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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1955)
Future Subscribers SHALD—Mr. and Mrs. Roland Shald of Stuart, a son, Robert Mi chael, weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces, born Friday, July 29, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. DONOHOE — Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Donohoe of O’Neill, a daughter, Ann Eileen, weighing 8 pounds Vi ounce, born Saturday, July 30, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. POFAHL—Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pofahl of Ewing, a son, Lee Mar tin, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, bom Monday, August 1, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. NUTTER—Mr. and Mrs. Char les Nutter of O’Neill, a son, Den nis Walter, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, born Monday, August 1, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. YELLI—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yelli of Ewing, a daughter, weigh ing 7 pounds 12y4 ounces, bom Wednesday, "August 3, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. BROWN—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of Portland, Ore., a son, Steven Joseph, weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces, bom Sunday, July 21. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are former ly of Atkinson. They have one daughter and three other sons. ZEMPEL— Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zempel of Shelby, Mont., a daughter, Eileen Mane, weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces, born Friday, July 26. Mrs. Zempel is the former Dolores Kemper of Page. HOFFMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman of Gregory, S.D., a daughter, Shirley Ann, weigh ing 6 pounds 11 % ounces, bom Thursday, July 21. Mrs. Alberta Hoffman of Stuart is the paternal grandmother. 3 HARLEY—Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Harley of Stuart, a son, Timothy o Elvin, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounc es, born Monday, July 25, at At kinson Memorial hospital. HORTON—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horton of Atkinson, a son, Ran dal Keith, weighing 9 pounds 14 Vi ounces, bom Saturday, August 30, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. RESSFL— Mr. and Mrs. Boyd 0 Ressel of O’Neill, a daughter, Pa tricia Jean, weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces, born Wednesday, August 0 3, in St. Anthony’s hospital. Mrs. Ressel is the former Rosalee Sum mers. 0 Letters to Editor o Spencer, Nebr. My mother’s folks were old timers in Holt county. At that time their postoffice was in Hainsville, which is located south of Star. Her father’s name was David C. Billick. My aunt was the oldest child in the family. She attended school at Dorsey. She taught school in Holt county and later was married to Norman Mc Namee. He was principal of the O’Neill school in bout 1888. In later years she was married to Albert Aaberg at Bazil Mills and, still later, moved to Califor nia where she has lived since. I am sure she would enjoy The Frontier as much as we do. The news in it is so complete for this section of the country. Please change the mailing ad dress on mine from Gordon Hin kle to Mrs. Phyllis N. Hinkle, o Spencer, Nebr, Thank you very much. MRS. PHYLLIS N. HINKLE * * * Woodbine, la. July 28, 1955 Gentlemen: In a recent Omaha World-Her ald article we rioted your town has been enjoying a swimming pool since May, 1954. We would greatly appreciate it if you would give us the details of the procedure your P-TA and American Legion followed to pro mote the swimming pool. How did you finance the project? Who was your engineer? And any other pertinent information which might help us create an interest and follow through on a similar project for our town. Thank you. MRS. H. W. WELTON" | H. F. FINLEY, M.D. O’NEILL Downey Building OFFICE PHONE: 28 Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O'Neill) Admissions: July 27—James Ko aejtka, Spencer; Mark Skulbor stad, O’Neill; Rita Corkle. O’Neill; Mrs. Earl Farr, O’Neill. 28—Wil liam McKathnie, Atkinson. 29_ Mrs. Ada Cox, Chambers; Mrs. Roland L. Shald, Stuart; Mrs. Clarence Donohoe, O’Neill. 80_j Mrs. Ivan Wayman, O’Neill; Bev- 1 - r 1 y Johnson, O’Neill; Mrs j rhomas Kelly, Page. 81 — Alice Scofield. O’Neill; Mrs. William Serck, Emmet; Mrs. Martin Po fahl,, Ewing; Mrs. Hugh Langnn, D’Neill; Mrs. John Murphy. O’ Neill August 1—Mrs. Charles F. Nutter, O’Neill; Mary Lou Sobot ka, Inman. 2—Ambrose Biglin, O’ Neill; Mrs. Chris Serr, Gregory, S.D.; Max J. Wander, Ewing; Si mon Bosn, O'Neill; Harlan Lies wald, Chambers; Connie Marie Snowardt, O'Neill. 3—Mrs. Bovd Ressell, O'Neill: Mrs. Edward YeUi, Ewing; Rita Boyle, O'Neill, Donald Adams, Harvard. Dismissals: July 27—Larrv Pet erson. O’Neill; Mrs. E. W. Kra mer, O'Neill; Mrs. George Cam eron, Chambers; Earl Fox. O’Neill (expired); Mrs. George Jefferies, Ewing; Mark Skulborstad, O’Neill. 28—Mrs. Francis Belzer and baby boy, O’Neill; Marvin Johnson, O’Neill: James Kopejtka, Spencer; 29 — Mrs. Martha Hill. Ewing; Mrs. Sammie Deriekson and baby boy, O’Neill; Mrs. Don Lineback. O’Neill; Mrs. Rodney Drotzman ?nd baby boy, O’Neill. 30— Mrs. Gertrude Kaup. Stuart; Frank Froelich, O’Neill; Mrs. Ray Kla cenes ana oaov ooy, enamDers; William McKathnie, Atkinson; Al bert Loock, Spencer; Mrs. Ivan Wa>Tnan. O’Neill. 31 — Rita Corkle, O’Neill; Mrs. Dale Curran, O’Neill; Mrs. Tiiomas Kelly, Page. August 1 — Walter Zahradnicek, Stuart; Mrs. William Serck, Em met. 2—Mrs. Mabel Henry, O’ Neill. Mrs. Earl Farr, O’Neill. 3— Beverly Johnson. O’Neill. Hospitalized: Donald Adams, Harvard; Mrs. Lois Adams, Cham bers; Dr. H. L. Bennett, O’Neill; Mrs. Minnie Bay, O’Neill; Am brose Biglin, O’Neill; Simon Bosn, O’Neill; Rita Boyle, O’Neill; Mrs. Ada Cox, Chambers; M. B. Hig gins, O’Neill; Harlan Lieswald, Chambers; Mrs. Hugh Langan, O’Neill; Mrs. John Murphy, O’ Neill; Mrs. Charles F. Nutter, O’ Neill; M. F. O’Donnell, O’Neill; Mrs. Martin Pofahl, Ewing; Mrs Boyd Ressel, O’Neill; Mrs. Roland L. Shald, Stuart; Alice Scofield, O’Neill; Mrs. Chris Serr, Gregory, S.D.; Connie Marie Snowardt, O’ Neill; Mary Lou Sobotka, Inman; Mrs. Alma Thorell, Bristow; Li nelle Tompkins, Inman; Max J. Wanser, Ewing; Mrs. Edward Yelli, Ewing. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: July 25—Mrs. Elvin Harley, Stuart, obstetrical. 26— Gloria Jean Wahl, Atkinson, sur gical. 27—Rita Murphy, Stuart, surgical; Mrs. Leslie Bennett, Bas sett, obstetrical. 28—Mrs. Daniel Jilg, Newport, medical. 29—Mrs. Raymond Disterhaupt, Atkinson, obstetrical. 30—Mrs. Arthur Hor ton, Atkinson, obstetrical; Mrs. Ernest Durre, Chambers, medical, Roland Bouska, Atkinson, med ical. 31 — Mrs. Agnes Goldfuss, Atkinson, accident; Mrs. Elmer Swanson, Bassett, surgical; Mrs. Orville Hitchcock, Atkinson, acci dent. Dismissed: July 28— Mrs. Wil liam Morgan. 31 — Mrs. Leslie Bennett and daughter, Bassett; Mrs. Elvin Harley and son, Stu art; Mi's. Ray Disterhaupt and daughter, Atkinson; Marvin Smel cer, Greenville, Tenn.; Miss oiona warn, Atiunson. Hospitalized: Ronald Bouska, William Grunke, Mrs. Elmer Swanson, Mrs. Fred Braun, Stan ley Johnson, Mrs. Ernest Durre, Anna Ahle, Mrs. Orville Hitch cock, Rita Murphy, Mrs. Agnes Goldfuss, Mrs. Daniel Jilg, Mrs. Arthur Horton and son. Expired: July 29—Frank Nei bauer, Bassett. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Admitted: John Adams, Spen cer; Mrs. Harold Bennett, Lynch; Dr. Edwin B. Bradley, Spencer; George Classen, Spencer; Mrs. George Classen, Spencer Mrs. Raymond Havranek, Lynch; John Leslie, Herrick, S.D.; Joe Macku, Spencer; Miss Lillian Olson, Bris tow; Mrs. Barbara Peklo, Lynch; Ernest Schoenrogge, Fairfax, S. D.; Mrs. John Selle, Butte Harry Walker, Lynch. Dismissals: July 26—Mrs. How ard Carsten, Dorsey; Mrs. Ivar Johnson, Bristow. 27—Mrs. R. B. Drickey. Spencer; Mrs. Max Ross meler, Pickstown, S.D. 28—Mrs. Levi Hull, O’Neill. 29—Paul Ben dig, Bonesteel, S.D.; Mrs. Jack Adams and Baby Boy, Spencer; Donna King, Bristow. 30 — Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Baby Boy, Spencer; Miss Marie Mahlendorf, Lynch. 31—Henry Eilers, Spen cer; Mrs. M. B. Nelson, Bristow; Mrs. Wilfred Henning and Baby Boy, Spencer; Mrs. Garlan An derson and Baby Boy, Butte; Mrs. John Knipping, Anoka; Wilmer Landhom. expired. Spencer. August 1—Mrs. William Vesely, Verdcl. Sick & Injured CHAMBERS — Herman Cook was injured Friday when the stacker head came down as he was moving the stacker. He re ceived cuts on his face, requiring stitches, but fortunately nothing very serious. . . Mrs. J. M. Hodg kin returned last Thursday from Bryan Memorial hospital in Lin coln where she had been a pa tient for about a week. . . Mrs. Ada Cox was taken to St. An thony’s hospital in O’Neill Friday. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson drove to Grand Island Friday to consult an eye specialist. . . Judy Thomson came home last Thurs day from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk, where she had submitted to an appendectomy. . . Mrs. Alfred Deirking received word recently that her grandson, Cpl. Reno Pheil, has been dismis sed from the army hospital at Ft. Bragg, N.C., where he had re ceived treatment for an injury. EWING — Mrs. Martha Hill, who was a patient at St. An thony’s hospital a fe\v days last week, Friday was able to come [ home. . . Mrs. Ada Secrist, who i was ill last week and was cared for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Charles Good, is feeling “much better” and has returned to her own home. . . Mrs. Pauline Noff ke, a patient at the University hospital, Omaha, remains “about the same”. . . Mrs. Walter Chris ton went after her mother, Mrs. Marie Beelaert on Monday morn ing when she was released from Antelope Memorial hospital, Ne ligh, where she had been a pa tient for several days. PAGE—Mrs. Rollie Snell went to Cherokee, la., Sunday where she is visiting with her brother, John Julius, who recently suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. From there she will go to Meriden to visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Louie Julius, and to Logan where she will be a guest in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher, and family. . . Mrs. Harvey Cullen is caring for Mrs. Reiley Canaday of Ewing during her convalescence follow ing surgery. O’NEILL — Mrs. Charles Fox returned Friday from the Metho dist hospital in Sioux City. She underwent surgery on Monday, July 25. She returned Wednesday for a checkup. . . Frank Froelich was released Saturday from St. Anthony’s hospital, having been a patient there for two weeks. . . Frank O’Donnell has reentered the hospital here. . . Dr. H. L. Bennett’s condition remains “about the same.” . . Mrs. Leo Tomjack has been under a doc tor’s care. EMMET— Mrs. G. Janzing re turned home Monday from Oma ha where she had spent the week end visiting her husband at St. Joseph’s hospital. . . Mrs. William Serck entered St. Anthony’s hos pital Sunday. . . Jimmy Newton was sick Sunday and was taken to a doctor, who said Jimmie had an attack of appendicitis. . . Bill Tenborg suffered a heat stroke Wednesday evening, July 27, and a doctor instructed him to stay in bed for a while. INMAN — Miss Linelle Tomp kins submitted to surgery at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill on Wednesday, July 27, undergoing and appendectomy. She was up and around the hospital the first of the week but was suffering from a virus infection which kept her from coming home. ROCK FALLS — Mrs. Don Hynes received word from Oma ha that her father, George Cal kins, was doing well after sub mitting to surgery early Monday morning. He is at the Clarkson hospital where he will have to remain about five days. AMELIA — Mrs. Elmer Oetter received a medical checkup Wed nesday, July 27, at Norfolk. . . Floyd Adams spent a few days last week at Creighton where he received medical attention. DELOIT—Mrs. Stanley Bartak returned to an Omaha hospital on Saturday for a checkup. . . Mrs. Martin Pofahl was admitted to the O’Neill hospital on Sunday. Share-Fun Festival Scheduled at Stuart— The annual Holt county share the-fun festival is scheduled for Stuart on Monday evening, Au gust 8, at 8 p.m., at the auditor ium. “This' is a popular activity in which club members demon strate theih talents in skits, mus ical numbers, dramatics, or pro ductiins of a related nature. Club members and leaders can secure information concerning the con test from our office,” County A gent A. Neil Dawes said this week. Marie McNinch, 88, Expires at Inman Rites Held Monday; Burial at Ewing INMAN—Mrs. Maria Elzina Mc Ninch, 88, died about 3 a.m., Thursday, July 28, at the Maden Funk residence at Inman. She had been ill several years. Funeral services were conduct ed at 10 a.m., Monday, August 1, from Biglin’s funeral chapel at O’Neill. Rev. Harry Johnson of the Wesleyan Methodist church at Page officiated and burial was in the Ewing cemetery. Pallbearers were Emmett Stamp, Haddon Geary, Lewis Kopecky, jr., all of Inman; William Snyder, Earl Pierson and Charles Good, all of Ewing. Mrs Donald Loy of O’Neill sang “Going Down the Valley,” “Old Rugged Cross” and “Rock of Ages” The late Mrs. McNinch, whose maiden name was Maria El zina Grove, was born June 30, 1867, at Sparta, N.Y., a daugh ter of Labon and Catherine Hirsch Upthegrove. On October 11, 1885, she mar ried Frank C. McNinch at Mos cow, N.Y. They became the par ents of three children. . The late Mrs. McNinch spent tnost of her life in the East. The family came to Nebraska in 1913 and they were engaged in farm ing until the death of her hus band. Mrs. McNinch lived at Broken Bow until 1917, when she came to Holt county. Following the death of Mr. Mc Ninch, she lived alone for 2% years and then came to Inman to make her home with her daugh ter, Mrs. Funk. Her parents, husband, two sons and one brother preceded her in death. One son died in infancy an another son, Herbert, died in 1951. Survivors include: Daughter— Mrs. Maden (Minnie) Funk of In maa; five grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Pairings Announced for City Golf Meet Pairings for the annual city wide golf tournament, which will get underway this week, have been announced by A. P. Jas zkowiak, tourney chairman. First round play is to be completed by Tuesday, August 9. Qualifying rounds were played during the past week. Pairings: Championship flight: Jim Clif ton faces Paul Walker; Ted Lind berg tackles Henry Lohaus; Max Golden will be pitted against Ben Grady, Jaszkowiak meets Tom Liddy. First flight: Gordon Drayton of Orchard will be matched with Dr. H. D. Gildersleeve; Jack Si mon faces Marv Miller; Ivan Kaiser meets Dr. Edward Glee son; Marvin Johnson is scheduled against Duke Kersenbrock; Dale French will meet John Conard of Emmet; Dr. Rex Wilson is paired against Palmer Skulbor stad; Earl Hunt faces Bud Cole; John McCarville undertakes Laurence Haynes. Second flight: Harold Connors of Greeley will play Fred Apple by; Jim Earley meets Ivan Pruss; Rev. Thomas Hitch is matched against Jim Coker; Herb Kaiser faces Bill Watson. Third flight: John Schmidt drew a bye; Jim Becker meets Bill Artus; Bob Cole meets Don Templemeyer; David Schaffer goes against L. A. Becker. First round results will be pub lished next week; also the second round pairings. New Field Director for Cancer Society Mrs. Gertrude Walters of Om aha has been appointed to a field director’s position for the Nebras ka division of the American Can cer society, it was announced by Mrs Thomas Houlton of Omaha, i executive secretary. Mrs. Walters will establish res i idence in North Platte. She re places Miss Carol Feuerstein of Fremont, whose resignation be comes effective August 15. Miss Feuerstein has been with the Ne braska division for the past five years. The western 46 counties of the state will be Mrs. Walters’ terri tory. The counties are: Sioux, Scotts Bluff, Banner, Kimball, Dawes, Box Butte, Morrill, Chey enne, Sheridan, Garden, Deuel, Cherry, Keya Paha, Boyd, Holt, Rock, Brown, Wheeler, Greeley, Howard, Sherman, Valley, Gar field, Loup, Blaine, Custer, Daw son, Phelps, Gosper, Harlan, Fur nas, Red Willow, Hitchcock, Hayes, Lincoln, Logan, Thomas, Hooker, McPherson, Grant, Ar thur, Keith, Perkins, Chase, Fron tier, Dundy. Visit Brown Home— David Vequist, sr., of St. Joseph, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. David Ve quist, jr., and family of Lawrence, Kans., are spending the week at the Anna Brown home. Pruden, Burrell Among Enli&tees The army recruiting office at ONeill has announced the follow ing recent enlistments from this area: Eloner Minshall of Bassett and Marquerite Brochaska of Winue toon, for women’s army corps; Donald G. Pruden, for engineers; Arthur Marshall for airborne. Victor L. Burrell of Chambers, Nathaniel L. Gilpin of Verdel and Orville K. Hupp of Gordon, Donald J. Hofmeier of Crofton, all unassigned. The men went to Camp Chaf fee, Ark., for processing and training, according to Sfc. James R. Lyons, who is in charge of recruiting here. Mrs. W. H. Harty, chief clerk of the Holt draft office, said Ed ward Gatz of O’Neill will leave Wednesday, August 10, as a vol unteer through the draft office. Regional Deaths Joe Grenier LYONS — Funeral services were held Saturday for Joe Grenier, 78, who died Wednes day, July 27, in his home at Lyons. Survivors include one brother and two sisters. Mrs. Hattie Kindlund, Mrs. Max Grenier, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grenier, Mrs. Harvey Sawyer of Ainsworth, Mrs. Joe Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier and Byron Grenier attended the fun eral. Mrs. Mary Patras CLEARWATER—Funeral rites for Mrs. Mary Patras, 61, Clear water, were held at 2 p.m., Wed nesday, August 3, at the Latter Day Saints church in Clearwater. Page News Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson of Fremont spent Sunday and Monday with her mother, Mrs. Emma Morris, and her brothers, William and Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Goldfuss and sons, Gene and Johnnie and daughter, Pauline, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goldfuss and son drove to Neligh Sunday where they attended a reunion of the Blottert relatives. Others attending were Thilo and Eugene Poessnecker and families of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Blottert, Carl Blottert and Mrs. Minnie Kuessel, all of Stanton. Mrs. C. G. Shane of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting with her mother, Mrs. F. G. Albright. Mrs. Nono Rew of Osage, Wyo., is here for an indefinite stay with Mrs. Carrie Townsend. Mrs. Doris Townsend of Hartington has opened her house at Page a gain and will be at home here for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Young, for mer residents of the Emporia neighborhood and their daugh ter, Mrs. Scott West, and children of Mountain View, Calif., spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the N. D. Ickes, sr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., and child ren and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Por ter and Mrs. F. G. Albright were Tuesday evening guests. Rev. and Mrs. Lisle Mewmaw and family returned to their home at Page on Tuesday. They spent their vacation with the Ray Blenkenbaker family at Cody, Wyo., and made a tour of the Yellowstone park and visited former parishoners at Shoshoni and Pavilion and were guests in the Richard Asher home at Pow ell. The Mewmaws were all sick with the flu while away and were ..—... , .. , , _ » delayed on their return because i of illness. Hold Summer ‘Christmas’ Party— PAGE — WSCS and King’s Daughers held a joint meeting of the societies and had a summer Christmas party in behalf of the Omaha City Mission. Mrs. Norman Trowbridge had the devotions and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer had the lesson on Christian Cheer.” Special num bers were rendered by Marion Heiss and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr. Program, decorations and lunch were in keeping with Christmas and gifts were brought for the children of the mission and will be packed for sending on Thursday when the WSCS meets in regular session. Plans were discussed for a teacher’s reception and they were invited to serve a dinner at the Van Horn and son sale in November. Orchard Youths Home from Church Camp ORCHARD—A group of 16 youths of the Evangelical United Brethen church here returned home Saturday “from Milford where they attended EUB junior high camp at Riverside park last week. The Rev. Walter Millet accom- i panied the group and was an as sociate director of the camp. Those youths attending the j camp were Mary Jane Napier, Karen Wehenkel, Vernetta Cleve land, Janiel Cederburg, Kathleen \ Clifton, Fonda Rae Menning, Julith Goakey, Wanda Thelanaer, Bryce Clifton, Stanley Clifton. | Warren Hill, Robert Hill, Michael Goiter, Leland Vrooman, Wayne Holliday and Ronald Millet. Walton Family in Reunion— VERDIGRE—The Walton fam ly reunion was held Sunday at the O'Neill park. Relatives who attended from Oakdale, Osmond, Verdigre, Roy al, Venus, Atkinson, O’Neill, and Idaho. Guests attended were present from Clearwater, O’Neill, Venus and Grand Island. Buys Orchard Property_ ORCHARD—Chris Leiding, jr., purchased the Henry Leiding the late Mrs. San Leiding. He property formerly occupied by moved to the property the mid dle of the week. Attend Ceremony— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown, Terry and Cindy observed the Gavin’s point dam closure ceremony Sun day. Too Late to Classify WAITRESS WANTED: M&M Bakery & Cafe, O’Neill. 14c FOR RENT: Furnished apartment, nice sized.—Phone 187-W, O’ Neill. 14tf O’Neill Air Service . . . for . . . • Flight Instruction • Crop Spraying • Charter Flights • Aircraft Repair ASK YOUR COUNTY AGENT ABOUT SPRAYING • George Nachtman, Mgr. O’NEILL AIRPORT POLICE! <Vl« MOST RUMOS fOUCe ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD S OTLAHO VAUtt ITS 1AOOO MEN PATROL ANP SERVICE 7*4 flOlMK TOLL CALL! (Before THE INVENT**! op the telegraph, MESSAGES WERE TRANSMITTED OVER HUNDREDS OB MILES W USE OF SMMAPHOKMS. TOWERS WERE USED BOR TRANSMISSION —THE LONGEST SYSTEM RAN FROM GERMANV Tp RUSSIA. A O/STAUCg OT OVBK1200 MILMS. 1BV INVESTING IN UMSmUgSBONDS. SENSIBLE TOWARD LOOKING AMERKAN^^l ARB GIVING THEMSELVES A BREAK BY LOOKING TO THE FUTURE ANP BUYING tf*. SAVINGS POMPS. WHY WAIT— START TOOK I PROGRAM TOOtfil 1 11 ' "" ' . 1 Thursday Fri. - Sal. Augrust 4-5-6 * I i vi m. ^^B ill «v * ■ Vw ■ GROUND BEEF 2 Lbs. _:-69c SKINLESS WIENERS 2 Lbs._69c BEEF STEAK_2 lbs. 99c ASSORTED LUNCHEON MEATS—.Lb.39c _II ADAMS ORANGE JUKE 2«829« SUNKIST LEMON ADE-2 cans 35c HI-WEST PEAS or CORN.--2*2* FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 29» VANILLA PA ICE CREAM -1/2 Cal J7C CANNING SUPPLIES: JAR RINGS_2 Doz. 15c JAR LIDS — Flats_2 Pkgs. 29c CAPS & LIDS — 2-Piece_Doz. 29c SURE-JELL2 Pkgs. 29c MINN. W.K. CORK ~— 3 Cans_39C V. GOLDEN VALLEY CATSUP 2 Btls._39° oieo 3 ik_69c COOKIES u>- Pkg----—29c CELLO BAG CARROTS 3Pks*- 25c 2 PKGS. SWANS DOWN angel food CAKE MIX_89c NUTRENA — DAVID HARUM CASH FOR EEC IK CASH ' YOUR f C Lily YOUR cream CUEIUAMED poultry “,d XlELnAmEII Country Pickup EGGS SUPER MARKET on Poultry