USED CARS 1951 4-door Studebaker (Land cruiser). 1950 Studebaker 4-dr. Champion. 1946 Ford tudor. 1951 Ford V8 truck, LWB. SMITH MOTOR CO. “Home of Studebaker” Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Corn. — Tony Mud loff, Page, Ncbr. 30-32p FOR SALE: Five extra good pure bred Yorkshire male hogs. — Otto Lorenz, O’Neill. 21tf BEbl BUYS! 1951 Plymouth 4-dr. 1960 Plymouth club sedan. 1954 Plymouth 4 - dr., radio, heater, Hi-Drive. 1954 Plymouth. Overdrive. 1949 Ford tudor six, radio and heater. 1947 Chrysler 8 New Yorker, 4 dr. Shierk Motor Co. Phone 430 212 South 4th — O’Neill SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone.—Con tois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE: Outstanding German shepherd cattle dog, 1-year-old, and a coon hound. Also live geese. — George Eickhoff, 3% miles south and one east ot Midway, phone 6-F111, O’Neill. 30-31p60 HOOVER SALES & SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. UPTOWN HARDWARE & APPL. Phone 496 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars. New bloodlines for old customers. Reasonable prices, Welcome to look.—Shadylane Hampshire Farm, 3 mi. eas1 Creighton Highway 59. 29-34c FOR SALE:' One 50 ft. steel tow er in A-l condition, 8 ft. Aer moter wheel, new. Will take down.—Alvir V. Nelson, Plain view. 30-32< GUARANTEED USED CARS 1955 PONTIAC V-8 4-Dr. Deluxe A demonstrator, 12,000 actual 1952 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Deluxe Very clean. 1953 FORD V8 2-Dr. Custom. 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Verj good body. miles, new car guarantee. 1950 DODGE 4-Dr. Coronet. Thii car shows excellent care. LOOK AT THESE CHEAPIES— 1947 Chevrolet Panel Delivery. 1949 Ford V8 2-dr. 1946 Pontiac 6 4-dr. WM. KROTTER CO. PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE WEST O’NEILL PHONE 531 FOR SALE: Choice of my herd of Holstein cows, heavy spring ers. — Forrest Henderson, Or chard. 30-32p8t FOR SALE: Purebred Yorkshire boars — Oswald Drueke, on< mile east of Midway. 27t CAR FOR SALE: 1949 Chevrolet deluxe model. For sale at once —Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr. Page. 30-31E FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshir boars, blue ribbon winners 195J Holt county fair. — Georg* Winkler, Emmet. 24tj FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshir* boars with outstanding lengtl and quality. Reasonably priced —Henry Stelling and son 2 miles south and V* mile wesl of Orchard, phone 28-F02. 26tl FOR SALE: Red cedar posts, sin gle-A haystacker, also Christ mas trees—Ted Crawford, ! miles east of Spencer dam. 31tf< FOR SALE: Purebred Ham.- hire boars, rugged, fast growing meat type with plenty o length, reasonably priced.—Ec Funk, 9 miles so. of Ewing 30-35] FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars. Big and rugged with ex tra length. — Alfred Hansen, Plainview. 26tf NEW TRACTOR BARGAINS $500.00 to $800.00 discount on all new Massey-Harris and Fergu son tractors. This offer good till December 15. Buy now and save the difference! $500.00 discount on new New Holland hay balers. Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 31-32 Sales & Service NECCHI Sewing Machines Midwest Furn. & Appl. — West O’Neill — 6tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf FOR SALE: Purebred Yorkshire boars, open and bred sows. Packer choice.—Larson Bros., 2 mi. west, 2 mi. so. Plainview. 2C-33p FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars and gilts. These are some of the choicest meat-type hogs money can buy—at reasonable prices. Vcacinated and guaran teed.—Bob Cox, 4 miles so., % west of Newman Grove. 29-32c FOR SALE: Registered polled Hereford bulls. Top blood lines, 6- to 24-months-old, at reduced prices.—Everett Van Dover, 2% east, % south of Opportunity. 31-32c USED CAR & JEEP BARGAINS 1955 Mercury 4-dr., only 9,000 miles. 1951 Mercury 4-door. 1950 Ford 4-door. 1952 Willys 2-door. 1951 Kaiser 4-door. 1949 Kaiser 4-door. 1948 Kaiser. 1954 Chevrolet 2-door. 1950 Chrysler 4-dr. $295 1948 Willys Jeep . $395 1949 Willys Jeep, metal top. 1952 Willys 4-wheel drive pick up, 8 speeds. All guaranteed on 50 - 50 basis. Look them over—give us a bid! on them! WE FINANCE Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 31-32 FARM MACHINERY 1952 Ford 2-ton. 1948 Chevrolet %-ton. Tumble bug. Sargent loader. Farmall 30. 1948 Model C. Wagner loader to fit Ford. 1941 Model H. 1941 Model M. 1947 Model M. 1950 W.D. Allis-Chalmers. 1950 Model M. 1950'John Deere MT. 2—4%xl0x28-ft. I beams. ’47 Diamond T for underslung. Several good used cream separat ors, electric and hand. 1—Copper Clad wood range. ’53 IHC 12—ft. freezer. ’52 IHC 12-ft. freezer. Come to Shelhamer’s, your headquarters for BETTER deals! Shelhamer Equip. Co. Phone 570, O’Neill T^/*vr» n » r T7*. TV_1_3 TT_il_] 1 Wlv IJTUiU. X U1CU1V.U ti.Vl u cows, 1- to 8-years-old; also young Hereford bulls.—C Bar M Hereford Ranch, O’Neill. 31tf i -- Used Machinery 1948 J-D A tractor, fully equipped. 1946 B John Deere tractor. Letz cutter head with traveling feed table. J-D 10-in. hammermill. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Comfort Cover and Heat Houser Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 - O’Neill FOR SALE: Conventional Voss washing machine, elec., double enamel rinse tubs.—phone 518 J. 31-33c FOR SALE: Registered Angus. One Bull calf, one yearling bull, 15 heifer calves. Wm. T. Sitz, Burwell. 31-33c FOR SALE: Mantle clock. —Jack Dailev, O’Neill, phone 331-W. 31c35 Gatz Buys Clasey Farm at S90— C. J. Gatz of O’Neill was high bidder on the 160-acre Elmer Clasey farm four miles northeast of Page. The place was offered at auction recently by Kieth Abart of O’Neill, auctioneer-broker. The selling price was $90 per acre. ! I Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKim and l' boys spent Thanksgiving with . | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tasler at > 1 Atkinson. MISCELLANEOUS AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Specialty Phone 207 — O^leill NEED CASH? Small monthly payments, loans up to $1,000.— O’Neill Company, Virgil Laur sen, phone 434. 25tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. SEWING MACHINE Sales & Service We Repair All Makes. Free Estimates. MIDWEST Furniture & Appl. West O’Neill 22tf IS YOUR msurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured? —See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run. Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O’Neill J. F. CONTOIS Real Estate Broker O’NEILL — PHONE 363 YOUR BONDED Singer repre sentative is now located in O’ Neill. For authorized sales and service, Singer sewing machines and vacuum cleaners, call or write George Brewster, O’Neill, phone 435-LW. 31-35c240 O’Neill Company Insurance - Real Estate - Loans VIRGIL LAURSEN Box 275 — Phone 434 25tf MONEY TO LOAN IF YOU WANT a farm or ranch loan see us, as we are agents for the Equitable Life Assur ance Society of the United States. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebraska 22-25tf O. E. ('*Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill HUNT’S Plumbing & Heating COLEMAN BLEND AIR FURNACES — Gas or Oil Kohler, American & Briggs PLUMBING FIXTURES Paw Paw for Your Septic Tank Water Systems Gas & Electric Water Heat-os Phone 399 — O’Neill We Give Gold Arrow Stamps At Your Service In REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KIETH ABART Phone 209, O’Neill 28tf L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. LOST & FOUND STRAYED: Two 2-yr.-old Here ford heifers, gone over six weeks. Square C with J attach ed, right hip. —George Mellor, Spencer. 31-33cll5 LOST: Bred registered red female coonhound, tattooed FT in right ear, missing since Saturday. Name, Judy. Anyone knowing whereabouts or seeing her noti fy Paul Parshall, Atkinson. 31-31c Visit in Lincoln— Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter and Martha Soukup returned Sunday from Lincoln where they had spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthews. > V </ CARDS of THANKS I WISH to thank the friends and relatives who sent flowers and cards to me while I was in the Sacred Heart hospital. A spe cial thanks to those who cared for the children, and to the doctors and nurses for the fine care I received. MRS. FRED KRUGMAN 50p WE WANT to take this means of expressing our deep gratitude to each and every one who was so faithful to stand by us during this time of our great sorrow. To each of you who remembered to uphold us in prayer and love, we know the Lord will bless each of you. Words cannot express our ap preciation to all who helped with the work at home, those who brought food, and the la dies who served the dinner at the home at Swan lake. Our heartfelt thanks for the many cards, letters, telephone calls, the food contributed for the dinner the day of the funeral, the dinner served by the Pres byterian and Methodist ladies and the lunch served by the Homemakers club, and to all who helped in any way at the house in town. We are deeply grateful to all who sent flow ers and gave memorials. Each one that has had a part has helped to lighten the burden of our sorrow and encourage our hearts. — Mrs. Raymond Gar wood, Faye, Marlene, Janet and Charles, Mrs. Dale Garwood, Mrs. Bert Garwood, Mrs. Char les N. Smith and the immedi ate families of Raymond and Dale. _A JAnU, rtlnrirviic WU. V^au liVK v*vu*** ”— ra rest, “Yea,” saith the Spirit, “for all such are blest. They rest from their labors, their work is done, The goal is attained, the weary race run; The battle is fought—the struggle is o’er, The crown now replaces the cross they bore; The pilgrimage path shall no more be trod, A rest remaineth for the people of God.” We want to thank those who have been so faithful to remember us in our hour of sorrow. We deeply appreciate those who have held us up in prayer and sent cards and letters of com fort, brought food and helped in any other way. May the Lord richly reward each one who has sent flowers and given memori als. We know that Dale is safe in Jesus. He is just away and soon we shall see him again on the other side. John 5:24.—Mrs. Dale Garwood, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cuatt, Nancy and Nelda, Mr. and Mrs. James Coday, oth er members of the Cuatt and Coday families. FOR RENT FOR RENT: Nice small house. See Paul Beha at Slat’s Supper Club, O’Neill. 29-31c FOR RENT: House. — See Ruth Harnish, 105 Fremont, O’Neill. 31p FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apart ment with bath, redecorated, heated, unfurnished. Close in. —Phone 556-LR, O’Neill. 29tf FOR RENT. Apartment, close in. Phone 535, O’Neill.31tf FOR RENT: Five-room office, heated, beauty shop, dentist or other business. — Hagensick Bldg., phone 556-LR, O’NeilL 29tf FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. 6tf FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co.47tf FOR RENT: 2 unfurnished apart ments, 3-room. Building for merly occupied by Singer.—O’ Neill Company, Virgil Laursen, phone 434, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill.16tf FOR RENT: Nice sleeping room in private home. — Call Mrs. Richard Strube, 521-W, O’Neill. 29tfc FOR RENT: Fine, all modern 3 bedroom home in Page.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 29tf FOR RENT: IOOF store build ing. Also office building, both on South Fourth street. — For information see A. E. Bowen, D. A. Baker or Leon Sargent, O’Neill. 27tf CAFE FOR LEASE: Fully equip ped and will be redecorated. Modern living quarters, —For information call or write Elmer Foster, Spencer, Nebr. 31p50 Play, Social Highligh Evening INMAN—Members of the In man high school sophomore class, under the sponsorship of Coach T/nomer, presented a one-act play at the auditorium Friday evening. \n ice cream social followed. A 'aree crowd turned out and en ioyed the evening very much. Group pictures for the annual and the individual pictures were taken November 14 and 15. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 1,000-acre farm ranch in northern Holt county. —Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 31-32c FOR SALE: 320-acre improved farm, northeast of Atkinson, $45 per acre.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 20tf I HAVE opened an acreage ad jacent to O’Neill and will sell either in acreages or lots. — Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill, lltf FOR SALE: Good 160-acre im proved farm near O’Neill.—Gep. C. Robertson. O’Neill. 45tf FOR SALE: Farms and ranches, city property, building sites.— O’Neill Company. 25tf FOR SALE: 800-acre farm-ranch in eastern Holt county.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 31-32c SOLD : 160 acres, Ewing. 160 acres, south O’Neill. 160 acres, north O’Neill. 320 acres, Chambers. 3 dwellings, O’Neill. FOR SALE: 920-acre ranch, improved. 320-acre improved farm. 640-acre pasture. 400-acre farm, improved. 320-acre improved farm-ranch. Modern dwelling and acreage, Chambers. 3 dwellings, O’Neill. ED THORIN AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE BROKER 31c WANTED WANTED: House for rent. Re sponsible business man with family needs two- or three bedroom house. Please call 324-M or 100, O’Neill. 31c WANTED: RAW FURS MINK — MUSKRAT RACCOON Hides — Sheep Pelts — Wool Rabbit Skins — Horse Hair Highest Market Price Quick Returns Ship Direct to — W. H. Sturges Co. 27th & “N” St. South Omaha Plenty of free parking space. 30-31cll2-113 HELP WANTED: 3 car salesmen to sell new and used cars in Holt, Boyd, Wheeler and sur rounding counties. Contact Bob Krotter, Wm. Krotter Co. of O’ Neill, phone 531, Pontiac Sales and Service. 27tf WANTED TO BUY: Good one story house to be moved. — Archie Tuttle, Ewing. 30-32p85 WANTED TO BUY: Horses of all kinds.—Buv Wanser, Page. 28-31pll0 O’Neill News Mrs. Harold Huebert and daughter visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Holz. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kirkpatrick spent Saturday in Neligh and Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Van Vorhees and H. G. Kruse spent Tuesday in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Keller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McManigal and sons of Beemer _ rm_i___--*■ _ ±. iu „ XUCUUVlglTUlg gubavo ««» V**\. Ed Kirkpatrick home Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown of Hastings spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kurtz and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fredrick Lang don and Dr. Fredrick Langdon and Miss Ceil Grier of Omaha were Thanksgiving guests at the Dr. Robert Langdon home. Mrs. James Kelly and Mrs. William Kelly took Mrs. Ina Wolfe to Grand Island Saturday where she took a bus to Kimball.; Mr. and and Mrs. James Me- i Keown and family of Columbus, were Thanksgiving visitors at the T. L. Liddy home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kurtz and family spent Thanksgiving at Long Pine visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kurtz and Mr. and Mrs. James Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Lieb enter tained at Thanksgiving dinner. There were about 40 relatives present Mr. and Mrs. Chester Loflin of Kansas City, Mo., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Loflin and Jolee. Miss Ellen Kay Lohaus spent the weekend in Omaha as a guest of Mrs. E. J. Walker and daughter, Marian. . Mr. and Mrs. Duane McKay spent Monday and Tuesday in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Vera Peterson and family of Omaha spent a few days this week visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike London. Mrs. Anna Jones of Norfolk visited Monday at the D. N. Loy home. Mr. and Mrs. William Gatz, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus and family, George Clift and Mrs. Mary MacLeod were Thanksgiv ing dinner guests at the C. J. Gatz home. Miss Louise Kennedy of Ains worth visited Friday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy. Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hutton and family of Creston spent Sat urday and Sunday in the home of Graydon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton and Vickie. Mrs. James Gallagher and Jim my and Vaden Kivett went to Meadow Grove Monday morning to help Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rutt ledge get settled in the depot. The Rutledges are transferring from Lynch to Meadow Grove. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and son, Ned, and Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley drove to Norfolk Wednes day evening, November 23, where they witnessed the opening bas ketball game of the Blackhawks of Norfolk Junior college and the Bethany Vikings of Mankato, Minn. Don, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley, hit 15 points for Norfolk and was second high man. Don accompanied his par ents home where he spent the Thanksgiving weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and family were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat, and family at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Colman of California spent several days the past week visiting Mr. Col in a n.’ s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Colman. James Coventry spent Tuesday, November 22, hunting geese on the Missouri river. Harvey Tompkins, Linelle and Allen returned Tuesday evening, November 22, from Utica where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Carl Caldwell. Mrs. Tompkins, Neal and Mrs. Caldwell came Wednesday afternoon, November 23. Mrs. Caldwell will spend a week in the home of her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins, and family. Thanksgiving dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Char les Cadwallader and family were Mr. and Mrs. George Bolen and vwvj uiuuicu ui r u atuiu xvaiib., William Cadwallader and son and daughter-in-law of Hubbard; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader, ?dr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cadwallader and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cadwallader and family, all of Stuart; Mrs. Luther Jackson of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby and Dick of Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Menish and Danny of O’Neill and Mrs. A. R. Grow of Inman. Roland Cadwallader enrolled in the Milford trade school this week for a short course in watch and jewelry repairing. Kay Coventry, Sharon and Lucy Cunningham, Beverly Smith, Linelle Tompkins and Brenda Colman surprised Vicki Hutton at her home Friday night. The surprise farewell party was held for Vicki. She will leave on Friday for Omaha where she will be employed. Thanksgiving dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and girls were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conard of Clearwater and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach and son of Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. William Morsbach and family of Clearwater spent Sunday visiting in the home of Mr. Morsbach’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Morsbach. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe and family of Amelia were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw. Ralph and Gordon Sholes and Tom Clark, who are employed at Broken Bow, spent the holidays with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Luben and family of Oak spent the holidays visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luben and Mrs. May Fraka. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and family of Oak spent the holidays visiting in the home of Mrs. Vio let Sholes. Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and Sam were Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher and two sons of Valen tine, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson and thref children of O’Neill and Miss Carolyn Watson of Omaha. Miss Carolyn remained until Sun day when she returned to Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Moore and children of Lincoln spent the Thanksgiving weekend in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crosser and family of Sheldon, la., spent the Thanksgiving holiday in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller. Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wat son and children, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson and daughters of O’Neill and Miss LuElla Wat son of Holdrege. Miss LuElla spent the remainder of the week, returning to Holdrege on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry, Kay and Bill, spent Thanksgiving day in the home of Mrs. Mary Tomlinson and Larry in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. James Pinker man, jr., and family of Omaha were Thanksgiving guests in the home of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Coventry, and sons returning to Omaha on Saturday afternoon. Miss Yvonne Smith of Norfolk came Tuesday evening, Novem ber 21, and spent Thanksgiving in the K. F. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Kivett and son, Keith, spent Thanksgiving weekend in Madison visiting Mrs. Kivetts parents. They returned on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins and grandson, Roger Tompkins, returned on Friday afternoon from Omaha where they spent Thanksgiving in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull at Redbird. Miss Edith Gallagher returned to O’Neill on Monday morning after spending the Thanksgiving weekend in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Galla- » gher. Edith attends St. Mary’s academy. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of their brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ber-. ger, in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Nielsen of St. Paul spent the weekend in the home of Harlans parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nielsen, returning home Sunday afternoon. They were accompanied home by Pfc. Harold Nielsen, who will return to Ft. Campbell, Ky. Sunday evening dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Anthony were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harrison of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease of Orchard; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat and family and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat of Page. .... i" ANNOUNCING The Official Opening of the Tompkins Livestock HEADQUARTERS At the Lewis Kopecky Hay Office, Inman, Nebr. and the following ! TERRITORY DISTRIBUTORS: OSCAR PETERSON, Amelia MELVIN HINZE, Bartleft E. J. GOTSCHALL, Atkinson CLAIRE McVAY, O’NeUI CLIFFORD DICK, O’NeUI KARL KEYES, Inman under the direction of HARVEY A. TOMPKINS, INMAN TERRITORIAL SUPERVISOR for The Rogers Grain and Feed Co. Ainsworth, Nebraska On Saturday, Dec. 10 8:00 AJVf. — 8:00 P.M. SPECIAL PRICES ON FEED LUNCH — DOOR PRIZES See these men for a complete line of— Feeds, Minerals and Salt for Range, Dairy and Feed Lot Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Poultry Get Their Prices for a Complete Line of— Fertilizers, Insecticides, and Livestock Remedies, Grass, Legume and Field Seeds, Fertilizer Spreaders, Feeds, Stock Oilers and Good Rye Straw PATRONIZE TOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR AND FEED FEEDS MANUFACTURED IN THE HEART OF THE SANDHILLS FOR SANDHILLS CONDITIONS! Anyone interested in becoming a distributor for this company contact Harvey A. Tompkins, Inman. TOP PRICES FOR HOGS! $13.50 Cwt We Will Pay $13.50 Cwt. for Hogs Traded on a New 1956 PONTIAC OF YOUR CHOICE HOW CAN YOU BEAT THIS DEAL? ★ THE BEST CAR FOR THE MONEY! ★ THE BEST MONEY FOR YOUR HOGS & OLD CAR! Bring in your hogs, old car and tide and do business! WM. KROTTER CO. PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE Where Fewer Hogs Buy More Car! OPEN NIGHTS