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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1955)
SECTION TWO — PACES 9-16 JFRONTtlfi © Jenkins - Buckles Rites at Park Center DELOIT—Several from, here at tended the wedding of Kay Jenk ins and La Verne Buckles at the Park Center church on Sunday. July 31. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jenkins of Park Ceriter, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Buckles of near Ericson. Other Deloit News Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and sons were Sunday dinner guests at the Glenn Harpster home. Don Larson and Elayne Reimer returned home Friday from Wayne where they finished an eight-weeks’ college course. Don left early Sunday morning with 48 enlisted men representing com pany D of the national guards for active duty at Camp Ripley, Minn. Elayne Reimer was chosen “trophy girl” at the Riverside auto races at Norfolk Saturday evening. Max Pofahl, formerly of Ewing, is a race director. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maber. have been having their little grand daughter as a guest. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ma ben of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Reimer of 0 O’Neill spent the weekend in Grand Island where they helped Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Taylor move to the home they have pur chased. Mrs. Taylor is the former Audrey Reimer. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Huffman accompanied a shipment of cattle to Omaha on Sunday. Doris Ann Spahn returned to school at Wayne State college. Her parents took her to Wayne Sun day evening. Linda Larson spent the first of the week at the Reimer home, o Mrs. Ewald Spahn’s sister and family of Norfolk spent Sunday at the Spahn home. Jack Bartak is in camp in Tex as and plans to be released about August 16. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pofahl and Martin Pofahl visited Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey and sons on Sunday. Mrs. Goldfuss and son of Page were recent visitors for several days at the Carl Wulf home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple attended 4-H camp at Ourtis last week. Everyone is busy and the weather has been too hot for vis iting. Thus, the news this week is scarce. Wheeler county farm bureau will hold a picnic Sunday, August 7, at Bartlett. O’Neill News John Harrington, jr„ of Chica go., 111., and Mona Spickler of Wilmoth, 111., left Monday for their homes after spending a va cation here. Mr and Mrs. Henry Rohrer of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Buster Kendal of Pierce visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hav ranek and girls. Mrs. E. W. Devereaux of Om aha spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Hunt, and family. » Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lowry and family of Memphis, Term., vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lowry and Charles Caywood and other rela tives and friends. They left Wed nesday. Fred Holsclaw left Monday morning for Bonesteel, S.D., where he will spend a few days doing relief work. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lowry, Char les Caywood, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lowry and children. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mulhair, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hull and Glendora, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Havranek and family and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bjomsen and family of Lynch enjoyed a family reunion Sunday at Ford’s park. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hamik spent Saturday in Inman with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. John Galla gher. Mr. and Mrs. Geogre Wink ler of Emmet called on the Gal laghers that afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Petty and family of Sioux Falls, S.D., came Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stanton. The Pettys and Stan tons will go i* Deadwood, S.D., to attend the days of ’76 celebra tion there. Celia News Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry, Mrs. Vincent Allard, Patricia, Carol and Anita and Martin Con roy were Sunday dinner guests at the Frank Kilmurry home. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hupp visit eidl Sunday at the Joe Hendricks home. They were dinner guests. Mrs. Marvin Focken and fam ily visited Mrs. John Rees Wed nesday, July 27. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Samms and son, Dickie, arrived from Wich ita, Kans., Saturday afternoon to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg, and her sister, Mrs. William Maloun. Lawrence Lange and John Priest were Friday morning visit ors at the Emil Colfack home. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott were Sunday dinner guests at the Char les Dobias home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck were last Thursday evening visitors at the William Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg and granddaughters, Carla and Diane Samms, arrived home from Wichita, Kans., Monday af ternoon, July 25. jjoromy scan was a lasi xnurs day dinlier guest at the William Maloun home. Mrs. Charles Dobias, Roger and Rodney, Miss Dorothy Scott, Mrs. Gene Livingston and D. F. Scott went fishing and enjoyed a picnic lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Allard and daughters visited the Frank Kil murry and Pat Kilmurry homes this week. Mr. Allard went home to Rapid City, S.D., Sunday. Mrs. Allard and children remained for a longer visit. She is the former Catherine Kilmurry. Vincent Allard was a last Thursday visitor at the Mark Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hoffman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Siebert and daughters, Butch Brown and Harold Frickel went to Pickstown, S.D., Tishing on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family were O’Neill visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld called at the Ray Pease home Sun day morning. Sunday dinner guests at the Mark Hendricks home were Fran cis Chaffin, Charles and Lloyd Phipps and George Woolstrum. Mrs. Leroy Hoffman helped Mrs. Joe Albrecht cook for thresh ers Friday. Mrs. Garold Rothchild helped Mrs. Leroy Hoffman cook for threshers last Thursday. Mrs. Leroy Hoffman helped Mrs. Victor Frickel cook for threshers Monday morning and helped Mrs. Garold Rothchild in the afternoon. Hay Crop Short 'in Ewing Area— EWING—The locality received about .40 of an inch in showers Sunday afternoon. The Deloit community to the south failed to get any moisture. Everyone is busy in the hay fields. Harvest is completed. South Dakotans Here— Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kahler and Audrey of Bonesteel, S.D., were Saturday guests at the Kenneth Juran home. Holt Coontyans Tour Ft. Robinson Historic Markers Are Viewed A tour of Ft. Robinson was at tended by 16 Holt countyans last Thursday and Friday. The group left O’Neill Thursday morning and returned late Friday night. Thursday afternoon and evening were spent at the C hadron state park where swimming, boating and fishing were enjoyed before an evening of movies and talks. The campers also stayed overnight at the park. Friday, Superintendent Koch conducted the tour through the buildings and lots at the fort. He also showed many historic markers and sites. After driving through the pastures, viewing the cattle used in the research work, a picnic dinner was enjoyed in the woods. The trip was sponsored by the Cooper Foundation. There were eight Nebraska counties represent ed. Those going from Holt county were: County Agent A. Neil Dawes and son, Larry, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ressel, all of O' Neill; Kenneth Hoerle and Ix>is Strong, both of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert, Bo’o, Brenda and Becky, Ivan Heiss, Lyle, Bonnie and Linda and Fred j die Cronk, all of Page. Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. Will David, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil David and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Verle David and family were Sunday, July 31, guests in the Earl David home at Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adams of St. Paul spent the weekend in Cham bers. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Richards of Chadron spent the weekend with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Duane K. Miller, and daughter, Diana. Mrs. C. M. Eason of Omaha ar rived last Thursday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hubbard. Doctor Eason came on Sunday. They both returned to Omaha on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blair and daughter of Omaha were week end .guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blair. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of Austin, Tex., have spent the past week visiting his mother, Mrs. Sarah Adams and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirkland of Burwell visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Smith and family returned Saturday, July 30, from Miller, S.D., and Willow City, N.D., where they had been for about two months during the bluegrass season. Wal ter Brown, who was helping with the stripping, also returned Sa turday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boge came Saturday from Woonsocket, S.D., where they had been working for the past several months. They re turned on Sunday. Pvt. Charles Dean Farrier left Thursday, July 21, for Camp Chaffee, Ark., where he entered school. Private Farrier, who has taken his basic at Camp Chaffee, was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Farrier, and John Lee. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner spent Sunday with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. jxoDerc lumer, ana iamny. Jackie Taggart returned to her work at Omaha Monday, August 1, after spending two weeks visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Taggart and family. Theresa Alday, who had visited several weeks in the Taggart home ac companied her to Omaha where her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Phillips, of Kansas City, Mo., met her. Mrs. Earl Theis of Wisner spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar DeHart. Miss Shirley DeHart, who attends col lege at Wayne, was also home for the weekend. Sunday, July 31, dinner guests in the Merlin Grossnicklaus home were: Mr. and Mrs. Hank Clover and Mr. and Mrs. Carol Beacher and family, all of Platte Center; Eli Thompsen of Grand Island, and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gross nicklaus and family of Chambers. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rohde of Spencer and their son, Francis, spent Sunday at the home of their son, Bernard Rohde. They celebrated the birthday anniver sary of Francis Rohde that day. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to masnre, metal or wood, all colors,— J. M. McDon alds. tf The Hohndorf family held a reunion Sunday at Pawnee park in Columbus. Those attending from O’Neill were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Krugman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Boelter and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Eppen bach and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Conway and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eppenbach and family and Mrs Elsa Eppenbach and Gerry. There were 70 attend ing. Open every evening during the months of July and August. — Keating Implement, Atkinson. 10-15 Mr. and Mrs. Russell McKee and children, Jeanie, Walter and Gary, of Denver, Colo., came Fri day night and stayed until Sun day morning in the A. E. Bowen home. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen i celebrated their 36th wedding an niversary Saturday. i ---- Verl Gunter Family Feted in Farewell— EWING-—On Thursday evening a farewell party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verl Gun ter and family at Neligh. A picnic supper was served. Present were: His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Hoke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family, Alice Shrader, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Napier and family, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Bomer and family, all of Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer and family all of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Gunter and family are former residents of Ewing. They plan to move the first part of August to Crookston. Plan for Fair— DELOIT—The Early Bird 4-H club met Tuesday evening, July 26, at the Reimer home. Plans were made to attend the share the fun contest in Bartlett on August 17 and to participate in the Wheeler county fair August 26 and 27. Reports were given by the five members who attended 4-H camp at Long Pine. Lunch was served. Club at Marcellus Home— The Kitty Clover club met at the Melvin Marcellus home Fri day. Plans for achievement day were discussed. The next club meeting will be held at the park.—By Donna Ash er, reporter. Miss Marilyn Carroll entertain ed six girls at a slumber party held at her home Wednesday night, July 27. Those attending were: Misses Lila Dailey, Beverly Johnson, Carolyn Lindberg, Jac kie Norman, Mary Fetrow and Shirley Schultz. They finally re tired at 6 am. Miss Joan Adair Bride of Airman AMELIA — Miss Joan Adair, daughter of Mrs. Gertie Adair of Amelia, became the bride of A/2c William Schmitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Schmitt of Des Moines, la., at a 9 a.m., ceremony Wednesday, July 27, in the chapel at the Lincoln air force base. The bride chose Schiffli em broidered tulle over satin for her ballerina-length gown. An em pire jacket was worn over the strapless bodice and multi-tiers of ruffled embroidery accented the bouffant skirt. A jeweled bonnet-clip held the bride’s veil of imported illusion and she car ried a prayerbook marked with an arrangement of pink rose buds. Mrs. Ted Price of Honolulu, Haw., T.H., was her sister’s ma tron-of-honor and Paul Halz worth of Des Moines served as bestman. Ushers were Don Stead man and Douglas Wieck, both of Des Moines, la. The couple will make their home at 1645 A st., Lincoln. The bride Is a graduate of Bry on Memorial hospital school of nursing. Mrs. Gertie Adair and son, Ralph, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Price we- to Lincoln to attend the weddnig. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Landon of Ames, la., visited in O’Neill Sa turday afternoon, enroute to the West coast for a vacation. The Landons resided in O’Neill until about six years ago. Mr. Landon was a salesman for Swift & Co., and they resided at the A. E. Bowen apartments. Mrs. Landon did part-time reporting for The Frontier. Mrs. Henry Benze and children visited Saturday at the Ed Fuhr er home. Mrs. Frank Pettinger Burial at Atkinson ATKINSON—Funeral services were conducted at 9 am., Tues day, August 2, from St. Joseph’s Catholic church in Atkinson for Mrs. Frank Pettinger, 69, the for mer Clara Schaaf of Atkinson, who died Friday, July 29, at Boi se, Ida. She had suffered a lin gering illness. Burial was in St. Joseph’s cemetery. The Pettinger family moved to Idaho about seven years ago. Survivors include: Widower; sons—Melvin of Boise, Raphael of Atkinson, Ralph of Emmet, Ida.; daughter—Mrs. Kenneth Bean of Wood Heights, Nev.; 15 grand children; brothers—Michael and George Schaaf, both of Atkinson; sister—Mrs. George Keuter of Boise, Ida. She was preeeeded in death by two sons—Sylvester, who died in infancy, and Donald, who died in 1930 at the age of 11. Tune in “Voice of The Fron tier”, thrice weekly! Glad Time Again! Come to the LAMB FLOWER GARDEN for glads, cut fresh every aun., except Sunday. No deliveries. Phone 568-R, O’Neill ANNOUNCEMENT HAVING ESTABLISHED my office at my residence, persons wishing to con tact me may do so at 2 1 9 North Second street (or two blocks north of the traffic o. signal). : ... PHONE 468-W . . . BILL BOWKER AGENCY 3 Real Estate Broker — Insurance — Sprinkler Irrigation Equip. ; CAST YOUR VOTES J For Your j FAVORITE . ill-——- - ! SHOP DURING j THEIR GIGANTIC V i i I i I I il irlililJ 4 Listen to Music By: < ★ THE MUSICAL DELINQUENTS " AL. REYNOLDSON | DICK LAURSEN SHARON MARCELLUS | PERRY DAWES PAULA REED 1 HARRY BELLIN 4 KONNIE KURTZ 4 ★ BOB REIMERS AND HIS ACCORDIAN < ★ MRS BLAINE GARWOOD, Pianist, 4 and KAREN GARWOOD, Vocal Soloist J THURSDAY and SATURDAY o < Cake and Cool Drinks ■ » on Furniture Floor! [ ^ r ^ Open ’Til 9:00 O’Clock Thursday Evening , i © 2 ISr m - ' • Wr m■: I i t o REX W. WILSON, M.D. ROBT. M. LANGDON, M.D. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS 128 W. Douglas St, O'Neill Phone 138 STOCK CAR RACES at the STUART (NEBR.) TRACK Sunday, August 7 — 8 P.M. slashes prices for its big, _exciting, budget-stretching ■ YOU SAVE ON EXTRA-VALUE HOME NEEDS! COMPARE! I m You cant buy 4 better sheets at this price! Our own 128-count “Money Bale” 'sheets They’ve 128 cotton threads firmly woven in each square inch of full bleached muslin. “Money Bak” sheets will give you years of service, beauty I . . . the utmost in value. You like them or you get -t ,rS8 Vtflfiirl / ffcywr ■ ' . "' ft “MONEY BAK” BLEACHED SHEETS 128-COUNT— Muslin sheets, 81x108 size_ 1.77 1 28-count muslin cases, 42x36 size 39c Sanforized fitted sheets, twin size— 1.59 Sanforized fitted sheets, full size- 1.77 *DuPont’s trade mark for its polyestre fibre PILLOWS FILLED WITH DACRON* are non-allergic and non-matting! Pillows plumply filled with DuPont Dacron* polyester fiberfill. They’ll never mat. Wonder - wearing printed nylon covers have corded edges. McDonald’s own “Donfield” pillows are hard-to-beat values! 2 FOR $9 “DONCREST” 140-COUNT SHEETS BLEACHED— Luxury-muslins, 72x108 size ... _1.97 BLEACHED— Luxury-muslins, 81 x99 size _1.97 BLEACHED— Luxury-muslins, 42x36 cases_ _45c “MONEY BAK” COLORED SHEETS 128-COUNT— Pastel muslin sheets, 81x108_2.39 128-COUNT— Pastel muslin cases, 42x36 _T_„ 49c Sanforized fitted sheets, twin size- 2.19 Sanforized fitted sheets, full size - 2.39 “Money Bak” Foam Pillows See how you save! Never need^fe plumping:! 2 FOR $7.50 Get cloud - soft “Money Bak” foam rubber pillows . . . get your best night’s sleep in years. Resilient, dust and allergy free. Easy to wash. Zippered, Sanforized cotton cases. You like ’em or you get your money back. Try ’em! 70 x 95 SHEET BLANKETS 1.95 Softly - napped white cotton £ sheet blankets are closely wov ? en for warmth and wear. Whip S stitched edges. Save! 60 x 76 SHEET BLANKETS 1.29 Cuddly —warm, white cotton sheet blankets. Whipstitched edges won’t ravel. Made for long wear. WORK - SAVERS THRIFTY! 5 for 99c Wear * packed cotton flour sacks for drying dishes, polish ing cars, and more. 30-inch, unhemmed squares. First Quality! UNOPENED FLOUR SACKS 29c ea. Fully bleached 100-lb. bags. Have many home uses.